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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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Hi Everybody!:hug


I had a fairly relaxing day today. I cleaned the kitchen a bit, threw lunch in the crockpot, and spent the morning :crocheting and :sleep. After lunch, I threw dinner in the crockpot, and took the boys to the pool. We stayed for a few hours. I hung out with my pool buddies, and :crocheting. Then I took the boys home, fed them dinner, and took them back to their respective pools where they work. My oldest only worked 2 hours, so I basically got home, and left again to pick him up. When we got home, I had a message from my younger son saying they didn't need him to work, so I left again, and picked him up. That wasn't a bad taxi day. I skipped the party. "George" decided to visit me unexpectedly, and I wasn't feeling like socializing.


I worked on my bestie squares, but didn't take the right yarn to the pool with me, so I worked on my dd's sweater (that I've been ignorning for too long.) I finished the first sleeve, and made a good start on the second one. I think I'll try to get it finished before I go back to the squares.


Colleen, I love the dd stories! Please keep sharing them. She sounds like the sweetest, smartest little girl! It brings back a lot of memories from when my children were shorter than me.


That goes for all my besties with little ones!!! Your stories are wonderful!


Joanne, happy adult community hunting tomorrow. What does your dh think of the ones you saw today?


vicki, you seem to get so much done. How are your roses handling the heat? I need to get out there and deadhead mine, too. Thanks for the reminder.


LeaAnne, I :manyheart the story about your dd's team! What a wonderful group of girls! What great sportsmanship! GO BULLS!!! Go Lima Green!!!


Stacy, Shannon, Mary, Scooby, darski, and anyone I forgot, have a wonderful Sunday!:hug

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Bonjour, mes amis!! Hope everyone is having a terrific Saturday!


Beth- I've said it before, but "Stupid George!" I promise I would've warned you had he told me he was planning to go to Virginia. He's very secretive like that. I hate that you had to miss the party, but I also totally understand. And George wasn't invited anyway. He likes to crash parties.


Joanne- Good luck looking tomorrow. Are they near your home? Good for you getting those bushes trimmed.


Colleen- That is too cute! I wish DD would realize that. It's mainly my fault though. I hate it when there's no noise. And at least I know she's learning stuff. She can count to 5 in Spanish, and I took French. Dora taught her that.

Thanks again also for the pattern correction.


Vicki- Hope you had a great day and got everything done on your list.


LeaAnne- How's re-quitting going, Super Q?


Stacy- How's your cousin doing? Did you get your tickets? Hope your ear is feeling better!


Mary and Scooby- Hey girls!! Have a fantastic weekend!


We had a giggle-filled time at Mom's restaurant. DD was yodeling for everyone. It was great, and she laughed herself to sleep!

Good night besties!!

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Shannon, I love the yodeling story! And laughing herself to sleep - how sweet is that! Wow! I miss that age. I used to call my mom long distance and tickle my daughter so she could hear it -- the most beautiful sound on earth! It sounds like you had a wonderful evening.


I need to get to the grocery stores. At least there are some very nice specials going on this week. Enjoy your Sunday, everyone!:hug

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Good morning and happy Sunday everyone! Wow- Beth you beat me this morning- glad I'm not the only early bird!


I remember those days relaxing by the pool at the swim club when my DD;s were young- they were on the swim team and 2 of them were also on the diving team- they were relaxing summer days for sure (when we weren't trekking to meets all over the place)- Sorry that George decided to visit you! I don't have those worries anymore. I just have to deal with Colleen's bird hitting my mailbox every day- even with the rain, I have to go out and scrub it off- Please, please go back north!! DH liked the adult communities, but we are both on the same page with this- the point of doing this is to lower our mortgage- Since we only got married 7 years ago, and bought this house 5 years ago, our remaining mortgage is still quite high. The property taxes on a new house versus a re-sale are quite substantial- thousands of dollars less. We'll see what's out there as far as re-sales go and we'll just take it from there. We can afford we we are living now but we are thinking about the future. And the communities are in towns within a 1/2 hr of where we live now- We still have a lot of working years ahead of us, so we need to stay within the area. In any event, I told Dh, we need to start de-cluttering regardless of what we decide to do. I definitely could live in a smaller place and have no problem getting rid of things- I know what I went through when we had to clean out my childhood home after my dad died- My mom had been a packrat and saved everything! It was alot of work going through everything and deciding who wanted what and what to donate and what to throw out- it was so physically and emotionally draining. Well, now that that thought is in my head, I think I'll start doing some de-cluttering now - or maybe I should do the laundry- or the grocery shopping? DH is still sleeping and I am enjoying my quiet time so I think I'll opt for laundry now!


