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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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I'm not ashamed!! I'll climb to the highest mountaintop and scream it to the world! I'm a hooker, and I'm darn proud of it!! And you all should be too!!:hook


LeaAnne- Did the witches get you before you got the witches?! Hope you had a good time in Salem and are enjoying your time with Uncle Art and Aunt Sue! How did today go for you? Are you still Super Q?

Tomorrow is your DD's graduation, right? Is it Krissy? Tell her congrats for me and big :hugs to all of you!!


Joanne- I'm so glad DH is doing better!! I've been thinking about you guys all day, praying that he was alright. I hope you have a wonderful, peaceful sleep tonight! You deserve it!!


Scooby- Good grief, you've been busy! Good for you! (I ain't abbreviating that one--I know better!) Hey, what are you wearing when you meet up with your old flame? Just being nosey, sorry!!


Colleen- That sounds like a good idea to me. But do we still need to make the squares 12", or smaller to have room for the border?


Stacy- Thanks for the link. I like the look of no border between the squares. This really is a learning experience for me. I guess I jumped the gun with this one, but I didn't know that I didn't know that much about squares, if that makes sense.


I have to go do some things for our camping trip. My sister volunteered to watch DD while I took a 1/2 hour nap, and 2 hours later she woke me up. I needed the sleep, but we didn't get home until 8:30.

Have a wonderful night everyone!!

And as the great Cyndi Lauper would say: "Girls just want to have [some good clean] fu-un!!

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I am pooped. After I was here last, thanks to DS I had another sink full of dishes and then I went out and cleaned all the windows on my blazer and cleaned the inside. I also went ahead and cleaned the bathroom and swept and mopped the kitchen/bathroom floors. I am trying to make my list for tomorrow and the refrigerator will be first :lol, and then I have to go pay some bills, take my truck and vacuum it out, run to the bank, and who knows what else.

:lol:lol Joanne. I wish I was leaving today, but it is next week. I will come in and post right before I go, as we are going to leave between 12 & 3 am on the 24th. I want to be there by lunchtime on the 24th and it is an 8 hour trip.

:sofunny:rofl:heehee Shannon.It is ok to be nosey, I don't mind. Inquiring minds want to know. :think:eek I don't have a clue what I will be wearing. I haven't really thought about it. It depends on whether or not he just pops up out of the blue at my parents house. He has already let it be known that he drives by there several times a week checking to see if there is a car in the driveway with TN tags :rofl. And if he just shows up out of the blue to try to find me, I imagine he will just show up out of the blue after I arrive. :think:eekI hope he doesn't show up while my fat badorkas is in a bathing suit out at the pool :scared:sweat. That would be very bad. He would probably run away and never come back :lol:lol. When are you leaving for your camping trip? Sounds like you are extra busy too. I think I have 10 times the work load this week than I normally do.

I think 12" squares will still be ok. Especially if we are going to try to make throws/ghans with them. But who am I to say :lol. I don't want to step on any toes either, but I agree Colleenka. If we want a border we can do that ourselves.

Anyways, I better get my badorkas in bed. The next few days are going to be rather busy for me. I have a haircut appt Saturday and then I have to run to the storage building to pick up suitcases etc. Monday, DS has dentist appt at 8:30, I have an appt at 1 with my advisor to get registered for my classes and then I have to run over to the health clinic at school as I forgot to sign my Hep B/Meningitis form before I mailed it:bang, and then I have an appt at mechanic's to get my truck serviced, then I have to run by my mom's to get my swimsuit and DS's trunks and THEN I have all the laundry to do. Tuesday I will be dropping off the :rabbit and :goldfish at my dear friend's house, after I go to Wally world and pet shop to get rabbit food and shavings. I have to :remember to run by P.O. to stop my mail for two weeks. GEEEEESSSHHHH, I hope this vacation is worth all this :lol:lol. I am beginning to feel :thair:yell very overwhelmed and stressed, but I KNOW I will be A-OK!!!

I hope you all have a great night and will see you all sometime tomorrow. Sweet :sleep and good :night. Lots of :hugand :manyheart to you all!!!!

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Good morning everyone and Happy Friday!


