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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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Just a quick note- funny that Shannon referred to her squares as possibly being wonky--that is how the one I tried tonight came out--wonky----and I didn't have a *** margerita!!! (asterik's my own) So glad that my co-worker is going to help me out tomorrow!!!

Beth- DH is doing well, thanks for asking. Sounds like you were very busy today- how many children do you have? And yes, I do believe the windows attract the birds, except for in NJ where the mailbox seems to attract them!:lol


Good night all- and enjoy the hotel Shannon!!!:ghug

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Aren't we a chatty bunch tonight! :blah :blah


Mary - I would love to meet up with you in Cambridge! We could yarn shop and then have coffee or lunch or something. Just let me know when you are coming this way. It is only 13 minutes from my house and I had to meet you on-line to learn about it :rofl


It sounds like everyone had very busy days with driving kids places and eating healthy and shopping and flea bombing! Wow!


After work I stopped by the library and happened across a book called Dead Men Don't Crochet :lol. Joanne - I believe you said that is the 2nd in the series? That is the only one our library has. I'll enjoy it, I'm sure.


For the record, I love wonky squares--they've got character!:hook I had no idea there were dry towns still...you learn something every day!


Joanne - If you continue to have trouble with the granny square, you could always make a square that is just worked side-to-side. Any kind of stitch works, just pick a stitch and continue on until you get to 12 inches. That said, I'm sure with your friend's help you'll be a granny master by the weekend :lol


I am so tired, so I am off to bed. Tomorrow is my day off, so I am hoping to do some cleaning.


Good night, friends :manyheart

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Shannon, I am :rofl at the drunk wonky squares!! Dh thinks I'm nuts, I'm sure. Enjoy your night at the hotel. I hope the bombs work for you!


Joanne- it's awesome that your dh is taking his nutrition seriously! And he made dinner, too! What a keeper. ;) My dh was finally scared into eating better when he was diagnosed as pre-diabetic. Thankfully he is eating more salads, etc. :clap Good luck with your squares!


LeAnne- Sorry that you didn't come home with any kids, but at least you got some nice quiet time to yourself. Welcome to summer vacation. :sun


Beth- Sounds like you are busy, busy, busy!! Sounds like you got plenty accomplished!


Vicki- So glad you can take your hook and yarn to jury duty! It seems kind of funny to me that you can read a book but not take that. Wouldn't a reading a book distract you from the case? :think


Colleen and Mary- it would be so cool if you two got to meet up! :clap What an awesome deal you got on that yarn, Colleen. :yes


Still no word from my mom but the report on their local news website says he has burns over 70-80% of his body. DH (who is an electrician) said it is not a good outcome if it really is that much. My mom did say yesterday that if he does survive they are not sure what kind of brain damage he may have sustained. I am hoping to get a hold of her tomorrow for an update.

Ok, I'm off to do the bedtime routine and watch a little tv with dh. Nite!


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Hi Everyone! I'm not awake yet, so this will be short.


Joanne, since you asked (I tend to talk too much about them) I have 3 children, a 16 year old ds who lifeguards at an indoor pool at a local military installation, and 15 year old boy/girl twins. The boy lifeguards at the outdoor pool at our recreation association and is a member of the swim team, and the girl dances and is currently taking cake decorating classes. The oldest is old enough to drive, but not motivated, so he has no license.


I :drive therefore I am.

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Beth- I:drive therefore I am. Oh, this was my life a few years back- I also have 3 children and all 3 were involved in different activities. I felt like I spent the most time in my car so I can relate!


Stacy- Prayers continue to be said, and I agree with your DH- the outcome may not be good with that percentage of burns- :hug to you and your family!


Colleen- Enjoy your day off! I am reading Dead Men Don't Crochet now too. The first in the series is Hooked on Murder and I enjoyed it. I'm lending it to my friend at work who is going to help me with the granny-


Shannon- hope your night in the hotel was restful and that you didn't get toooo wonky!


Scooby- is today the day you start your vacation? HAVE FUN!!!!


LeaAnne- Happy 1st official day of not having to get the kids up for school!!!


Mary- have a wonderful day- and hope you are still resting and taking it easy!


To all- have a wonderful "hump day" and if the weatherman are right, this is supposed to be the last day of clouds/rain for a while.


Take your vitamins and I'll catch you later!

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hey, all!


