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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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Hi friends!!


I hope everyone had a fantastic 4th!! Our impromptu bbq turned out great, and DD loved having all four grandparents to herself!


Beth- DD's sweater is beautiful! What yarn did you use? Grey is one of my favorite colors.


Joanne- Have fun at the game. I'm glad the weather is good for it. Thank you for the rain!! It's 79 degrees right now. It hasn't even been 79 degrees at night in a while. I love rainy days.


Colleen- Glad you had fun at your friend's last night!! When I feel bad about my messy house, I watch Clean House and see that there are some worse off than mine!:lol It makes me feel better about myself!:devil

BTW, I'm on flower #10!! I should be ready to start the bodice by tonight. I'm so excited.


All my other friends- Howdy! Hope you're all having a splendiferous weekend!!:manyheart


I'm off to make Rice Krispie Treats with DD. This should be interesting!

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:hi, everyone!


I don't have time to catch up, but am on BIL's computer to check e-mail quick, so I wanted you all to know I've been thinking about you!

I will be back Wednesday night, so I'll catch up with you then.


Hope you are all having a great weekend... we finally have :sun here! :clap



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Good morning!

Sounds like everyone had a wonderful 4th!


Beth- your dd's sweater is beautiful! Great job. :clap


Colleen- the flower top is adorable!!! I am so sorry dd won't wear it. Just leave it out where she can see it constantly and one day she will want to. :hug That's so cool that a house in your neighborhood was featured in This Old House. I followed the link and the house is so pretty! :manyheart Very unique.


Shannon- hope you had lots of fun at your bbq.


Joanne- Enjoy the baseball game!


Scooby and Leanne- I hope you are having fantabulous vacations!


Yesterday was a :grumpy day for me. I still felt :sick but the girls wouldn't stop bugging me and dh didn't help much with it. I tried to take a nap but they kept arguing so I finally just got up, rounded up some yarn and took the older 2 down to the pool. We stayed down there for 2 hours! :eek They got to release their energy and I started on the Lace and Amethyst Wrap. I felt much more refreshed afterward. :D We got ready and left for the fireworks at 8. By the time we got to FIL's work and up to the roof there were tons of display to see. Personal fireworks are illegal in LA county, as well, but that did not stop too many people apparently. The girls had a blast seeing all of the displays and looking down at the people and cars on the ground. (We were about 6 stories up, and there is a 4-foot solid metal barricade all around the roof so we had to lift them a bit to see.)

This morning I woke up to an empty bed- dh went to the living room around 3 a.m. so he could sleep with the a/c on. He and the girls all slept in, and I got to crochet for 2 hours! :clap I am almost finished with the flower top, just need to run to Michael's for one more ball of yarn. My ear is still killing me and it hurts down into my neck now so I am going to call the dr. first thing in the morning.


Well, Besties, I am off for now. I am going to look at square patterns. I've given up on my poppy flower, I might just go with the butterfly garden square because it is my favorite. (Btw, Colleen, I would not be offended in any way if you sent a square to Vicki's dd and not mine- my kids have plenty of crochet blankets and pillows and stuffies, I have no plans of making them anything with squares, anytime soon. :lol) :manyheart


Have a great one!!

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LeaAnne- Thanks for popping in! Hope you're having a great time with your family!:c9


Stacy- Goodness girl, you just can't shake that earache, can you? I hope the doctor can see you soon so you can start feeling better.:hug


I finished the flowers. My face probably looked like this: :think, as I was reading the pattern for the rest of it. I'm hoping it will seem easier once I sit down and try to do it with the yarn.


I have a funny story. This morning, DH was trying to remind DD that she had to be quiet in church (we were still home at the time). Here's how the conversation went:

DH: What do we do in church?

DD: Pray.

DH: Yes, but what else do we do in church?

DD: Eat fruit snacks.

It's amazing how they can go from making you so proud of them to :rofl:rofl! That's my girl!:goodorbad

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Happy Sunday all! I hope everyone had a relaxing day. I picked up my computer from Best Buy yesterday and was able to finish downloading most of the music that my husband wanted. I have to laugh at him. He was the one that I had to convince him that he wanted the MP3 player and his player has the most music on it!


