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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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Hi everyone!


Shannon - WTG getting laundry and cleaning done - see you're not in a rut, you are a lean mean cleaning machine!


Scooby - 11 loads of laundry :eek. Wow! Good job getting all your vitamins bought.


Vicky - Glad your prof. dev. day is done. Hopefully you can enjoy some well-deserved summer vacation now. Good luck sorting out babysitting for your DD for July.


Stacy - If we don't hear from you before you go, enjoy your trip to En Centro for your sister's graduation. Have fun!


Joanne - Enjoy your game! From my little corner of the world, it is strange to think that anyone is watching anything other than game 6 of the NHL Stanley Cup Finals :lol (Go Penguins!)


I have a load of laundry to throw in the dryer before I head to bed. DD threw up again tonight. She coughs so hard she throws up, poor little thing. This time all over the bed. Last night at 3:00 am I was cleaning the toilet. Oh the joys of motherhood! (Don't worry, I wouldn't trade it for the world). I think I'll give myself bonus :crocheting time for 3:00 am toilet cleaning. :D She seems to be better now and hasn't coughed for a good hour.


Have a great night everyone!

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I just have to share this story with you girls!!


I was trying clothes on my DD (3 1/2 yo). We were in between shirts when she decides to use her hands to push her "booblets" together. So I said to her, knowing she wouldn't understand, "Are you trying to give yourself cleavage?" She points to my chest and says, "Like Mommy!" :laughroll:haha:rofl:haha:laughroll

Cracked me up!! I don't know where she gets this stuff. And I am soooo not blessed in that department. Sorry, I just couldn't keep it to myself!!


I have picked up the kitchen and swept, and my 5th load of laundry is in the washer now. I think I'll get my organizing book out later and see if I can learn anything. If I find some good tips I'll share. :manyheart to you all!!


:) Kids say the funniest things, don't they? She sounds like a fun kid!

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Oh Colleen, you sure did earn bonus:crocheting time! I remember those days well- not fun! Hope she is feeling better today!:hug

Stacy- enjoy your trip to your SIL's graduation- another nurse joins the ranks!

Vicki- enjoy summer vacation!!!

LeaAnne- must be happy that your Red Sox beat my Yankees (ugh!)


How about that Magic Team! Awesome game- and now I pay for staying up late to watch them but at least they won!!!:cheer:cheer:cheer


Time to get ready for work.


Remember your vitamins, girls!:manyheart

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Scooby! :hug Good to see you. 11 loads of laundry! :eek I :nworthy to you! LoL Laundry is by far my most-hated chore, and truth be told, I put off doing sheets and things like that much longer than I probably should. Great job getting everything done. And put away, even! Yay for stopping at the storage. Good luck getting all of your clothing sorted.

I don't know what I'm going to do about that snowflake afghan- I debated frogging it :eek and turning them into squares. I have 4 balls of blue Softee Chunkee and I could just add those in there as well if I did squares...but they are joined already, so that idea isn't too tempting. :lol


Vicki- good luck finding daycare for DD. Where in CA are you going?


Shannon- :rofl @ your dd! That is too funny! My 4 y/o likes to walk around with a ball under her shirt and tell me she's having a baby. Then she will go in her room, pop it out, and bring me a stuffed animal. LoL The things kids come up with.


Colleen- Hope your dd is feeling better soon! Has your dd been tested for asthma? I only ask because Isabella has a friend who does the same thing, coughing until she throws up. The mom took her to the dr. and she was diagnosed with asthma.


Thank you for the vitamin reminders, Scooby and Joanne! I only remember to take it if I check in here first. LoL I still take pre-natals because they have a higher dose of the B vitamins and I tend to get depressed a bit. So my dr. told me to keep taking them, along with an iron supplement, since I have been anemic several times.

Well I better get my badorkus in gear- much to do today! Packing, run to Target for snacks and coloring books (it's a 4 hour drive), getting everything straightened up so we don't come home to a mess, plus I had hoped to get a neck pillow finished for my 4 y/o. So, if I don't get to check in again, everyone have a great week!



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Good morning. Since I am actually home today, I am going to get some stuff done. I need to fold the laundry and get the towels going in the washer. The vacuum needs to be run also. I was planning on washing my car, but it is very cloudy so I may wait on that one. I am also going to bake some chocolate chip bread. DD has tae kwon do tonight, so I am not cooking.