Shannon - :lol:rofl your story cracked me up! If your squares are wonky, we will love them... I hope you enjoyed your **margaritas, and that you got some good sleep... best wishes for today really being the BOMB! (the right kind) :lol:hug:hugOh! and say hi to Honey and BigBob for me!


Colleen - nice score at the yarn store!:cheer:clap ...and how cool that your back yard backs up to the school! I hope you have a stitchin' day off with all of that new yarn! :hug


Mary - hope you're surviving the heat ok, and that you're continuing to feel better! :hug


Beth - good luck with all of your :drive ! :thinkI had been wondering why I hadn't seen Colleen's bird:think It's because my windows weren't done! :lol:rofl... thank you for solving my mystery!!! Perhaps I shouldn't bother to do them:devil:lol Have a wonderful day!:hug


Joanne - last night's dinner sounds de-lish! I am glad that DH is taking his health seriously and that he is feeling better! Tell him we are :cheer for him! Enjoy your :crochetingtime with your co-worker today!:cheer:c9


Vicki - Hope jury duty went well, and that you got some good :crocheting time there! Enjoy Tae Kwon Do with DD, and we'll see you later on! :hug


Stacy - prayers to your family...:hug what belt did dd get? She was hoping for the orange, right? I hope she got the one she wanted! Have a good day, ok?


HAPPY VACATION, SCOOBY! :hug:manyheart


I don't have much of anything planned for today... kids are having PJ day until we need to go to T-Ball and softball tonight. I need to go to the grocery and the laundromat (it sux not having my :wash! :irk) and that's about it... I hope to have some time to play :crocheting and get my squares started.


Be back a little later on...the troops are finally waking up!


I wish you all a blessed and peaceful day! :ghug

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Good morning everyone :hook

Tonight is my girls night out and I am pretty sure I will be going. ;) I need to get out of the house for awhile. I have been :crocheting:crocheting:crocheting up a storm and I need a break.

Today is suppose to be Hot again. It is not too bad at night, it cools down pretty good here for sleeping, so that is a plus.:P

For cleaning today I don't think I will be doing to much. I have been doing a little bit every day and every thing pretty much stayed cleaned. Yesterday I cleaned up the bathroom and did the dishes.:clap:clap:clap

Ds arrived last night and I stayed up til 12.30am and then went to bed. Ds and Dh stayed up longer ( not sure when they went to bed ) and I have been trying to get them up since 8am with no luck. They wanted up so they could work on my van and grandparents car, Oh well.:think

Tomorrow Iam going to town to do some shopping. I have to go to wal-mart, dollar store and get groceries. I plan on going first thing in the morning before it gets too hot.:yes I have to pickup a lot of stuff with everyone coming on the weekend. I better remember the paper plates:cheer

I hope everyone has a great day and I am holding everyone in my thoughts and prayers


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I'm ba-aaack!! Hope everyone is having a lovely day so far!


Stacy- The odds may be against your cousin, but miracles DO happen. My uncle was an electrician and got electrocuted a few years back. It should have killed him instantly, but he's still here and doing very well. I don't know what exactly happened to your cousin, but you have to keep the faith and know that we're all praying for him and you and your family.:hug


Vicki- :ty so much for the invite and free food!! If and when I go back to Kingwood to visit family, I'll let you know. Maybe we could pull a "Mary and Colleen" and meet at a yarn shop!


Mary- Have fun tonight!! And good luck with all your running around tomorrow. I'm sure you're so exciting to have the kids home with you!! Enjoy your time with them, and tell them I said hi!!


LeaAnne- Have a great PJ day with the kiddos!! Yeah, the margarita was yummy, and very well-deserved!! What a day!!


Scooby- Don't leave out a single detail when you tell us about your "reunion"!! I can't wait to find out!! Have a wonderful vacation! You've earned with everything you got done the past couple of weeks!!


Colleen- I can already tell that I'm going to need a lot of help on that top in Crochet Today!! Yikes!:eek I don't know if I can do it! I really like the robe in there too!!

BTW, in the song I Like To Move It (the Madagascar 2 version), he says, "Ants in my pants, ants in my pants, ants in my, ants in my, ants in my pants". I think of your DD every time now. It's my DD's "going to school" song!!


Beth- It's so great that your kids are so involved! You should be very proud!!


