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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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Hi all!

Cloudy/60's- not june like at all! But, I'll take that over 90's and humid!. They said on the radio today that it has rained 19 of the last 22 days- WHAT??? I need some sunshine (you know, for the Vitamin D)


Loving my new responsibilities at work- no stress!!! It is so nice being responsible only for me.


Going to go make DH some dinner and then I'm going to attempt a square !


Will check in later-ness

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Hey ladies!

I have major headache-ness and I don't have the mindpower to reply to everyone. I have read all of your posts, though, and they made me :D after some bad news. My mom called to say that my cousin tried to commit suicide yesterday. He is in a coma right now with burns over 60% of his body. :( When it rains, it pours, I guess.


Other than that...I cleaned a ton today and did errands in the morning. The girls went swimming after lunch. Dh had said he would come early to take them fishing again...I thought he meant around 3, but he had meant 1 or so, I guess. We were both surprised when he showed up at 1:30, and the girls were in their swimsuits. :lol Gotta love miscommunication.


I am off to make my tasty chicken dinner tonight. LoL Afterward I think I will work on my squares. The flower looks kind of wonky so I don't know if I'm going to stick with that one just yet.

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Hi everyone

Yes it is hot here also and no I don't like it when it is really hot. I was up at 4.45 am this morning. I couldn't sleep and it was quite warm.:P I made myself a cup of tea and then decided to do the laundry.( Dh can sleep thru anything.) I did 3 loads and hung it all out to dry. Brought it all in and folded it but I didn't get it put away yet. Made dinner and did the dishes and that is it for me tonight.:(

I thought I would check in and see what everyone is up to. You can add me to the list .......Iam addicted to you guys. lol:clap

See you all tomorrow


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Stacy - I am so sorry to hear about your cousin. You aren't kidding that when it rains it pours. You have had more than enough bad news lately. I hope the girls enjoyed their fishing and that the chicken dinner was a hit. I hope your headache is better.


Joanne - I am so happy that you are enjoying your new job. Life is just that much sweeter when you enjoy your job. I love my job!


Shannon - You definitely should not drive in the snow if you don't know how! :lol


Mary WTG on getting all that laundry done. I hope you don't overdue it! I've got to go get mine off the line now.


I am so disappointed that I can't try out my square because I didn't get to go yarn shopping. :( Maybe tomorrow.


I hope you all have a wonderful evening! I'm going to go soak up some Vitamin D with a walk in the evening sun (and while getting my laundry off the line:rofl).

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Hi everybody!


This is going to be a short, sweet letter (Hey! The exact opposite of me!) I just got home from sitting at a pool for 4 hours for a swim meet that we get to finish later, because of an electric storm. At least it was a fun meet, and our team was winning.


It's still thundering here, so I"m going to go. Good night, all my friends!:hug

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Stacy- so sorry to hear about your cousin and your headache-ness hang in there!:hug


Colleen- glad that you get to soak up some vitamin D!:lol


Beth- glad to hear that the swim team was winning- too bad about the T-storms!


Vicki- Hope you had a nice dinner out tonight- how's the square coming? I just spent about an hour trying to figure out a granny square- frogged it many times- Glad I have until September to get this all figured out. :think


Shannon- I don't know what's worse- the heat or the snow! I was up in Boston visiting DD this winter and it snowed about 10 inches- but the roads were cleared the next day and it seemed like people knew how to drive in it. Here in NJ- a few flakes fall and everyone turns into a flake ----with their driving!:laughrollBut at least with the cold you can put on layers of clothing---when it gets hot and humid- well there's only so much you can do


Mary- Hope you are not overdoing it and that you took a much needed rest after all the laundry


Scooby- great news about the dentist trip w/DS!!:clap And looks like you almost ready for the big vacation!!:yes


LeaAnne--how was your day? And WTG on the quitting- 0-2 isn't bad at all my friend!:)


Well, I've had enough of squares for tonight and am going to bed with my newest book "Dead Men Don't Crochet"!!!!


Cya in the AM!:manyheart

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Hi everyone!


Stacy- I'm so sorry to hear about your cousin. You all will definitely be in my prayers!:hug


Joanne- How was DH feeling today? Did he behave himself and rest like you wanted him to? Yeah, I can't get arrested for having 20 layers of clothes on, but I can if I'm all woo woo-ness! I've always said that about the cold. Bad thing about down here--even if I were to get naked-ness, I'd still be hot and getting burned in places that shouldn't see the sun!:eek Enjoy your book, and good luck with the squares.