Stacy - We are going to Disneyland in July. As it happens the Yankees will be in town the weekend we get there, so we have tickets for the Sunday afternoon game. We are going to do some other things while we are there. I think the San Diego Zoo and Sea World. We have yet to decide all that, but the plane tickets are bought and ready to go.


Have a good day. I will check in later!



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Good morning, all... :yawn


grrrr....my badorkus doesn't want to get going at all today:(


Shannon - :rofl I :manyheart that story about your DD! :rofl Kids say the darndest, don't they?! She sounds like a hot ticket:D p.s. when my girls were little, they called bras "booby slippers"... I so miss that age! Hope you enjoy your time today, and that DD enjoys hers with Honey and BigBob!:hug


Colleen - I hope your DD is feeling better today, that sounds like no fun at all:( ...and yes, I sure would take some extra :crocheting time for all that :yuck :yuck cleaning! You take care of yourself:hug


:hi, Joanne - I know what you mean about having a hard time getting moving... I stayed up for the games, too! Sorry that only one of your teams won :wink:lol Hope your day went well...:hug


Whoa, Scooby - 11 loads of laundry AND storage?! :nworthy Hope you're having a great day so far!:hug


:waving, Vicki - hope you're making the most of your first real day off!:hug


I gotta go get towels in the dryer... be back in a bit.

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Another rough night last night with the coughing. Thanks for the suggestion about asthma, Stacy. She has had a cold/cough for more than a week now and the cough just won't go away. If it persists I will definitely talk to the Dr. She's fine during the day, just the odd cough here and there, but at night time it is almost non-stop. She sleeps through it, but I don't. I just get up on check on her, fall asleep, get up and check on her, fall asleep. Keep your :xfin that I don't have anymore :yuck chores tonight. I could use a good :sleep.


Joanne - Thx - glad you liked my bag. I think it is kind of pretty.

Scooby - Thx, saw your kind comments too.


Vicky - WTG on getting to the laundry. Your summer trip to Disneyland sounds fantastic. I can't remember, how old is your DD? We really want to go to Disneyworld soon.


LeaAnne - I don't blame your badorkus for wanting a day off :lol. All badorkus like a day off now and then.


DH and I took DD to grandma's today and went for lunch and did some errands, so I haven't cleaned at all. But, we got some stuff done. I also got him to take me for :icecream. It was kind of disappointing, because they had half the number of flavors they normally have. It it were off season I could understand that, but this is prime go for an :icecream after baseball game season. The only thing I can think of is that business is down due to the economy and they aren't stocking as much. To make matters worse, the other ice cream shoppe in town closed down this year :thumbdown


I hope you all have/had a great day. I'll check in later!

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Hi everyone

I didn't get much done today. I had to go and pick up some stuff for tomorrow. I have to drink some stuff tomorrow and i only get to eat Jello.:P

I have my crocheting all ready, cause i think that is all iam gonna be doing. (That and visits to bathroom ) :(

If i don't get to check in tomorrow, I hope everyone has a good weekend.:hug:manyheart

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Hi everyone

I didn't get much done today. I had to go and pick up some stuff for tomorrow. I have to drink some stuff tomorrow and i only get to eat Jello.:P

I have my crocheting all ready, cause i think that is all iam gonna be doing. (That and visits to bathroom ) :(

If i don't get to check in tomorrow, I hope everyone has a good weekend.:hug:manyheart


Take care of yourself, Mary. You will be in my thoughts and prayers and I wish you a smooth recovery. :manyheart

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Just sitting down after working all day. Cleaned up a little- there were some things in the guest room that have been calling my name to clean up- the dresser was becoming a drop off point for all sorts of misc items. Well, I finally cleaned it off- put things away where they belong and dusted and vacuumed the room.

Just read through the posts-

Mary- will be thinking of you and wishing you all the best on Friday


Colleen- sorry to hear DD is keeping you up at night- my DH has been coughing at night and then started coughing during the day too- and he finally went to the MD yesterday- he gave him a script for an inhaler and also told him to do do some nebulizer treatments- he is starting to feel better-


LeaAnne- your Boston Red Sox are winning again ---4-2 in the top of the 4th! Yankee pitchers are just not doing well. Although Wakefield just walked two of the Yankees!! Are you watching?


Stacy- you are probably on your way- hope you have fun


Vicki- enjoy your first real day off- Lucky You!!!


Scooby- you amaze me- 11 loads of laundry....and storage....WTG!!! Bonus crochet time for you!


Shannon and Beth- hope you had a great day.

