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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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Colleen - that sounds like a great trip, and nice time with your sis and BIL. but I agree... it's hard to be away from your child for a long time. I will say a prayer that the best answer will come for you:hug btw - The colors your sister has picked for her living room... You sure can have a lot of fun with that! Purple ROCKS!


Joanne - WTG on thinking about Christmas gifts! :clap Wouldn't it be cool to be ahead of the game! what are you thinking of making? Boy, you sure did get a lot done today, good for you! I really like Caron SS too! I find that my :hook can :fly with that kind of yarn... the color you got sounds really yummy!:c9


Shannon - glad the luau was fun! K, so mudbugs sound like too much work, I guess I'll just stick with the Lobstah's! :heehee... your family sounds like so much fun! No wonder you are as funny as you are!:hug


Vicki - I hope that things are going well for you, and that you're getting a little energy back... but if not, don't worry, it will come, and we are here for you to :cheeryou on!


ScoobyAnne:lol:lol Love it! You made me think of all of my "Anne" friends... I seem to attract them for some reason:think When I was waitressing not long ago, there we were: Maryanne, Joanne, and LeaAnne! Imagine being a guest who was looking for their server? We had a lot of fun with it. I also have many other "Anne" friends. It's always struck me kind of funny:D

That party sounds like it was a big hit! and a lot of fun! I am glad you enjoyed it!

:(Sorry to hear about your :crocheting funk-ness... I hope it goes away soon! Meanwhile, I sure don't blame you for enjoying the :sun


:waving, Mary! I hope you had a nice day with all that :crocheting:crocheting, and that you are feeling ok:hug


and a big :hi:hug to all of my friends, here!



So, this is going to be ONE week for me... I'm a little :nervous, but :excited at the same time.

Here's what I have to keep me "occupied" :lol You're about to see why I needed to write a list:eek

Monday - clean and laundry (that ought to be a good trick, my :wash BROKE today...grrr... laundrymat, here I come!) then the Phillies AND the Bulls have playoff games (same time, different fields) Yes, AND it's QUIT DAY!

Tuesday - Field Day at the kiddos' school all morning, 5th graders vs parents kickball game after lunch, then our annual backyard BBQ fundraiser at night.

Wednesday - DS has a physical so that he can play pop warner football this year (he made the E's by 1 pound) & need to make sure the house is totally cleaned.

Thursday - Chaperoning a feild trip to the Hawthorne House in Salem, MA. (This will be COOL... I've never been...) Then the Bulls play ball that evening. My uncle and aunt will be arriving back in the evening as well, to stay over.

Friday - 5th grade graduation for my Lindsey! (and :xfin that the Phillies will have a semi-final game that night!) Uncle Art has appt's at the Lahey from 7:45am through 6:30pm, so they'll stay over again.


I also have some :crocheting lined up for those urges... bookmarks for charity, 1 square for each day that I don't smoke, and I would like to start those placemats, if I can ever decide which yarn to use:shrug:lol...lastly, I want to try knitting. I am not very good at it, and it's something I have always wanted to learn, so I figure now is a good time for something to focus my little mind on, right?


I guess I have blathered on for long enough... sure do :manyheart you, girls!

:yawn... need some sleep! :night

Sweet dreams, everyone! I'll see you tomorrow sometime! :ghug

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Hey ladies!! It is sooooo good to be home!


LeAnne- WTG on quitting!!! I will also be here to :cheer:cheer:cheer for you!


Scooby- Glad your party was success. Can't go wrong with S'mores and a giant slip n' slide!


Shannon- Glad your luau went well! I bet dd was adorable with her grass skirt and coconuts. Hope you had fun swimming. How far are you from New Orleans? (I'm pretty sure you've mentioned it before. :think) DH is absolutely convinced that he is going to 311 Day next year and I am hoping to go as well. (311 is our favorite band, in case no one could tell. LoL)


Colleen- Good luck with your decision to help your sister. The farthest I have ever been from my kiddos was when my middle one was 6 months old- we went to a 311 concert at the Palms Resort in Las Vegas. I called like every 1/2 hour and we were only gone overnight. LoL


Joanne- Congrats to your nephew! Eagle Scout is a great achievement. Good luck with your FBB, I was lazy with the last one I made and just didn't even line it. I'm sure I will be sorry when I try to use it. :lol good luck if you also decide to try quitting. We will be here to :cheerand send some :hug!!!