Shannon- love your stories- and yes, the sound of a child's laughter can't be beat! It is the purest sound ever!!! And yodeling - how funny!


To all my other besties- have a great Sunday! And remember those vitamins!

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Good morning friends,


Shannon - I love the yodeling story. That is so cute! It is just so nice to know that they are happy in those moments.


Beth - You are up bright early! Good luck with the groceries.


Joanne - I hope you enjoyed your morning quiet time. Good luck looking at the resales today. I kind of enjoy looking at houses. It's kind of fun! And it sounds like there isn't a rush to make a decision, so you can wait for the right opportunity to come along.


Vicky, LeaAnne, Stacy, Scooby, Mary - I hope you are enjoying your weekends!


It is raining here :think...Joanne did you send the rain up with that bird? :rofl It's okay, because it cooled down a bit and we do need rain to keep the plants/grass happy. I am planning to dust and go through some mail/bills today. I am also going to make a pasta salad for supper. My Flower Yoke Top is coming along nicely. I tried it on DD and it is fitting and she seems to like it :xfin. I really enjoy making little people clothes.


Have a great day everyone!

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Good morning Besties!

Beth - Yes, I got the roses dead headed. I did it after I went swimming. They are holding up in the heat, although the knockout roses will soon need some help. They are getting very thirsty despite the sprinklers going off! Sorry to hear you didn't go to the party. George does show up at the worst times!

Leanne - How is the quitting going?

Stacy, Shannon, Scooby, Joanne, and Mary - Hope you all have a great Sunday!

I need to get some laundry done today and I need to clean the small bathroom down here. I am going to make hot dogs and hamburgers tonignt for dinner with french fries and a green salad.

Have a great day all! I will talk to you later!


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Good morning!


My, we're a chatty bunch today. I love it!!

DH came home around 11:30 last night and went back to work around 4 this morning. He got to see DD sleeping, but that's it. He's been on this job since Monday. He'll hopefully get to see her on Wednesday when we go to her neurologist appointment. He's going to try to sneak away for that. I know it's been a hard week for him, not only from work, but knowing what's been going on around here and not being able to help. And it must have killed him to not be able to hold his baby when he found out that she choked.


I'm actually going to get some cleaning done today, I think. DD and I didn't make it to church yesterday, so we're going to 6:00 Mass tonight, and then maybe out to dinner. Have a wonderful Sunday besties!!

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DAGNABBIT! :thair:angry:angry


I had a nice, long message all typed, and my mouse jumped when I went to click submit, and Threw me off the internet! :rant GRRRRRR!


I loved reading about all of your adventures yesterday! You girls are the BESTEST Besties!


I hope you have a terrific day, and I'll check in later...


p.s. the Q is going well... as long as I keep myself busy, which is what I have been doing outside.


I miss you all! :ghug ...and Happy Sunday!:c9

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Good morning, Besties!


Shannon- Too cute about dd yodeling! Glad you guys had a great time at your mom's restaurant. I hope things slow down for dh so he can spend some much-needed time with you and dd. :manyheart


Colleen- sounds like you have had a wonderful weekend so far! Thanks for the correction on the top. I noted it in my pattern, since I am dying to do it but don't have the yarn just yet.


Beth- sounds like you had a relaxing day yesterday, compared to what you usually do! LoL Sorry George came to visit unexpectedly and you didn't make it to the party.


