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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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Shannon, bring that yarn in from the car and join me on the couch. I would love some company! I've got my sitting on my badorkus in high gear already. I just crocheted a little satchel/case for my sun glasses. I was just throwing them in the bin in the van and I think they'll likely get scratched, so I made a cute little case with some scrap yarn. I even wrote down the pattern (that is a first!) in case I want to make another. I'll try to take a pic in a bit. Maybe I'll get a pic of those book thongs too.


I've made an executive decision that we are going to stay home tomorrow (until I have to go to work that is) and get caught up on some laundry and cleaning.


LeaAnne, I'll try to the notebook thing with you and Shannon. I think to begin I'll just use it for the massive clean up the office project. If I broke it down into smaller lists it might not be so overwhelming.


I take a multivitamin most days (sometimes I forget). I find it helps me stay calm, if that makes sense, plus there's the whole health benefits. I was very interested to know about the vitamin D and the bones thing. I'm going to investigate if my mulitvitamin will give me enough of a vitamin D supplement.???


Hope you are all enjoying your evenings!

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Oh Scooby, sorry to say this, but it sounds like it would have been kind of funny to watch that whole yarn fiasco (smile). 170 skeins? Wow! You are one lucky crocheter!

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That's it!!! I can't stand it anymore! I'm just sitting around wishing I could go get my yarn anyway! I'm going to get it, and nobody's going to stop me! Scoot over Colleen, my badorkas is on its way!! I'll just get it done tomorrow before I go get DD. I did empty and fill the dishwasher tonight, so I earned some :crocheting time today, right?

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Colleen- I'd love to see your sunglass case!! I need one of those too, but wouldn't know where to begin to make one up.

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Scooby- It's rainin' yarn!! Halleluiah! It's rainin' yarn!!:dance:2rock


Hee hee, thanks for the laugh. You'll be sorry, because now I'll be singing that song while we're sitting on our badorkus on the couch and you won't be able to get it out of your head.


My pics aren't very good, but here you go:


Satchel for my chunky car sunglasses:



Book thongs - I love these!


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:whewBoy am I glad all that yarn is finally put back up. In the process, my ds calls and says "Mom did you forget that tonight is free root beer floats at Sonic, it started at 8 and it is now 8:05." :blink:lol:lol:sigh:sigh I said ok give me just a minute and I will take you. I got back home finished the yarn closet and decided I wasn't going back thru that little episode again, so I cleaned out my closet and stuck the vacuum in there. I also washed some more dishes, dusted the :compute room which is oldest DS's room. Wanted to make sure it was cleaned up just in case he shows up this weekend. He won't be able to say we left his room in a mess. It is :stormagain!!! It was nice and :sunthis morning/early afternoon and then has been :stormoff and on ever since. Supposed to :2rainagain tomorrow. Doesn't look like I will ever get the :wash done and my trip to the storage building:(.

Well Colleen, at the time it was not :lol:no . Although my son thought it was. I was trying to repair one section, and two more would fall. I get those fixed and another one would fall. Finally I just took down that whole section :lol. But now that I look back on it, it was pretty hilarious :rofl. :yarn was going every where. If someone would have videotaped it for America's Funniest Videos, we might have won with Shannon singing "It's raining yarn" in the back ground :haha:laughroll:rofl. :think what a nice trip to the yarn/craft stores with the $10 grand for us all :lol. Love your bookthongs and sunglass pouch Colleen!!! They all look great!!! Thanks for sharing the :photo.

PS- I have about 6 more rows to do on my first doily. This one has been much easier to follow than the original one I started with.

Ok Shannon, I am in on the vitamin reminder. I will have to go and get the rest of them on my list that the Dr wants me to take. But I really need to start and I hope that helps to make me feel better and give me more energy. I need the energy so I can start exercising. I would like to start walking again. All of you are such an inspiration not only in cleaning but with other things too!!!! TY all so much!!!!!!!

I have had my shower and I am downloading some audio:book to my :ipod now. I think I am going to go sit in my chair, listen and :crocheting. I hope you all have a wonderful evening with lots of :hug:hug:manyheart to you all!!!!!!

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Scooby, if it rains yarn there, I want to move next door!!! I want a magic closet that rains yarn!!!


Colleen, love the book thongs and sunglass case. I think it's amazing how fast your whipped up those thongs.