Mary- I am so happy that your surgery went well! Hopefully you took it easier today and got some rest and :crocheting time.


Fostermom, Beth, Kazily- I hope all is well with you!! :hug


As for our trip...we went to my SIL's pinning ceremony on Thursday night and it was very nice. Friday I had planned to take my girls for a walk to get ice cream, and browse a couple of stores (they live near a strip mall) when my SIL dropped it on me 1/2 an hour before she left that she had a practice for her Saturday graduation. So I ended up with my kids, my 3 y/o neice (who is as bad as my 3 kids together) and SIL's oldest daughter until 5 p.m. I was :angry:angry:angry...I wouldn't have minded if she had asked me but she basically said, "This is what I am doing and I can't take them with me." :blush As watching everyone, my aunt called to tell me that my grandma has stage 4 cancer, in the lymph nodes in her groin. Needless to say, I was a wreck for the rest of Friday and Saturday. I don't usually ask for stuff, but if you can please spare some good thoughts/prayers, I will really appreciate it. Her one wish is to see my girls. :cry I had been planning to visit in early August already (before dd turns 2 so she can sit on my lap) but now I am looking at late July.

Anyway, sorry for the little ramble. I've needed someone to vent to since Friday and I know I can turn to you girls to let it out. :manyheart

Tomorrow is school and registration for dd's pre-k class. Dh is staying home :clap so I will be able to spend some time looking for flights. I am off to do pj's and bedtime now. Have a good night, ladies!



:hug:hug:hug Stacy! Welcome home! :hug:hug:hug

I will send you all of my prayers for your grandma!


I am glad that you are back and that you got to vent (I would have been :angry:angry too!)


Good luck at Kindergarten registration tomorrow! and afterwards, you, DH and your girls should go get an :icecream

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Stacy - So glad you are back home safe and sound. I'm so sorry to hear the news about your grandma. I will definitely add her to my prayers. And yes, you can vent to us anytime! :hug


LeaAnne - I came on here at midnight to wish you well for the big Quit day! :cheer:cheer:cheer:cheer:cheer:cheer I see you have quite the week ahead of you (WOW!), so I hope keeping busy helps. Is this backyard BBQ fundraiser in your backyard? :manyheart:hug


Joanne - Glad to hear that you are :crocheting lots.


Scooby - That party sounds like so much fun! Oh to be a kid again, eh?


Thanks to all of you for your thoughts and prayers about my potential trip. I'm sure the right answer will come to me.


We went out for dinner tonight with my MIL and her "friend". It was a nice break from cooking and doing dishes. I broke down and abandoned the ripple tonight and started playing around with a shrug. We'll see how it goes. Shhh, don't tell my friends at the June CAL. :lol I laugh, because some of them are part of this CAL too :rofl


This is the start of the last week of the pre-school year, so I am looking forward to some lazy summer days--of course I'll get my cleaning done too. :lol S (for Summer) minus 5 days and counting! :clap


:hug to everyone and an extra :hug for LeaAnne on this big day.

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Hi friends!!


Stacy- It's so good to have you back! I'm sorry to hear about your grandma. She is in my prayers.

BTW, I'm about 5 1/2 hours away from NOLA. We're at the opposite end of the state, up by Shreveport.


Joanne- Well, they lost and it's all over now. Were you watching when Kobe picked up his DDs. His wife looked at the oldest one and said, "You have a booger." Then she grabbed her nose to get it. And yes, the microphones actually picked it up.:lol I thought it was pretty funny. WTG on getting some cheap yarn!!


Scooby- Glad you had fun at the party and you're enjoying the :sun!! I agree with you about sucking the brains out--total gross-ness!! If you decide to quit smoking, we're here to :cheer you on and give big :hug!


LeaAnne- Happy "Q" Day to you, happy "Q" day to you.... It sounds like you wouldn't be able to fit in some "yucky habit" time even if you wanted to this week. Please let your uncle know that we are thinking of him and praying that everything goes well during his trip to Lahey. What's the Hawthorne House? Hope you have fun. Since you'd rather eat lobster, are you not coming to my crawfish boil?