Leanne- Way to go with the Q! :clap:hug Have a fantabulous Sunday!


Joanne- Good luck with your re-sales. It is great that you do not have much clutter and could willingly move to a smaller home. My MIL keeps saying they are going to move in 2 years to a smaller home but don't ask me how. She is an "organized" packrat, in that her stuff is stored in closets, drawers, etc...so her home looks clean and empty but it is secretly hidden away. I couldn't imagine cleaning that out.


Vicki- Hot dogs and burgers sound awesome for a Sunday dinner! Have a beautiful day!


Yesterday we surprised the girls and took them to Knott's Berry Farm. We used part of dh's bonus to renew our annual passes (saving the rest for our trip.) The girls were SO excited!!! We had told them that we were going to a volunteer thing at church, so when we got off the freeway and they saw the coasters, they were screaming. LoL Oldest dd is finally tall enough to ride the coasters. We started off in Camp Snoopy so the girls could ride some rides together, then dh took dd to the adult coasters while I stayed in Camp Snoopy with the younger ones. I don't do roller coasters. We met up to see a couple shows and eat lunch, then dd wanted to go on this water ride that I had been promising I would take her to. Well, I kinda had carb overload at lunch :blush so dh took her on the condition I would go next time. (If I go on a ride I need to have an empty stomach.) Anyway, she went on all of the coasters she could, except 1 that was closed, and 3 that she was still not tall enough for. They waited in line for an hour for another water ride (with a straight-down plunge!), only to find that dh was too tall and the harness wouldn't close over him. So...what did he do? He let her go by herself!!! I freaked out when I saw him walking toward me without her. (There is a bridge you can stand on so that when the "boat" comes down, the wave of water splashes up and the people on the bridge get wet.) We were waiting on the bridge when her boat came down and she had the hugest smile on her face! :eek:D I am so proud of that girl! She definitely did not inherit her mama's fear of coasters. :manyheart

Oh, I also have a :think tan line...my sunscreen ran out as I was spraying my right arm, so I tried to rub it all over as much as I could. I thought I got it all covered, but when we got home, my arm was all blotchy. So I will have to wear short sleeves until that is all gone. LoL


Anyway...aside from that, MIL called to see if the girls wanted to spend the night, so we only have my littlest. This morning I cleaned the living room and that's about it. I need to go to Michael's or my top will never be finished. However, convincing my financier that I *need* more yarn will not be easy. Maybe if I tell him I will actually finish the project this time...

:lol We are *supposed* to buy the tickets today...:blush:xfin I am concerned that we have to push the date out to the middle of August now. My grandma is in an immense amount of pain and they recently switched her to a pain patch so she has continuous relief.

My ear is feeling better. I pulled on it (in pure frustration, how wierd is that?) and it popped and feels much better. :think

My cousin is not doing too well. On Thursday he went into surgery because an MRI showed nerve damage and a broken something-or-other that the dr. previously had not seen. His heart stopped during the surgery but they were able to revive him. On Friday morning his b/p would not stabilize and he slipped back into a coma. Yesterday they finally got his b/p under control but he is still in a coma. The dr. thinks that his body could not deal with the anesthesia during surgery. My mom is going up there today to sit with my aunt. My other aunt and uncle are very hoity-toity in their religion (holier than thou sorts) and will not go to visit her because of the circumstances. :blush

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:hi :hi


:whew... just finished my cleaning for today, and wanted to drop by...


Colleen - love the story about your DD and TV! She sounds like a very smart girl!:hug thanks for the correction on the top, too!


Shannon - that little yodeler sounds Too Cute! Hope you're having a nice day... and that DH will be home soon! It always s**ks when you are away from your family, especially when important things are happening.:hug


Stacy - Knottsberry Farm sounds like SO MUCH FUN! WTG for your oldest DD getting on all of those coasters... :eek I hope your financier approves that :yarn expenditure!:xfin:cheer I can relate, believe me! At least I have a boat load of yarn to play with still...so I don't have to ask for a while:blush

I continue to pray for your cousin and aunt and your family, and am glad that your grandma is getting relief from her pain. Too bad about the hoity-toity's... It makes me :( when people judge, and put themselves above others.


