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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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Ack! The cutaway cardi- I completely forgot about it! :eek I think I need to make a list of everything (not just current stuff) that I need to finish before starting anything else. :blush I have a snowflake afghan that I started supposedly for my dad and of course it's only half-way finished. And here I am talking about starting another one with the yarn under my bed. :(


Colleen- hope your daughter is feeling better soon! Germs are definitely the one thing kids like to share. :lol I also completely forgot about end-of-the-year gifts. :shrug Your bookmark/journal idea is really nice. The book thongs are really cute, especially in a variegated yarn.


Scooby- sorry your plans were messed up. Sounds like you still accomplished plenty with the bathroom and dusting, though.


Shannon- I forgot to say I am so happy for your friend! That is wonderful news! :clap:manyheart


Leanne- so glad you had a girls' night out! :lol @ the margaritas! I am the same way with blush chablis (or is it chablis blush? I'm not a wine aficionado so I don't know.) I celebrated our annivesary last year a little too much...:blush...and I still will not drink it.


Well all of the laundry is done and put away. Yay me! :cheer I cleaned up the shoes before I picked up dd yesterday and found 7 strays...I know they are here somewhere. (Did I mention this already? :think) I dropped 2 bags of shoes and one bag of clothes at the clothing drop on the way to pick her up.

I think I am going to straighten up my yarn boxes until it is time to leave again.

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Hi to all- I had a small procedure done today- cyst removed from my back- took about 7-8 stitches to close it up- I'm glad I finally had it removed- the anesthestic is starting to wear off, but all in all, not really uncomfortable- I go back in a week to have the dressing removed and make sure that it is all healed. I am not allowed to bend over so tht the stitches don't pull out so I'll not be doing the under the bed cleaning this week. But it is on my list of things to do!

I didn't write down what everyone said so I can't address each one of you personally- but I did read everyone's posts- first thing I did when I got home. I so look forward to seeing what everyone has been up to.


Have a good evening all-:ghug

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Glad everything went well with your procedure! :hug Was it just a local anesthetic? Did ya get any good pain meds? :lol


I cleaned out my yarn boxes and untangled/re-arranged everything. It looks pretty nice, not spilling all over the place anymore. I found a ton of squares in all sizes, and also a ton of WIP's. :blush:( Most of them are small but I honestly didn't think I had that many. Looks like I am in for another WIP week after we come home from El Centro.

Oh! I am so excited...I found my sheepie tape measure. :manyheart I thought one of the girls (read: my 4 y/o) had gotten hold of it and cut it so I was thrilled to find it on the bottom of one bag. Plus I found 2 hooks and another leaflet of patterns. :clap I'm beginning to like this cleaning thing. :lol

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Hello all.


I can rant here for a minute and I know you all will let me. Field day is supposed to be a fun day; play with friends and have fun in the water events - until you get the call that DD fell and needs to be taken to get her wrist X-rayed :angry! Now she has an open cast on her wrist and an appointment with the orthopedic doctor on Friday morning to determine if she gets a full cast or not. AAAAHHHH! Do you know what this means? She basically needs to have help with EVERYTHING! She needs her arm to be wrapped in bags so she can take a shower, needs help making her lunch, pulling up her hair, you name it, she needs help with it. I liked the fact that she was getting older and independent. I didn't have to do all this stuff for her. I know I am whining, so please forgive me. I just needed to get that off my chest.


Anyway, tomorrow is the last day for students. Yearbook parties and stuff like that. This is an easy day. I don't mind these days.


I did manage to get the towels in the washing machine before I left for work this morning and they got in the dryer after the ER visit. I will fold them tonight and then I think I will crochet a little. Otherwise, nothing else today thanks to our little accident.


Hope everyone has a great night. Scooby, I hope your hip is feeling better and the rain lets up for you. They rain doesn't help the bones, does it?


Stacy - I love when I find things and I didn't know they were lost! Glad you found the hooks and leaflets. I hope they were good patterns!


Thanks for letting me rant here for a minute. I know I am whining, but at least I have friends who will let me do that every now and then. You all are the best!


'night all!

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Vicky - You can rant to us anytime! I hope all goes well with the orthopedic Dr. and that your daughter heals quickly. What a terrible thing to happen at her year end field day. Poor girl.