I got a good night's sleep and I'm hoping that DH is coming home today. Didn't get any calls over night so as they say no news is good news!


Shannon- have a great camping trip- sounds like so much fun!! And Scooby- you sure have been busy with all the cleaning and getting ready for the vacation. And YES, it will be worth it!


I have a ton of cleaning to do this weekend- but am trying not to think about it or I'll be overwhelmed- I'll just put the ole ipod on and dance my way through it (thanks for that tip LeaAnne)


Hope you all have a fantabulous Friday and I'll catch up with you later.


Remember to take your vitamins!


Oh, I found a great video tutorial on granny squares and will be practicing----so glad we have until Sept 1st!

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Good morning!


Joanne- Glad you got a good night of sleep and hopefully dh is feeling well enough to come home! You just reminded me to charge my Ipod, too. :lol


Shannon- Have fun camping! Have some s'mores for me. :lol


Scooby- You will get everything done and it will all be worth it! Enjoy your trip.


LeAnne- How was day 4? Congrats to your dd on graduating!


Colleen- It is the last day of school! Summer, here we come! :clap Is dd excited? I know you are.


Beth, Mary, kazily, Darski if you're reading- Hope everyone has a great day!


Today I have a ton to do, and as always, am overwhelmed by it. I need to mail my dad's Father's Day gift, although right now I am thinking of buying something online and having him pick it up at the store, so it will be there in time. :think The grocery store down the street is having a killer one-day produce sale, so have to stop there. I also need to mail off a swap package, finish grocery shopping at a different store, run to Wally-world for a few things...all before 1:30, because after I pick up dd, I need to come home and make a loaf of french bread to take to dh's aunt's house tonight. I also promised dd that we would stop and get an ice cream cone on the way home since it is her last day. :blush Why do I do this to myself? :rofl

Have a wonderful day, friends! :hug


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I usually join squares or panels with single crochet stitches. That always seems to work for me. I don't know if that makes a difference with the borders, but I am sure someone here can help me if I need it. Where else would I go to get help with a project? I have the best helpers here!

I have finally moved into the 21st century and bought and MP3 player. I set my DD's up last night and got some of her music on it this morning. She is a riot in the back yard singing and dancing her little heart out! I need to set mine up next and then I will do the one I bought for my hubby.

Today I actually managed to get some stuff done! I don't know what has happened. I have lost all momentum. Anyway, I got my car inspected and then ran to get dog food. I was going to pick up my vacuum cleaner at the repair shop, but they weren't open yet. I came home and put the food away and then I vacuumed and checked movie times. I need to fold some laundry (always my nemesis!) and DD has tae kwon do tonight.

I can't remember what everyone wrote, but know that I think of you guys every day and look forward to reading what everyone is up to. You guys are the best! :lol

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:hi, Hookers! :rofl


It is always so great to come here and see what you've all been up to! I missed you yesterday!


I am trying to remember what everyone said/did... so please forgive if this is short, or if I forget something... Just know that I am thinking of you all, and couldn't wait to come by today! :ghug


Vicki- sounds like you got a lot done to me! :yes Hang in there, ok? Don't be so hard on yourself!:hug


Stacy - You sound like me... that "why do I do this to myself?"... it's a great way to be... It just means you don't want to miss anything, that's all... AND it IS why we :manyheart You!!! I hope that :help feeling leaves soon! You can do it!:cheer


Joanne - I have been praying for you and DH. I hope he gets to come home:hug Have a Happy Friday! Don't stress too much about cleaning this weekend, just take care of you and hubby! XO


Scooby- You are a whirlwind, girl! You never cease to inspire with all you accomplish! Good luck with the packing! :hug Will you be cahecking in while you're there? I, too, am DYING to know how your meeting goes:devil... :yesadd me to that Nosey list :rofl You Go Girl!:cheer


Shannon - WTG on spelling things out! You never know when you are gonna get censored! :rofl Oh, and nope, those witches didn't get me... they were on the bus! HAHAHA! It was a REALLY cool field trip! Although:blush I had more fun than the kids, methinks!