Anyway, today I went shopping with my sister and the car died in the parking lot. We had just gotten there and I needed to pull the car up a little. I go to start it. Click, click, click. Car is dead. Call hubby and ask him to come give me a jump. He gets there and says to try and start the car. Stupid thing starts! He was ready to kill me. I told him my sister was my witness that it wouldn't start. So when we get home I turn it off and try to start it again and again, click, click, click. Dead again. So I get to go get a new battery tomorrow. That will be so much fun!


Colleen - Trust me, no offense taken! I knew where you were going. No worries there! And the top is beuatiful! I agree with Stacy (I think it was Stacy). Leave it out and eventually she will want to wear it!


Stacy - I am sorry you are still not feeling well. I hope you get in to see the doctor tomorrow.


Shannon - You have to love what little kids say! I love that conversation!


Beth - The sweater is beautiful! I hope your DD loves it!


Leanne - Hope you are havinga great time!


Have a wonderful evening ladies. I am watching the baseball game on ESPN. The Yankees won today in a come from behind game. They are only one game behind the Red Sox! WOO HOO!

'night all!


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:hi everyone!


This weekend just flew by! We went to this garden center in town that has a bunch of parrots and birds that talk and squack and carry on. DD loved it and she was chatting away with the parrots. It was a fun outing. Then DH and DD were pretending to be parrots all day :rolleyes


I think you are right that DD may some day where her top. She had it on yesterday after I finished it and helped pick out pants and a t-shirt to go under it. She was all happy with it, looking in the mirror and excited to wear it to church. And then all of a sudden something didn't feel right and off it came. I'm learning not to worry about her clothes issues, because the more I get upset the more she gets upset about clothes, so I'm not worried. If she doesn't wear it I will give it my DH's Goddaughter for her birthday in Sept.


Stacy - I sure hope you get your ear checked out soon! WTG on cashing in on some :crocheting time. I'm glad you had such a fun fireworks outing for the 4th of July.


Shannon - I love the story about DD's interpretation of going church...eating fruit snacks. :rofl


Vicky - That is too bad about your car :ohdear. I hope you get it fixed soon.


LeaAnne - Thanks for stopping by! I can't wait to hear about your vacation.


Scooby - I'm looking to hearing more about yours too.


Joanne - I hope you enjoyed the baseball game.


Beth - :hi I hope you had a good day!


Mary - :hi how are you?


If I missed anyone :hi. Have a great evening!


Oh ya, I almost forgot. I actually got a lot of cleaning done today. Kind of forget about the cleaning now and then :rofl. I cleaned my bathroom top to bottom, 2 loads of laundry, the kitchen. Feels good to get stuff done.

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Shannon- that is too cute!! The things kids say. (Btw, we have the loud-ness problem in church, too. When you figure out how to control it, please let me know! :lol)


Vicki- I'm so sorry to hear about your car! I hope it is just the battery and not something serious. :hug


As for my ear- I am prone to ear infections, both of my eardrums ruptured when I was a child. I almost never have them anymore but when my ear does start to hurt, it is time to go see the dr. :yuck

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Hi besties,

Had a wonderful day at the ballgame--the weather was splenderiferous! And the Staten island Yankees beat the Lowell Spinners! So it was a good day all around. We ate lunch at a restaurant before the game and the salad was so fantastic. figured we'd spend the $ for healthy food, rather than buy the expensive junk at the ball park!


Glad that everyone had a good weekend- and Stacy-hope that you get to the Dr tomorrow so that you can feel better soon.


Good to hear from LeaAnne and glad that the weather on the east coast has finally been nice!


Vicki- I had to chuckle when I read about the car- isn't that always the way- call DH and then everything is fine! At least it did it again when you were home so he knows you aren't losing your mind, but sorry that you have to go get a new battery.


Colleen- love your neighborhood and the housing prices too! Maybe someday I'll get to visit Ontario! Glad that you had fun last night and dont worry about the messy house- we all go through that!


Scooby, and Mary- hope you are doing well! Can;t wait to hear about your adventures !


Shannon- Your dd is just too cute- love the story about what she does in church!!!! Glad you impromptu BBQ went well and that DD got be spoiled by all 4 grandparents!


Say a prayer for middle DD- she is jobless again- apparently someone put something in her water that she was drinking at the bar where she was working, so needless to say she is not returning there.


Pleasant dreams everyone!

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Wow- Colleen, Stacy and I were all on posting at relatively the same time.