Joanne - Glad to hear you procedure went smoothly. I hope you recover quickly too. My DH had a cyst removed from his back once. His back hair never grew back in that spot, so he has a bald spot on his back :lol. Matches the one on his head (shhh, don't tell him I said that):D.


Scooby - TY TY for the bookmark pattern! It is perfect! It must have been your post in the WIP CAL that put the idea in my head! I could picture the curly parts and everything. I just made one and I like it. I'm going to use up some pretty scraps, whip up a few of those and buy them some nice journals to go with them. TY again!


Stacy - You are on a roll getting lots done! WTG!


Well, I'm off to crochet some more bookmarks. I love little projects that finish quickly. It feels so good to finish something!


Have a happy evening all!

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:cheer:clap:yay I got my house back into some kind of order since I took a few days off and did as little as possible. Still have a few things that need to be done but that is ok. I got back in to :crocheting again after taking a few days off from it too. I am learning to work with thread and decided to make a doily :angry. I :2frog the whole thing twice (8 rows were done) and :2frog a row redid it, :2frog again and still can't make it look like the picture.:bang:yell:thair:irk I can get it all but one little section so I :2frog it all completely, gave up and started a different one. 3rd time is a charm and it was out :lol.

Joanne- :hug:hug Glad that your procedure went well:yes and that you are doing ok :manyheart. Take it easy and be good although I know it is hard to do :devil.

Stacy- :woo on getting that :yarn cleaned out. You won't be alone on another WIP as I am still trying to get all mine done :sigh. Glad you found your :1sheep tape measure, :hooks and patterns!!! Isn't it great to find lost items!!!!

Vicki- :( So sorry to hear about your DD. I hope all goes well with her and will keep her in my thoughts and prayers. It is ok to get on :soap and :rant. We are all here to listen and give you lots of :hug. Ty, my hip is slowly feeling better but you are :yes, this :2rainisn't helping the old bones any :lol.

Colleen- You are so very welcome!!! Those book thongs were the first ones that popped into my mind. They are so quick and easy and can be adapted to just about any motif. I am glad that they are working out for you and just what you needed!!!!:yay They will be great with a nice journal!!! Great :gift idea that I am going to have to type up and store with my crochet patterns:yes:lol, as the old memory isn't as great as it used to be.

LeaAnne- I hope all is going well for you this evening with the ballgames and company!!!:hug

Hope everyone has a great evening and lots of :hug:manyheart to you all!!!!

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Scooby, I whipped up 4 of those bookmarks tonight and I love them. I did flowers at the top. They work up super quick and I used up some scraps to boot. Thanks again! I suspect my scraps will get made into lots of bookmarks from now on!


Good luck with your attempts at thread and doilies. I haven't even tried, so I give you credit for trying. Keep at it!

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Scooby, I'm glad to hear that your hip is feeling better. :hug


Vicki- hugs to you! We all have to rant once in a while! I'm so sorry your dd got hurt! And so close to the summer, too. How long will she need to wear a cast?


I took dd to karate and threw the trash after I came home. That is it for the night. Tomorrow I will tackle the girls' room and possibly under my bed. Isabella told me that a friend in her class doesn't have the clothing that they are supposed to wear on Friday for their Heritage Fair, so I am going to go through their clothing and see if I have something for her. Wish me luck. If I don't check in tomorrow, send in the search team! :rofl

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Good evening all!! Hope everyone had a spectacular day. Mine was pretty uneventful. DD went swimming, but it was too cold for me!:wbrr She had a great time, until I realized she had pooped in her swim pants!!! So not fun! She has bowel problems, so I asked my DH if he's been treating the pool with mineral oil instead of chlorine!:haha


LeaAnne- I've been wanting a margarita for months!! I'm glad you got to have some. Apparently you drank mine too!:rofl


Colleen- WTG on getting some book thongs done tonight!!:yay That's a wonderful idea for a gift!!


Stacy- Oooh! Christmas in your yarn stash! What more could you ask for?! I'm glad you found some good stuff!:D


Joanne- I'm glad your procedure went well and you're not too uncomfortable. I hope it stays that way for you!;)


Vicki- I'm so sorry about your DD's wrist. I hope it's not too bad. At least she'll be out of school with it, especially if it's her writing hand. I'm sure she's bummed. Give her a big :hug for me.