I cannot keep up with everyone. I think I need to join the vitamin reminders, in hopes that it will give me more energy.


I finished round number 2 on the mudding saga. It was MUCH better than round number 1 -- only took 2 hours. I am waiting until Friday, then trying to finish it up. I'm not good at this, but it is coming along.


Today is the day I sweep, clean the cage and the cat boxes, and take out all the trash. The kids will dust, wipe down doors, clean ceiling fans, remove any cobwebs, windex mirrors, and carry out the recycling. I also want to scrub the bathrooms (which I should have done yesterday) and pay bills. Do we get extra time for paying bills?


This group is too much fun, and great motivation. I can't believe how well long-distance badorkus :kick work.

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Oh what a laugh I had this morning reading about all the activity that went on last evening. Scooby- funniest home videos should have been there! And "its raining yarn" is in my head now- especially since it really is raining here! Colleen- I like your executive decision about how you will spend today! I love your sunglasses case- WTG! and the book thongs came out great!!!


Shannon- yes you did earn crochet time- did all the yarn make it into the house


I didn't even:crocheting last night- sat on my bodorkus and watched some of the Yankee game before calling it a night at 8:30- which is really, really early for me- but I guess I needed the sleep!


Have another fun filled day ladies and I'll catch you after work.

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Morning, ladies! I am :lol with Joanne at all of the activity here! That AMF video idea is hilarious! Think you could re-create it? :lol


Shannon- did your yarn make it inside? I"m still waiting to hear what kind you bought. LoL


Colleen- your book thongs and sunglasses case are awesome! Great job.


Beth- good work on the mudding. I think you get extra time for paying bills. That is the worst job of all. :lol


Scooby- did you get your Sonic root beer floats? Anytime someone gives something away for free here, there are like 2-hour-long lines and it's not even worth the wait.


I don't be around much today or tomorrow. Today is Mommy and Me, then dh and I are going to a "mini-concert" this evening, 311 is playing a few songs on the Jimmy Kimmel Show. Tomorrow is dd's Heritage Fair at school. Please pray that it doesn't rain because she is SO excited to dance. She will be heartbroken if it is cancelled. Afterward I am planning to get my hair cut but we will see how the kids are acting first. I've never had to take them to the salon with me. :shrug Tomorrow afternoon we are going to Santa Barbara for another 311 concert. :2rock I am so excited! Concerts are really the only time I do something for myself without feeling guilty. LoL

Yikes! I didn't realize what time it is...I better get my badorkus in gear and get the girls ready.

Have a great day!!

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Good morning all!!


Colleen- You are in so much trouble!!:angry I sat on the couch with you so long my badorkas fell asleep!! And I developed onemorerowitis!! Are you going to come help me clean since I kept you company last night? I think that's only fair.:lol I love your sunglass satchel and bookthongs!! They're great!


Stacy- Have fun at your concerts.:2rock That is so cool that you live close enough to go see Jimmy Kimmel. He's hilarious! I'll be praying for no rain for you. Did you find clothes for your DD's friend? I got Bernat Cottontots and Vanna's Choice, and have no idea what to make with them.:confused Any suggestions?


Joanne- Good for you on getting a good night's sleep!:night I'm such a night owl, especially when DD isn't here 'cause I know I can sleep in. How's your back feeling today?


Beth- WTG on the mudding!! I'm so glad it was easier for you this time. Is that like floating a wall? That needs to be done at my house.


Scooby- I'm excited about taking vitamins now. I need some energy too. I'm glad you survived through the yarn storm, and that you found somewhere else to put your vacuum.


Well, I'm off to take my vitamin and clean. I have 5 hours of work to do and about 3 1/2 hours to do it in. (ahem, Colleen:manyheart) Wish me luck, have a great day, and I'll be back later. BTW, you girls are the GREATEST!!:ghug:manyheart

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hi, girls!


:rofl:lol:rofl You girls are AWESOME! I loved coming in and seeing all of these awesome stories!!! sorry I missed out on all the fun;)


Congrats, Beth, on the mudding!:cheer:clap


Shannon - :yaysounds like you had a lot of fun... "onemorerowitis"! I love that one!


Stacy - Have fun at the concerts :2rock:2rock and enjoy your time with DH! I have :xfin for the :sun for the Heritage fair... sounds like a wonderful time!