Vicki - Wow! you sure are accomplishing alot! ...and dinner sounds wonderful! I love burgers and dogs in the summertime:c9 Hope you are having a great day with DD! :hug


Beth - So sorry about George! I hope you are having a nice day, and that you remembered to thank Mother Nature for keeping you out of a sticky situation yesterday:devil I hope you are feeling better today, though :hug


Joanne - how did the re-sale search go today? :xfin


:hi, Mary... thinking of you and your family today. How are the craft fair sales going? Hope you're moving lots of pillows :heehee:devil


:waving, Scooby - hoping vacation is relaxing and treating you well...


I need to go get dinner started... Chicken Parm tonight! :clap I haven't made that in a while, so hopefully it will be a hit! I know I am excited... no cigarettes = hungry person!


enjoy the rest of your afternoon, everybody! I'll check back this evening sometime! :ghug

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No cigarettes! Way to go, Leanne!! :cheer:cheer:cheer Chicken Parm sounds yummy. I haven't made that in a while.

Tonight we are having egg salad for dinner. We watched 40-Year Old Virgin and decided that sounded good. LoL Dh had tuna for lunch. He is surprising me by how agreeable he is being today. :eek Normally he doesn't like sandwiches at all.

Aside from cleaning the living room, I haven't done anything but sit on my badorkus and :crocheting. Love it!! I finished one fishy from Crochet Today, and am working on another. I need to make 3...all 3 girls love the first one and keep arguing over it. LoL I ran out of stuffing, though. Wonder what else I could use. :think

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:hi everyone!


It sounds like there has been lots of fun going around.


Stacy - Your trip to Knots Berry Farm sounds so fun! I love that your DD got so much excitement out of it. I am praying for your cousin and grandma and all your family too. Enjoy your :crocheting day.


LeaAnne - No cigs! :cheer:cheer:cheer I am so proud of you! Chicken Parm sounds great and you go ahead and eat it up!


Shannon - I'm glad your DH made it home for a bit. Hopefully the time passes quickly and he will be back home full-time again soon. I hope the neurologist appointment goes well this week too.


Vicky - I hope the burgers and dogs were good. Yum!


We got LOTS accomplished today. I dusted the house, folded and put lots of laundry away and...get this...DH went through his drawers and the closet and purged 3 garbage bags of stuff:eek. I had no idea he had that much old clothes stuffed in there. He actually had the white shirts he wore with his high school uniform still :eek, he referred to some clothes as "clubbing clothes" :lol (good grief!). I said to him, "1989 called and they want their clothes back" :rofl Anyway, we took all that stuff to the goodwill and then went shopping. DD got a new Barbie, so she's happy. DH got some new shorts (he now has room for some new things :lol). We came home and DH bbq'd some pork chops and sausages for supper and I made mashed potatos, peas and sliced some watermelon. I also took a banana cream pie out of the freezer. I love hearing what you all are having for supper. It gives me lots of ideas! Meal planning is one of my greatest failures in life.


My DD is finally eating meat. It used to be a struggle to get her to eat a couple pieces of meat, but now she likes...get this, this is a good one...ketchup mixed with ranch dressing as a dip for her meat. She eats it up! I think its kind of gross, but if it works it is easy enough to have ketchup and ranch dressing on hand :yes


Have a great evening everyone! My presence has been requested for the viewing of Peter Pan, so I must retire to the family room :)

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Sounds like a fun day, Colleen! (There is a red line under "fun"...how in the world is that spelled wrong? :think) LoL @ the ketchup and ranch dressing. The things kids eat, right? My dd told me the other day that caramel is for dipping chicken nuggets, not apples. Thank you so much, McDonald's. :lol


Guess what?! We bought the tickets!! I am so excited! :clap I had to come in here right away and tell you all. We are going from August 13th-August 20th. I am super-excited to see my grandma. Dh already has a list of places he wants to go so I am happy that he is excited, too. I know going to MI to see my family isn't exactly the most fun vacation but at least he is trying to be upbeat about it. :D

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:clapYay, Stacy! I am sooo happy for you! Michigan will be fun, and :cheerfor DH keeping a positive attitude... And he agreed to sandwiches twice today?! Is he looking for a pillow or something?! :rofl Sounds like you had a great day!


