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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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Stacy and Joanne, I wish I had more time once the kids start back to school, but I home school, and my oldest ds still works, so I'm still playing taxi, and throwing in teacher to the mix. Perhaps remembering that will get me motivated to work on it more now.:think


We had a spectacular angel bowling tournament here in Hampton tonight! There was even a spark show, when an angel's gutter ball hit my neighbor's tree. I was sitting on the front porch with ds#2 watching the show. Impressive.


Looks like they are starting to bowl again. I should go.


:hugto all my Friends!:manyheart

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Good Lord, woman, you homeschool, too?! I :nworthy to you! I wanted to homeschool my children, but dh has certain ideas about homeschooled children. :( As much as I hate to say it- I've gotten used to the public school routine, and look forward to the quiet in my day. :blush


Yikes about the tree! I hope no one was hurt. Did the tree fall on any houses?

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Stacy - How was the house you looked at?


Beth - Scary story about the storm and your neighbor's tree. I hope the storm passed and everyone is safe and sound.


Joanne - I hope you have a good day at work tomorrow. Only 2 days left in this week :yay


Jennifer - So nice to hear from you! Enjoy your weekend away. I laughed at the story of your dad's housekeeping abilities. Sounds to me like he's spoiled :yes


Vicki - I'm so glad the rain held out for your ball game. It sounds like the whole family enjoyed it--especially your husband with that score of a Christmas gift! Enjoy the rest of your trip!


LeaAnne - I hope the hook is a-flying at your house today. I can't wait to see that 'ghan! :hyper


Shannon - How is sister night going? Is your sister going to let you talk to your imaginary friends? Say "hi" to her for us and tell her that we think you should make her a jello pie :devil:lol


Mary - :hi Happy packing for your trip! You must be so excited!


:hi Scooby!


Not much new with me. I am hookin' away at that table runner. I think it will be done by Saturday at the latest, probably sooner. I have to work all day Friday to fill in for the office manager, so that makes things a bit busier than usual :(. I went for a walk tonight, it was a short one but I got out there. I hope everyone has a great evening!

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Hi everyone

Iam leaving for the city tomorrow after lunch. Not too sure if I will get back on tomorrow. I still have to pack and do a few more things. Iam getting excited about going. The last time I was on a plane was 26yrs ago, WOW it has been a long time.:)

I hope everyone stays safe and don't get into any trouble without me:devil I DON"T HAVE BAIL MONEY :devil thats what I aways tell my kids :lol

Ds has a computer so I should be able to get on and see what everyone is up to. It is just tomorrow I will be traveling and not too sure about BIL's place for computer.

Love to everyone


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Hello ladies!


Colleen- Sister says hi! She told me to tell you you're her new favorite imaginary friend 'cause you said hi to her.:lol


Mary- Have a good trip! 5 hour flight! Thank goodness you can take your hook :hook and :yarn! Be safe!


Jennifer- Good to "see" you again! Have fun on your girls' trip! Sounds like fun!


Everyone else- Hi and I love you all!


I'm going to hang out with my sister now! Peace out!

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Have a safe trip, Mary!


Shannon-ness! Thanks for adding me. Janna is so stinkin' cute! I love the coconuts. I, of course, don't know any of your friends, so I feel self-conscious posting on your page. :rofl They're all gonna be like, who's that wierdo? Hope you and Sis are having a great time tonight.


I took the girls swimming again until 8:30, and got some nice girl-talk time with one of our neighbors. I have a nasty little headache going right now, told the girls they have to go to bed, and dh went against me and said they didn't because it's the "summer of fun." :angry


Can I ask a kind-of girlie question? Have you all ever heard of an endometrioma? About a year ago, I found a lump on one side of my C incision. My dr. thought it was a hernia, but I've had one before and that was definitely not what it is. I went to see a specialist, who told me that it was a piece of my uterus that got trapped in the cut as it was healing. Meaning it will shed every month like the uterus does, but since there's nowhere for the tissue to go, it will just keep growing. :( It didn't hurt at that point so there was no need for surgery. It started to hurt last month, right before George came to visit, but after he left, it was fine. This month, it started to hurt about a week before, and it is still very painful. I am terrified of surgery but I'm thinking that I will need to have it after we come back from MI. :ohdear I don't know much about it, aside from what the specialist told me- which is that it is not a clot and isn't dangerous. but of course, the "what-if's" are going through my head right now- like what if it really is, and it breaks off from the pressure of flying? How dumb is that? I'm worrying myself silly but I just can't the thought out of my head.