***, Joanne on the extra :night... I think that might be me tonight (at least I hope so...:devil) I hope your back is feeling beter:hug


Colleen - I love your book thongs and sunglasses case :drool You are a quick crochetier! Hope you're having a good day:manyheart


Scooby - :clap:clapon your first doily! those can get addicting... be careful:devil I hope your weather is much improved today...a little :sun vitamin D sounds like a nice idea:yes:c9 p.s. thread crochet is PERFECT for sitting in the sun;) I hope that DS enjoyed that RootBeer float that he earned last night...


I spent some more time on my notebook today, and have 2 rooms left to make my lists for. I don't know if it will work :goodorbad...it's a little overwhelming :help in CRAP!

I grew up in a long line of pack-rats:(... everyone around me it seemed saved EVERYTHING, in case they or someone they knew would need it someday:think :sigh I am in for a SERIOUS re-train! All I know is that I can't keep going like I have been, I am out of room:eek, and I don't want to pass these behaviors on to my children:no... I think it is a recipe for unnecessary stress and a lot of running in a Hampster Wheel just trying to keep up... it just makes me too :tired and :grumpy

My next step is to decide what order I want to work in. I think that the kids bedrooms need to be first. That seems to be the root cause of a lot of backpedaling.:blush


I know if I do it with you guys, it WILL happen:cheer:clap I am excited to start a new way of life! And it is because of all of you that I am finding the guts to try :ghug


I'll be back later on... Have a great day, everyone!

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Sounds like everyone is off to a happy day!


Shannon - I do not have onerowitis, so I am certain you didn't catch it from me :)


I made beds, did two loads of laundry (still need to bring it in off the clothesline), gave the kitchen sink a good scrub, tidied a bunch of stuff that had found it's way onto my dining room cupboard (bad bad stuff!), made a chicken and vegetable dish for supper, baked a german apple cake, cleaned up the kitchen from all that, and made two lists in my book for the office clean up.


I'm about to get ready for work and then it is my scrabble night tonight (aka girl's night out)!


Have a great day! Happy cleaning, happy crocheting!

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:yay:yay All of my housework is done for the day!!!!! I cleaned the kitchen which included scrubbing down counters,cabinets and all appliances, took out the trash, cleaned out leftovers in the refrigerator, dusted living room and my room again, cleaned the :goldfish bowl, general pick up, 2 min declutter of table/china hutch, cleaned the ac filters, made the beds, and made a pitcher of tea. Now I can :crochetingand work on my WIPS for June CAL.

Beth- :lol:lol Come on over I am sure we can find a place for you to move too. Yeah that :2magic:yarn closet was :rain:yarn by the bucketfuls last night. :yay on getting that mudding done!!!!

Joanne- Glad you got a good :nights :sleep . You must have really needed it. I hope your back is feeling much better today!!!!

Stacy- :rofl I am almost positive :yes that :yarn episode could be created but might be a :badidea. I would probably never get those shelves back up. Yes, we did get the free rootbeer floats last nite. As soon as we pulled in, before we get parked, a girl walked up and asked us if we wanted one. She handed them to us and we just drove right out :lol. The carhops were just walking around every where with trays full of them. I figured it would be a very big mess and take forever but I was surprised. Praying for lots of :sunfor your daughter's Heritage Fair. Have fun at your mini concert!!!!

Shannon- Good luck on getting everything done. I have faith in you that you can do it!!!! I think sometimes the hardest part is just getting started, and then everything else goes by quickly!!! Happy cleaning!!!

:idea For your cotton tots you could make these. I have heard they are really soft and make great face/wash cloths!!! They are really pretty too!!!!



LeaAnne- Ty Ty!! I am almost done with my doily. Hopefully I will complete it today and starch it so I can share some :photo. I am still not use to holding that little bitty thread :lol and still trying to figure out a comfortable way to hold it. The small :hook isn't so bad as holding the thread :lol. :no:2eek:blink:scared Don't need another :crocheting addiction :lol. :think is this :goodorbad.Keeping my :xfin and wishing you lots of :clover with your notebook. But I believe you are heading in the right direction. I think once you really get started cleaning out you will find it isn't so hard to get rid of some of that stuff especially when you start asking yourself, why do we have this/need this, what good is this, or this is has been broken for forever obviously it is never going to be fixed :lol. I know you can do this and you will feel much better about it once you get started!!!! Another thing that I found that helps me, is EVERYTHING has a place that it belongs, whether it be on a table,shelf, in a tote, in the closet, in the drawer.:yes I agree, start with the source of your backpedaling. Do the hardest part first and the rest will be a breeze. Don't get overwhelmed just keep a clear mind and KNOW that you can over come this problem!!! YOU control the problem, don't let it control you. I am here to support you 100%. :hug:hug