Colleen - :cheer:clap for DD eating her meat! that's the hardest thing, I swear... I know at my house ketchup and ranch (although we haven't mixed them yet:lol) have been God-Sends! Enjoy Peter Pan... I LOVE that movie! :rofl at DH's closet! Clubbing clothes... that's too good! WTG on getting so much purging done!


...the chicken parm was dee-lish!:P I ate tooo much! but kitchen is cleaned already, and instead of retiring to the deck after dinner, I came here! :cheer


I'll be back the next time I got the urge... meanwhile, my chores are done for today, so I have a bowl of lollipops on the coffee table and my :hook is calling!


See you all in a while....:hug

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Wow- busy, busy, busy!!!!:lol


Stacy- so happy that you got your tickets and the DH is being so cooperative- (are you sure he doesn't want one of Mary's pillows??):lol And Knotts Berry Farm sounds like so much fun-and I'm with you, I don't do coasters (roller that is):yes. I was always the one that held all the stuff while the girls went on the rides! I loved taking my DDs to Dorney Park in Allentown PA since they had a waterpark and the regular amusement park- it was always a great family day! Sorry to hear about your cousin and continue to keep him in my prayers-:hug and I can't stand hoity-toity (or as I think of them- hypocritical)folks. But, I was glad to hear that grandma has a patch now (I am going to assume a fentanyl patch) which should help her with her pain. When you are in MI, I will be with my DD's celebrating the oldest DD 30th Birthday- we are going to Baltimore to the Inner Harbor and going to take in a baseball game at Camden Yards and also check out sites in Baltimore and probably one day head to DC to the Smithsonian Institute.


Colleen- sounds like you had a fantabulous weekend and I have never mixed ketchup and ranch dressing together, but hey, whatever it takes, right? And I laughed about the "clubbing clothes'- brings back memories. WTG on 3 bags of clothing cleaned out and given to Goodwill- Your DH probably wants one of Mary's pillows too!!!!:lol


LeaAnne- Congrats on the no cigs-:cheer:clap and dinner sounds yummy! Just watch it with the lollipops, ok? We don't want what happened to Shannon's DD to happen to you!!!:eek


Vicki, Beth, Mary Shannon and Scooby - hope you had a fun day!


We didn't get to see any re-sales today- but we did talk to a realtor- she is going to set up some appointments for us to look- But we did finally go get flowers for the planters outside and we spent the afternoon planting them (It has been so darn rainy here all month that I am just getting the flowers done (usually done by Memorial Day). I also hang some hanging baskets of flowers in the front- it looks so nice now- ready for summer! :sunI did the 3 loads of laundry and then I went to AC Moore- Vanna's Choice :yarn was on sale 2/$5 and there was a coupon for 25% total purchase (even sale items). DH was very nice about it (maybe he wants a pillow too?;)) He even said when we move, he thinks he should set me up so I can keep everything together! :D


Well, enjoy the rest of the evening everyone..I am getting ready to settle in to watch the Yankees/ Mets and pick up some:crocheting

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Stacy - Congrats on getting the tickets! That will be a great trip. I personally think there is lots to do in MI :shrug, but then again I don't live in CA :lol. What part of MI do you come from? Having lived in Ontario most of my life and WI for a small part of my life, I have driven through it many times.