Anyway, now that you all think I sound like a fruitcake, I need to get to bed. Good night, friends! :ghug

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Stacy- Thanks! Your girls are too cute!! Post all you want! Most of my friends don't know each other anyway. And who cares what they think! I hope your head feels better soon. As for the girlie question, I've never heard of that before, so I can't say anything. But I'll definitely be praying for you and I hope it feels better soon. I learned when Janna had to get glasses (I was heartbroken for her) not to worry about things until there's a real reason. And with everything else that's been going on with her, it's really helped. Of course I worry, but I don't let myself get crazy about it or I would never get through it. So try not to think too much about it, and I'm sure everything will be alright! We're all here for you! Lots of :hugs for you!!

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Quick hi to all- just had to get on and wish LeaAnne a Happy Birthday!!! Mary- have a safe trip- and don't you get into any trouble- I don't have bail money either!! LOL


Stacy- re: your "girlie question"- it's a noncancerous cyst- it can be removed- and don't worry about flying- it won't burst!. They can usually remove it laparoscopically.



Everyone else- I've gotta get ready for another early day- cya on the flip side! Have a great Thursday!!!


And again,:birthday:bday:cake:flower to LeaAnne

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Did you know that birthdays are statistically proven to be good for you? Seriously! People who have more birthday are shown to live longer!


Amazing, but true.

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HAPPY BIRTHDAY LEAANNE!!!!:dance:2hug:hug:bounce


It's an on-line birthday party for you today! I hope you have a wonderful birthday surrounded by your family and friends!


LeaAnne, I wanted to bake you a cake, but this particular recipe doesn't mail well :no. However, this is my favorite chocolate cake recipe and I thought you might like the mocha-y-ness of the icing, so here you go!


Favorite Chocolate Cake :cake


2 1/4 cups all-purpose flour

2 cups granulated sugar

1/2 cup cocoa

1 tsp baking soda

3/4 tsp salt

2 large eggs

3/4 cup sour cream

1/2 cup cooking oil

1 1/2 tsp vanilla

1 cup boiling water


Chocolate icing

2 cups icing/confectioners sugar

1/3 cup cocoa

1/2 tsp vanilla

3 tbsp hard margarine or butter softened

3 tbsp strong prepared coffee (or substitute with water)


Combine first 10 ingredients. Beat on low until moistened. Beat on medium for about 2 minutes until smooth. Batter will be thin. Pour into greased 9 x 13 inch pan. Bake at 350 degrees F for about 35 minutes.


Icing: Beat all 5 ingredients together. Add more icing/confectioners sugar or coffee to make a soft, spreadable consistency. Spread over cake.



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:hi, everybody!


What a way to start my day! :ghug:day


:ty for all the great messages! and the Cake Recipe sounds DIVINE!:c9


Shannon - :rofl... thank your sis and give her a hug for letting you come on here at exactly the start of my day, as well as the start of it in your TimeZone! :rofl


Mary - I hope you check in one more time before you go, so I can give you a :hug:hug and wish you safe travels! so happy to hear that you can still :crocheting on planes these days. I miss you already!... :rofl about the bail money! :blushIt seems I don't have any either :shrug, so I guess you'll have to behave:devil


Colleen - How thoughtful to give me a recipe for my b-day! I sure do need to try it:PYUMMY! Mocha Icing and everything! (And I don't have my cake baked yet, so this sounds extra good!:devil) ...and since you said it's my online party, I AM surrounded by my family and friends:yay


Stacy - First, about your girlie question: I had endometriosis bk (before kids)... It was very painful, especially around the time that George or Aunt Myrtle was coming to visit. My pain lasted the week before and the week of. It also was keeping me from getting preggers. Anyway, I had a laporoscopic surgery to get rid of it. It's not bad, and nowadays it's a day surgery. The worst of it for recovery is getting the extra air out of your body that they need to insert to be able to use the laproscope. (You will break a LOT of wind the next day:blush). :hug:hug Don't worry, and know that you will feel much better afterwards (I never got cramps again after mine... BONUS!) Please know I am here for you:hug

and the iced coffee: I don't add any special flavorings when I make it at home, I do like the chocolate/raspberry or cinnamon bun Coffee Mates that you can get in the dairy section at the grocery. Oh! And I do brew it stronger, so that it still tastes good when the ice melts:yay


Jennifer - :hugWow! you are a BUSY young lady! Have fun on your girls' weekend, and :xfin that you find everything you and your sister need for school... :rofl about your dad and his not-cleaning skills.... I agree with Colleen: He's lucky that he has all of you girls to SPOIL him so much.


Beth - :scared-y about the Spark Show! I hope that there was no serious damage done...

Thanks for the "words of wisdom" in your note:lol:lol How funny are you???

So, when does home-school start?