Scooby- I love those book thongs! I'll definitely be trying those soon. Thanks for bringing them to my attention! I'm glad your hip is feeling better. I guess I should start taking vitamins. I'm horrible about that!


:ghug to everyone else!! I wish you all a night of sweet, sweet dreams!

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Vitamin D, huh? Hmmmmm. :think I wonder if it would help my old bones?


I am so impressed with all of you. Such progress. I feel like I'm stuck in neutral lately. I didn't get up the ladder yesterday. I looked at my schedule, and decided I didn't have a big enough chunk of time to do get anything accomplished, so I just let it slide til today. I have told my husband that once my oldest is home from work, the mudding will be my first priority (my dd is cooking tonight) and my dh will take my swimmer to practice tonight.


irishrose, I'd have a hard time swimming in an outdoor pool this early. Your dd has fortitude!


Stacy, if we dont hear from you, we'll send in the calvary! I am glad my kids are older. I do not clean their rooms. (Who am I kidding? Before this CAL, I barely cleaned my house!) Good luck! I'm so glad you found bonus items from cleaning. It's like getting paid to clean.


Colleenka - wow! Sounds like the bookmarks go together quickly. What a great gift, though.


Scooby - congrats on getting the house back in order. It is nice to take a couple of days off from time to time. I have problems jumping back in, though. I need the occaisional :kick in the badorkus. I think I need one now. Stay out of the weather, if it continues to hail like that!


Vicki - I used to get so angry when the school nurse would call me -- again -- to tell me one of my 3 kids was hurt. It doesn't help that my kids were awkward. I hope your daughter heals quickly and well.


imanurse - glad the procedure went well. I hope you don't have much pain from it. :hug


Everybody else -- :hi:hug:manyheart

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Good morning

Love those book thongs- I will try them- I need instant gratification on a project sometimes and these seem that they will be perfect- and a great way to use up some scrap yarn

Vicki- Don't worry about whining/ranting- that's what we are here for and hope that the visit with the orthopedist goes well on Fri---what a way to end the school year (NOT)

Scooby- glad your hip is feeling better and WTG on getting so much done

LeaAnne- have you recovered from your margaritas?

Stacy- fun finding all that stash- and wip's- guess you'll be busy for a while- fun busy!

IrishRose- glad to hear DD had fun swimming, even if she did poop in her pants...time to up the chlorine level!

Yes, I had local anesthetic, and no pain meds- I'm a little uncomfortable today, but will be heading to work- which reminds me- gotta get ready!


Have a great day everyone!

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Beth- good morning to you- and nice that DD cooked dinner and DH taking daughter swimming- I know what you mean about doing something and wanting to have enough time to do it.

have a great day all!

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:hi, all!


well... the smell of Tequila finally left my nose:lol:lol Feeling MUCH better today! It was good to celebrate, and Shannon - your margarita was Delicious! :rofl btw... cleaning is a sure "payback" cure for a margarita :headache:rofl


My uncle and aunt made it safely from Maine last night, right about the time we got back from softball. :c9 It sure is nice to have them here! I have the day to myself, though, as they are gone to a full day of doctor appt's. They'll be back in time to go see DS play T-ball tonite.


So, today's job is to go around my house with my new "decluttering" notebook, and make a list of what I need to tackle. The stuff you can see is sparkly clean, it's the closets that are the problem:blush



:waving, Joanne! I am glad that you're procedure went well... sounds like you better take a lot of :crocheting time to ensure a speedy recovery. I sure hope that you find time to relax and don't overdo it. :hug:hugto you for a quick recovery


:waving, Beth - :claphope dinner is delicious! What is DD making? And :cheerDH for taking DD to swim lessons! I hope your mudding goes well.

Have a wonderful day:manyheart


:waving, Stacy - :xfin for the clothes for the Heritage Fair. and I hope you find your way out of the girls room :rofl (not that I can relate or anything, you undertand:devil:blush)


:yayHappy LAST DAY, Vicki!:yay I hope your DD is ok, and that things go well at the Ortho... that's no fun at all :grumpy Give her a :hug from me, too!


:hi, Colleen! :rofl on the Bald spot story! :heehee... no worries, we won't tell :wink


Hi, Shannon - Hope that those fleas are surrendering :tryme

glad you had a fun day yesterday:hug:manyheart


:waving, Scooby! I hope your weather has improved today, and that you are taking it easy:yes Don't push yourself too much, ok?:hug


...and a big :hi:hug to Mary & FosterMom, too!


