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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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Hi girls! It's Day #3 here at Bomb City. I haven't even looked around for any fleas yet, I'm not in the mood. Ever have those days where you contemplate your life and how you got where you are? Yeah, I'm having one of those, and let me tell you, it's not very uplifting. I'm just having a sad day, I guess. But my world has been turned upside down this week with these dang fleas, so that must have something to do with it. On the bright side (if the fleas are gone), DD is coming home and my sister might spend the night.


I'm sorry I don't have the energy to write to each of you right now. Maybe later when I get all my chores done. Have a good day!

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Hi there.

DD's magic kissed did the trick. The Advil and Exedrine Migraine only worked after the kisses came. I told DD that my head was feeling better this afternoon and she looked at me and said "See Mommy, works every time." Lol.

I did manage to get some cleaning done. I did the dusting in the living room and the kitchen. I also straightened up some of my kitchen counters. They needed it!

I have 3 squares done! Only 6 more to go! WOO HOO!

It rained here today for about 10 seconds. Just a spit! That's it! We could use more. I told my sister in NY to send the rain down here, but it hasn't come yet. Maybe it is on its way. the news just said thunderstorms were in the county. Oh well.

Shannon - I was in that rut earlier in the week. Hang in there. Things will turn around and those horrible fleas will soon be a thing of the past.

Leanne - Good luck to the Bulls tonight! I am rooting for you in the quitness department. You can do it!

Stacy - Did the fort go over well again today?

Mary - Did you have a good time at girls night out?

Joanne - Hope you are having a good day!

Talk to everyone later!


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(((Shannon))) :hug to you! I have those days from time to time (though more often than not lately) and it is not very fun. It's a hard rut to get out of. I hope you are feeling better soon. Death to the fleas, so dd can come home! :cheer


Vicki- So glad you are feeling better! LoL @ "It works every time." Cute! Way to go on cleaning your counters and getting 3 squares done! You are on a roll. :woo There was no fort-ness today. I asked and my oldest said she didn't want one. Then, of course, while I was trying to get dinner started, she asked for one. Too bad. She always asks for stuff when I am busy doing other things.


Mary- Hope you had a wonderful night out!


I dusted and vacuumed today. It looked really nice, until I took a shower. My 4-y/o decided to get all of my printer paper from my desk drawer and cut "hearts for her friends." :thair I have no idea how she got the scissors because I keep them in the cupboard above the fridge. :shrug

I fixed the problem with my shell and it looks good. I tried it on and the armpits are rather fitted but I am hoping that it will weigh down a bit once I add more length. I do not want to :frog again.

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Hi everyone

I had a great time last night. The ladies even had a pillow waiting for me to sit on. :clap They were sooooo nice to me last night but I know when Iam feeling better they will be picking on me again ( all in fun ) :lol

Today has been the HOTEST so far. At 11.30am this morning it was 37c which is about 100f wow that is HOT.

Went and did all my shopping this morning, and was back home by 12.30pm. That pretty much was it for me today. To hot to even crochet today. Gonna see if i can crochet a bit tonight.

My sister called me from work yesterday and was telling me that the girls at her work are all going to the craft show Iam in this coming week. They were talking and sis was telling them that I make boobie pillows. They were asking what they look like and now they all want them. She called to make sure I have some made. So guess what Iam making? :rofl:rofl:rofl

Iam going to make my youngest DD sit at this computer this weekend and show me how to add pics. She has promised me and now Iam going to hold her to it.:P

I always enjoy reading all about what is happening in your lives. You guys are the highlites in mine.

Everyone is always in my prayers


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Hi all!

Shannon- sorry to hear you are having a down day- we all have them---hang in there and Death to the fleas!!!

Vicki- glad the magic kisses worked- how cute is that! And you have 3 squares done already! WTG-

Stacy- Glad you figured out the armholes on the shell- I saw that in the mag and it is so pretty- I'm not ready to start crocheting clothing yet- maybe in another year or five?

LeaAnne- Hang in there- and good luck on re-quit day- I know how tough it is and am so proud of you for trying! And Congrats to the Bulls- awesome- Wishing them much luck in the next game! Getting the pool ready sounds good- but I don't think we will be doing that until next weekend -

Mary- hope you are having fun! And Happy Birthday to DD

Beth- Hope you didn't have to do too much driving today!