LeaAnne - WTG! Lollipops, avoiding the deck after supper, :crocheting. I can tell you are thinking this through. Sounds like a recipe for success! Watcha :crocheting these days? (Besides besties squares)


Joanne - I bet your house looks great for summer! And how nice of DH to want to set you up with some space for your craft! Isn't it funny that your oldest DD and Mary's oldest DD are turning 30 in the same year :lol


Our Peter Pan showing was interupted by a visit from DH's best friend and his son--this is one of the old highschool and "clubbing" friends. I just happened to mention the old clothes and the friend actually made sure to ask if DH kept his "lucky shoes". Apparently they always had a good night at the clubs if he wore his "lucky shoes". Once again, good grief! I had to point out that the friend and his wife have been married for well over 10 years and DH and I have been married for 7 years, so clearly these shoes are no longer needed :lol By the way, those shoes are still in our closet :rolleyes!


It sounds like we need to get some of Mary's boobie pillows for all the guys :rofl

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hi again!


:sofunny about the "lucky shoes"! :rofl


my flowers are not yet done, either. WTG, Joanne, on getting yours done!:clap we finally got to do some weeding today, before it :rained again. I have loads of Dahlia's, still in pots... but at least we placed them where we want them to go :clap Maybe tomorrow I'll finally get to plant them :xfin



I am <coughing> my brains out... I think that's supposed to be a good thing, except it's a dry, tickly hack...:yuck


Besides the Besties' squares (which, btw, I am having a hard time picking the BEST color for :blush), I hadn't been doing much besides futz-ing around with this and that. A bunch of start-ness destined to turn into nothing. I have been trying to learn some new stitches, this week has been Tunisian. I have been stitchin' and :frogin' all week long...


Tonight I pulled out a pattern I got about a year ago for a purse. It's in the "Gourmet Crochet" line, and it's called "Chocolate Velvet". I am using Navy Blue Thick n' Quick Chenille. I am a little over 1/2 way done on it. IDK what I am going to use for the trim just yet... I have some purple Micro-spun that might look cool, or I can use classic off-white.

:shrug What do you guys think? :shrug


Thanks for being here, you guys :hug I couldn't do this without you!

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LeaAnne - :think navy and purple might give you a more casual, artsy kind of look, whereas navy and white might be more traditional and nautical. Both would look very nice. You can always play with it and see what you like best :devil Good job on playing with new stitches and Tunisian. I haven't tried Tunisian yet.


I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one having trouble with my besties square. I think I just want it to be so special that I'm being a bit perfectionist about it. That said wanting it to actually be 12" square is hardly being perfectionist :lol.


I just read the first chapter of Dead Men Don't Crochet. It made me smile and as they talked about yarns and projects I felt my creative juices getting all excited. I may never finish this book if I want to start a new project after every chapter. :lol

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You guys are cracking me up at the boobie pillows! I think all of our dh's need one. :lol I had to :heehee at the lucky shoes. Dh has a shirt leftover from his "happy days" that he refuses to throw away. He says it reminds him of being young and carefree. :rolleyes

Leanne- great job staying away from the deck and keeping lots of lollipops close by! Sounds like you really mapped out your plan. :cheer:cheer:cheer


Colleen- I am from Bay City- it's a small-ish city about 45 minutes north or so of Flint. There's not a lot to do in that particular city, but we are planning to take a trolley tour and visit the planetarium, go to Frankenmuth to get some FUDGE :drool and salt water taffy (and go to Bronner's, of course,) take the girls to the Saginaw zoo. All of that and visit family, too! LoL Hope we can fit it all into 7 days.


Joanne- Sounds like you got good deals today! A 25% off coupon- that's awesome! Our Michael's had a 4-hour sale but only 10% off entire purchase. How sweet of dh, offering to set up a place so you can keep everything together. :yay Great job on getting your flowers done.

My grandma is on the fentanyl patch. She had been on oxycontin but it wore off well before her next pill was due. :eek She is also on a mild anti-depressant which supposedly has pain-reducing effects. I am praying that she does not worsen before we go out there. We will be there about 2-1/2 weeks before dd's and my birthdays (30th and 31st.) Seems there are a lot of August birthdays in our group. :D


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Good evening girls!!