Colleen - I was sooo glad to see that you had a PJ DAY!!!!:clap I really love those! Hope DD is good today, and that you are too! :hug


:waving, Mary! How are you feeling today?:hug


:hi to Beth, Kazily, Darski, and FosterMom!



Day 4 was good, although my jaw is tired from gum! ;)

The Bulls didn't play :rain, :rain, :rain grrrr... I know we need it, but GEESH! And it's supposed to keep raining until TUESDAY! :yuck... (So, my squares will NOT be GRAY!:rofl)

This morning was my DD Lindsey's 5th grade graduation... very cute! My DD rolled in her classic style (which frustrated some, but made me :))... she was the only one who lip sync'd the songs (I would have :faint ed if she sang!) I did go into the classrooms this morning to tell all the kids that I am proud of them and hope they enjoy "THEIR" day! It seems that some of the mom's might have forgotten who this was about :irk... I wish I could let it roll off, but I am apparently not that good yet... The best moment of the day was when Lindsey's BF (since Kindergarten) came up to me after graduation to sign her yearbook... I was the 1st person she asked WOW! I was so touched. She has become like my 5th kid over the years, and has spent a lot of time with our family.

Uncle Art is at the doctors for another hour or so, then gets the afternoon off, before more appointments starting at 5. We are having a nice time when they are here. Oh! So, you know that :knit that I was so excited about? Well, Aunt Sue is a knitter, and you should have seen her :thinkface when whe was watching me... we had a BIG :rofl over it! I guess I won't probably have a career at it, as she said that my stitches don't look like anything she's ever seen:eek:lol So, friends... you're stuck with me as a HOOKER , I guess :c9:lol



Oh, and here's my vote on the squares, for what it's worth:


I think we should make them 12", and each trim them ourselves, that way whatever joining method you prefer will work. I have still not tried the join as you go. I learned the old whipstitch, or blindstitch or sc. Also, if we trim ourselves, it will be the same black, and you will be happy with the end result. Anyhow, that's my :2c


I should go and get ready for a nice afternoon... P.S. NO CLEANING for me today! I am waiting till tomorrow when they've gone home. I am just going to relax for a change...


:hug:hug to you all!!! I'll see you later on!

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Woo Wee! Just when I think my life is busy and crazy, I come here and read all of your posts and think I'm not the only one! Forgive me if I miss anyone, but here goes:


LeaAnne - I am thrilled to hear that you are doing so well at quiting! Way to Go! :cheer I love hearing about all your kids too and I'm sure Lyndsey enjoyed her graduation. Is school over now for the summer? Enjoy your visit with Uncle Art and Aunt Sue. That must have been fun having a laugh with your aunt about your knitting :lol


Stacy - It will all get done and whatever doesn't get done isn't that important -- well, except the ice cream cone that you promised DD, that is important :lol I know exactly how you feel and you are not the only mom who is finding this time of the year a little crazy! :hug


Vicky - I smiled at the thought of your DD and her MP3 player singing in the backyard. So sweet. Enjoy yours. I still haven't got one and DH still hasn't put my songs on his :angry.


Joanne - I am so glad to hear that you got a good night's sleep. A good night's sleep goes a long way a times like this. I hope DH comes home today and that you both have a relaxing weekend.


Scooby - I am in awe of you getting so much done as usual. I am going to add myself to the nosey group who wants to hear if you meet up with your old sweetheart. :lol


Shannon - Enjoy your camping trip!


:hi to Beth, Mary, Kazily, FosterMom and Darski, if you're reading :)


Preschool is now done for the summer :yay. I must admit, I am a little bit sad. After 2 years at the school, we will not be returning there as she moves onto her "big kid" school in the fall. The teachers were just wonderful. I wish I could put them in my pocket and keep them with us :lol. But, the day also had a few 4 year old moments that make me think some down time will be just what we need. DD had a wonderful time at the park, but it ended in tears. I think she was just worn out. Joanne, I believe it was you who said that 4-5 years was your favorite time. It certainly is a wonderful time. She is learning so much and becoming her own little person so quickly. She coralled all her little friends at the picnic this morning and initiated a game of ring-around-the-rosy. It was so cute! I am trying to embrace that her own little person is a bit on the dramatic and difficult side. DH is not so open to embracing that.