Joanne- Good luck with the squares. I got frustrated last night with mine, and :2froged all of it. I didn't know this was going to be so hard for me!

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Okay, now to my story! Yesterday was a day from H-E-double hockey sticks! (I'll show that censor a trick) The breaker for the trailer kept tripping, and my neighbor came over to help me with it. Thank God he did!! We figured out that it also tripped the fridge in my DH's shop! And then he realized that the extension cord was burning up. It could've caught fire while we were gone! Anyway, that was an unexpected time consumer.

I get the bombs started, go get my margarita, drive through McDonald's, and head to the hotel. Can you guess what happened next? Yeah, no room at the inn. So, at about 10 I had to drive an hour back to my parents' house, when I really just wanted to be alone!! It all worked out, and when I walked in my room, the bed was made, there was a mint on my pillow, and a Bible on the nightstand!!:rofl:rofl I was laughing so hard! My mom is too funny! Unfortunately, no one brought my bags in for me. But that's okay, they probably would've wanted a tip anyway.

So that's my story. I'm back home now and about to clean and clean!! Then I'm going to get in the pool and relax.

See you guys later!!

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Shannon - You are too funny! Your story was hysterical! That is something that would happen to me! I am glad you finally go settled down for the night and are now back home. Anytime you are headed in this direction, let me know. I am usually here.

Mary - Glad to hear you are going to your girls night out! Enjoy being with the ladies and glad to see that you are up and around more!

Leanne - How is the quitting going? You can do it!

Stacy - Your cousin is in my prayers. Have some faith and we can take it from there. One day at a time.

Scooby and Joanne - HAPPY SUMMER!

I was dismissed from jury duty at 10, so I came home to an empty house. DD is at day care going on a roller skating trip and hubby in in the middle of inventory H-E-double hockey sticks (as he always puts it!) The house to myself! WOO HOO! I vacuumed and mopped the kitchen. I am going to fold some laundry and I had planned on doing more of the cleaning tomorrow. I need to add water to the pool. It has been so hot down here that it just evaporates so quickly!

Hope everyone has a great day and I will probably talk to you all tomorrow morning. See ya!

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Hi Everyone!


Stacy - I have your cousin and your family in my prayers too. I would also love to hear how DD's Karate went....what color of belt-ness are we talking here?


Vicky - :cheer the house to yourself...and you are vacuuming and mopping! Are you nuts? :lol Just kidding, this is the Housekeeping Along. Good for you! Now you can relax knowing that the house is clean. I hope DD enjoyed roller skating!


Mary - Enjoy your girl's night out and your visit with the kids!


Shannon - I see now where you get your sense of humor - a mint and a bible that is so funny :lol. Enjoy your swim and I hope everything gets back to normal at your house soon!


LeaAnne - Happy PJ Day :cheer I hope you are having fun with the kids. At least with the laundrymat you can take your crochet with you :think Maybe that makes it okay? Maybe? I'm trying to make a good thing out of a bad situation. :hug


Beth - Happy :drive ing! Your kids sound great! Testament to a great mom, I'm sure.


Joanne - Happy Hump Day - And a short week for you, right? Friday off? DH's supper sounds delish!


Scooby - Happy Vacation! I hope you have a relaxing time!


Well, it is :hot here! I'm melting! We blew DD's little pool up today and she played in it for about an hour this morning. The water was fresh out of the hose, so she must have been freezing, but it will be nice and warm when she goes in it again this afternoon.


I've got one load of laundry on the line and now I have to get in gear to do some dusting and vacuuming. My floors need a mop too :P. I am going to a memorial service this evening with my parents for my great aunt, so that will pretty much round out the day.


Have a great one!

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Morning, ladies! Looks like everyone is off to a busy start!


Shannon- your story cracked me up! Not that your problem was funny but you are a wonderful storyteller. :D That is too cute about the mint on the pillow and Bible on the nightstand. How sweet of your mom! Hope those bombs work out for you. Btw, I LOVE the Madagascar movies! That King Julian is hilarious. My kids like them, but I could probably watch them at least every other day. :blush


Mary- enjoy your girls' night! I'm so happy to hear that you are feeling better. Enjoy your visit with your kids!


Vicki- Yay for an empty house! Hope you get some :crocheting time into your day!