I just had a fabulous GNO with DD! We went to church (where she was an angel), Olive Garden, then Target. We had a really nice time. And now it's almost time to get snuggly-buggly and watch Monsters Inc.! She doesn't have speech until tomorrow afternoon, so we can sleep in a little.


I can't write to all of you, but please know you're all in my thoughts and prayers!


Stacy- I'm so sorry about your cousin. I'm praying for your whole family. I'm glad your grandma is getting some relief from her pain with the patch. And I'm so happy that you're going, and that your DH is excited to go. Does your cousin live in MI too?


LeaAnne- WTG on quitting!! And come on here anytime you get the urge. I usually pop in here pretty often if I'm home, so I'll talk to ya!!\


Thank you all for getting me through last week. I really needed you girls! That's why you're my besties!! :manyheart:ghug:manyheart Have a good night!

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Hi Everyone!!!!! I REALLY MISS ALL MY FRIENDS!!!!!!!! Boy, you all sure have posted a lot since I have been gone. I haven't been able to read all the posts yet and will catch up with everyone when I get home. Sorry it has taken me so long to get here and post but we have been some what busy. This computer is also really really slow so I am just going to type and hope that I don't lose it or it doesn't take forever and a day to post. I mean it takes like 15 mins or more just to get it booted up, much less trying to get on the internet LOLOLOL. Anyways, Monday the 22nd was my busy day of appts and we didn't get home till like 10:30 that night from my mom's. DS was about to worry me to death about leaving that night instead of Tuesday night.So, I told him if we could get the blazer loaded and the rest of the remaining chores done by 1 am we would leave and we did. We arrived at my parents house Tuesday morning around 10 am. Tuesday evening, about 7, we were out sitting on the deck by the swimming pool, and I heard a motorcycle out in the front yard and I knew exactly who it was. I was soooooooo tired, as I had been up for about 36 hours straight, and looked like death eating a cracker, clothes all sloppy, hair all over my head LOLOL and it was the high school sweetheart. He stayed for about 15 mins and left. I haven't seen him since LMBO and we have been here 5 days already. OH WELL, that is ok. He told me he has been working 7 days a week, 12 hour days, with an hour drive to/from work. I think he seen me at my worst :lol and it scared him. Other than that, we have been to town a few times and went shopping, went to the museums here, spent every afternoon/evening in the pool. Just resting and relaxing and enjoying ourselves. Tuesday we are going to the beach for the day. We have bought fireworks already to shoot on the 4th. Oh yeah, before I forget. Yesterday DS and I went to one of the fireworks stores and I was at the register paying when all of a sudden I saw this brand new jaguar pull in. I handed the clerk my money, then I said :eek OHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, and just about that time the man in the jaguar gunned the engine, ran over the parking curb thingy up on the sidewalk and right into the front of the building, approximately 50-75 feet from where we were standing. It broke the window and cracked the concrete block foundation of the building. The clerk and the other store attendant just stood there and I finally said, Ma'am don't you think you should call the police because he is trying to back up and you don't really want him to get away do you? Well he couldn't get his car backed up over that parking curb so he jumped out and so did his dog. The man walked in the store looked around, cracked a joke and walked out. Next thing we know, he came back in, opened the door let the dog in and just stood there staring at us. He then hollered at his wife & and granddaughter (maybe) to come in and get the dog. Finally he spoke to the clerk and said "I guess I just made you a new entrance" and started laughing. The clerk looked at him and said "Sir, I don't think that is very funny, someone could have been hurt but fortunately no one was." The only people in the store was me and my son and the two clerks. I am not sure if he was drunk or on drugs, medications or what his deal was. We were blocked in by a police car and was not able to leave. The store owner/manager was called in and she came up to me and thanked me for leaving my phone numbers in case something happened and told me she was not very pleased with the attitude of the man and she also told me she talked to the police and told them that it was a place of business and hoped that the situation would be handled in a professional manner, as the man was consistently making a fool of himself and cracking crude jokes/remarks. I kinda chuckled when he told the police that he was pressing his brakes but the car just wouldn't stop. DS and I just looked at one another and said he must have mistakenly pushed the gas for the brake as we heard the engine revving as he hit the building. Anyways, that has been the highlight so far of our visit to this little town of nothingness :lol.