OH! And I :manyheart:manyheart:manyheart your avatar... look! there you are! (Like I imagined you! Although I had your hair longer in my mind... did you just get it cut? :D It looks great!)


Joanne - :ty, and I hope your Delta force day goes well, and that you don't get brain-burn again today... after all, we have a baseball game to watch tonight:lol... GO SOX!!!!:devil I know you are secretly gonna route for them tonight, cause it's MY day, right? :rofl Ok, I heard that "NOT!":hug


Vicki and Scooby - :hi:hug:hi:hug, girls! Hope your today is wonderful!:c9


I'll be back in a little while, I've still got a "bit" of :crocheting to do:blush, as yesterday and last night didn't turn out the way I wanted, and I quickly ran out of day:(... The good news is that Mother Nature gave me a present: today is 0% humidity and will get only into the high 70's:yay:clap... it's a PERFECT day for :hook:hook & :yarn!

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Leanne - :bday:bday:bday!!

Hope you have a wonderful day and enjoy your e-party! Go Yankees!

Stacy - talk to the doctor again. List your concerns to him/her and explain everytng that is going on. See what the doctor says from there.

Colleen - The cake soud yummy! I love anything to do with chocolate!

Mary - Have fun and enjoy the trip! Don't worry, I'm sure there is someone who has bail money for you should you need it!


Shannon - Howdy do! I was thinking of you at the game yesterday. DD was saying something (now of course I can't remember!) and she added -ness to it! I thought oh I have to tell Shannon!


Jennifer - Hope you are having a good day!


Beth - I hope all was well aftger the nature show yesterday!


Scooby - How are ya?


Today I am hopingm y friend will come out and see me. I worked with her and she is the best! oterwise, I have no plans. I will probably go to my sister's house to watch the Yankee game. I can't get it at my FIL's house. Otherwise, I am going to crochet some squares. I finished my last bestie square last night no I can mail them next week!


Have a great day all and one mre HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Leanne!


Talk to you all later!



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Good morning! I was thinking you all were up way too early, but then I remembered you are on the East coast. :oops

Thanks for the reassurance and info about the endo-thingie. It actually didn't hurt this morning but I do have cramps again. And thanks, Joanne, for letting me know it won't burst from flying. I told dh last night and he just :rolleyes:ohdear I guess he's used to my hypochondria. :blush


Vicki, I hope your friend visits and you get to watch your game. Great job on getting your bestie squares done!


Leanne, happy birthday! What do you have planned for the day? I hope you get to try that chocolate cake. Yummmm!


Mary, have fun and don't get into trouble! I do have bail money, but I'm taking a trip next week and I'd much rather use it for that. :lol


Joanne, have an awesome-ness day with Delta Force!


Shannon, thanks for the reassurance. I am a huge worrier. Hope you had an awesome time with your Sis last night! How was the movie?


The house I looked at yesterday afternoon was gorgeous! I :manyheart it, but it doesn't have a good parking situation for 4 cars. We are thinking that we will go with the first one we looked at. All of the rooms were very spacious and it had a nice layout. Dh is going to call our friends today and see if they are cool with that. The owner basically said we could have it, if we can move in right away. We would have to pay an extra 1/2-month rent, but IMO it's much better than all of these "hit or miss" agents who aren't sure of having so many people in one house.

Yesterday, FIL left some money under the door when we were gone and called to say I have to go clothes shopping before our trip. :clap:manyheart He does this once a year, usually around my birthday. So the girls and I are off to the mall today. I think I am going to get some nice sundresses and sandals. There is also a free kids' show at 10:30. I have another house to view at 2:30, but depending on what happens with the first one, I may not go.


Ok, I am off to do a general clean-up (I keep forgetting about the "cleaning" part) and get ready for the day. Have a fantabulous day! :hug

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Good morning Cleaning Crew!!


LeaAnne- Again, :bday I hope you have a wonderful and relaxing day! Do you have any big birthday plans? Enjoy it, because today you're the :queen!! You must be super-special considering even Mother Nature gave you a present!


Vicki- Oh my! You gotta be careful with the -nesses! I'm glad you had fun at the game, and the weather held out for you. When do you come home?


Colleen- That cake sounds YUMMY!! Do I have to wait until my birthday to try it?


Joanne- Have fun with Delta Force today!! Thanks for stopping in this morning!


Stacy- It's a good thing you asked the group! I had a feeling someone here would know about it. I hope you feel better about it now.


Mary- Have a safe trip!! We miss you!


Beth- What an interesting fact about birthdays.:lol Has the weather calmed down? I hope there wasn't too much damage.


Hey there Jennifer! Have fun on your girls trip, and I hope your dad's okay without his women!!:D


Hi Scooby! We've been missing you around here! Have a wonderful day!