LeAnne- Enjoy your pj day! We're not doing pj's but I just let the kids pick out their own clothes today. My 4 y/o did a surprisingly good job, with white shorts and a red and white shirt, but my 6 y/o came out with a Dodgers shirt and school uniform shorts. :lol that poor girl has no coordination (just like her mama.) Thankfully we are not going anywhere today.


I built a "fort" on the patio with some chairs and blankets and kicked the kids outside. LoL I'm planning to go through their clothes today if I ever get off my badorkus. I also made a batch of chocolate chip cookie dough last night (eggless) and ate some for breakfast. :blush Today really is a lazy day. LoL

I spoke with my mom today. My cousin is out of the coma, and coherent. He has 3 cracked vertebrae in his neck and 2 in his back, plus a broken leg. The dr. said he will be in the hospital for at least 3 months. :ohdear (Btw, if any of this content is bothersome to anyone, please let me know. I promise I won't be upset or offended.)

Shannon- he definitely should not be alive right now at all. He climbed a power pole, and there happened to be someone walking by who saw him and called the police. The paramedics arrived just as it happened and the dr. said that is what saved his life.

On the bright side, I will be buying my plane tickets either today or tomorrow! :clap My kids are upset that we are not going to Knott's Berry Farm anytime soon (or passes expired last month and we are using the renewal money for our trip) so I am trying to pump them up by telling them all of the fun things we will do in MI. Unfortunately there aren't a lot of them. :lol But we'll go the planetarium and the zoo, and maybe the beach. There is also a nice river to fish on but I don't know if we can take fishing poles with us? :think My oldest is excited to see where I grew up and went to school. My 4 y/o is dying to see where Grampa lives. (I always say she is my dad's biggest fan. :lol)


Well I better get my badorkus moving or nothing will get done today. Have a wonderful day ladies! :manyheart


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Oh my gosh, I completely forgot- dd got her orange belt!! :clap:cheer:yay

She was thrilled- dh took a picture of her and I swear her smile took up half of it. LoL Her instructor said she received the orange one because she has showed overall improvement in her kick strength and eagerness to learn. :manyheart

Funny little story- there was a girl in her class who was a yellow and black stripe (which is the step between yellow and orange) who got her orange last night. (She's actually worse than a lot of the yellow belts, but I think they advanced her because of her age.) Anyway, she is always being mean and picking on dd. Well she was waving her belt in dd's face, :angry but then when my dd went up and got hers, the girl was like :2eek. Then they had to spar for the rest of the class, and guess who was paired up? The girl actually tried to hit her in the face :eek which is NOT allowed. My dd blocked it and gave her a roundhouse kick to her side and the instructor :h5 her after they were finished for executing a great kick. :D I felt like going up to the girl and :nahnah. LoL

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Well, I had decided to wait until next week to bomb again, so that I could get the eggs, but I have to do it today because I'm still seeing fleas!!:angry:angry:angry:angry:angry:angry:angry:angry:angry:angry:angry:angry:angry:angry:angry

My pisstivity has heightened to a level I never knew existed! (hence all the angry faces) I'm at the point that I'd rather use dynamite than bug bombs! And now I have to stay at my parents' house again. Uggghh!! Why does this have to be so hard?!?! Sorry to vent, I'm just so freakin' tired of dealing with this!


Stacy- Congrats to DD on getting her orange belt. And I loved the story. Just goes to show you, karma will come back and bite you on the butt! Or in this case, roundhouse kick you in the side! hahahaha:lol

I'm glad you got good news about your cousin. I know he has a long road ahead of him, and we'll be here, :cheering him on. Did they say anything about his brain? If you don't mind me asking, how old is he?


Colleen- I'm sorry about your great aunt.


Well, yet again, BOMBS AWAY!!

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Hi everyone- still raining her in NJ! Sun tried to peak out this afternoon, but it was torentially pouring on my drive home from work. BUT, the weatherpeople are saying 90 and sunny tomorrow!:yay


Shannon- i just love your stories- you have such a gift when it comes to writing! (Maybe you should start a book about the Good Clean Fun gang?!) Glad that you enjoyed the margarita and I guess you get your great sense of humor from your mom! Mint on the pillow, bible on the nightstand:lol


Colleen- hope you enjoyed your day off and got to play with your new yarn!


Mary- Girls night out sounds like fun and enjoy your time with the kids! (And don't forget the paper plates!)