I'll be back in a bit... need :coffee, and that notebook!


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:wooLast day! Soon it will be summer and I can RELAX a little! :cheer:cheer:cheer:clap


Thank you all for letting me rant a little last night. I needed it. She is feeling better and is at her last day of school today. She is going to come with me tomorrow to my last day. She is thrilled about that!:lol


Stacy - She is in the open cast until at least Friday. Then we go back to the ortho doctor to have the wrist examined again. At that point it will be decided if she needs a closed cast or not. We just have to wait and see.


The bell has rung and I need to go to this class for the last time! Talk to you all later!

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A big :hi to all my friends!! I am home alone, ready to tackle this mess that some refer to as a house. Yes, I have gotten WAY behind on my cleaning. I'm excited to get it back the way it was a few weeks ago. I stopped at Michael's this morning, and they finally put a lot of yarn on sale. I got 11 skeins for $16!! :yay me! I'm not allowed to bring it into the house until I finish cleaning.


LeaAnne- I'm glad your aunt and uncle made it there okay. Have fun at the ball game!! "Decluttering" notebook? I'd probably need a 5 subject if I wrote down all that needs to be done around here!


Joanne- I hope your stitches don't bother you too much today at work.


Beth- Isn't playing with mud supposed to be fun? Good luck getting it done!


Stacy- We'll help you if you get trapped! We got your back girl!


Scooby-:jumpyay:yay on getting your house back in order!! Now it's my turn!


Vicki- Congrats on your last day of school! I can't wait to enjoy the summer with you and all my clean friends!!


I hope everyone has a terrific day!! I'll check back later, when my house is clean!!!:D

This is my 100th post! Yay me!

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Hey, Shannon!


:cheer:clap:yayCongrats on your 100th post! :yay:clap:cheer It's a very exciting feeling, isn't it? I suggest a margarita to celebrate :rofl


yes, the "notebook" is what that "Idiot's Guide to Decluttering" I read recommended. You see, I am really NOT an organized person:blush (no one ever really taught me)

... so the idea is this:

You take your notebook into each room of your home and sit down. Look around like you don't live there. Write down everything that's wrong or cluttered or unorganized. Each room gets its own page, I guess so you don't get overwhelmed. Then, each WEEK, you tackle 1 page of the notebook. The author suggests not doing more than 1 room per week to prevent burnout.


I've tried a lot of different things, but can't seem to get my stuff under control, so I am going to give this a whirl... :xfin Hopefully, it will be the training I need.


so, here's what happened.... i took the book into DD1's bedroom. I looked around, and got EXHAUSTED!:blush:eek:eekI can see why the 1 room per week (or month:lol) is a good idea.


I will share my adventures with you all, and if anybody can benefit, I would LOVE the company :wink



Good luck with your cleaning today...:cheer:cheer:cheerI am routing for ya!



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:wavingEveryone!!! Looks like you all have been off to a great start today. I have done my 2 min declutter, general pick up, beds are made and that's about it. It is :suntoday and going to be up in the 80's. Other than that not a lot going on here.

:cheer:clap:yay Colleen on getting those bookthongs whipped up. Yw, I just love that pattern. It is a great way to use up those little bit of scraps and that pattern works great for all kinds of yarn and even thread.

Shannon- I bet the water was :wbrr, but glad DD had a great time in the pool. YW too, I hope you enjoy :crocheting the bookthongs. I am horrible about taking vitamins too :yes. Besides the Vitamin D the dr gave me a list of 3 other vitamins he says are good to take on a regular basis:yuck. I just don't like taking medicine :lol.

Stacy- Ty Ty!!!! Good luck rummaging through all those close. :xfin that you find exactly what you need.:hug

Beth- Yep, Vitamin D. I need to try to sit in the sun for 15 mins a day without sunscreen and get some Vitamin D from the sun too. I didn't realize this but sunscreen prevents you from absorbing the vitamin D from the sun which I saw on that show called "The Doctors" :lol. I needed a :kick too. It is like I am taking cleaning in spells right now. After I look at is a couple of days I just can't stand it anymore. OCD maybe :lol? :dreaming:neener Wish I could get a break from cooking, but hope you enjoy DD's dinner. :jumpyay on DH taking DS to swimming. You deserve a break from playing taxi!!!:hug

Joanne- Enjoy those bookthongs!! Looks like they have made a hit here among my friends :cheer:clap:yay. Hope you have a good day at work and hope you get well soon!!!:hug

Vicki- :rock:dance It is the last day!!!!! Hope you have a great day today, and an even better day tomorrow on your last day :cheer:yay.