Well, I think I am going to run to Hobby Lobby. In the midst of all my :rain:yarn and cleaning out my closet to make room for the vacuum, I found a tote with lots of stuff in it. And what to my wondering eyes appeared, but a HL gift card I haven't used yet:clap:yay. Not that I need any more yarn :lol. Then I am going to :crocheting. I will be back later to check in with everyone!!!

Lots of :hug:hug:manyheart to you all!!!!!

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Good afternoon!! I've been busy today. I timed myself and got each chore done before the timer went off. I cleaned both bathrooms, cleaned up toys, swept the floor, picked up the kitchen and took everything off the counters to clean. But now it's time to go get DD from Honey's house!!


Joanne- Go Magic!:cheer:clap:cheer Enjoy watching the game tonight! I know I will!

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irishrose -- GOOD JOB getting all that work done. Did the timer help you stay focused and motivated?:cheer


Scoobydoo -- doesn't it feel good to have the housework done? :yay


Colleenka -- dinner sounds good. Would you share the german apple cake recipe?:drool


a_stitchintime -- I understand about the packrat thing -- I used to be one, and I'm married to one. Our house is little, though, and our kids are getting very big with many "toys." And I got tired of cleaning junk. So I started getting rid of a lot of it. I'm not done, by any means, but it is a lot easier to clean where there's less stuff.:hug


Stacy -- you sound busy! The heritage day sounds like a lot of fun. Let us know how that goes. Enjoy your concerts! What fun!:2rock


imanurse -- how are you feeling? Did it feel good to get some extra sleep? I'd love to know how that is.:tired


Here's a big :hug for everyone. I seriously think about you when I need motivation. It's fun to tell you that I was successful at something. For instance: I swept, took out trash, scrubbed 7 cat boxes, cleaned a rabbit and guinea pig cage, scrubbed 2 bathrooms, paid bills, cleaned under my bed, got rid of shoes I will never wear, and ran a bunch of errands. I still have a load of laundry to fold, but that will take 3 minutes. The rest of the night (except for taxi duty) is mine!!!:c9

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Wow, Beth! You are on a roll! Great job. :cheerYou're right- it is good motivation to think we can come here and talk about what we just accomplished, and know that everyone will be happy for us. :manyheart


Shannon- great job with the timer! What a wonderful idea. I don't know about the Cottontots, but my suggestion for the Vanna's is that you send it to me. :rofl Oh, do you have the SnB book? I don't know if you like purses, but, I've made the FBB with Vanna's and a larger hook and it is just adorable. :manyheart


Scooby- Way to go on getting your cleaning done! Glad you got your root beer floats. It's nice that the carhops were walking around with them instead of making everyone wait in line.


Joanne- hope you are feeling better today after your extra sleep. :hug


LeAnne- good luck with your notebook! My mom is a huge pack rat, not to mention a procrastinator (as in putting off the laundry and dishes until the smell was overwhelming...:yuck) and I vowed never to be that way. My dishes need to be done as soon as they are used and laundry is done once a week, no matter what. But I am a pack rat and always think, "What if I need that one day?" :blush It is difficult to overcome.


Mommy and Me was a fiasco today...in fact, even getting dressed was a mess. DD decided she would take 45 minutes and about 15 times of being told. I finally threatened to leave without her. We stayed after class to watch Isabella practice her dance for the Fair, and dd threw a screaming fit when we left. In front of the teachers, in the middle of the school. So that was fun. I love that girl to death but she makes me want to :thair and :bang...I cannot wait to go out these next two nights. :yay




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Oh, my goodness- I just typed a whole lot of stuff and when I went to post it it said I'm not logged in....what....are you kidding me?????


I don't have the energy or stamina right now to re-type everything so suffice it say, thank you for asking about my back- it's feeling better each day- I got lots of sleep last night -8 1/2 hrs which is a record for me I think. But, I'm staying up late tonight to watch the Magic Lakers game- GO MAGIC!