LeaAnne- I see the kids slept in- nice! How is the quitting going? Even if you have slipped a bit, we are all still rooting you on--I know how hard it can be! Have fun at the games tonight.


Beth- hope you didn't have to do too much driving today and got to relax a bit


Stacy- Keeping your cousin and family in my prayers- hope you had a good day


I showed my friend at work my wonky square and she could point out right away what I was doing wrong- I think I get it now. I had made a small one that started looking like the shape of a pentagon (kind of like a house that a kid drawas with a pointy top) It was in verigated yarn and i stopped when it got all out of shape, but I liked the colors and wanted to show my friend just how talented I am! Well, she tells me to just weave in the ends and use it as a coaster for my coffee cup at work! Now why didn't I think of that?


I'm going to watch the yankees tonight and hope that they can break out of their losing streak- not liking that they are 5 games behind the Red Sox (sorry LeaAnne). Also, I think I'll try the square again (or maybe take a night off from that and start something else that I dont have to think about like a few washcloths--I have about 10 balls of sugar n' cream (1.00/ball) so I may as well make them and then can put some little gift baskets together with soap/lotion for the holidays)


Vicki- Thanks for doing your civic duty- and now you are off the hook! Hope you had fun in the pool- I wonder if we'll ever open ours up- maybe next weekend when DH is more recovered- don't want him to overdue it! I'm kind of liking him being home (since I'm at work all day) because I have been coming home to dinner being made! Had chicken breast and fresh string beans tonight. I could get used to this, but alas, he returns to work next week.

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Whew, I am tired! I have been working in the girls' room since my last post at 11 a.m.! :eek I cleaned up all of their toys and re-sorted them (they've been doing really well with putting them away, except dirty clothing still ends up mixed in with the stuffed animal tub :think) then took out all of their clothes- from Rubbermaid totes, hangers, dresser drawers, etc- and sorted them by age/size/season. :whewI have 2 bags to donate tomorrow and threw away a couple of things that were too stained. I had planned to make a nice chile rellenos dinner for dh (he got a bonus at work) but now I am thinking I will save that for tomorrow and tonight will be sandwiches. :blush


Shannon- I am so sorry that you have to bomb again!! That sucks. Death to those fleas!!


Colleen- Hope the pool was a bit warmer in the afternoon! Although kids seem to be oblivious to the water temp when it comes to swimming. :lol Did you get to play with your new yarn? Also have you decided if you are going to help your sister?


Joanne- dinner sounds yummy again today! Good luck with your squares. That is funny that your co-worker thought to make your pentagon into a coaster. What a good idea. :yes It is useful and you will always have a reminder of your first attempt. :hook





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Stacy- way to go on all that cleaning in the girls room! I don't blame you for having sandwiches for dinner. You earned yourself some:crocheting time!. I, on the other hand, only cleaned the kitchen after dinner and ran the vacuum. Other than that, sitting on my bodorkus watching the Yankees. DH is now saying he wants us to move (what??). He wants us to sell the house and move in to an adult community (the prices on those have plummeted here because many of the folks have 2 homes- one in NJ/one in FL and they are selling the ones in NJ since they can't afford to keep both) The problem I have is that I always think of the adult communities as for old folks and I am not OLD (I'm a young 53). He, on the other hand is 55 so we would qualify to move in. The only good point is that we would have such a smaller mortgage. Since we only got married 7 years ago and moved into this house 5 years ago, we still have a fairly large mortgage. Guess he is thinking about the future with the scare he had with his heart. I told him I am willing to look and see what is out there and then take it from there.

HE double hockey stick, it doesn't hurt to look ! Shannon- I just love the HE double hockey stick!!!

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I just want to pop in to say :hi It's been another crazy day :loco:drive

I did get all the laundry done, folded, and put up. I also made a dent on cleaning the kitchen. I'ts much better. Tomorrow is our day to clean the whole house, but it's also going to be a very busy day -- DS2 works 6 hours, gets 1 1/2 hours off, then has a swim meet, which lasts about 4 hours in the :hot:sun I will be volunteering at the meet. My oldest is working 4 hours in the morning. He may be volunteering at the meet, too, if I can convince him to do so.:tryme


I hope to have time on Friday for :crocheting


Joanne, I am impressed with your dh's cooking. It sounds like he's thinking about his diet, and taking it seriously. And it sounds yummy.