Colleen- I'm praying that the answer about your trip will come to you. I know how you feel, although I have left DD a few times for a few days each. I'm supposed to leave her for a week in August, but I really don't want to. Hey, who's the shrug for? WTG on getting some new yarn!!


We just got back from my parents' a little while ago. I'm very tired, but not as tired as DD was. She wouldn't take her medicine, then she laid down on the floor and fell asleep. I never did get the medicine in her. But she's been on it for 2 1/2 months, and this is only the 2nd time she's skipped. We had a nice time with the family (aka bunch of crazies)!! My dad is one of 12, and most of them had kids, so it's always a big group!! It's fun though. And they are really funny.


I'm going to sleep now. Nighty-night everyone!! :ghug:manyheart

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Hi everyone

I will keep everyone in my prayers that need to be. I think all your prayers really helped me thru my time of need. Keeping people in your prayers can do great things. One person can not do everything but a group of people can move mountains.:cheer:c9:cheer

I too am a smoker and wish i wasn't. I don't smoke in my house either and that seams to help. One of these days i will just say that is enough and throw them away.:yes

I did over do it on saturday and i took it easy yesterday and today I am gonna behave. I can't beleive iam hooked on cleaning lol. Stranger things have happened lol :lol

I still have to figure out how to post picks here, so i can show you what i have been up too. :)

Yesterday i found a pattern here for a crochet cupcake purse. I made it and it is the cutest thing. I found it in the member's pattern section.:D

Well Iam going to get back to crocheting again. Iam working on an afghan and Iam about 1/2 done.

Have a good day everyone


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Had a problem connecting to the internet this AM- just read through all your posts, but don't have time to respond to all as I am running late and need to get my bodorkus out the door to work


Good luck today LeaAnne--we are all here rooting for you


Take your vitamins girls and Ill cya after work


Have a great Monday

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Happy Monday to all. I hope everyone has a great day!

Leanne - Good luck today! You are going to beat this thing!

Mary - I hope you are beginning to feel better. Take it easy today and relax today.

Good morning to Shannon, Stacy, Colleen, and Scooby. Have a great day ladies! :clap

I need to go to the accountant's office today to pay them. DD gets her allergy shots and I need to take the vacuum to get repaired. It is clogged and doesn't have the same sucking ability. I still need to get the hubby a father's day gift and have no idea what to get him. I was thinking a gift card to Best Buy so he can get whatever he wants, but as usual he is quiet on the subject.

Hope everyone has a great day!


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:hugHi, and Good morning, friends!


Thank you all so much for the words of encouragement:clap as I read through your posts, I had tears coming down my cheeks... YOU Girls are the BEST friends anyone could ask for! :ghug


As you can imagine, I am not having a banner day, but I am sticking with it. Not sure why, but I was crying a lot this morning. :shrug...I am feeling a little better now. :)


Hi, Colleen! - the Backyard BBQ is at the school...:lol My bad for not explaining! Each end of year, we have a cookout for the families in the backyard of the school, complete with disc jockey, face painting, and all of those fun things you can imagine:yay Prior to the event, each student donates an item to their classroom's "theme basket". These baskets (as well as other donated itmes) are raffled at the event. There are some pretty cool baskets: Boston Sports, Summer Fun, Dining Out and lottery tickets are the popular ones. The PTO usually raises around $5K to start us off for the next school year. :xfin that this year's numbers are close, what with the economy and all... Anyhoo, it is a lot of fun!


oh, and Happy Last week of school!!! (and :ty for the extra :hug, it's just what I needed today!:))


:hi, Shannon! - Now, hold on, I didn't say I wouldn't come to your party!!!:lol Maybe I just need to bring the lobsters! :rofl

Thanks for the song, too... It's stuck in my head!

The Hawthorne house is where the author of "The Scarlet Letter" and "House of the Seven Gables" was born... I think it's supposed to be "haunted" or something... I am not really sure. It's something I would like to know more about. Kinda dumb, really, to live so close to all this history, and not take it in!:blush

I am glad you had a fun family day yesterday, and hope DD got some much earned rest! :hug


:waving, Joanne - Hope you had a wonderful day! thanks for the quick note :wink:hug


:hi, Vicki - good luck with all of that running around today... I, too, have a vacuum that doesn't suck... It's quite a frustrating thing :irk

I hope your day is :rainbow:c9! And thank you for the awesome shot of confidence!