WTG on all that everyone got done-and sorry this is so short- Trust me, I am not happy that I spent about 15 min typing and commenting to everyone and it didn't post.:(


I :manyheart you all!

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:clapShannon! I LOVE the timer trick! I find it to be very effective:yes Hope DD had fun at Honey & BigBob's...give her an extra hug from us!


Joanne - YES! we are routing for the same team!!!:cheer:cheerGo Magic!

Being from NewEngland has bred me to never route for the Lakers, EVER!:devil

sorry about the post you wrote :angryfrustrating! Hope you get some good rest tonight after the game!


Beth - You are a true inspiration... I always marvel at how much you accomplish! :hug And back atcha, because you are motivating us all right back!:manyheart


Stacy - I hope that tomorrow is a wonderful time for you and DD! That night out is the perfect remedy for :irk:thair... here's what I tell myself on those kind of days: "ages and stages...this too shall pass" Well, maybe not the taking too long to get ready part... that's a girl thing!;)


Scooby - TY TY for the reassurance!:hug It's good to know I am heading in the right direction:yes You have no idea how comforting it is knowing that you'll be there with :hug:hug and :kick in the badorkus when I need it! I am actually very excited to get this done, after all... think about all the extra :crocheting time I'll have :jumpyay:lol

Here's a tip about working with thread... it IS harder to hold and keep the tension, so I play around with weaving the thread in and out of my fingers to get it right. Go over you index, under the middle, over the ring, and under the pinky to start. If it's too tight, then drop it off one finger at a time till you get it right. I can't wait to see that :photo!:cheer And :clover with your new addiction:rofl


Well... it's coming down to the end of the game, so I better go!

See you in the morning, friends!


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Good morning girls!

Hope everyone had a great evening.


Was very disappointed in the Magic-hopefully they can win on Sunday night- And why Sunday night instead of around 4? Oh, that's right---it's all about revenue from the advertising $$$'s ---silly me!:lol:lol


It is:rain (and not :yarn:yarn) here in NJ today- but TGIF!!!:clap


Have a great day all!:ghug

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Good morning!


Shannon - WTG on getting lots done with the timer. What a great idea! I should use that one for DD when she needs to get something done. Hmmmm.


Beth - You are getting lots done as usual WTG! You are right about how it is easier to clean if you have less stuff. I am working hard to keep the stuff to a minimum, but my DH is a packrat too.


Scooby - They have carhops at this restaurant? How fun! WTG on keeping up on your cleaning!


Stacy - Enjoy your concerts and your DD's Heritage Day.


Joanne - 8.5 hrs sleep - WTG! We all need that now and then.


LeaAnne - Thanks so much for the "ages and stages...this too shall pass" wisdom, although I must say I don't like to read the part about how girls continue to take a long time to get ready. My DD is in a real pokey stage and I was hoping it was one of those ages and stages things.


I hope you all have a Fantastic Friday! TGIF! I am planning to get some stuff done, but I'm also planning to schedule in some fun and relaxation.

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Beth - as requested. This is my SIL's recipe which she published in her kid's school fundraising cookbook (LeaAnne will be happy to know!) that the boys proudly gave me recently. I take no responsibilty if it flops ROFL. This is how she wrote it, it is very simple.


German Apple Cake


Mix together in large bowl:

1 1/4 cup sugar

2 eggs

3/4 cup margarine, melted

2 tsp cinnamon

5 cups apples sliced thin



2 cups flour

1 tsp salt

2 tsp baking powder

2 tsp baking soda


Fold flour mixture into apple mixture.

Put in greased 9 x 13 pan.

Bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour (I only baked mine for 30 mins and it was done:think).



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Happy Friday, girls!!!!