I am not going to put anything too challenging on my to do list for the rest of the day. I'm sure I'll have to make something for supper and probably fold some laundry, but otherwise I think we'll just chill. Tomorrow night I am going to my Aunt and Uncle's 40th Anniversary party, so that should be fun.


Happy Friday Everyone!

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Hi girls!! I can't chat long, I'm supposed to be packing and doing last-minute stuff around here.


I'll be checking in tomorrow. I'm staying at my parents' because I have to work. I'll catch up with everyone then.


I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend and I wish you were all coming with me!!


I :manyheart you all!!!

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:waving Everyone!!! I finally slowed down enough to come and post. As my norm, I am running around like a chicken with it's head cut off :lol. So far today, I have been to the bank, went and paid electric bill, went paid cell phone bill, wally world to get :rabbit shavings, pet store for :rabbit food, refrigerator is cleaned, cleaned 2 floor fans, and 3 ceiling fans, washed dishes, 2 min decluttering, cleaned out computer room closet, took out some garbage, made my bed. I also went back thru a medium sized box of freebie stuff that I get thru the mail to see if there was anything that I could take on trip. This is what I found :yay: 4 trial/travel size deodorants, 2 14 day supply bottles of multi-vitamins, several single size packages of tylenol/advil, 4 travel sized tubes of toothpaste, lots of shampoo/conditioner, dental floss, several bars of travel size soap, and a few other misc items. I still have lots of other things to accomplish today, but needed a break :lol:lol. I am currently working on my address book to keep in my purse 1) in case of emergency to provide contact information 2) to keep up with the addresses of a few friends from home and the ville that I would like to send postcards too. Looks like all of you are busy too. Sure is nice to come here and see that everyone else is as busy as I am and that I am not the only one who is having hectic days:D.


Joanne- So glad that you got a good night's :sleep. I hope that DH gets to come home too!!! Hope all is going well for you and that your day at work has been good!!!!


Stacy- WOWSER!!! You are having a very busy day too!!! I had to make a trip to Wally World too, and I just hate going in there. I went in to pick up 3 things, and of course one of them was a pair of flip flops for DS and they didn't have anything big enough for his size 15 foot LOL. I got to the check out line with my rabbit shavings and :remember ed that the 3rd thing I needed hair dye. Thank goodness the woman in front of me had some which made me remember. Me and Miss Clairol are going to have a :party Sunday to see if I can get this big patch of gray covered up :heehee. I hope you and DD got to get your :icecream.

Vicki- Congrats on your new :ipods. I love mine, but here lately I have not got to use it much. WTG getting all those chores done. How is DD's ear infection? Hope she is feeling much better!!!!

LeaAnne- :woo:jumpyay WTG on your success!!!!! I am so proud of you :hug. I know how you feel about the sore jaw/gum thing. I hope that it gets better. Just think, eventually you won't need that gum!!!! WTG Lindsey on your :graduateing!!!! :lol:lol at your :knitexperience. But don't feel bad, mine would probably be the same way. My stepmother knits and I think I am going to ask her to show me while I am there. I will have to let you all know how it goes.

Colleen- Enjoy your relaxation time. You deserve it. Maybe you will get to cash in on some :crocheting.

Shannon- Hope you have a great trip!!! Will be looking forward to seeing how it was. Good luck getting all your last minute stuff done today. Be careful and have a great time!!!!

Well, I guess I have played around enough. Must get my badorkas back in gear and see if I can finish today's list :sigh. I am already :tired:lol. I hope to :check back in later this evening. Hope everyone has a fantastic rest of the day!!!!

Mary, Beth, Shell, Fostermom, and Darski- Hope all of you are well and hope to hear from you soon!!!!

:hug:manyheart:hugto you all!!! You are the greatest.:yes:yes

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I have a question to ask you all. How many squares do we each make :think? I am trying to decide what pattern to do and I have the yarn I want to use, but I didn't know how many to make.

Thanks ladies! Have a great rest of the day!

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Just wanted to stop by quick...