:waving, Mary! - I hope that you are taking it plenty easy today:manyheart

And I can't wait to see pics of what you've been making! :dreaming

what is the afghan you are working on called?


:hi:waving:hi to Scooby, Shell, and Stacy!

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Good Monday all!!


Mary- Wow! Sounds like your :hook and :yarn have been flying!! I can't wait to see your pictures. Take it easy today, and feel better!!


:waving Joanne- Have a good day at work! Have you started your new assignment yet? Thanks for the vitamin reminder. I had to get new vitamins the other day because mine expired last month. When I went to open them I noticed that the expiration date was Feb 2009!!:angry I have to bring them back. I have been drinking an Ensure every morning though.


Vicki- A vacuum that doesn't suck--that sucks! Hope your vacuum feels better soon. I know what you mean about Father's Day. DH is always quiet about it too. I do know he needs new clothes, so I think I'll go with that.


LeaAnne- This is a big deal for you, it's going to be emotional. But we are all here to give you big :hugs when you need them (and sometimes when you don't need them...we're a touchy-feely kind of group). When we get together for the mudbugs and lobster we can celebrate your quit-ness!! Oh, if only we could. Could you imagine? Hey, I'll bring the margaritas!! hehe You'll do great, and we're here if you need to talk. We love you, girl!!


Scooby, Colleen, Stacy, Shell- Hey girls!! Have a super day!

Stacy- I'm about 5 1/2 hours away from NOLA. We're in the opposite corner of the state, near Shreveport!

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Happy Monday!

So far today I've done a quick trip to the grocery store, roasted a chicken and cleaned the kitchen. I'm relaxing about the cleaning because I am feeling overwhelmed :eek. I know I never got to my cutlery drawer last week, but it will wait.


LeaAnne - That backyard BBQ sounds like so much fun! We do those theme baskets as fundraisers for the preschool too and they look so nice, but I've never won one :(. I remember reading Nathanial Hawthorne well, so that sounds like an interesting thing to learn more about. I would love to see Boston someday. Like you said, so much history! Here's your :hug You go girl!


Shannon - The mudbug party is sound like more and more fun now that there are margharitas in the mix :lol. The shrug is for me :blush. I know, I have crochet ADD. Don't worry, I will still make some little girl duds with you. In fact, I'll committ to buying the yarn for the Crochet Today top this week and I'll work on both. To heck with that silly ripple. It can sit in the basket for a while.


Vicky - My best to your vacuum cleaner!


Joanne - Have a great day! Thanks so much for your morning hellos and vitamin reminders. It is so nice to have a nice hello each morning.


Mary - :hi Glad to hear you know your limits. Take it easy and we can't wait to see your pics!


Scooby, kazily, Stacy, Beth and everyone else - :hi I hope you are having a fantastic day.


S-4 and counting :clap

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Hey Colleen! I called two bookstores in town trying to find CrochetToday. They both said they carry it but don't have it right now. I have to check back on Thursday. I really hope I can get it, because I already got the yarn. I'll let you know.

Sorry you're feeling overwhelmed. I don't feel like doing anything today but sleep, and DD is not cooperating. Plus, George, my monthly friend who never gets invited but always shows up, is here again. I just feel icky today.:yuck:yuck


LeaAnne- How's it going so far, hon? I hope you're keeping yourself busy by picking out some yummy lobsters for my party. I'm thinking of you today.:hug


Stacy- I hope you find a good flight so you can go see your grandma. I've been praying for all of you today.:hug


We're going camping this weekend!! I may have to work though, but just at night. I'm excited!!:D


I'll check in later. Oh, BTW, I started a "pot" for my DD's pot of gold costume. I'm winging it, but I think it might work! Wish me luck! (hehe, pot of gold, luck! I must be a leprechaun)

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HAH! I KNEW you were a leprechaun, Shannon! :rofl... good :clover luck with that pot! Which issue of Crochet Today are you looking for? I :think forgot... but if you let me know, I can peek around here for ya!

Good luck, too, with that mean George! Feel better soon! :hug

And YES, a party sounds AWESOME! Camping also sounds WAY COOL! What do you do for work?