Beth- Yikes! Electric storm+swim meet=scary! :yay for the swim team winning!!


Colleen- When it snows here it doesn't usually stick. And the town STILL pretty much shuts down! It's pretty funny actually. We're all a bunch of pansies!!


Hi Mary- How are you feeling? I'm glad you're able to get some stuff done now. It seemed as though you were itchin' to get going again.


Well, today's been a crazy day! I'm glad it's over. I would like to say :cheerGO TIGERS!!:cheer LSU won Game 1 in the College World Series tonight! Very exciting!!


Good night and sweet dreams friends!:manyheart

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Hi everyone!


Stacy- I'm so sorry to hear about your cousin. You all will definitely be in my prayers!:hug


Joanne- How was DH feeling today? Did he behave himself and rest like you wanted him to? Yeah, I can't get arrested for having 20 layers of clothes on, but I can if I'm all woo woo-ness! I've always said that about the cold. Bad thing about down here--even if I were to get naked-ness, I'd still be hot and getting burned in places that shouldn't see the sun!:eek Enjoy your book, and good luck with the squares.


Beth- Yikes! Electric storm+swim meet=scary! :yay for the swim team winning!!


Colleen- When it snows here it doesn't usually stick. And the town STILL pretty much shuts down! It's pretty funny actually. We're all a bunch of pansies!!


Hi Mary- How are you feeling? I'm glad you're able to get some stuff done now. It seemed as though you were itchin' to get going again.


Well, today's been a crazy day! I'm glad it's over. I would like to say :cheerGO TIGERS!!:cheer LSU won Game 1 in the College World Series tonight! Very exciting!!


Good night and sweet dreams friends!:manyheart

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Good morning one and all!


Shannon--my you were up late last night! I am enjoying the book and yes, DH did behave himself- (or at least he says). I am going to ask one of my co-workers today if she would mind showing me how to do a granny square--the last one I attempted last night doesn't look terrible, but I feel like it's not right...I mean really, isn't a granny square supposed to be one of the easiest things to do????


Oh, well, it's that time of day again---have a fantabulous day- and take your vitamins!


supposed to be another mostly cloudy day with 30% chance of rain! Can someone please send some sunshine here????

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Joanne - I'll send some sunshine down with the bird :rofl


I'm hoping to get caught up on some things around here today, but I must admit all I can think about is buying my yarn and getting a crack at that square!


Have a great day!

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Good morning and Happy Tuesday.

Joanne - I'll send you the sunshine if you send me the rain. We haven't had any good rainfall since April!

Stacy - How is your cousin doing today? You are in my thoughts. You have had enough to deal with in the past few months!

My squares are coming along. I have one completed and I am more than half way done with a second one. I was working on it during tae kwon do. I had the MP3 player going and I still heard the yells of the kids as they kicked!

I need to go to the post office today and go get my vacuum cleaner. I need to wash some towels and fold some others that are sitting in my dryer.

Have a great day ladies. I will try not to eat the whole box of mini chocolate donuts that are in the fridge!

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hey, Good morning!


T minus 2 hours until the kiddo's are out for summer vacation! :cheer:clap:woo... I can't wait for things to slow down a bit. I feel like I am :spin :spin, and I am just trying to keep up at this point;)


Stacy - :hug:hug:( I am praying for your family, and for you! I am SO sorry! How is your aunt holding up?


Vicki - you can have Joanne's rain AND mine! I can't even take it anymore... we haven't even bothered to open our pool yet this year. Today is showery and only 64 degrees.... :yuck... I'll trade you, rain for donuts! :rofl


Colleen - :clover on getting your stuff done so you can play squares! I am cleaning like crazy right along with you! Today, tomorrow and Thursday, it appears that I am "grounded" :lol ....:thinkI HOPE I am caught up by then:eek all this time away from home has really left me behind the 8-ball.


Joanne - How is DH feeling today? Tell him I was thinking of him. I am glad that your new job :2rocks! and :clover :xfin for that granny! I am sure you are doing a terrific job! :cheer


Shannon - How was dinner last night? I hope it's a nice day for you and DD today! :hug


Beth - WTG for your DK's in the swim meet! That's so exciting! I hope the :storm went through quick so they could finish it! Have a great day, ok?