Shannon - Have an AWESOME time! :hug


Colleen - Glad you are taking the time to chill :c9 You sure do deserve it!

We have 2 more getup's till school's out... full day Monday, 1/2 day Tuesday.


Vicki - Hope DD is feeling better:hug We need to make 9 squares each. 1 is for you, and the others are to send 1 to each of the gang. That way, we'll all have the same blanket when we're done:manyheart


Scooby - :rofl about the :party with Miss Clairol! I have more salt than pepper on my head these days, but what the heck? I earned everyone of those little buggers! :rofl

WTG on getting everything done!:clap


So, I am gonna be "Colleen" tonight.... putting my feet up with :hook:yarn and CHILLIN! I am really wiped out!


I'll be back in a while... hugs to all! :ghug

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I'm back from :drive everyone around today. The housework that's been done is courtesy of my twins. I :manyheart teens!!! I will be folding laundry and washing dishes. And crocheting squares for my very special friends.


Lea Anne,


I'm very very proud of you!!! :hug


I'm glad you found Salem bewitching. It sounds like a spellbinding field trip.


I will join in with a lot of other people: it's hard to remember what everyone is up to, but I still love reading it. The stories about the younger kids bring back fond memories. I say a prayer for everyone who is healing, or going through medical difficulties. And I will say a prayer for my friends who are travelling.


Take care everyone! Have a :crocheting weekend!:hook:yarn

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Ah ha! Pulling a "Colleen" = chilling. I :manyheart it!


We've got one little problem with that. I just took a look around my house and it looks like it did when we started this little CAL!!!!! :eek My poor dining room counter is covered :(. It's a mess! Don't worry, I'll be back on track in a few days and will count on you ladies for a :kick


So, I spent my afternoon with :hook and :yarn in the backyard. When I wasn't :crocheting I was helping DD look for bugs to put in her little bug catcher. And here is a funny story. We came in from catching bugs and DD is going nuts that she's itchy in her pants. Turns out she literally got ants in her pants and they bit her. The poor little thing. She was running around the house without pants crying "it itches, it itches". :rofl


I wasn't completely lazy today. I did make chicken fetuccini alfredo for supper and I mowed the lawn :yay. See, I earned my :crocheting time. Now I have to go clean up the dishes and get settled for a night of watching the tube with DH.

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Hey, Colleen!


I think we are in the same shoes... my house has also slipped. :blush


But you know what? We have all been busy enjoying our children, and all of the excitement that the end of the school year brings...:yes Let's face it, we are still earning our :crocheting time, and we'll all be on the same page with the :kick's required to get back in gear next week;)


OOOOH, your poor DD with the ants! :(



Hey, all-


What color squares are you making :?

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Hey ladies!!

LeAnne- it's good to hear that hooking is where your heart is! :rofl


I don't have time to reply to everyone, but I had to stop in. I am so excited because I figured out what kind of square I am going to do!! :clap The only problem is that there is no pattern so I will kind of wing it. :blush I will make one and see how it turns out. :lol


I am off to give the girls a quick shower before heading to dinner at dh's aunt's house. We stayed after school in the playground for 2-1/2 hours, then went for ice cream. It was fun and the girls got a little extra time with their friends. :manyheart

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Hi all- DH is home!!

He came home this afternoon and is doing so much better,but still needs to rest. I stopped by at home after work to see him and then headed out to meet middle DD( from Philly) and youngest DD. We had planned to meet for dinner and then to an art show that was going on My middle DD's BF is an artist (like her) and he had some of his work displayed- it was the first I'd seen of it- wow- he is talented (DD and he are well suited for each other). When I got home there was a box on my front stoop- flowers from my oldest DD (from Boston). The card said that when she talked to me the other night I sounded like I needed a hug and since she couldn't do that, she thought flowers were the next best thing. They are beautiful tulips! I was so touched that it brought tears to my eyes.


So although I love 4-5 year olds, I do love the DD's when they become wonderful young women. (its the years in between that get kind of crazy). So I think all of you with the younger kids at home are doing the right thing by making them the priority (heck the cleaning will always be there)


I thank you all sooooo much for thinking of me and DH and although I have to do some cleaning I will take it easy this weekend and make sure that DH is doing the things that he needs to do---like rest, proper diet.....