Hi, Colleen! :waving... you should take a mini cleaning break! You've been working really hard:yes Hey, and by the way, ***(Good For You) for putting down that 'ghan... They are better for the cool weather. Summer is about FUN, right? You shouldn't be so hard on yourself... we all need a break now and again, right? :hug:hughere's an extra hug, cause you need one today :U


I am still hanging in there! Thanks, girls, for the :cheer! I did a few rows of :knit on a dishcloth today... Nothing special, but I am getting the stitches down:yes Now if I could just decide if I am a righty or lefty knitter, I'd be all set! :blush:lol


I hope Stacy found some good flight rates today, AND got to go for that :icecream! :hug:hug an extra hug for you and your grandma today...



All- I am off to get ready for these ball games... I'll be back later on tonight. Hope you all had a great day, filled with the best of everything!


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:wavingEveryone!!!! I have had a rather busy morning. I had to go to the health dept to get a paper signed regarding my shot record and it took forever. Everyone I came in contact said "You are here for immunizations?" NOOOOO, just need a form filled out :bang:bang. I then had to run by dentist office to see if I could get DS's appt changed as we are leaving to go on vacation the day of his appt. So she worked him in on Monday and we leave on Wednesday :cheer:clap:yay. I will be very busy this week trying to get everything done as we will be gone for two weeks!!!! I am so excited :lol:lol, just like a little kid. So far today, I have gotten my bathroom cleaned, general pick up, 2 min decluttering, and a lot of running around/errands. I will be very busy this week trying to get everything done before we leave. The two days before we leave I will be packing and last minute appts/bill paying, so I must get my house done this week.

Ok, I finally have time to share my little story with you all. Two weeks ago my stepmother sent me an email that my dad had ran across a phone number while cleaning out his wallet. She wasn't sure how long it had been in there but she was just passing it along. It was the phone number for my high school sweetheart :eek. I tried to call the number but it was no longer a valid number. So I called my parents to inquire. Apparently, the sweetheart had went by my parent's house asking about me and left his number. So, I in turn called his parents to try to locate him and his dad was some what rude to me but said he would tell him that I called. In the mean time, I tried to track him down on the internet through some websites with no luck. Last week, I got another email from my stepmom with a new number and email address. The sweetheart had been working out of state and had just came back and his parents told him "some woman" called for him :rofl . So he made a couple more trips back to my parents house until he finally got my dad to the door to leave the new number and email because he said he just knew "the some woman" was me . I did talk to him last week and we had a nice conversation and caught up with one another and talked about other classmates. I asked him how long it had been that he had given my dad the first number and he said it was back in November or December of last year :eek .This morning I had a message on my phone from a lady and I :think who in the world is this. The following message was the sweetheart telling me he had run into my BF from high school and he had given her my number and he hoped I didn't mind. I was so excited to finally get to talk her!!!!!! This afternoon, I called her and we had a nice conversation also. All this is just blowing my mind after 20 years. And guess where we are going on vacation next week???? To my parent's :lol. I hope we can all get toghether while I am there. I guess all things happen for a reason, but I just can't believe all of this has taken place right before my trip. Just so mind boggling:yes:yes!!!!

Anyways, that is all that has been happening around here. I see that all my friends are busy today. Mary I am glad that you are taking it easy today. LeaAnne, lots of :hug to you, as I know it is hard, but everyday will get easier. Vicki, hope you get all your running around done. Colleen, you deserve a break!!! Glad that you are relaxing a bit. Stacy it is good to see that you are back. So sorry to hear your news about your grandmother. Will keep you and your family in my prayers :hug.

:hiShannon, Beth, Fostermom,Joanne, Shell!!!!

I hope everyone is having a great Monday. Mine has been a little busy, but exciting also. I have a few more chores/things to do today but hope to :check back in later!!! :hug:manyheart to you all.

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Good evening everyone!