I hope that everyone is doing well!!!! I miss being here everyday and seeing what my friends have been up to. I would love to go back right now and read all the posts but I know that it would take me hours and hours on this slow computer. Take care everyone and I will be back home soon and will read everything from the two weeks that I am missing. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox!!!!!!!!!!:hug:manyheart:hug Forgot to mention I have taken my vitamins everyday and I have been spending lots of time by the pool soaking up that sunshine!!!!!!!!

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Good morning besties and Happy Monday!


So good to hear from Scooby- sounds like quite the little adventure at the fireworks store. So glad that no-one was hurt. Sounds like you are having a good vacation- and HS Sweetheart doesn't know what he's missing! Have a good rest of the vacation and enjoy the time by the pool in the sunshine!


Shannon glad that your spirits are up and that you had a great time with DD!

Stacy- I've never been to MI- but it sounds like there are things to do- and praying that all works out that you get to see your Grandma! the only thing I know about Flint is from the Michael Moore movie, "Roger and Me".


LeaAnne- Keep it up, GF! about the colors- Navy and off white=classic; Navy and purple=funky and fun- guess it depends on what you are going for- either would be nice! I love dahlias and hope you get to plant them soon. I just looked at the weather forecast for the week- supposed to be decent, but chance of rain every day!- Enough with the rain for a while- but as long as its only for a short burst (to water the lawn and flowers)I guess it's ok


Mary- how did the weekend go- hoping you are having tons of fun!! And that you are not overdoing it!

Beth, Vicki,Scooby- have a fantabulous day!


Take your vitamins- and I'll cya later------don't have too much fun while I'm at work!

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Good Monday morning to all!


So great to hear from Scooby! Sounds like a fun, eventful vacation already!


Stacy - I just got out my map of MI and Bay City looks like a very nice spot. Near Lake Huron, just north of Frankenmouth. Frankenmouth is a BIG vacation destination for people from this part of Ontario. They go for the shopping.:D


Shannon - Sounds like a great GNO! I'm glad you had fun.


I don't have much planned today, but I need to get through some paperwork. Mostly my goal will be to have fun while Joanne is at work :lol. Just kidding, I have to work this afternoon too.


:hi to everyone! Have a good day! :hug

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Scooby- It's so good to hear from you! Sounds like your vacation is going well. Sorry about the HS sweetie...maybe he really is working that much? Who knows? What an adventure at the fireworks store! So glad no one was hurt!


Leanne- I vote for navy and off-white. It is a classic look but personally I don't like navy and purple. LoL I guess it's just all about the look you are going for. I peeked at the Gourmet Crochet website and that purse is really cute! I think it will look nice either way.


Shannon- Sounds like a fun night out with dd! I love Olive Garden but the last 2 time we went, dh and I both got sick on separate meals! Bummer...so now dh won't go back.


Joanne- Send some of that rain to CA! I love the rain but it barely does here. Thanks for the vitamin reminders- I only remember to take them when I read your posts. :lol


Colleen- Frankenmuth rocks!! Especially Bronner's christmas store. My kids will go crazy in there, I am sure. Have you ever been there?



Well, I'm sorry to say that I woke up :grumpy and :tired. I have a nasty stomach ache and I think it is from eating fast food yesterday. Dh decided he wanted Jack in the Box instead of egg salad, and I just couldn't resist my jalapeno poppers. :blush I did a general pick-up this morning but the girls have trashed it already. I need to run to the grocery store, and Michael's. LoL I have been saying that for a week now I think. My oldest is bugging to go to the park but I am hoping to talk her into swimming instead.

I'd better go straighten up my room and take a shower. Have a fantabulous day, Besties! :hook

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