I think I will try a square this weekend and see how it comes out.


Did we decide on colors? Does anyone have any favorites? I like blues, purples, greens.


Have a good night everyone!

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Joanne, I'm so happy to hear that dh is home! :clap Glad you enjoyed your time at the art show. I love to look at art but I just don't get the people who stand around contemplating it. :think That was very sweet of your dd to send you flowers, too. Sounds like you have raised some wonderful young women. :manyheart


As for squares...my favorite colors are purples, pinks, and blues. I've been looking at CA's state flower, colors, etc, just to see if I can make something representing where I am. Well I decided that I want to do a blue granny with a yellow poppy in the middle, for the state color and flower. Does that sound corny? :blush The problem is that there is no pattern and I am not much of a designer. :lol So I am going to play around with it for a couple weeks and see how it turns out. If it doesn't- I will probably make a plain ol' blue and yellow granny. :D

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Joanne, I'm glad your dh is home! :yayNow you can take care of him. Just don't forget to take care of you, too! :hugYour dd's sound like awesome young women. While the little ones are wonderful, fun, and awe-inspiring, I like the older ones that are so helpful, considerate, and mature. :manyheart


Stacy, I hope you enjoyed your playground time, and dinner at the relatives' house. It's good to have family nearby. I'm 3 states away from my nearest relative.


Squares - well, Virginia does not have official state colors. I have started a pattern already. The center is red (which represents my mini-van where I sit to taxi kids around) with two other colors. Since I live near the Chesapeake Bay and Atlantic Ocean, I thought I'd make those colors blue and beige -- to represent water and sand.

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Good morning all!

Beth- I had a great laugh :lol when I read your post about using red to represent the mini-van that you spend your time in taxing kids around- oh, how I remember those days- spent more time in the car than anywhere else!!!


The official colors of NJ are buff (a tannish yellow) and dark blue and the state flower is violet. I just read that George Washington chose those colors for the flags for the army regiments of NJ in the Revolutionary War (who knew??:think). I always thought it had something to do with the Jersey Shore (kind of like Beth's thoughts about the sand and ocean)


Well, off to take my vitamins and get started on some much needed cleaning (while DH is still sleeping). I've got my :ipod all ready to go!


Have a fantabulous Saturday (and I hope we see some sun today) We have had sooooo much rain here in June it is starting to get depressing- only good thing is the lawn looks great and we haven't had to use the sprinkler at all!


Will :check in later

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Joanne - It is wonderful that your hubby is home. Hopefully all will be well now. The flowers must be beautiful! Enjoy them.


DD's ear infection is feeling better. She went swimming the first day after we were at the doctor and she said it hurt after that. She has been taking her medicine twice a day and she feels much better. Thanks to all of you who asked about her.


I am going to make blue squares. I found some Caron Simply Soft in Berry Blue (I think that is the name) and I found a pattern in my square pattern book. I need to work on it a little as I did something wrong at the top of the one I started. If I can't get it, I will do just a plain old square. Are we outlining the squares in black or just leaving them as they are? I know, I ask a lot of questions about stuff like this. I just want to make sure I do it right!


I think I will go to Best Buy today and get hubby a game for his PSP for Father's day. He had one in his hand yesterday when he bought me my headphones for my MP3 and he put it back. He thought he was spending too much. Maybe I'll be nice.


Otherwise, I have some laundry to do. I have ribs out for dinner and I seriously need to look at my paper. DD got the Jonas

Bros. disc and wants it put on her player. Mine needs to be charged so I can get it up and running. I ordered a wall plug for it, as now it needs to be charged on the computer.


Have a great day everyone!

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'Morning, :crocheting friends!