Colleen- hope you got to use some of your wonderful new yarn

Scooby- -just in case you get to a computer- hope you are having a fantabulous vacation and can't wait to hear about the reunion


well I have to go to work in the AM tomorrow- We are having a "kick-off meeting" for the team that will be working on the project that I am assigned to. There are 14 of us (from different departments) who will all be working together. The meeting is from 12-1 with lunch so I just changed my vacation time to the afternoon off. Since we are not heading to VA it was no big deal. Starting Monday, I'll be working only with this new team --I'm so excited- its a great opportunity (and I hear through the grapevine that it may last 1 to 1 1/2 years) I was initially told 4-6 months. I guess I'll find out more tomorrow. My stress level at work has dropped soooo much since I am not supervising anymore (I honestly don't know if I can go back to it)


Anyway, Yanks are on - and winning!


Have a good night everyone- you're the best!

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Mary- you posted when I did- so happy to hear that you are doing well and that you had fun!! Sorry about the heat- wow-100 degrees! We finally had sunshine today after the most rain in June that I can remember- It did get warm- but it felt soooo good. Natural vitamin D-!!! Good luck with the craft fair ---and can i ask- what is a boobie pillow?

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Hi everyone!


I hope everyone had a great day!


Shannon - Hang in there, things will look brighter tomorrow. We all have those days. :hug


Vicky - Glad the magic kisses worked and your head is feeling better. :)


Stacy - I'm glad your fixed your top. I think I started that one but it didn't work and right now I can't find my magazine :think I'm looking around the room as I type :lol Where did it go? Kids have a knack for asking us to do things when we are trying to cook supper, don't they. I always say "how many things can I do at a time?" And DD says "One at a time, Mommy". :)


LeaAnne - I will be :cheer for the Bulls tomorrow night for sure! I hope they have fun at the championship!


Joanne - Welcome to the weekend! I hope you have a nice long weekend.


I decided to treat myself to some :crocheting time today as my arm is a bit better. I played around with my square and I'm still have trouble with the size, but I'll get there. The trouble is the pattern makes a 12 x 13 inch square, so I have to play with it. Otherwise I just watched DD play in her pool today, did 1 load of laundry, daily kitchen clean up and I went to work.


DH just went out to the store and I hinted for some ice cream. Let's hope he brings me some!


Have a great evening!

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Joanne and Mary - you were posting while I was posting too!


Joanne - I am thrilled you are enjoying your new job! Makes a big difference when you are not stressed.


Mary - Yes, please tell us what a boobie pillow is and please get your DD to help you get pics on here. We would love to see all the :crocheting you've been working on lately. Good luck at the craft show. Where is it?

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First a boobie pillow is a long pillow with 2 boobs sticking out of it. I just tried to find the pattern on here and the site is closed down. I will see if I can find it here some where.

The craft show is in coburg. It is a 4 day show. Oldest DD is doing it with me.:cheer

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Mary- That boobie pillow is great! I showed it to dh and he said, "That's what I'm talkin' about! When do you start making that?" :lol Men. The link didn't work for me either but it doesn't look like it would be too difficult to make. Too bad dh's birthday passed or I would try to figure one out for him. :rofl

Glad you had a great girls' night out! Good luck at your craft fair. I hope DD helps you with those pics. I'd love to see what you've been working on! :yes


Colleen- My magazines always end up in dh's bathroom. :huh It doesn't matter if it is Real Simple, or crochet-related. I can always find it in there. If I asked my daughter how many things I could do at once, she would probably say, "I don't know, how many?" :blush I hope your dh took your hint and got some ice cream!


Joanne- I am so happy to hear that you love your new assignment. That really makes all the difference in your stress level and satisfaction with your job. :clap


My ear has been itching for the past several days. I thought it was just allergies but I think I've used Q-tips (to scratch it) to the point of possible infection. :blush I should probably call the dr. tomorrow.

We took the girls fishing after dh came home from work, and they each caught fish! :clap:cheer Oldest dd caught two, and my 4 y/o caught one. She's been singing that song, "I'll catch a whopper!" from Backyardigans ever since. :lol



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Mary - :rofl DH and I got a good laugh at that pillow and we are definitely not mad. Are you selling some of those at the show? I wish Coburg were just a little bit closer (if that silly Toronto weren't in the middle :rofl) and I would so go to your show. My Grandma lives not too far from Coburg--just north of there in Warkworth.


