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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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shhhhh... don't tell my in-laws where you got that recipe ;)

When DH and I started dating, I thought I'd be the bees-knees and make him dinner. I made sauce :lol... well, at least I thought so. What do I know? I come from Maine, and grew up in an Irish and French family. I never HEARD of olive oil (nor Basil for that matter):blush, and when we had sauce, I think it was called ragout? It had every kind of meat in it... so anyway, he very politely suggested that I go to his house and let his brother teach me how to make sauce... We still laugh about it.

I hope you all enjoy the recipe that I learned from my Italian BIL:P


I wanted to drop by to say g'night... the squares are moving right along, so I think I might burn a little midnight oil while I am on a roll...

:oops I wish I had thought of it/started sooner, I could've made one sunflower for each year old that she is... That would've been a jaw dropper/tear jerker fer shure... My sis and I are a couple of saps, and she usually makes me cry, so it would've been cool to pay her back.:devil

On second thought, maybe I'll just go for the :lol factor, and pick a fun age to stay at, or how many years she has been out of high school.... :shrug we'll see what comes out. So far, I am pleased with the way it's turning out.


Shannon - I hope you are feeling better!

Stacy - hope you got a good night's sleep

Beth - so glad to read that you are doin' some good ole' Chillaxin! ...You have a son who cooks? that is Way-cool-ness! You said forward... does he still live with you?

Colleen - Glad you got some runner time in... :cheer we can do it!!!

Joanne - :clap You are on quite a roll with those squares, Lady! How many do you have left? I am proud of you... How was that tuna-salad sandwich? Sounds yummy! Have a great day at the Delta Force. when is your deadline?

Vicki - Have fun at the Mets tomorrow!

Mary - I hope you had a fantabulous day, and that you got to Macy's...:rofl...


I still need to move the b-day's to the first post... and I did some snooping around and found out that Scooby's is August 11th! I hope we'll "see" her soon...:manyheart


...and Jenn... I hope she's not suffering from a bad migraine... :xfin that all is well with her.



I guess that's all for now from here, but I'll be back in the morning... AFTER I have taken my vitamin, of course!


Luv to all!


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Good morning!


Shannon, I'm so glad to hear that you are feeling better!


Joanne, I hope you have fun at work again! Wow. that's so awesome.


LeaAnne, since you asked (I love to brag, but try to keep it in check) all 3 of my kids are still at home (the oldest is 16) and all 3 can cook just about anything. We'll say that I taught them because it's such an important life skill, not because I'm lazy, and want time off from kitchen duties, ok? I love your story about cooking for your DH. I have it easy. My MIL never cooked anything. My DH was so impressed that I'm an old-fashioned farm girl, and cook everything (except spaghetti sauce) from scratch.


Colleen, how's the runner going?


Woops, gotta run. The dog needs out NOW!!!



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LeaAnne I like your story about the recipe. I won't tell anyone where I got it (shhhhh). Funny story, I used to try to make pasta sauce from scratch all the time. Lately I've just been too practical I guess and I've just been browning up some meat and throwing in a can of sauce. DH has been complimenting me left right and center about how good my sauce is now. :lol I just say Thank You :bow Continued good luck with those squares. I can't wait to see it :cheer:cheer:cheer I am moving along with my runner!


Beth :hi glad to hear the new van is getting some miles put on it! It is great that your kids cook. My DD is only 4.5, but she loves to bake with me. I'm trying to teach her as a life skill too. My mom was a wonderful cook and I remember baking with her, making pickles with her, etc. But somehow it didn't sink in and I don't cook very well :confused Well all that is about to change now that I got the secret family recipe from LeaAnne!:wink.


Shannon - I'm glad to hear that you are feeling better :yay. Have fun with kids swap today.


Joanne - Congrats on getting another square done. You are on a roll! Happy Hump Day!


:hi to everyone else! Have a super duper Wednesday. I think I'm going to go bake some muffins to surprise DD with when she wakes up. I think we'll go swimming again today. My day off :D

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:yawn... :morecoffee Good morning, friends!


I stayed up way too late last night, :crocheting and :yesJoanne, I saw the Sox lose in extra innings... Bummer. I see that your Yankees won.:P


I have already been to the grocery, I needed popsicles and watermelon. It's going to be :hot and muggy here today, so I wanted the kiddos to have some nice, cold treats:D


My plan is for a QUICK tidy around here (before it gets too hot), and then I will be spending some major "on my badorkus" time with my trusty :hook (and a fan!)