I hope that you all have a "wicked good" day! :wink


:c9I have the house to myself... FINALLY! the girls went off to school, and DH took the day off and made tee-time for him and DS. It makes me very happy that they are getting to spend some time together, even though DS is playing a little "hooky"... oh, well... it's 1st grade and getting to the end of the year so he won't miss much:devil


So, my uncle and aunt are gone back to Maine. They will be back on the 18th for another sleepover. He has another day filled with doctor appointments on the 19th. I didn't have time earlier to tell you the story, so here goes:

My uncle (my favorite) has Hepatitis C, the Asian strain. He picked it up while serving in Vietnam. In the past year, his health has deteriorated, and the doctors just recently discovered 2 tumors on his liver. The doctors in Maine referred him to the Lahey Clinic, which is about 3 minutes from my house. the Lahey is renowned as one of the best hospitals for transplants. My uncle is quickly moving up that transplant list, in fact, they are hoping that by August, he will be able to undergo this surgery. They have decided that they will inject chemo directly into the tumors, to try to keep them under control until they can find him a liver. So the last 2 days he spent 8 hours a day at the Lahey, undergoing tests, bloodwork, and interviewing with the transplant team. He said it's going well, and has sought out former recipients to discuss what will happen. I so admire his strength. In the meantime of dealing with this, he had back surgery 4 weeks ago to fuse some vertabrae. He also suffers terribly from Sciatica. He is not supposed to drive, but they live 200 miles away from here. :shrug He is doing what he needs to do.

Even though the circumstances for the visit were bad, we had a really nice time:yes He even got to go see my DS play ball. That was very special to him! My BIL was also at the game and took a bunch of pictures that he e-mailed to DH. Dh printed them all out and gave them to my uncle, who proceeded to ask my son for his autograph...so cool.

Anyhow, they will be back the week after next, and we'll be playing it all day by day...


The other thing I wanted to tell you all is a message from my DH... He wanted you to know how happy HE is that we have this group! :yay:yay My house is the cleanest it has EVER been, and he is much more relaxed. He wanted me to say :ty to you all... these were his words: "Whatever you girls are doing, it sure is working! I am happy that you have found some nice friends, and am thankful for all that you have been doing... it is so awesome!" :ghug He is absolutely blown away, and asks what you guys are up to! His latest question was "How is your friend... you know, the Yankee fan? Isn't she the Jersey girl?" :eek:eekI didn't know that he was even paying attention to my :blah :blah :lol:lol


HI :hi, Colleen! sorry:blush I missed saying hi to you last night... and don't worry about the "pokey-itis" with DD, it will get better again before it gets worse!!! :rofl give her an extra hug from me!:hug


I'll be back shortly... need to get my daily chores done while it's nice and quiet around here! :rainbow:c9

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I don't think it's the smilies, I think there must be a time limit on typing a post. I just lost everything and got logged off and only had 2 smilies.


LeaAnne- I'm praying for your uncle. I hope everything goes well and please keep us updated. I'm sure it makes him feel so much better that he can stay with you and not at a hotel during all this. And I love the autograph story. Your DS must have been so excited and proud.


Beth- I get tired just reading everything you accomplish! You are a very hard worker.


Scooby- Thanks for the facecloth pattern. I think I'll try it.


Joanne- Happy Friday. Sorry it's raining, but at least it's Friday! I didn't get to watch the game last night, but it looks like I didn't miss much! Yuck!


Colleen- Thanks for the recipe--sounds yummy!! I don't cook much, so what does "fold flour mixture into apple mixture" mean?


Stacy- How did the Heritage Fair and concert #1 go? Have you ever used VC in Tangerine Mist? I don't know what kind of project would look good in this color. Help!!!


Well, we went and bought a new travel trailer last night (I'm super excited!) and I fell asleep with DD when we got home. So I didn't get any more cleaning done. I'll have to put my badorkas in high gear today!! Wish me luck! DD's already said my name about 3,000 times today. Have a great Friday everyone!

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I agree... it's not the smilies:P:):clap


TY, Shannon, :hug:manyheart


My daily stuff has already been done for a little while... it is much faster when you keep up with it:yes:blush...


I sat down with that notebook and my calendar and am trying to play with a timeline for my decluttering mission. I did not evaluate every room, as I want to keep my focus narrow. The first things I will tackle are the bedroom closets. 1 per day. Then I need to sand and re-finish 2 dressers; one for each "girl bedroom". My oldest will get the tall one, and my 2 younger ones will each get 1/2 of the longer one. :think at least I think so... My first goal is to have all DDs' clothing put away neatly and accessibly, with room. I grew up with overstuffed drawers:no:no... that's very defeating for anyone.


I was going to start on Tuesday, but what the heck... the house is still empty, and my :ipod is charged, so wish me luck :clover :xfin... I'm goin' in!!!


:hug:hug to all... see you in a bit:D

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