Stacy - WOW! You have been so busy! I'll bet the girls' room looks great. And it will be so much easier for them to take care of their clothes if they don't have the ones that don't fit in the way. I love the idea of the fort for the kids. I'll bet they had so much fun with it. What an imaginative mother you are!!!


Shannon - DEATH TO FLEAS!!! I've lived through your nightmare. I will be :xfin for you. I'm glad your neighbor helped you figure out the potential fire hazard before anyone was hurt.


Hi to everyone!:hug

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Well thankfully dh said he is not hungry so I think I may be able to get out of dinner altogether. :lol


Beth, the girls actually tried to make a fort in the living room with our couch cushions...I figured there is no way I would get anything done with them tearing the living room apart so I put up the fort and shoo'd them out! ROFL

Good luck at the swim meet tomorrow- is it the same one that was delayed from the electrical storm?


Joanne- Good luck looking into the communities. Hopefully you will find something you like!


Now if I can get a free minute without hearing "Mommy! Will you help me..." then I am going to sit on my badorkus and work on a project. I *think* I have finished everything on my June list, so now I can get to work on the chenille afghan I have been eyeballing! :clap I also found the absolute cutest flip-flop accent pattern on one of the swap threads, and I would like to start them, too. I don't know if I have enough thread though...I'm not a huge thread fan so I don't have much of it lying around.

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Hi everyone!


Stacy - Good job getting things cleaned up in the girl's room and I love the fort idea. I think I'll use that one outside sometime soon. Good for your DH getting a bonus :cheer and :clap for DD and her orange belt (as well as the victory over the other girl). Thanks for asking, but it doesn't look like I'm going to be able to go help my sister right now. I looked into plane tickets and it costs twice as much as we thought it would. Plus there are no direct flights from here to Portland, so I would be looking at a full day or night of travel with a layover in Vancouver. Maybe some opportunity will present itself in the future, but not for now. I am focusing instead on making them the afghan for Christmas in purples and greys. My mom thinks something graphic rather than traditional, so I will be looking for ideas/patterns.


Shannon - You go get those fleas! Channel that anger to get the job done!


Joanne - Enjoy playing with your :crocheting. Interesting that you posted about an adult community tonight. As I mentioned earlier I went to a memorial service for my great aunt tonight. She passed away in May at the age of 89 (a nice long life). The assisted living home that she lived in has a memorial service every few months for all the residents who passed over the past few months. Anyway, after the ceremony the administrator offered to take my mom, dad and I on a tour of their new retirement residence. This facility includes independent living apartments as well as some assisted living suites and also serves detached freehold homes that are owned by 55+ people. They also offer all their facilities to anyone in the city 55+ who wants to join for $30/month...that is crazy cheap! I couldn't believe the services this facility offered! They have a quilting club and a knitting club. They offer computer, language, continuing education and cooking classes. They have a Wii fit, a pool, yoga classes, a gym. They have a billiards room, and so on and so on. And it is beautiful! I suspect the administrator was trying to market to my parents (who are in their 60s and totally not in that frame of mind yet), but I was impressed! You know, if you want to travel or do hobbies and enjoy your life and not worry about all the work that a house includes, it can be a great move. Like you said, it doesn't hurt to look.


Beth - Good luck with that crazy schedule and at the swim meet.


LeaAnne - Joanne is right, we are all still :cheer you on for your quitting! However long it takes, we're here for you.


I have not played much with my yarn. My arm has been hurting and I'm trying to rest it. I vacuumed and mopped the floors, so that was good.


Goodnight all!

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Colleen- thanks for the info on what you found out about adult communities- we are going on Saturday to look at a few and see what they have to offer. It might be a good move -heck if they have all that, I am very intrigued indeed

well, the Yankees finally won a game! And I decided to do the mindless crochet- dishcloth, simple single crochet- alternate one row in front loop, one row in back loop- I tried the self striping peaches n'cream and it actually did make its own stripes...kind of neat.....


Cya in the AM Pleasant dreams everyone!

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Good morning! Hope everyone had a good night's sleep.


Hey Shannon- Congrats to LSU for winning the title!


Hope everyone has a great day--today is like a Friday for me since I'm off work tomorrow! DH as decided to forgo the family reunion and stay close to home. Which means that for tomorrow I plan to get up at my usual time and do the major cleaning -floors, bathrooms, kitchen, changing the sheets, laundry, etc. This way I'll have my weekend free!!!!