Mary - WoWzers! You did a LOT yesterday! I am glad you are feeling up to doing things, but please... don't push yourself too hard... I hope today is restful for you :hug


Scooby - HAVE AN AWESOME VACATION!!! :woo:jumpyay You have certainly earned it! ...and don't forget to keep us posted about your reunions if you can... I can't wait to hear how it went! Enjoy yourself, sweetie! :hug We miss you already!


I gotta get back to it... I'll be back later... Happy "Summer" everyone!


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I haven't spoken with my mom yet this morning so I'm not sure how my cousin is doing. I called my aunt but of course she is staying at the hospital so I haven't been able to talk to her.


Colleen- Good luck getting caught up so you can try out your squares!


LeAnne- I hope things slow down for you after school is out. Did your kids have a half-day? (The time at the top shows your post at 7:05 so I'm :think as to why your kids would only go for 2 hours. LoL It's probably a time-difference thing, though.)


Joanne- sounds like dh is feeling much better. I'm glad that you are loving your new assignment! Good luck with your squares- I'm sure they will be wonderful!


Vicki- Good luck resisting those donuts! :lol


Scooby- Have a fantabulous vacation!! Can't wait to hear about the meet-up! :devil


:hi Beth, Shannon, Mary- I hope you all have a wondeful day!


Today is laundry day. DD has karate tonight, we find out how she did on her test and which belt she got. She has her heart set on orange but I made sure to tell her that we are proud of her no matter what she gets. :manyheart I also need to make and freeze some meals, because I bought way too much produce this weekend and am afraid it will go bad before I can use it all. DD begged me to teach her how to cook yesterday- I was beyond thrilled! :clap I won't let her use a knife just yet but she can help mix and measure and pour. She also wants to learn to crochet. :cheer

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Stacy - tell DD good luck with her belt! You must be very proud! and she wants to learn to :crocheting? That is so awesome!


yes, we have a 1/2 day... the middle school lets out at 11:30, and the elementary at noon! I can't stand how excited I am! Things should be settling down around here soon, but the best news is I don't have to drag anyone out of bed in the mornings until September!!! that in itself does wonders for the stress level around here!


I hope things are ok, and please know I am holding your family in my prayers today...:hug


I gotta go get the vacuuming done, then walk to the school's and GET MY KIDS BACK!!!! :woo

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Well, it's going to be one of those weeks. DH is gone and guess what? The fleas are back. We couldn't go out to eat last night because of them. So, I'm going to bomb the house twice while DD stays with Honey and BigBob. Two good things about it: 1) I have a nice trailer to stay in and 2) I'll have plenty of :crocheting time by myself! I have to stop at Wal-Mart for the bombs and Michael's for some yarn, and I'll be all set!


LeaAnne- It has always been my dream to be within walking distance of my kids' school. There's a neighborhood in Shreveport with a great school, and I've always wanted to live there. DH would never move to Shreveport though. Oh well, maybe my next husband will!:lol:lol


Stacy- Give DD a big hug from me and tell her we're proud of her too!


Joanne- I'm so glad you're enjoying your new job!!:D


Scooby-:yay for vacation! Have a great time and keep us posted!


Vicki, Colleen, Mary, Beth- Hey girls! Have an amazing day!!

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Hello hello hello,


I am in :crocheting heaven and Mary, you are an :angel! I went to Cambridge Fibres today and bought 9 lbs of yarn for $50. That is like less than 1/2 of what I would pay at Zellers or Walmart. And get this, Mary, it took me 13 minutes to drive there...13 minutes! Even Walmart is farther away than that! I bought the yarn for my squares (I did up the first one...need to tweak a bit to get exactly 12 inches...are squares always exactly 12 inches?), I got the yarn for my sister and BIL's purples and greys afghan, I got some variagated for me (probably to be used for the border on my friendship 'ghan depending on how the colors all look together), and I got some purple and blue to go with the yellow and pink I already have for DD's Butterfly Afghan. And I didn't even look at half the store! I am going to save lots of $ and have a much bigger stash now! :ty:day

As for my house .... :D .... well, I'm not really caught up. I did make the beds and tidy the kitchen before I went. I guess I have time to clean a bathroom before work.


Vicky - I would eat the donuts. I made the most delicious chocolate cake for Father's Day and I am eating it all! I have no will power when it comes to sweets. That said, my DF has just been diagnosed as in the beginning stages of diabetes (which his mother, my grandma, also has), so I know I need to start being careful with the sweet stuff because I am next, I'm sure.