I just woke up at 10, and Sister's still sleeping. No big plans for today, except to FINALLY get my cole slaw!!:yay I'm excited! Have a great day ladies!

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:hi everyone! :hi Birthday Girl!


I hope everyone is having a wonderful day, especially the Birthday Girl!


As for that cake recipe. Do not wait for your birthday to try it, Shannon. It is delicious-ness! I would have made one today in honor of LeaAnne's birthday, but things are a little bit crazy busy here! I'll make one on the weekend :yes. A belated cake-ness for LeaAnne :)


I cleaned both bathrooms this morning, vacuumed the upstairs and dusted the house. Sister-in-law and family are coming to town tonight (3 days earlier than planned). I have small gifts for my nephews to wrap and hopefully will have time to buy them a book/magazine after work to go with their gifts. The table runner is almost done. Just the border to do :yay I have to work this evening and all day tomorrow. Life is so relaxing! :lol


Stacy - Glad you got some info from Joanne and can relax about things until you get home from your trip. I hope the house works out!


Shannon - I hope you had fun with your sister. Tell her she's my favourite younger sister of a Bestie too for saying I was her favourite :wink. Enjoy your coleslaw today :yes.


Vicki - I hope your friend makes it for a visit and that you enjoy your game. Being friends with you, Joanne and LeaAnne I cannot committ to cheering for any one team, but I'll be thinking about you all!


Beth - Nice avatar! How fun! I think I pictured your hair shorter :think but it's all good. Nice 'ghan you're holding. I love the colors!


Joanne - I hope you had a great day with Delta Force. Only one day left this week after today :yay


Mary - Thinking about you and wishing you safe travels out west.


LeaAnne - I hope you do something special for your birthday and enjoy it!


Well, I've got to get DD some lunch and then I'll be thinking about getting ready for work. :sigh

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:cheerHappy Birthday too you, Happy birthday too you, Happy Birthday dear LeaAnne, Happy Birthday too you:cheer

Happy Birthday Girlfriend



Iam doing the Birthday Dance


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LeaAnne- Sister says :birthday and thanks for the hug!!


Colleen- My, what a busy girl! Don't you love it when guests arrive early?!:eek I'm sure everything will be fine.


I have to go get ready so I can bring Sister home.:( We've had fun. You can't beat a night/day of Disney/Pixar Monopoly (I was Nemo, she was Sully) and cards!!:D:D:D

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:hi Besties!


The lightning actually didn't hit the tree. The neighbors have a boxing heavy bag and a weight bench outside. The lightning hit the weight bench. Everything looks fine today. And the weather is great -- nice and cool!


LeaAnne, I hope you are having a very :birthdaywith :cake, :icecream and :party and :dance.

Nemo, I mean Shannon, I'm glad you had a great time with Sister. It sounds like a lovely night! Enjoy your cole slaw -- FINALLY!!!


Mary, may I please use your line about Bail Money on my kids? That's priceless! Have a safe trip!


Colleen, enjoy your guests. You have worked so hard on that runner. I hope you will have time to take a :photo before you give it to her. Your cake recipe sounds :drool. I will have to try it some time soon. Very soon. (I wonder if I have all the ingredients?:think)


Stacy, are you enjoying house-hunting? I like the sound of the landlord at the first place. I hope you are very happy in your new home. You will let us see pictures, right? Oh, clothes shopping with FIL's money!!! That sounds like FUN! I'm glad Joanne and LeaAnne know so much, and are willing to share their knowledge with us! I never heard of your endo-thingie, either. I'm so glad you're safe to fly!:hug


Vicki, :rofl your comment to Mary. Congrats on finishing your Bestie squares! :yay:cheer:clap


Today I swept, took out all the trash, cleaned the bunny cage, taxied my oldest back and forth to work, took my youngest across a bridge-tunnel to his favorite store (I had time to crochet during the back-up before the tunnel), and helped him make burritos for dinner. Yummy! I washed laundry, and have the last load in the dryer, and two loads on my bed waiting to be folded. I went shopping, hit the back-to-school specials, got some groceries and some pet food, and didn't adopt the adorable little hamsters they had on display! They were Sooooo cute.


Hope you are all having a :manyheart day!

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Hi everyone


Just a short note to let you know I made it to BIL house. The trip in was not too bad but there was alot of traffic........ not use to that anymore. Any ways I hope LeaAnne you are having a great day, and many, many more.


When I get out west tomorrow I will see if I can get on DS's computer.


The "I DON'T HAVE BAIL MONEY" worked with my kids......... none of them got into trouble. Now they use that line on me LOL


Bye for now

Iam sending all my love

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