Well, off to watch the game!


Have a fantabulous evening!:yay

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Hello to all my wonderful friends!! I hope everyone is having a lovely evening!


Mary- Good luck with your surgery! You're in my prayers. BTW, what flavor Jello will you be snacking on tomorrow? Yum!


Stacy- What type of boxes did you use for the girls' toys? I hope your DH's pre-diabetic class went well. Have a safe trip and have fun at SIL's graduation!! Tell her congrats for me!:yay:cheer


Joanne- We were all asleep before the end of the game last night, so I still owe my DH a happy dance. Let's see...I think I'll start off with the running man, then go into the Cabbage Patch, and I'll finish it off with the sprinkler...or the lawnmower. Yeah, that should be good!:D


Colleen- So sorry to hear about DD's cough. Give her a big :hug for me and I hope she feels better soon (for her sake and yours). Your lacey bag is beautiful! And I love the color! Seems like you're taking the June CAL very seriously! Good for you!


Vicki- Your trip to Disneyland sounds like my ideal vacation!! I hope you have so much fun!! BTW, do you have room for one more? I'll fold your laundry for a year!!!:lol


Scooby- WOW!! Just reading what you got done made me tired!! You certainly deserve about 2 full days of :crocheting!! Relax and cash tonight!!


LeaAnne- Sorry you were trying to pull a "Shannon" today! Don't be a slacker like me!! I love the "booby slippers"!! Kids are so fun(ny) to have around, aren't they?! How is your uncle feeling? Tell him we're praying for him!!


:waving Beth, FosterMom, kazily- Hope you're having a fantastic day!!

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I didn't want to lose my message, so I'm back! I spent all day at my mom's going through my room. Yes, I've been married for 6 years and there's still a bunch of my CRAP at my parents'. Then DH and I went to eat at our favorite Mexican restaurant. Yummy!! So I haven't gotten anything done here today. I'm about to fold some clothes and start working on clearing out the guest room. Tomorrow I plan to clean both bathrooms and mop the floor.


Have a great night everyone!!

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I made supper, cleaned up & decluttered the kitchen, picked up my DD's bedroom (the top of her dresser had become a dumping ground too!), folded two loads of laundry and went for a walk. Now I'm warm and feel all itchy from the bugs. :yuck


Shannon - WTG cleaning out your room at your mom and dad's. I am down to one box of books and a trunk full of my great-grandmother's dishes at my mom and dad's, so it is getting better. I will go through the books soon and want to keep the dishes as a treasure but do not have room for them here. I've been married :think ... 7 years I guess. Almost hurt my thinker figuring that one out! So, you are not the only one. Don't even talk to my MIL about all the stuff DH has left at her house! Thanks for your kind words about my bag. Yep, I'm going to finish that one last thing on my June list and then I can start something new. :clap


Joanne - WTG on cleaning off the guest room dresser. Enjoy your games!


Just curious, does anyone know the correct way to keep a white lampshade clean? My new lamps have white shades and I wondered if there is a good way to keep them nice.


Have a great evening!

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Hi, everyone!


Hey, Joanne, right after I read your post... the Yanks pulled within 1

I wasn't watching the game till a little while ago... we were at the ball field. Our major softball team started playoffs tonight (that's the team that DH and I coach, and have our 2 oldest DD's on the team) It was so much fun! the girls had a great time, and played so well! we are very proud of our little team... they are a great bunch of girls. We play again tomorrow night vs. the best team in the league :xfin I think we have a good shot at a win:cheer

One a separate matter... I hope that your DH is feeling better. Give him a hug from your friends here!:hug


Hi, Colleen! I hope that tonight is going well, and that DD is doing ok with her cough. Perhaps if you prop her on an extra pillow tonight, it will keep her cough down a little... I think with all of the stuff in the air, the kids little lungs get filled up with junk. While they are up and around it's ok, but when they settle down, it starts up the coughing again. Is her cough dry and barky or deep and raspy?

What are your lampshades made of? If they are cloth, you could spray them with Static Guard to prevent dust and lint from settling on them, and then use your little upholstery attachment on the vac to give them a once over every few days or weekly. I find that works pretty well on my cloth shades.

btw... I have been :think:think about the lacy bag, and was :( that I couldn't find it... as soon as I finish here, I will be goin straight over to that June CAL to check it out! I can't WAIT to see it!


'Sup, Shannon! Did I mention that you and I are living in parallel?! :rofl...