Hope everyone has a great day...


Shannon - how are you feeling today?

Colleen - muffins sound yummy! what kind? Have fun splashin' at the pool:yay

Beth - It's really cool that your kids can cook... I am kind of lax in the life skill training department:blush... Maybe this fall, I can start showing oldest how to cook... that would be super! So, do you get to hang at the pool today?


...and a big GOOD MORNING to everyone else!:yay Have a splendiferous HumpDay! :ghug

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Morning, ladies!


:hug to Shannon- I'm glad to hear you are feeling better.


I love all of your dh stories. :manyheart I'm glad that your dh was so polite about it, Leanne! LoL Colleen, I had to :heehee at yours, though, because this just happened with me 2 nights ago, only with enchilada sauce. I have been trying to replicate my MIL's recipe for years (it is delicious and she refuses to tell me how to do it.) When I went to my produce sale last week the store had a new sauce, so I bought a carton. Well, I made it and dh ate about 8 enchiladas! :eek After he was finished, he said, "That's the best sauce you've ever made, but you'll never be able to replicate it!" :rofl I said, "Wanna bet?" :lol

Have fun making your muffins. What kind are you going to make?


Beth, do we get pics of the new van? :D Thanks for the tip about boxes. I've been looking on Craigslist and found a place closeby so I think I will stop and see if they are still there.


Speaking of Craigslist- we found a home yesterday- 4 bed, 2 bath, for about half of what they normally rent for. I emailed the person, and guess what?! It was a scam! The "leaser" supposedly had an emergency in South Africa and wants me to send $2,000 so he can send the proper documents and key to the house. Yea, right!! I've seen enough Dateline to know what happens there. I saved the email but I'm not sure who to report it to. People like that make me so angry that I want to report it to someone. But who? :think


I am :tired today because I stayed up to finish the middle of my squares. I finished them all. :clap Friday I will go pick up the other color to finish them. Have any of you tried that new Michael's yarn, Loops and Threads? It reminds me of Bernat Berella 4. I'm sure it is a great yarn with a bigger hook but it is very stiff when using a smaller one. I had planned to use it for the entire square but I think my hand might break off if I use it anymore. :lol


:hi to the rest of my besties! Hope you all have a fabulous day!

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My muffins were chocolate chip. We add chocolate chip to muffins and pancakes in this house :blush Not health food nuts here.


LeaAnne - Happy badorkus sitting today! Sounds like you are moving along on that 'ghan. I'm sure your sister will love it. I hope it is a bit cooler for joining day. Nothing worse that having a 'ghan on your lap when it is hot. Yummy idea for the popsicles and watermelon :yes


Stacy - Those scammers. When we were shopping for our van, DH found one that they wanted us to send the cost for shipping it from somewhere else. Whatever! Thanks for the enchilada sauce story...LOVE IT!


OK, I just did something I've never done before. I mopped my front step :eek Who is this strange woman? We did some tidying up around the yarn (DH did most of it) this past weekend and we wanted to sort of make everything look nice and tidy. :rofl:lol Did any of you catch what I just did ? We didn't tidy around the yarn, we tidied around the yarD. :rofl I need help!


Have a great day besties. I am so excited hearing about all these squares :yay

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Good morning Besties!!


Colleen- That is so funny that you kept the typo! I was thinking, "Oh, I can't wait to point that one out to her!" But you beat me to it and made fun of you before I could. :roflToo funny!


Stacy- You gotta be careful with Craigslist. Apparently there's not a lot of "policing" done on that site. Is there a place on the site where you can report it? Other than that, I don't know who you would tell.


LeaAnne- Good luck staying cool today! I can't imagine living somewhere where I didn't need central air. Have fun sitting on your badorkas. You might want to shift a little once in a while. You don't want your cheeks to fall asleep!:lol


I am loving the DH-and-dinner stories. I have one. When we first got married I wanted to surprise DH with a Jell-O pie. Easy, right? When he came home I said, "I made you a surprise, but I don't think it came out right." I opened the fridge and he said, "Darlin', I've seen insides of deer that looked better than that." I thought the groom was supposed to be extra-nice when you first get married! It did look pretty grody though. We didn't even try it. I still haven't made Jell-O to this day!:lol


I am feeling so much better today! And it's sister day! I'm so excited. We're going to go see Funny People, then come back to my house and play cards and watch old movies! And she doesn't have to ride tomorrow, so we can sleep in and I don't have to bring her back until I go get DD.