Colleen- sounds like a fun outing- and WTG on all that cleaning!!! The only thing i got done today was the laundry and I just turned on the dishwasher. Gotta love the dishwasher! I'll put the dishes away in the AM when I'm waiting for my coffee!


Stacy- Fingers crossed that the ear infection clears up really soon- time for the ole antibiotics it sounds like!

Have a good night everyone :-)

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Good morning and Happy Monday! Fun and festivities of the weekend are over and it's back to work for me- feeling energized after such a nice relaxing weekend. Hope that everyone has a fantabulous, wonderful day!


Remember, take your vitamins! :-)

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Good morning, everyone! :hi


Well I'm still not feeling the best but somehow after all that ear pain, it feels fine today. :think Not sure how that happened...but I won't complain! LoL Maybe I will be able to tough it out until Wednesday.

Already I've cleaned the kitchen, counters, floor, and fridge door, plus the table, and the counter in my bedroom. Vacuumed yesterday so that is covered, but I do need to dust. Dh forgot to leave the carseats this morning so the girls and I are going to take a walk to Target soon.


Joanne- I'm glad you had fun at the ballgame! Yay for going out to dinner first! Dh insists on getting junk at the park when we go and it is so expensive...not to mention how unhealthy it is. He says it's part of the experience. Gimme a break. LoL I will pray that your dd finds another job. It is terrible that someone put something her her drink. :angry


Colleen- The garden center sounds cool!! Glad you all had fun. Sorry dd doesn't like the top but at least you have someone to give it to so that beautiful work won't just sit around. :hug Good for you on the cleaning- it does feel good to get that stuff done once in a while! :lol


Mary- Where are you? I hope all is well! I am dying to hear how everyone liked the boobie pillows. :lol


Vicki- I am thinking of you while you go get a new battery! Is this the car you are going to take on your vacation? I hope you get it all fixed up.


Beth and Shannon- :hi and good morning!


Leanne and Scooby- Hope your vacations are going well!!



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Oh, I completely forgot to tell you guys two cool things! First, dd went potty in her toilet seat yesterday! :clap All by herself, too. I didn't even know she did it- I went into the bathroom and there was a little pee in the toilet, I asked my oldest if my middle one did it and she said no, the youngest did. :cheer:cheer:cheer


Second, when I took the girls to the pool last night, I was working on my wrap and a woman swam over to me. She said it was nice to see a fellow crocheter and asked what I was working on. I showed her the picture of the wrap and we had a great crochet conversation! :manyheart I've never talked to anyone else who crochets- I only know knitters. So that was really cool. Just thought I'd share. :D

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Howdy do all!

I went this morning and got my car battery changed. The mechanic checked the alternator and the starter, but everything came back great except the battery. So, I have a brand new one and now my car starts up nicely!

Stacy - Yes, we are going to take my car to the airport, so it is probably better that the battery went now and not in the ariport garage. Glad the hear your ear is feeling better.

Shannon - Great to hear that your DD went potty by herself.

Joanne - Sorry to hear abouut your daughter and her job. She is better off with something new.

Leanne - Hope you had a great weekend! How is the quitting going?

I got my shopping done for the trip. Now I just have to do some last minute laundry and finish packing. I need to print some stuff off my e-mail for some of the day trips we are taking and some research articles to read on the plane. I will have plenty of time to read!

Hope everyone is having a good day and I will talk to you all later!


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Hey girls!!


Stacy- I'm so glad your ear is feeling better today. You've gotten a lot done today. WTG!!:clap Hooray for DD going potty. That's still a struggle here, but I'm not really worried considering what she's up against. She has no desire. Oh well!! And yay for finding a fellow hooker. Are you going to get together with her and crochet?


Joanne- Thanks for the reminder! I can never remember on my own.:blush So sorry about your daughter. That is horrible that someone would do that!!


I hope everyone is having a great day. We had speech this morning, and her therapist said DD is at second-grade level, except for speech!! I couldn't believe it. So we are going to start weekly lessons at home. We did the letter A today and she did great! I'm a proud momma!!:D

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Second-grade level- that is wonderful!! :clap Give Janna a :h5 from me!