Well, I was gonna pull a "Shannon" today (and I was just getting used to the idea, too...) when my phone rang. It was my uncle! His question was "so what kind of pizza do you like?"... :thinkHuh? I was confused... Well, he got a call yesterday afternoon, that they wanted him at Lahey this morning for a CT scan:eek :shrug we don't know why (although he suspects that they are keeping closer tabs on one of those tumors). His blood work did not come back in time before he left last week, so we are thinking that they picked up on something:( Anyway, he and my aunt brought me lunch, and we had a very nice and upbeat visit. They will be back next week, for more tests (on top of which, there will now be another series of MRI's).... :hugthank you for thinking of him. Now we will wait and see, I guess...

What did you have at the Mexican restaurant? I love Mexican, although I don't have it very often... sounds really yummy!

Oh, and I have been married for 19 years in October, and dont' have anything at my mom's anymore, but I DO have a bunch of things at my MIL's still (we lived there when we first got married)... My wedding gown lives there still, too! See, girls, no worries, you've got PLENTY of time!:heehee

:rofl :rofl and GREAT visual of the happy :dance:elle:dance! You are too funny:lol


Stacy - Have a wonderful trip, and tell your SIL congratulations from me, too!:hug


Hi, Mary - It is always so nice to hear from you:manyheart I will be holding you in my prayers for the next few days that your surgery is successful, and that your recovery is quick.:hug:hug

Smart of you to have all those :crocheting projects ready!:yes Pack a book, too, incase if you can't crochet with the IV in your hand for a couple of days.



:waving, Vicki - Hope you remembered to relax a little today! It looked like you were on a mission of cleaning!!! :cheer:cheer Good for you!


:hi, Scooby, Beth, and Shell! I hope you had a great day :hug:hug:hug


Well, ladies, that's about it for tonight... I gotta go see Colleen's bag!


Sleep tight! :ghug:night

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Colleen- Would that new project be a sundress for the little one in your life? Or a cute place mat and coaster set?;)


LeaAnne- Your uncle is amazing!! With all this going on, he still thought to surprise you with his visit! Please wish him and his wife well for me. My DD had to have an MRI in March, and it was very draining for us. He is in my prayers and I'm so glad you all had such a nice visit today. I'm so glad your team is doing so well and having so much fun!! Go team!!:cheer BTW, I sure did that dance for DH too. I decided on the sprinkler AND the lawnmower. He thinks I'm such a dork!! I have no idea why!! Oh yeah, and I ate some fajitas at dinner tonight!! My tummy is so happy!


Good night friends!

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Hi everyone!


It is testing time at the homeschool, plus the mom-taxi is running on overtime. I haven't had much time for cleaning or posting.


Just a quick :hi:hugfor my crocheting/cleaning friends!

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Good morning all!


I am happy to report that DD only coughed for 1 hour straight in the night. Otherwise it was deep sleeping for all of us! Thank you all for wishing her well and your advice on how to take care of her cough. I'm sure it isn't over. She still has the cough; we just seem to have it under control.


LeaAnne - I'm so happy that you got to have a surprise lunch with your Uncle and Aunt. He continues to be in my prayers. That is great that you are enjoying your softball team. I wish you best of luck in the playoffs. Thanks for the static guard tip for the lampshade. I'll have to go buy some soon. Thank you for your kind words about my bag. Let me guess, you love the color? :rofl I say that because it is that same Hot Yellow I've been using up.


Shannon - I have a funny visual of you doing your happy dance. I can't imagine for a moment why DH would think you are a dork :think:rofl You know, I think a little girl dress or top is on my list. I'm leaning toward that top in the Crochet Today magazine. I'll think harder about the placemat and coaster set when I get there. One thing at a time or my hooks mysteriously start new projects all on their own! :hook My ripple is shaping up. It is over half done, so this will be my motivation.


Beth - Good luck with the homeschool testing and taxi service! Thanks for stopping by!


We are staying home this morning, so I'm hoping to get somethings done. Two bathrooms, dusting, laundry. That should be a good start.


Have a terrific Thursday! :hug

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:hi... good morning!


Colleen - I am sitting here laughing out loud, all by myself... You are right... it's the color! Oh, and the pineapples... I :manyheart those too!