Colleen- you deserve to crochet something for you!!!:manyheart


Shannon- Bummer about the Magic--DH was doing the happy dance instead of me. That is neat that you are going camping in your trailer this weekend!! And sorry to hear that George is paying his monthly visit- Oh, I am so glad that George doesn't visit me anymore!!! I just smile when I read your posts- you have such a wonderful-ness sense of humor!:lol


LeaAnne- Go Bulls, Go Phillies- hope you had fun at the games...and I was thinking bout you all day- I know it's hard to quit and we are all here rooting you on.:cheer:cheer And it's ok to become emotional- WTG on teaching yourself how to knit! I just learned crochet so I think i'll stick to the :hook


Scooby- have a great vacation- what a great story about the sweetheart- They say everything happens for a reason! This is great timing! And to connect with your friend 20 years later is awesome too:yes


mary- hope you took it easy today- :crocheting


Stacy- Lots of prayers being said for your grandma and hope you were able to find a flight. Just for the record, I would have been angry too- and know that is always ok to vent here to us!:hug


:hi Beth, Vicki, Fostermom and anyone else I may have forgotten


Oh, I started my new assignment today at work- it was so nice not to have people asking me a million/kazillion questions all day long! It's going to be a lot of work, but I think I can handle it:)


Have a fantabulous evening and I'll check in later.:ghug

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Joanne- Congrats on starting your new project! :clap


LeAnne- I hope your first day is going well. It looks like you have a packed schedule this week to keep you nice and busy. I had no idea you could be a left- or right-handed knitter. :think Maybe that is why it doesn't work for me. :lol


Scooby- What a busy morning! Have a wonderful trip. How fun to talk to old friends after such a long time! I hope you can all get together. How fun that would be!


Colleen- I am right there with you, feeling overwhelmed about the cleaning. My apartment was so clean when we came home, and I was so happy to walk into it! Then we brought up all of the bags and luggage. :( Suffice to say, it is definitely not clean anymore. I should get my badorkus in gear, but there is just so much to do.


Shannon- Have fun camping!! Good luck with dd's costume- I bet it will be super-cuteness! (Btw, did you know that "super-cuteness" is apparently a real word, because there is no red line under it? :lol) I am rofl @ your George comment. My hubby's name is George, so when I read that, I just cracked up. My own dear Auntie Flo is set to visit soon, so I'm thinking that is why I feel so unmotivated.

I will bring the chicken for the mudbug boil. I am one of only 5 people in the world who does not like seafood. :blush



Thank you everyone, for your thoughts and prayers. I have found a great deal for $200 per ticket (which is incredible, for CA to MI,) just have to wait for the $$$ to get them. I am hoping to have tickets secured by early next week. You can never tell how long the low prices will last. :blush

We did try to go for ice cream today but the Ben and Jerry's in the mall was closed for remodeling. DD decided she wanted a pretzel instead. :lol


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Just stopping in to say good night to all- I picked up a book "Hooked on Murder"- a crochet mystery- by Betty Hechtman. Since there are no sports on tonight, I'm going to go get nice and cumfy in my bed and read for a while.


Stacy-Glad you found some tix and hope the price stays that low until you get the $.


LeaAnne- one day almost done- :cheer

Will :check in the AM!:night

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Stacy- :rofl I had a feeling that someone here would be close to a George. I really don't know why I picked that name, and to be honest I love it. It's my grandfather's middle name. I named him back in high school. I just know that he has to be a man, because no woman would ever do something so evil to another woman. Everyone who has known me for a while knows his name and doesn't get confused when I talk about him. Like when we went to Hawaii last year, it was me, my family, and George. And I didn't even buy him a plane ticket!!! I had to share my seat with him there....and BACK!!!

We have a great party planned, don't we? What does everyone else want to bring? And have we settled on a day yet?


Joanne- Let me know how you like that book. I've heard of it and would love to read it. :yay for your first day "alone" at work. You can handle it, I know you can!!


LeaAnne- :yay for your knitting!! But don't forget about us "little crocheters"!! Your first day is almost over! That's the hardest part. How were the games? Go Phillies:cheer Go Bulls:cheer

BTW, I'm going to work at my mom's restaurant this weekend. She's going to Florida with her high school friends, and a lot of people asked for this weekend off. So I'm going to help my dad, and probably be the cashier.

Oh yeah, what did you say to Colleen that made them *** you? The only thing I could fit there would contradict your next sentence. Was it a typo?


Scooby- I love your story!! That is sooo exciting, and sounds like it's very meant to be. Have fun at your mom's and I hope you get everything done before you go!!:hug


I hope everyone here has a wonderful night. I'm going to bed. DD's been asleep since 6:30!!:eek I better get to bed before she's finished her "nap".