I worked on some squares last night, but I'm getting nervous about having them done on time. And they're still really wonky. I'm getting frustrated, but I love the pattern. I don't know what to do. I don't want to ruin everyone's blankets. Ugh!


:hi Joanne, Beth, Vicki, Mary, Scooby, and Jennifer!! Hope you have a wonderful day!

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Colleen, I love your typo! You've got crochet on the brain, I guess. :rofl You chocolate chip muffins sound yummy! We do the pancakes thing, too. My oldest loves it, but my middle one freaks out if there is anything in her pancakes, so I usually separate some before I add the chips. I try to be healthy, but when it comes to chocolate, all bets are off. :lol


Shannon, have fun with your sis! Dh wants to see Funny People, too. I can't wait to hear your review. That is too funny about your Jell-o story! I can't imagine how deer innards would look better than Jello- it must've been bad. :lol As for your squares- wonky is ok. They are made with love that that is what counts. We know the time and thought that is put into them and we will love them, I'm sure. :manyheart

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I'm with Stacy, Shannon we will love your squares no matter what. Even if I get mine without the ends woven in, I'll love it! :manyheart:hug


OK, so I just made "breakfast burritos" for a brunch before swimming (public swimming is at lunch time :think). That is just scrambed eggs in a tortilla with lettuce, cheese and salsa. We needed some energy after having only chocolate chip muffins for breakfast :blush DD ate like 3 bites. :angry All you great moms and great cooks...I need help with lunch! She doesn't eat any lunch foods! And in a month I have to pack her a lunch.


Let's see, can't have peanut butter or hummus due to allergies, not a big fan of deli meat, doesn't really like any kind of sandwiches, the only kind of soup she'll eat is Lipton's Chicken Noodle (yuck!), occasionally will eat KD but that's no victory. Won't eat hard boiled eggs or cottage cheese. Doesn't even like plain cheese with crackers. What is a mom to do? :bang

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Oooh, Colleen, that's a tough one. I'll have to think on it.


There's plenty of love in these squares, just not much talent! I'll keep working at it.







She wanted to write to my besties!


We're off to get ready for Honey's house!

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:hug:hi Janna! How nice of you to write to us!


Shannon, that really made my day! And "wonky" squares sound very artsy to me. I will :heart your square! It was made by you!!! How wonderful is that! Sister day sounds like so much fun. I wish one of my sisters lived closer!!!


Colleen, would she eat dry cereal, vegie sticks, fruit cups, yogurt, tree nuts, crackers, or chips and salsa? Would she eat a sandwich if you did something to it, like cut off the crusts, and roll it up? Does she like cream cheese? That makes a good filler for sandwiches or celery.


Btw, I love the typo. But I need to tidy up my yarn. It's getting spread out all over the place!!! Maybe if I finish a few wip's...


Stacy, we make "Awful Waffles." We add cocoa powder to the (gluten free) waffle mix, and stir in chocolate chips and sometimes coconut. Mmmmmm. And I'm trying to give up sugar here! (They make really good ice cream sandwiches when they are cold.)



You asked for it -- here's "QuickSilver" (Named thanks to LeaAnne!)


:hug to all my besties!


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Beth, she's a pretty one! Best of luck with her (for some reason, vans are "her"s to me)... I am glad that the name stuck, too! :cheer... who else would it be? Perfect for Beth's Taxi Service!


Shannon - I am gonna :manyheart your square, simply cause it's from you!

That was cute of Janna to write to us:c9 Give her a hug from me:hug

Glad you're feeling better, and have fun with sis tonight!


Stacy - :rant:rant Craigslist scammers! :angry:angry

I hope your search ends soon:hug


Colleen - choc chip muffins sound good! (I am not a health food person either:blush)

...wait a sec... :faint you MOPPED your step?! :rofl... are you feeling ok? You are too funny!

As far as lunches go, I have similar problems in my house. You might want to have a few options handy, and let her choose each day. she can choose 1 thing, and you can choose 1... I have a feeling she might enjoy that!

Let her come shopping with you the first couple of weeks, and pick some different and fun foods. As long as you include some protein, she'll be full enough.

I agree with Beth... cereal, or rice krispy treats, even... will she eat granola bars? What are her likes? A friend of mine used to pack a Pediasure drink for her child, because she wouldn't eat/didn't like anything related to lunch. That worked out ok, at least she got her nutrition.