Hope your Tuesdays are going well!


Mary - thank you again, you are an :angel for telling me about that store.

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:cheer:clap:cheerColleen and Shannon for that :crocheting:crocheting time!:cheer:clap:cheer


K, so, I go to school # 1... DD says some friends are going out to lunch and can she go... :shrug... sure, I say (must be nice to go to lunch with friends, right?)


go to school # 2: DD#2 (who was invited to 2 different after school parties in 2 parts of town :ohdear) picks the closer party, and goes home with that mom. DD#3...meets up with one of her friends, and that mom asks if she can come over... :shrug... sure, I say...


DS and I start walking home, with all the girls' backpacks. We walk past "one of the guys" house... mom is outside... :shrug


I was so excited :hyper, and came home alone... oh, well, I am still excited, and proud of my babes and happy that they all have nice friends...


and here's the payoff:

I am now almost caught up around here, and am sitting in a tidy house, chatting with MY friends! :D I still need to go to the laundromat tomorrow, and my windows aren't done, but what the heck? I will wait on those until it stops clouding, misting and raining...


Ain't life GRAND? :manyheart

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:rofl:clap LeaAnne - How often does a mother of 4 get all 4 off to play with their friends at one time? :rofl I love it! I told DH your story and we both had a good laugh! That is great and I am so happy for you that your summer is here! Enjoy it and I hope there will be lots of lazy mornings and relaxing going on at your place.


I am not ashamed to say that DD is wearing PJs again today. She actually changed out of her PJs into PJs for the daytime, but that's fine with me. Our getting dressed meltdowns are less frequent and less severe, so that is good.


:rofl Shannon, I hope your next husband wants to live in Shreveport too :lol It is good to have a wish list for that sort of thing. :rofl We actually back onto our school yard, so that is very nice. DD will go there until Grade 8, so I don't have to worry about her crossing even so much as a street to get to school until Highschool.


I got the bathroom cleaned and my :crocheting stuff tidied in the livingroom. I've got a ham in the slowcooker and some leftover potatoes in the fridge to leave for supper. Now I've got to get ready for work.


I'll :check in later!

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Howdy everyone


Well it is really hot, hot, hot, here, and it is suppose to get hotter as the week goes on.:P

Colleen Iam really glad you got to the yarn store. I just love that place. Next month I will be making a trip there. Maybe we can meet there?:cheer

We are having left overs for dinner tonight and Dh has his warmed up already so I better go.

Iam keeping everyone in my prayers

Talk to you later

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Let me tell you something: Bombing for fleas is so NOT the BOMB!! I got home a little while ago, proud of myself for doing this alone and having somewhere to stay, etc., and the power to the trailer is OUT! I can't get in touch with DH, it's hotter than heck in there, and I don't know where I'll be staying tonight. Blech!! I'm so frustrated right now. Stupid fleas!!!!!


Stacy- Have you heard anything about your cousin? He's in my prayers. You all are.


Mary and Colleen- If you guys get to meet up I am going to be so jealous!! I wish we could all meet up!


LeaAnne- Enjoy your time alone, even though you weren't expecting it. Sometimes that's the best times!!


This will probably be my last post until tomorrow. I have to stay out of the house for at least 4 hours. I'll miss you guys! Have a terrific night!!! If I can't, someone else should!

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Leanne - You gotta love that all the kids got to play with their friends and you got some time alone! That is awesome that it worked out that way!

Shannon - Did you find some place to stay for the night? I hope you got yourself all situated. You can always make the drive here if need be. There is always laundry to fold and dinner for me to make you!

Stacy - I hope your aunt is okay. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

I went to get an stop mail order today and I finally picked up my vacuum cleaner. I washed two loads of towels and actually folded another one. Then DD and I went to the mall. We bought two skirts in NY and Co. and then I spent WAY TOO much money in Origins. Then we went swimming when we got home. I just cleaned up from making out dinner. It was orange chicken and pan fried noodles. Left overs are in the frigde waiting for hubby and that is about it.

I have jury duty tomorrow and then DD has tae kwon do so I won't be able to check in again until tomorrow night. I checked with the court and I can bring my yarn and hooks with me! Yay! I am used to jury duty in NY where the courts won't let you bring anything except a book!

I hope everyone has a great night and I will check in with you all tomorrow!