Now, has anyone seen my lucky charms?!?!:clover:clover

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My goodness, what a fun day at the HAL!


Scooby - That is such a wonderful story about reconnecting with your old friends. I hope you meet up with them on your vacation. Oh ya, and a VACATION :cheer! Have a great time!


Stacy - :rofl My DH is one of the other 5 people in the world who doesn't like seafood. My DD has food allergies and the allergist has told us not to give her any shellfish, so I don't bother cooking it and we certainly don't go out to eat at a good seafood restaurant very often (we're kind of landlocked here :lol).


Shannon - Have fun camping this weekend! I'll look for that Crochet Today Magazine around here and will mail it to you if I find it. I guess worse case scenario I mail you a copy of the pattern :think. I looked at the yarn today, but didn't buy it. Kind of want DD to be with me to make sure I get the right shade of pink (she has very strong opinions about the color of pink she likes :lol).


Joanne - Enjoy your book. I've read a few books that take place in and around the people involved with knitting shops or stitch-n-twitch :wink groups and really enjoy them. I'll have to look for that book too! And you're right, Joanne, I should :crocheting something for myself. It is my hobby, right? :lol


LeaAnne - :hi I'm still here :cheer you on! I hope the Bulls and the Phillies had fun games tonight!


:hi to everyone else - Beth, Vicky, Mary, and whoever I missed.


Thank you all for your supportive words about my being overwhelmed. The cleaning doesn't so much overwhelm me as the schedule and the parenting. The past few days have been difficult with DD. She's fine, but we are having some challenging moments with her very strong personality. Everyone told me with girls it's not the terrible 2s, it's the terrible 4s. That's for sure! :lol On top of that there is this week's busy schedule: last week of preschool which includes teacher gifts (done!) and a year-end party at a park, treats to bring to the party, last week of swimming (the dreaded question: did she earn her badge? I don't care if she does, but she may be disappointed), work, a 40th anniversary party this weekend which my cousin hasn't yet called to tell me what to bring :eek, passport applications to get filed, and :blah :blah :blah. It will all get done, right?


Have a great night everyone! I got the teacher's gifts all wrapped and DD made the sweetest little cards, so we'll deliver those tomorrow so that we don't need to take them to the party at the park. Phew!

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Oh yeah, what did you say to Colleen that made them *** you? The only thing I could fit there would contradict your next sentence. Was it a typo?



Shannon, I couldn't figure that out for a while either, but I think she wrote an acronym for Good For You and perhaps they think she meant something else :lol

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Colleen- That is too funny!!:rofl:haha I can't wait til she sees it!! Isn't it a shame that we have to watch what letters we put together in this computer age? So freakin' funny!!

Goodness, you have a lot going on!! You need me to come up there and help you with some stuff? If it makes you feel any better, my DD's teacher told me she was "sassy" in class on Friday. She and the other teachers were excited about it though, because she's usually so quiet. But we've been having those days here too. I totally feel your pain!!

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Colleen- That is too funny!!:rofl:haha I can't wait til she sees it!! Isn't it a shame that we have to watch what letters we put together in this computer age? So freakin' funny!!

Goodness, you have a lot going on!! You need me to come up there and help you with some stuff? If it makes you feel any better, my DD's teacher told me she was "sassy" in class on Friday. She and the other teachers were excited about it though, because she's usually so quiet. But we've been having those days here too. I totally feel your pain!!


Thanks Shannon - Sure, c'mon up! Bring that travel trailer, I love to camp! You can pick up a CrochetToday while you're here :lol. We could sit in lawnchairs and :crocheting all day. Oh ya, and you could crack me up with your jokes. Bring George along, plenty of room. :rofl


Sassy is good, especially if she is usually quiet. My DD has some issues with her clothing and getting dressed is a major stress. In the past couple of days she has started to gag and vomit while getting dressed and I'm very fearful that it might be stress induced. It is very concerning and I am very upset about it. Of course as a mother I keep trying to figure out what I did wrong :(. Hopefully it is a phase. Gosh I hope so!

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:think:think I don't get it! ( Is this one of those dumb-dumb moments? :blush) Yes, I wrote the letters for Good For You... I dont' really know what else that could mean? Oh, man... no, seriously - I don't get it


So, I made a little slip, and had 2 puffs off a cigarette, and threw it out... I scolded myself for a minute, then let it go. All in all, I am very proud of my day, and have to say that this group is the best support EVER! I immediately wondered: "what would the girls say?", and then put that thing out! Day 1: darn good, not perfect, but darn good!