To be honest, don't worry a whole lot... if she's anything like my kids, they spend so much time :blah:blah at lunch, she'll come home with most of her food... It will be a trial and error for sure. My son brings an apple. :yes an apple. that's it.

Keep us posted on how it goes. And if I get any other ideas, I will be happy to post them QUICK!


:hi, everyone else... hope you're having fun, wherever you are...:hug:manyheart:hug

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Pediasure is a good idea. DD drinks one everyday, 'cause she doesn't like vitamins. We call it bear milk, since there's a teddy bear on the front and it's easier to say than Pediasure.

Does your DD like fruit? Is it lime juice that keeps fruit from browning? That might be an idea.

My SIL bought her DD's classroom a microwave because all her DD will eat is pizza. SIL didn't want her to have to eat it cold. I think I would've been like, "Eat it cold or eat something else." To each their own! I wonder if the microwave is going to follow her every year!:lol


Okay, we're going to Honey and BigBob's now! I'll let you all know how the movie is. Have a great day! I'll try to check in later if Sister will let me talk to my imaginary friends!:D


:manyheart and :hugs to all!

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I've been meaning to tell you all, if any of you are on Facebook, look me up!!


And Beth, I love QuickSilver! She's a beauty! Thanks for the nice words about my sad squares! I'm sure they'll be happier with their new homes!

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Wow! Thanks for all the lunch ideas. :yay I knew you'd come through! I guess I have to think outside of the (lunch)box :lol When I was a kid I had a peanut butter and jam sandwich, an apple and cookies every day. She loves granola bars, cereal, cream cheese is definitely a go to on crackers or bagels, yogurt for sure, she might do carrots/brocoli/cucumbers and ranch dressing, fruit, and chips and salsa :yes. I guess I just think I need to give her a traditional lunch, but so long as she eats it's okay, right? Your DS just takes an apple, LeaAnne? :faint My gosh, I'd starve. The good news is DD is a good supper eater these days, so she can get her meat and veggies then, right? I've never tried pediasure.:think As for her spending too much time :blah :blah...that is a given. This is the child that only stops talking to sleep!


A tip from me in return (Shannon's lime juice made me think of it), if you put apple or pear slices in a ziplock baggie with orange slices, they will stay fresh. :yes


Beth - Quick Silver is beautiful! And your neighbor's house is lovely :lol. Thanks for posting a pic! That was fun!


Shannon - Say thanks to Janna for the wonderful message! Loved it!


Swimming was a blast! DD is doing great and getting more and more confident. She swam so much her legs feel wobbly :yay We went to the library after and got some movies and books. We will soon be off to the grocery store. I think we'll both need a rest after that. Hmmm, maybe I'll :crocheting. :yes

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Good Gravy, Shannon... Facebook, too?! :lol:lol If I were on there, I don't think I'd EVER leave the computer :rofl


Colleen - Thanks for the tip on the orange slice! I had heard lemon before, and Shannon heard lime:think:think must be the citric acid, eh? ;)

...and :yes, these days, lunch is definitely out of the box! (dontcha love pun-age?:devil)


Hugs to you all.. the kids just had lunch and are in the pool, house is reasonable, laundry's put away, and iced coffee Made...:whew

:hook:yarn here I come!!! there's a nice breeze out there, so I think I am gonna find some shade and catch it!


Peace out, Peeps!:lol


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Oh LeaAnne, do you make your own iced coffee too? How do you make it?


Funny story. We went for groceries. DD was sitting in the seat part of the shopping cart. When I packed up all our groceries, I had a big jug of fabric softener and no room in the cart. So I put it in the seat beside DD asking her nicely to share her space with the fabric softener. "So, Jug." She says, "what do you want to play, Eye Spy?" I had a good laugh. Oh what an only child won't do to invent a friend!

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Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. I'm so so very very sorry I've been gone so long. I realized a few weeks ago that guess what? School starts in three weeks! Then I got a notice from my school saying the same thing. So I've been doing a lot of running the past few weeks. Between financial aid, FASA, school supply shopping, looking for half-priced books online, talking to my advisor's, and getting my final schedule I've been one busy girl.


I have been keeping busy crocheting and cleaning, however! I fact this last week was declared another CLEANING ZONE! My mother, sister, and I are going on are annual before school starts again technology free weekend! We leave tommorrow morning! We're so exited. We love this last weekend before school starts to spend time with just us girls. However, it means leaving our Dad alone by himself for Three Straight Days!