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Hi everyone!

Colleen- WTG on the great yarn buy!!!! You must be on:c9 I know I would be!!! And PJ day is great- I sometimes would like to stay in my PJ's all day too!


LeaAnne- Happy Summer- (if the sun ever comes out). We haven't opened our pool yet either because it has been so crummy out:(- but the only good thing is that we have saved lots of $ by not using the filter and the chemicals. Plus, we haven't had to run the AC since it hasn't been very hot.:) I hear summer is heading to NJ on Thursday though- supposed to be in the 80's and sunny.....and supposed to last a while. how nice that all 4 dk's have wonderful friends and that you got some alone time- I agree with Shannon- the unplanned alone times are the best!


Wierd how LeaAnne and I have had nothing but rain, but Vicki down in Texas needs the rain- none since April- Mother Nature- what a mind she has! And Vicki--Eat the donuts!!!:yes


Shannon- sorry to hear about the fleas!! :eekWhat a Bomb-er! And on top of that the trailer has no power!! Oh, my- so much for free time to crochet. Hoping that they all leave forever!!!!


Mary- glad you are feeling good and how fun would that be if you and Colleen could meet up at Cambridge Fibres! I am soooo jealous!!!


Stacy- keeping your family in my prayers! Congrats and big hugs :hug to DD on whatever color belt she earned and hope that she is proud of her accomplishment!


Scooby- HAVE A WONDERFUL FANTABULOUS VACATION :yay(And hope all goes up with the meet-up) Can't wait to hear all about it!


Beth- hope you had a good day.


Well, DH is so motivated to eat healthy (he also has diabetes) and now having to be on a low sodium diet on top of it is a challenge. He went to the bookstore with a gift card he got from one of his DD's and bought some nutrition books- very interesting. I came home from work and he had made flounder and spinach with garlic and a nice salad. (is this the same man I married????):think He always said how he hated fish and here he made it for dinner- and found out he likes it!!! He is feeling much better and we are supposed to be going to W Va to his family reunion, but he is a little leery about going since it is kind of in a rural area. He said if we were going to Boston or Philly, he wouldn't think twice since they have good medical centers. So we are up in the air right now about whether we'll be going. In any event, I'm off work on Friday since that is when we were going to go and I'll keep the day off regardless.:clap


I spoke with my co-worker today and tomorrow at lunch she is going to help me with the square- :hook


Have a wonderful night friends and cya in the AM.

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OK, I had to come back one more time. What a day!! The breaker for the trailer keeps tripping, so I'm staying at a hotel tonight. I'm actually glad, 'cause I'm a big sweatball right now and need a shower. I may go 15 miles out of the way for the only other thing I need--a big-*** margarita!!:yes:yes We live in a dry town, and yes, I filled in my own asterisks!!


Just a few more things to do around here and then BOMBS AWAY!! I wonder what PETA would think of me right now!


If your square from me arrives a little wonky, it's because I was drunk when I made it!!!


Have a great night girls! Love you all!!:ghug

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I think I'm going to be up late tonight with the :wash. So far today, I baked a cake for dd's last cake decorating class, I took ds to work, I helped dd mow the ballet instructor's yard, I took dd and oldest ds to the pool, and got some exercise, I took oldest ds to work, I helped dd make lots of frosting for her class, I made dinner, and I took dd to her class, and shopped. My dh picked up the boys from work. So I got nothing done, but was busy all day.


Shannon, death to fleas!!! You are probably dealing with the hatched eggs from the first infestation now. Get rid of these guys, and hopefully, you'll be done with them forever!!! Did you treat your lawn? Do you have a pet that brings them in? Enjoy your evening in a hotel. I hope you have fun.


Imanurse, it's so exciting to hear that your husband is taking his nutrition seriously. It also sounds pretty tasty! How did he do?


Vicki, I'm glad to hear that you will get to :crocheting at jury duty. Your orange chicken sounds yummy. We had something I crockpotted, since we weren't all home at the same time tonight.


Mary, it would be so cool if you and Colleen could meet at the yarn store. It sounds like a fantabulous place!


LeaAnne, you said something about windows being done?:think We're supposed to clean windows? Doesn't that attract birds?


Seriously, I'm glad you had some time without your little darlings. It sounds like you made good use of the time, too. Welcome to summer vacation. I hope it's awesome for your family.


To everyone else, a big :hug. I hope you have a peaceful day!

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