I hadn't planned to attempt potty-training until well after her 2nd birthday, but about 2 months ago she decided that she does not like to wear diapers anymore, and pulls them off as soon as they are dirty. Her newest thing is that she doesn't want to wear clothing at all. :shrug I guess that facilitates the potty-using, though. :lol

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Hi everyone Iam back

The visit with the kids went great. DS stayed another week so that was really nice. He is hoping by christmas he will be living back in Ontario :cheer. That will be soooooooooo nice.

The craft show went really good. We had a great time and sold lots of stuff. The next show is in 4 1/2 months. Iam going to have to :crocheting:crocheting:crocheting:crocheting:crocheting to get my stock back up. Yes I sold lots of boobie pillows. :)

I really missed you guys a lot. I would think about everyone evry day. By the time I got home every night I was too tired to get on the computer and read the post. I just finished reading most of them now.

I have 5 squares done so far and hope to have the rest done tonight or tomorrow.

I hope everyone is doing great and Iam keeping everyone in my thoughts.

colleen.... I think I will be going to DD's and going to the yarn shop on the 27 july.


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:hi Mary! It's so good to hear from you! How are you feeling?

Your work (as well as your dd's) is beautiful! Thank you for posting pics. I'm happy that the show went well for you. :hug It's nice that your ds is staying an extra week and hopefully he will be back for the holidays. You are fast on those squares! I haven't even started mine yet. :blush


Well I took the girls swimming, then came upstairs, gave them a bath, and made dinner. The apartment is still relatively clean so I think I am going to check around :ebay for my Grace yarn. I went to two Michaels' and they don't have the shade I need.

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Hi everyone-

Mary- so glad to hear that the craft show went well and that your DS stayed an extra week! You and your DD's work is simply gorgeous- you both are very talented!!! I haven't started my squares yet....so glad we have till Sept. I am going to start an afghan for DD's 30th birthday which is in August so gotta get that done first.


Shannon- Wow- WTG Janna!!! I can understand why you are so proud of her.


Vicki- glad that the battery was the only thing that needed to be fixed on the car. You must be getting excited for your trip!


Stacy- glad to hear that your ear is feeling better- and that you met a fellow crocheter right in your complex! And congrats on the little one going potty all by herself-


Colleen- hope you had a good day and Scooby and LeaAnne hope you are enjoying your vacations.


Middle DD is here from Philly- She came by train and youngest DD picked her up- she needs to use the computer since on top of everything else, her computer is on the fritz. We made dinner at DD;s house and then she came home with me. She will be spending the day on the computer - job hunting/application sending. She is also thinking about doing alternate route for teaching- She has a Bachelor of Fine Art Degree and is thinking that maybe teaching art is the way to go. They have a Teaching Fellow program in Philly (probably all cities do) since they are desperate for teachers so she is going to look into that.


I hope that everyone has a great night.

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Hi everyone!


Wow, lots going on around here today, and I'm going to try not to miss anything.


Stacy - WTG to your youngest on using the potty! Hi-5 from me too! They just do it when they are ready, don't they? I think youngest children also see what the older ones are doing and get it faster...usually. I'm glad your ear is feeling better! And isn't that great that you met a fellow crocheter. I am always a little bit self-conscious about crocheting in public.


Vicky - Good news that it was just the battery. Sounds like you are getting organized for your trip. It sounds like a great trip! I bet DD is excited!


Shannon - WTG Janna on being at a grade 2 level! She sounds amazing and so much fun! You must be so proud.


Mary - Welcome back! I am so glad the show went well. Your work and DD's work is beautiful! You were both obviously very busy to have that much stock! Awesome that DS is home and that he might be moving back to Ontario (fingers crossed)! I will put July 27th on the calendar. :clap I work on Mondays at 4:00, so I hope we can meet up before then. That will be fun to meet you and your DD! Maybe we could exchange our squares when we meet. Feel free to PM me any time about your plans.


Joanne - I was sorry to read about your DD's experience at work. She sounds like a talented young woman, and I hope the teaching opportunity works out for her. I'm sure she will find something soon.


Beth, LeaAnne and Scooby - :hi, we're thinking about you!


DD and I went for a playdate at our friends this morning. It was a beautiful day and the kids had a blast decorating their bikes and scooters. I went to work this afternoon and worked on my squares in between that. I'm just getting going (2 done and 2 started) and I'm hoping to get several done this week.


On that note, I guess we need to exchange addresses at some point. As I mentioned earlier, I'd like to try to mail at least some of the squares while I'm in Ohio next week. If everyone could maybe PM their mailing address to me, I could compile them all together and PM a master list to everyone once I have them all. :shrug


Have a great evening!