We love him but the poor man wouldn't know what a dishwasher looked like if it started dancing in front of him. So in order to prevent the invetible, cleaning the house is just a logical step to make sure that when we get home the place doesn't look like a disaster. We will still have to face a full load of dishes, laundry, and a deep vaccuming when we get home, but at least the house will still be standing! We also try to fix meals, reheatable, for him although he usually ends up eating out so this time he has canned stuff so we won't have to worry about cleaning out a fridge as well.


I'm so sorry I haven't post in a while, and I promise after I return that I'll be up and active once more that is until after school starts. After Aug. 23rd, I'll be lucky if I can even get online once a week! Sorry once more.

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Jennifer! :hug I'm glad to hear that you are ok. Good luck with getting your school stuff figured out. Have fun on that girls weekend! It sounds wonderful. :manyheart


Shannon, I :manyheart Facebook. I will look you up. Any time I have the computer on, I have 3 tabs going- Facebook, Crochetville, and whatever else I am looking at. I gotta keep track of my peeps! :rofl It is too cute that Janna wanted to say hi! :wave, Janna! How cute that she played I Spy with the jug. Very creative. I was an only child, too, so I know all too well the things I did to make playing fun! LoL


Leanne, you make your own iced coffee? Do share! The obvious part is the cream and milk and ice, but what do you use for flavorings?


Beth, what a beautiful van! I love QuickSilver- it sounds like the fastest shuttle in your taxi service. :lol Thanks for sharing the picture. Btw, what ever came of all that mudding and sanding? Are you ready to paint yet?


Colleen, my 4 y/o is like that at breakfast- she does not like breakfast food at all. So what does she have? A peanut butter and jelly sandwich. :shrug Dh looked at me like I was crazy when he saw that. At least she eats. Dr. Phil had a nutritionist on one day who said kids eat when they are hungry (not like us, who sometimes snack just because we can.) I think chips and salsa, veggies and dip, granola bars, and yogurts are all good choices. Also...will she eat any kind of beans, or an egg burrito without the lettuce? My dh is Mexican and we have a lot of stuff-wrapped-in-tortillas around here. :lol I try not to put in lettuce or leafy veggies that will wilt if left too long or paired with warm foods. You might also find that, once she sees other kids eating the food, she will be willing to try it.

Come to think of it- I actually have to pack lunches this year, too. :rolleyes (For dd's first 2 years at this school, they had subsidized lunch program and all of the students ate for free. Now that CA is having such a budget mess, they cut out the free lunch program entirely.) Darn it! LoL


Ok, I have another house to look at. Will be back later! :hug

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Stacy, :blush the mudding hasn't been going at all. I was kind of counting on having more time once swim team season and dance classes were over, but I haven't been motivated. Where's a badorkus fire when you need one?


Jennifer, good luck with school! I hope you have a good girls' weekend. That sounds wonderfully fun! I'm trying hard to picture a dishwasher dancing -- :rofl You have a vivid imagination!


:hi to everybody else! :manyheart


I got the yarn for my corner-to-corner throw! I showed my dh, and he says the colors are great for the Pittsburgh Steelers. Now I need to finish my bestie squares so I can get started on it! :hyper This is why I have so many WIP's.

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Hi everyone

Sorry I was not here yesterday, we had a thunderstorm and the lights kept going out. But it is nice a sunny here today. I got 2 loads of laundry done, out on line and now back in and folded.... just have to put them away. Also got the dishes done too. Went to work for about 5hrs and just got home at 5pm. Man am I tried.

Tonight I will be getting things ready for my trip, packing and getting carry-on packed with :yarn and :crocheting. Yes I checked and I can take them on the plane with me:cheer. 5hr flight, have to do something.

Janna....... it was so nice of you to write to us:cheer It just made my day.

Beth..... love the van. In our house it is my van and Dh's jeep.

Colleen...... I don't think I could add any thing to you lunch ideas, they all sound good to me.

LeaAnne......:crocheting:crocheting:crocheting Iam here cheering for you. Iam watching for the smoke from your :hook

Stacy....... Good luck with the house hunting, I just know you are going to find the right house soon.

Joanne...... I hope work is going good, you sound like you are having a good time.

Vicki..... You will be coming home and I will have left. I hope every thing is going good. enjoy

Shannon.... have fun on your sister night. Don't stay up to late. Ah what the heck stay up all night. What are sisters for?