The second link didn't work for me either, but the picture was enough for me. I gather you use baby bottle nipples to "enhance" the pillow?

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Stacy - I found my magazine. It was hiding under a ball of yarn :lol I did try that top, but I could tell it wasn't going to be big enough so frogged it early on. I haven't been very successful over the years with clothing for me. I just can't get the sizing right. It is very cute! What color are you making it in? Good luck and I would love to see a pic when you're done.


I started the flower yoke top this evening. It is working up quickly.

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:hug:hug, Shannon... cause you need them! I hope that those d*** fleas are gone for good! Keep smiling, GF, we're here for you! Ruts Suck!...I was just in one, too, and you are the ones who picked me up out of it. And, anyway, who wouldn't be in one, with what you are trying to deal with?! Give yourself a little break, then you'll feel better:hug:hugI know you can do it!


Mary, glad GNO was awesome-ness, and enjoy that craft show with DD! sounds like too much fun!:clap And I Loved the pillow:lol it's very funny! Hopefully it was cool enought tonight to get some more :crocheting done! and :xfin that DD keeps her promise about the pics... can't wait to see what you've been up to! :hug


Colleen - I hope you got that ice cream! I need to see if I have that mag you all are working from, the top sounds cute!:manyheart


Stacy - Kids! you gotta love 'em! too bad about the mess, but at least they are thoughtful... must take after Mommy! I hope your ear is ok, that sounds like a bummer! Have a great night...:hug


Joanne - :clap that is such COOLNESS that you are on :c9 with your new job! I am so very happy for you! How was DH feeling tonight? Happy 1/2 day tomorrow! :hug


Vicki - so glad that your headache went away... it definitely was the kisses :heehee... your dd sounds so sweet! And OMGness... 3 squares done?! :eek I better get my badorkus in gear!


:hi, Beth - hope you survived your crazy busy day ok! and that you're having a nice, peaceful evening! :hug


Scooby - :hi... thinking about you, and hope you're having fun!


...and I need to say hi to Darski and Fostermom and Kazily... just in case you're around, girls! :hugWe miss you!


Today I got my food shopping done, cleaned the family room and kitchen and bathroom... got the :yucky stuff out of my pool and am re-filling it. (downside of waiting too long to open it) we should be good to go in 3 days or so:manyheart:yay... the kids can't wait! I made pasta and homemade meatballs for supper (so now I don't have to cook tomorrow... everyone knows that sauce is really better the 2nd day:devil), cleaned up the kitchen, and the 2 hampster cages.

We spent the evening watching all of the coverage about Michael Jackson:(...


You girls are the best! I look forward to coming here everyday, too... and I think Mary said it best:


I always enjoy reading all about what is happening in your lives. You guys are the highlites in mine.

Everyone is always in my prayers



Nitey-Nite, all... and Sweet Dreams :c9:night

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Hey girls, I'm back. Thank you for all the encouraging words, although I am sad that you all have these days too. I'm feeling better now. DD, Sister, and the dogs are all back home. I think we still have a few fleas, but hopefully I can vacuum them up before they multiply. The lady at the groomer's said their worse this year because we never had a hard freeze last winter.


We had quite a scare tonight. My dad put DD in the car and did not notice that she had stolen a lollipop from his house. At the end of the street he realized she was choking and got her out of the car. She never lost her breath and ended up throwing up. The lollipop came out, thank God. She's okay, but she popped some blood vessels under her eyes and it looks like she has freckles. She's been eating and drinking fine, but says she doesn't want a lollipop ever again. I don't blame her, and she wouldn't be getting one anyway.


I can't chat with everyone tonight because my sis is here. I will talk to you all individually tomorrow. I do want to say that the boobie pillow cracked me up and I really needed a good laugh. Thank you Mary!!


Have a good night everyone and GO BULLS!!:cheer

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:hug Shannon... glad to see that you are feeling a little better... enjoy your night with sis...


and give DD an extra big hug from me:hug... that story was scary! Thank God BigBob noticed! :hug Hard candy and lollipops are THE WORST!


we'll see you tomorrow, pumpkin-ness! and 1 more :hug, cause you deserve it!