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I would like to join this crochet along as it sounds perfect for me. Like most of you, I'm the one responsible for household chores, basically if I don't do it...no one will. However unlike most, I'm not a mom, a wife, a grandmother, or anything else of that sort. What I am is the eldest daughter of two loving parents who have gracisously allowed me to stay at home rent free, board free, understanding included, and hugs and kiss at no extra cost. I love them for it and thank them for it every day. College wouldn't be possible for me without staying at home. That said with both my parents working and my sister now also at college (in NC, but home for the summer), it falls to me most of the school and even most of the summer do housework. Now that my sister is home, she helps share the responsibilities but still as she ever constantly looking work to pay her own way through college (she didn't choose a college close enough to home to enjoy the benefits that I do), I still manage the majority of the housework. There are many weeks, days, and even months that if I don't do something...it doesn't get done. Very few responsibilities are the exception, those being mowing the lawn (couldn't work it to save my life) and grocery shoping (can't drive due to medical conditions). Not that I'm complaining. I realize that all these responsibilities have given me a confidence, a self-assurance, a knowledge of surviaval skills, humility, prepareness for a future husband (no near in sight), and I give thanks every day for those lessons I have learned through my responsibilities that few are ever taught in the classroom.


That said, there are days where I much rather spend the entire day crocheting (especially with my first craft fair fast approaching two weeks and counting), reading, writing, sketching, or just having fun. But never fail the days I choose to spend in other ways then cleaning....the house looks like a bomb went of at the end of the day, I end up feeling guilty and having to spend the next entire day cleaning. Not exactly productive. On the other hand the days I just spend the first hour or two straightening the house with one day a week dedicated to deep cleaning, I still have plently time to do whatever, whenever I please but the house doesn't look like a total disaster.


I therefore pledge to spend at least an hour each day cleaning our home before crocheting, and take a break ever 4 hours from crocheting to do something other then crocheting...preferably something involved in straightening the house. I also pledge to start taking breaks from crocheting to eat and drink...starving is not going to make me crochet any faster, and it certainly isn't helping my health none!

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Thanks for the cleaning tips, should help with the mess. I watch alot of "how clean is your house" on BBCA and they give the best tips. I wanna know if anyone has tips for all over disaster from too much crocheting and not enough working around the house??? Kids make great slaves, but I feel guilty most of the time and let them go play instead of them cleaning up me and my husband's mess. I find that during football and wrestling season I get alot more work and crocheting done because I'm always the mom with the big bag of yarn during practice and wrestling meets.

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There's NO way I'm going to get everyone in this:


Mary -- welcome back! We missed you!:hug Your work is beautiful. I hope the fair was successful.


wendiann -- My favorite tip is to get a schedule of things you do every day, and do them as soon as you get up. The next tip is not to feel guilty for teaching your children responsibility, and life skills. My kids each cook one meal a week, and clean up afterwards. They do most of the laundry, take care of cat boxes, clean bathrooms, and help with the weekly housecleaning. When they have places of their own, I hope they will know how to take care of themselves.


inkstained -- good luck with your pledge. It's good to have goals, but better if you reward yourself when you reach them, rather than punish yourself if life gets in the way.


Colleen -- I pm'd my address to you. Thanks for organizing the square exchange. Your playdate sounds like fun. It's good to watch the kids play while sharing adult conversation.


Joanne -- I hope this job situation for middle dd leads her to a fantastic job with a much better environment. Sounds like she wasn't in the best place. She deserves better.


Stacy -- how did the yarn hunting on e-Bay go? I always get in trouble when I go there. Congrats on your dd going potty by herself. Sounds like a very resourceful young lady!


Vicki -- what a relief that your battery was the only problem. I'm glad it didn't leave you stranded at the airport garage. Sounds like you are about ready for your trip. Have a fun time!!!


Shannon -- 2nd grade level -- that's so cool. No wonder you are proud.


I had a crazy busy day yesterday, but that's almost enough to warm me up for today. My laundry is caught up, my kitchen is relatively clean. The bathrooms are getting wiped down every day. The sheets were washed yesterday. That's all the housecleaning I can report, and I won't promise that I did all of it. Love those teens!!! I hope you all have a wonderful day.:ghug

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