I am glad your dd had a good night...I was thinking about you guys:hug


Shannon - You can't possibly be a dork, cause then I'd have to be one too! :rofl I hope you have a great day :hug


:waving, Beth - it was good to "see" you! I wish you a "stress-free" testing and taxi day!:c9


Hey, hey, Joanne! I hope you have a great day today:hug.... sorry about the game:P


Good luck with the Jell-O and :yuck drink today, Mary... You are in my prayers:2hug


Good morning, Scooby, Vicki, and Shell! :manyheartyou guys!


Thanks, girls, so much for the prayers for my uncle:manyheart I will let him know that you all are keeping him in your thoughts.:hug



So today I am all by myself for a few hours :jumpyay:rainbow:c9...

I don't even know what I want to do first, but I am thinking that today will be a break for me other than general cleaning, dinner prep, and of course, :wash :wash My Hooks are crying:cry, and are feeling a bit abandoned:( I better go fix that problem :wink:devil before we go to the ballfield tonight:yay

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Happy Thursday to everyone. It is a :sunday here. I will definately wash the car today. I didn't do it yesterday because it was so cloudy. There was no rain, but if I had washed it, the rain would have come. That is just the way my life is! :lol

I washed the towels yesterday, but did not fold them. I folded the clothes and went to get my eyes checked and ordered new glasses. I took DD to tae kwon do and then we went to dinner. Watched the Yankees lose yet again to the Red Sox. What is up with that? Why can they not beat them this year?

Shannon - Sorry, I have no room in my suitcase, but your desire gave me an idea. Why not plan a get together in Disney World? Invite all the gals from this CAL. Just a thought. Any takers? :think

Colleen - Yes, it will be a good trip. My daughter is 9, so she will have fun, especially at the zoo and Sea World. I have been to the Sea World in San Antonio and Orlando. The one in San Antonio is better, so it will interesting to see how this one is.

Leann - Hope your uncle is feeling well today. I am glad you had a nice visit and a good lunch! That was nice to have that on a spur of the moment.

Anyway, have a great day everyone.


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Good morning!!


Mary- I'll be thinking and praying for you this weekend.:hug:manyheart:hug


Beth- Good luck with the testing and the taxiing! Thanks for saying hello! We'll be here when you have time to chat!


Colleen- I'm so glad your DD had a better night. I've been thinking about her.

Do you think I could make that top with Cottontots? Are you going to add length to it for a dress or keep it a top? I'll be out and about today and I'll try to get that magazine. Let me know when you're ready to start. I'm sure I'll need your help!!


LeaAnne- Maybe that's why we get along so well. Hmmm...

Your poor, poor crying hooks!! Better go take care of that. Mine are :( too, but I can't touch them until I get some stuff done around here. I think they understand.


Vicki- :yay I think getting together is a GREAT idea!! I've been feeling like Tom Hanks in You've Got Mail! "Should I ask them if we can meet, or not?" I am so in on that. That's why I wanted everyone to know about the 'Ville retreat next year in Alabama.

Good luck washing your car! We had a good storm last night and it's still cloudy and windy today.

BTW, I have family coming in from Kingwood this weekend if you want to hitch a ride with them and come visit!!:D


I did something so dorky yesterday, but I'm debating on whether I should share it. Maybe later today. Right now I'm off to get my badorkas in gear!! Have a great day!!

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LeaAnne - Be good to your hooks! You never know what might happen if you are not good to your hooks :rofl Enjoy your time to yourself.


Shannon - The top calls for a 3/light/sport weight yarn, so I think cottontots would be too heavy (it's a 4/medium weight). Your gauge would be off. I'm thinking I'll just pick up some baby yarn like it calls for. DD wants it in pastel pink (her current favorite color), so that will be easy to find. As for whether I'll go dress or top, I'm not sure. At this point I'm leaning toward top, because like all things made out of yarn they are too warm for hot summer days and it would be nice to be able to pair it with some pants or leggings on a cooler day. Did you see the new posting in the Children's show and tell section of one of those City Girl patterns? She gives a review of the pattern and pricing. Her top worked up really cute! When I have more time, I'll look for some things you could make with that cottontots. I have one thing in mind, but need to look for the link. What color did you get? Tell us about your dorky thing, tell us, tell us!


Vicky - Have fun washing the car!


I did 2 loads of laundry and hung on the clothesline, cleaned both bathrooms, and dusted the house :yay Feels good to get all that done. When DH gets home from physical therapy I'm going to go out shopping by myself for a couple hours :devil. Let's see, I have loads of exciting stuff on my shopping list: static guard, toilet bowl cleaner, cough syrup :(. Lucky me!

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