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Well, sister and DD are both asleep. I think I'm too exhausted to sleep. I need to start some wash too.


LeaAnne- Thank you, thank you for all the :hugs. I sure do need them. I can see us now. SuperQ and her trusty sidekick Pumpkin-ness, saving the world with the power of hooking!!;) And cleaning of course! Good luck to the Bulls!! And don't worry about requitting. Some people can go cold turkey and some can't. Take it as a learning experience and figure out what's best for you. We're all here for you, no matter what!


Colleen- I wish I could say the flower yoke top was working up quickly for me. But I am excited about my first experience with clothes. BTW, did you get ice cream?


Mary- Good luck at the craft fair. I can't wait to see all your pictures!


Scooby- Any gentleman callers yet?


Vicki- I can't believe you have 3 done already!! I don't even know what pattern I'm using yet.


Stacy- Hope your ear feels better. You should make DH a boobie pillow. That way, when you're not "in the mood" you can pass him the pillow. hehe


Joanne- Thanks for the shout-out to LSU! Yeah, we bleed purple and gold down here. It's crazy!!


Beth- Hope you had a great day.:hug


I just want to let you girls know that you all mean so much to me. I don't have many friends, and the ones I have I don't see or talk to very much. You've given me the ability to have confidence in myself, which is something I haven't had in a long time. This group really is the best and I'm so glad I found you. You've changed my life. Thank you so much. I love all of you!:manyheart Please don't think I'm cheesy now.


Have a wonderful night's sleep!!

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:hug Good morning, sunshines!


Happy Friday to everyone.


Shannon, I'm glad your dd is ok. I'm so glad BigBob paid attention, and everything is OK. Who knew lollipops could be dangerous? I would have a hard time turning my brain off after that, and going to sleep. I hope you got some :sleep. My friends without pets often wonder why I want it to get really cold in the winter -- fleas!!! They haven't been bad this year here, but we actually got some snow this winter! I'll have my :xfin for you. Enjoy your time with your sister!


LeaAnne, you got a lot done yesterday!:cheer I know the kids will be happy to get in the pool.


Colleen, I hear you about finding patterns that fit. My stitches tend to be short, so even if the gauge is right, I have to add a lot of extra rows to everything. And I'm in such great shape (round is a shape, right?) that patterns tend to be too small in the tummy.


Stacy, congrats to your daughters for catching fish. That's so exciting for the wee ones. I am glad you are going to the doc about your ear. I've had an outer ear infection, and they aren't fun!!! Amusingly enough, they call it swimmer's ear, and I do only doggy paddle.


Mary, I hope you have fun at the craft fair. I think it's great that your dd is going to be there with you. It sounds like you have a pretty awesome family.


Vicki, way to fly through those squares! You are very motivating, you know that?


Joanne, I'm glad to hear good things about work! :hugI hope you continue to enjoy it.


darski, scooby, Hello!:hug


Yesterday, I swept the floors, cleaned the :rabbit cage, took out all the trash, baked gluten free cupcakes which my dd frosted, got laundry caught up, drove both boys to work and back, went to the pool for a little R&R, took the kids out to dinner, dropped off older ds and dd at home, went back to the pool with younger ds for a swim meet, and sat there for 4 hours. Our team was severly and profoundly beaten, but that's normal. We're a small team. My son just moved up to the oldest age bracket, so he's swimming against the big boys. He got at least 2 second places, which I think is pretty good.:yay


I need some advice: I've been invited to a party at the pool this weekend for four graduates. I know three of them pretty well, but the family of the fourth one has been downright rude to me before. I will have to go to the pool -- my son is lifeguarding for the party. Do I take gifts for all 4 grads? Any ideas?


:hug to everyone!

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Good morning to all and Happy Friday!!! :clap

Shannon- you crack me up about making the boobie pillow and passing it on to DH when not in the mood!!What a great idea!!! And heres another:hug for you

So glad that DD is ok- that certainly is scary- I had an experience about a year ago at work when something (I don't remember what) got caught in my throat and I was choking- I literally couldn't breathe and it is the scariest thing- thank goodness someone did the Heimlich maneuver! Luckily BigBob noticed! And don't ever think of yourself as cheesy---:hug


LeaAnne- WTG on getting the pool going! Go Bulls!:cheer


Mary- I can't wait to see pix of all that you have been up to..and thank you so much for sharing the boobie pillow with us- it is priceless-ness!