Scooby......... Where are you? boy do I miss you. Hope every thing is alright.

Jennifer.... It is sooooo nice to hear from you. Enjoy your trip.

Well Iam going to get some supper. We had a big lunch at MIL so it will just be a sandwich for supper. I will try and get back later.

Take care


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Hello everyone! The Met game was great and the rain held out! The clouds are moving in now and it looks like it is ready to come down! The Mets won and hubby got a Christmas present - a David Wright jersey. At this rate, all his presents will be his before Christmas!

Jennifer - Glad to hear that everything is good and that you are getting ready to go back to school! It is a crazy time!

Shannon - Glad you are feeling better and that Janna wanted to join our group! Tell her she is more than welcome!

Stacy - Good luck finding a new place. Glad you caught the scm and didn't get caught in it! Report it to craigslist and see what they say.

Beth - Good luck with the new van!

Scooby, Colleen, Leanne, and Maey - Hope your hump day was a good one!

Okay, now dinner must be thought about. Talk to you all later!


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Hi all,

I am beat! I got to work at 6AM and got home at 6PM- that is a 12 hr day- I just sat down and read through all your posts! Just some quick replies- as my mind is mush---it was very, very busy today.


Beth- love quick silver-thanks for posting the pic and you deserve some time off from the mudding/etc- when the kids are back in school, you can tackle that project again, right?


Stacy- good luck with the house hunt- and you do have to be careful of scammers- oh, they make me so mad....I would report them to Craigslist if there is place to do that. Or the better business bureau? (or is that only for brick and mortar type businesses, not online services?)


Shannon- hope you are enjoying sister day and the movie. And as far as your squares, trust me, mine are not perfect either- but, it's all about the love in them!!! That was so cute that Janna said hi. Tell her hi back!!


I was hoping to do another square tonight, but I don't have the energy- I think the only thing I'm doing tonight is grabbing something to eat and watching the Yankees in my bedroom.


LeaAnne- you go girl- hope you got lots of crochet time in today- And I didn't even realize that the Sox lost last night- thanks for brightening up my day. This is the big weekend coming up- Yankees vs Sox- oh, we'll have some fun ---it is definitely the Yankees turn to win!


Vicki- glad you got to the game and that DH got an early Christmas present!


Mary- safe travels- and glad that you can take the hook on the flight- wow 5 hrs!!


Colleen- I was laughing so hard when I read that you mopped your yarn! I was thinking how you have yarn on the brain...and then when you posted that you knew your typo- too funny. I love choc chip muffins...well, i really like anything choc chip. (actually really anything chocolate...and especially dark chocolate). Glad you had a good day and all the ideas for DD's lunch are great. Really, don't stress about it--I remember my youngest DD only wanted bologna and cheese sandwiches every day (bologna is really not that healthy) but that is the only thing she would eat. She was such a fussy eater- her two fav foods- chicken and bologna and cheese. I figured if that's what she wanted, that's what she'll get. She did that for a few years. She finally outgrew it and today she is not a fussy eater, will try anything once and has become quite a good cook. (Thank you Food network for teaching my3 DDs to cook!!!) One thing she won't eat anymore though is bologna!


Jennifer- glad to hear from you and enjoy the weekend! I know how crazy it can be getting ready for school and all the financial aid/FAFSA, scheduling, etc. Glad to hear that you are fine.


Hope I didn't miss anyone (Scooby-thinkin about ya)


Have a good night- I'll be leaving early again tomorrow morning- not sure I'll have time to post, so in case I don't.....remember your vitamins!

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Oops! Sorry Colleen- I misread the softener post. Your dd has quite the imagination!


Beth, sorry to hear about that mudding. Maybe you will have more time once the kids are back in school :wink I can't wait to see how your corner-to-corner turns out. I will have to put mine on the back burner until we move. Maybe I will make my own house-warming gift. :rofl


Vicki, I'm glad the rain held out for your game. :heehee at your dh getting another gift. Make sure you save something for Christmas! :wink


Leanne, I reported it to Craigslist. Sounds like work is keeping you very busy. I hope you can get a good night's rest.

Colleen got me thinking about the things my kids will eat, too. My 4- and 2- y/o's both went through banana phases. For about 6 months, all they wanted was bananas. I let my 4 y/o have as many as she wanted one time just to see...she ate 4-1/2 in a row. Of course, she didn't poop for almost a week afterward, so I made sure not to let my 2 y/o try that. LoL

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