I'll be back in a sec to reply to everyone!

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Yay LeaAnne- I'm so proud of you. You can't strive to be perfect with this--you'll just set yourself up for failure. I think you did GREAT!! I've been lurking around waiting for you to see how Day 1 went!! And I must say, I'm very impressed!

About the letters--maybe go **** yourself. I had to really look at it for a minute and that's all I can think of. Man, they're strict around here. We wouldn't have even thought it if they hadn't asterisked it!!


Colleen- Godness, I'm sorry it's been so challenging for you. I'm sure that's just a phase. I'll be praying that it is a very short phase.

How long would it take me to get up there I wonder? But how fun would that be!! BTW, George is sooo not invited!! He always wants to go places with me. Someday he'll get the hint and not come back!!

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Hi, Colleen! I hope that things settle down for you soon1 the end of the school year is always the CRAZIEST! and it can be overwhelming, emotional, and outright stressful:yes I'm sorry to hear about DD's gagging issue... maybe she's looking forward to some downtime too!


Great news, Stacy! I know the 3rd of 5 people who don't like seafood... My mom! This mystery is gonna be solved before the end of the night at this rate! :heehee I am glad you found a good deal on the airline tix, I will :xfin that they are still there when you have the "jing";)


*K so funny story about the :knit-ness: I have tried MANY times to :knit, but could never catch the hang of it. I kept at it the last go round (some months ago) and figured out how to do it lefty (I am a lefty, so that was cool). I guess it's called the European method of knitting? Basically, it means that I was doing it backwards (makes sense for a lefty, right?):lol

Anyway, today, I thought that knitting would be the thing to keep my mind busy and to carry me through my urges. So I pick it up, and knit one row. Then, instead of switching the work to the other hand, I just knit it right back :spin WHOA! That was weird... I did enjoy doing it for a while, though!:shrug:D

Don't worry, :crocheting is my lifelong PASSION, and is what has carried me through everything :goodorbad in my life... I am not about to let it go, NO WAY!


Scooby- I love all of the intrigue of your story... it all sounds so cool! I hope that things go right on your trip, so you can catch up with that sweetie, and your old friend! Are you leaving this Wednesday, as in the 17th?


Hi, Joanne - You are so sweet to think of me today, too... I am SO happy for you with your new job! And you'll have to give us a review on that book... I hope you had a good night's :night


Hi, Mary, Beth, Vicki, Shell, and all my HAL/CAL buddies! :ghug to everyone!


Oh, yeah! Softball update: Phillies lose:( But if the right team wins in tomorrow night's round robin game, and should happen to score x amount of points, we will still move on to the semi-finals... :rolleyes this is VERY confusing! all I know is that we had fun, and the girls are not quite ready for their season to be over just yet1

Bulls WIN!:) By 1 run! It was very exciting! the Phillies game ended early, so we all arrived at the park at the end of the 4th for the Bulls game. My Krissy was the pitcher! the other team was up 2 runs. The Bulls came back in the 5th and pulled ahead by 1. Bottom of the 6th: Krissy pitches to the 1st batter. Hit back to pitcher. Put out at first. Next batter, hits to 2nd baseman. put out at first. TWO down!!! 3ed batter: hits the ball back to pitcher. Krissy didn't drop her glove quick enough, and took the hit in the inside of her knee. Immediately, dropped to the ground! I flew! Another coach brought an ice pack for Krissy, figuring that she was all done. I said "Krissy, this is your game. You can leave now if you want, I want you to know there is 1 out left in this game...Whaddya think?" "Mom," she said, "Is it okay if I finish?"

she stood up, walked to the plate and back, threw some practice pitches, and STRUCK OUT the last batter! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!:cheer:cheer

Honestly, that girl is something special, and one of the strongest people I have ever known. I could not be a prouder mom tonight, I'll tell you that!:yes (p.s. Krissy is my DD who :crocheting!)


Well, I better go get some :sleep... tomorrow is FIELD DAY! I'll try to check in quick before I "go to school"!

~hugs~ to all!

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