Remember- take your vitamins and I'll see you after work!

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Hi all. This will be a short post as I have a huge headache. DD has given me some "magic kisses" so hopefully I will feel better soon.

I did plan to clean some today, but I guess we will see how I feel. I took some steak out for dinner. I need to wash some towels and dust the living room.


Yay, the Yankees won! Finally! They couldn't beat the Marlins, and they need to do something so they don't fall much farther behind those Red Sox.


I will see you all later. Have a good day all!

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look at all I missed yesterday! You were all so busy!


Shannon - :xfin that you get rid of those little buggers once and for all! I don't blame you for your level of Pisstivity! btw... that is a fantabulous word! :rofl about Honey's Hotel! I hope today is better for you! :hug


Joanne - :clover with the housing search. It sounds like you and DH make a great team:manyheart The thought that occurred tome when you mentioned that you are a young 53 is that while you are looking, you should see if you can find any :crocheting in the community... :crocheting friends are ageless, you know :wink

Enjoy your new coaster, it sounds pretty:clap I think you might just have that granny down, but for the count-ness... :hugfor learning something new! And I agree with Colleen - if it gets too frustrating, the back and forth squares are just as lovely, you know... that pattern for your dishcloths sounds like it would make a really pretty square! "Happy Friday" to you!:hug


Stacy - so glad to hear that your cousin is awake and coherent...that is good news! I will keep him in my prayers. And WTG on the orange belt! your :neener:nahnahstory made me laugh... spoken like a proud Mommy!

I hope that the dd's enjoyed their fort AND their nice, clean room! :clover on your ticket purchase today...:hug


Colleen - I hope that your arm is feeling better. How did the service go? I am here with :xfin for some nice :crocheting time for you today:hug


Mary - how was GNO? Glad that DS made it safely, and I am thinking of your DD... wish her a big ::birthday:bdaytomorrow from me!:clap

I hope your still feeling good, and that it's not too :hot for you today! Have a wonderful day!:hug


:c9Vicki - Cool that you got some "me" time yesterday!:yay I hope your :headache feels better! I am sure the Magic Kisses will do the trick:wink


Beth - :clover with all of that :drive today... how do you manage to get anything done at all?!:lol You amaze me all the time! I hope I am as good as you when my dk's get that big... Have a wonderful day:manyheart and :xfin that you get to pick up your :hook, even if it's for a few minutes :hug


so the laundromat was a success... and yes, I did bring a little :crocheting... just a ball of cotton and an afghan hook. I didn't make anything special, I just wanted to fool around with making different stitches. I didn't have any instructions or anything, I just kind of fooled around with it. It was fun. The Bulls won their game lastnight, and will be playing in the championship game tomorrow night :cheer

Today is bank, groceries (that I didn't get to yesterday), and Krissy has a b-day party to go to this afternoon. I also need to get my badorkus in gear and get my pool going... it might actually be summer here by the weekend :jumpyay

Thank you all for the encouragement on the quit-ness... I have not been doing so well:blush I am getting ready to re-quit... I am dissapointed in myself, but :shrug I need to get over it and move on. I have thought about what is coming up, and have decided that Saturday is my re-quit day. Until then, I will do my best, and stick with the 1 or 2-ness... I am determined to make myself, you, and my family proud! I am blessed to have so many who are cheering for me, and don't want to waste it.


Have a great day, all... I gotta get moving!!!!


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Good morning!

I have been up since 5:30. working on the Summer by the Sea Shell from Crochet Today. I tried it on at every few rows, but somehow the armholes are way too long and I ended up with 2 extra shells. :shrug Now I have to frog it all the way back to see what I did wrong. :think All that work for nothing. :thair

The girls were up early and I had planned to stop at Michael's then take them to the park, but it is overcast and kind of chilly. Maybe I will just make another fort and toss them outside. :lol The yarn can wait now that I have to frog first.


LeAnne- Glad to hear the laundromat was good to you. :lol Congratulations to the Bulls, and good luck tomorrow!! :cheer:cheer Good luck on the re-quitting and remember that we are here to :cheer you on and send lots of :hugand encouragement. :manyheart


Joanne- Good luck getting everything done so that you can have a free weekend!


Vicki- Hope the magic kisses work so you can kick that headache soon! :hug

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