I am so excited today! Last night we had a wonderful dinner with dh's cousin and aunt. His cousin has been through a lot in the past 6 months or so (this is the same one that was stabbed) and he is recovering nicely. It is wonderful to see him so happy and upbeat. :manyheart

While there, dh explained what happened with my grandma, just to let them know we would be going to MI for a little while. Well, guess what? His aunt told him that she has a credit with Southwest Airlines for a trip she had to cancel and cannot reschedule, so...she said we can use it! :clap Now, I checked the fares and we had planned not to go with them because I found something cheaper at a different airline but this morning I just checked and they lowered their fares!! I am almost in tears. I don't want to get all spiritual but this is a sign. :manyheart


Beth- I had to laugh at your mini-van color. Mine is red, too! :lol I am also states away from my family- I live in CA and they are all in MI. Dh grew up here, though, and all of his close relatives are here.


Joanne- Good luck with your cleaning and I hope dh is feeling better today.


Vicki- So glad that dd is feeling better. Ear infections are the worst. I love Berry Blue SS! Caron's Brites collection is so pretty. I think we are just leaving the squares as they are so that we can each decide for ourselves if we want them edged.


Well I need to run to the store this morning, I missed the 1-day sale but their prices are always cheap so I will still go. I also need to go to the P.O. as I just didn't have time to get there yesterday. It was so hot by noon and the girls were tired of being in the car. Oh, I also have to get dh's gift...he wants a new Swiss Army knife. Darn it- and I thought I would have a nice, relaxing Saturday. Oh, well.


Have a great one!! :hook



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HI Friends!!!!! I am not off to a very good start this morning :lol. I got up :tired this morning, which is not a good sign. I need a good swift :kickto get motivated. Lots of things I want to get done today but have got a case of the lazies :lol.

Joanne- :yay So glad to hear that DH is now home. Try to get some rest too. You deserve some :crocheting time!!!!! How sweet of DD to send you some flowers. Sounds like you have raised some wonderful young women :yes:yes.

Vicki- So glad to hear that DD's ear is feeling better:cheer. :yuck on having to look at your paper :lol. I think anything is better than doing that, even cleaning:heehee. But, I know you will be glad when it is done.

Stacy- :hug That is good news about the airfare!!!! Sounds like you all had a good time at dinner last nite :clap. OH Bummer, sorry you missed the sale yesterday, but at least they have great prices and you can still go. Maybe you will get to chillax after all the running around to do.

Hi Colleen, LeaAnne, Beth, Shell, Darski, and Fostermom!!!!! Mary I hope all is well with you and you are feeling better!!!! Shannon I hope you are having a blast on your camping trip.

Well, I must run now. I have a haircut appt in an hour and have to get ready. My badorkas is really dragging today. Maybe I will feel better after I get my hair done :lol. Hope everyone is enjoying their Saturday. Will :check back in later on!!!!

:hug:manyheart to you all!!!!

OH, I forgot to mention. Sounds like everyone's squares are going to be beautiful. I can't wait to see them. Vicki, I think we decided no border/edging. If we want an edging/border we can do that ourself. Someone step in and correct me if I am wrong. I haven't quite decided what colors to use yet, but I do want it to be something to represent Tennessee. My favorite color is any shade of purple and I love the variegated yarns in any colors.

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Well, I cleaned the 2 BR's, the bedroom, the kitchen and the Living Room- and that is it for today! The rain returned o :rain so nothing to do but stay inside and finish my book and pick up the :crocheting


I love the Caron Simply Soft Berry Blue:yes- I had made a scarf for myself with it and one day when middle DD was here, she saw it and wrapped it right around her neck saying how much she loved the color! So, what's a mother to do but give it to her!:manyheart


Scooby- not surprised that you are having a case of the lazies- you have been running your bodorkus off the last few days- guess your body is telling you to slow down. Take it easy-


Stacy- Great news about the airfare you must be on :c9....I really believe that everything happens for a reason (we just don't always know what the reason is when it happens)


Shannon- thinking of you while you are camping


Mary- hope you are feeling better each and every day!


LeaAnne- hope that today is going well- WTG on the Quitting! :cheer:clap:cheer


Colleen, Beth, fostermom, shell and Darski-hope you are having a nice Saturday

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Everyone must be very busy cleaning today! It is so quiet here.

I finished "Hooked on Murder" and at the end of the book there is a granny square pattern- how perfect!


Hope everyone had a wonderful day.

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