Stacy- Good luck with the ear- yes- call the Dr-

Colleen- I hope you got your ice-cream- yum, yum:icecream


Vicki- So far it looks like you are the square queen of the group!:queen I did pick out the yarn I am using-but still haven't mastered the granny and will be working on what I'm going to do- I don't want any wonki-ness squares for my friends!

Beth-How was the swim meet? Hope you had a good day


Scooby- thinking about you enjoying your vacation.


Well, off to get ready for my 1/2 day work and the kick off meeting for my new project- Remember to take your vitamins- and I'll cya later


Have a fantabulous-ness day! And :yay the :sun is out!

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Good morning all!


I'm going to try to remember everyone/everything, but know that I :manyheart you all and love reading about your days/families, etc.


Shannon - Let's hope you got those fleas for good! That is so scary about your DD and the lolipop. Big Bob deserves the Grandpa of the year award for quick thinking! Thank goodness everything is okay. :hug


LeaAnne - WTG getting the pool opened! You got a lot accomplished yesterday and that's with the kids home from school WOW! Your pasta and meatballs sounds delish! What time is dinner? GO BULLS :cheer:cheer


Stacy - Good luck with the ear! And :cheer for your girls catching fish!


Beth - :cheer for DS and two 2nds at swimming. That is awesome! As for the party....I suspect it would be PC to bring gifts for each kid. I guess it is always best to be the bigger person. That said, there is no reason why the gifts need to be "even". You could give #4 something that makes you the bigger person but is kind of "generic" and less thoughtful than what you give the others? Or even just a card?


Joanne - Happy 1/2 Day!


Vicky - WTG getting 3 squares done!


Scooby and anyone I've missed :hi! Have a great day!


I gotta run. The kid has awakened from her slumber and the day is about to begin!

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good morning, Besties!


Happy Friday!


I woke up "early" about an hour ago... (I've been sleeping until 9-ish since school let out:blush) but the babes are still out cold. That plus some :sun (WHAT?!) = some nice :c9 time for mom!:clap

Today, DH has taken the day off and is taking DS golfing on a regular course:clap they have played a bunch of Par 3's, so I am excited to see how DS handles it (he's 7)... It makes my :heart happy that the boys have this to do together. they are making some nice memories for each other.

Oldest DD has batting practice for the All-Star team later this morning, and the other two DD's are gonna "chill" with Mom:manyheart

my "chore" for today is to make candy covered popcorn for the Bulls' end of season party tonight. the coach has invited the team and their families to her home for pizza & soda (and Beer!) after the game:cheer the recipe for the popcorn is sooo easy!


1 bag of microwave popcorn per

8 oz. of candy melts in color of your choice

pop the corn, melt the candy, and drizzle over popcorn with a fork... I am thinking even I can do that!!! I got blue and orange (Bulls colors)

I got enough candy melts for 4 batches. It should be fun to do...


I'll say hi individually in a little bit... I gotta get these peeps up and rolling!


:hug:hug to all!

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Hi all! I had a message mostly typed out and I lost it! ARRRG. Anyway, happy Friday to all.

Leanne - Good luck at the game and enjoy the popcorn! It sounds yummy. We are here for you through your quitness!

Joanne - Glad to hear that you like the new job. Have fun at the lunch meeting. At least they are feeding you!

Stacy - Sorry to hear about the ear infection. Call the doctor and let us know what he/she says.

Shannon - Glad to hear you are feeling better. We all have those days and they are horrible. It was good that your sister was there. I am sure that helped.

Beth - I would bring a gift for the 4th child, but maybe not make it as large as the others.

I need to get some towels in the washer and I am going food shopping today. This afternoon I need to take DD to get some shorts. Some of hers are just too short!

Have a great day everyone! I will see what everyone is up to tonight!


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Good morning!


DD is playing hookey today because my neice's birthday party is this morning at Chuck E. Cheese! They have the BEST pizza!! I'll write to eeryone later. I'm thinking about each of you today and hope you have a wonderful Friday!!

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