LeaAnne- Glad to hear your aunt and uncle made it in safely to your house. :think about that notebook.It sounds like a :idea and I hope it works for you as it would never work for me. I can't stay in one room until the job is done :lol. When my children were smaller, I would do one room at a time and I did the whole house in one day (usually Saturday) and the rest of the week was pick up and spot cleaning. As they got older, I had a schedule of what got cleaned on certain days as well as errands for those days. Now I just do it however :lol. I go in a room and start cleaning and when I find something that doesn't belong, I carry it out to put it up and get side tracked in the room I came in only to put away the misplaced item, and eventually I make it back to the original starting room:rofl. So each room gets cleaned in bits and pieces, but that is ok, as I don't get bored or overwhelmed. I just keep going until every room is cleaned. All the trotting back and forth and getting sidetracked in every room, some how keeps my attention and everything gets done. The positive side to this is, when I walk in a room, I :think oh that is already done so it won't take me long in here :lol. But, I don't have small children, it is only me and the 15 yo son here most of the time so that probably helps out and makes things easier for me. He also helps keep stuff picked up. It may also help me that my mother and stepmother kept uncluttered houses. Neither one could stand for things to be out of place. I'm not a pack rat and will throw things away or donate them in a :bheart beat. The only thing I horde is unread books, :yarn, :hook and patterns. I also had the cleaning business and learned a lot from that too. I hope this book really helps you get everything decluttered and organized. Keeping :xfin for you!!!!:hug

Geesh, since I have been sitting here reading and typing things up to everyone it is starting to :storm:irk:yell. I hope everyone has a great day and I will check back in later and see how everyone is doing.:hug:hug

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Hi everyone!


Not a very productive day here. Did some errands, the usual meal prep and clean up. I think I'll carry the slacking into the evening and sit on my badorkus and crochet.


Vicki - Happy Summer Vacation!


Joanne - I hope you are feeling better today.


LeaAnne - I hope you are enjoying your visitors


Shannon - How did your day go? Did you get to bring in your score of Michael's yarn?


Stacy - C'mon out of the girl's room and let us know that you are okay! Do you need a rope?


Everyone else - hugs and have a wonderful evening!

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Yay, I made it out!! :cheerIt didn't take me as long as I thought it would, only about 3 hours. :lol But everything is sorted and put into correct bins, pictures have been taken of said bins, just have to take them to Target tomorrow.

I got a late start because dh wanted me to exchange his guitar from Guitar Hero. What a fiasco! I thought Best Buy opened at 8 so I went as soon as I dropped off dd. Well, they apparently don't open until 10 so I went home and straighted up a bit before heading back out. Told the wonderfully helpful saleswoman :blush what happened and she insisted that I needed to go home and get the game, and return the entire package because they don't sell "that kind of guitar" anymore. So....another trip back home for the game, and when I returned, she told me to go look for another set. Never mind I was carrying a sleeping baby, maybe she could have helped with that. Anyway, I went back to the video games section and what did I find, but the same exact guitar I was returning. :angry I took that and another set (with the game but different guitar) up to the return counter, where she informed me that if I wanted the new set I would have to pay the price difference. The thing was under warranty and the last time it happened (this is the 2nd time) the salesman told me that if they didn't have the product they would have to replace it free of charge with whatever they did have. Anyway...she let me exchange the single guitar and I ended up getting a store credit for the difference. :clap So I am going to go back on Friday after I get a haircut, to get some new earbuds for my Ipod. The baby was killing my arm and I just wanted to get the heck out of there today.

Anyway, after all of that, came home and cleaned the bedroom. Tossed 2 bags of trash and broken toys, made the beds, cleaned the kitchen and the dish drainer, paid rent, picked up 4 y/o's pre-k registration packet, and picked up dd. Now I am home again (thank God! LoL) and trying to figure out what is for dinner...I really, really don't feel like cooking, but I really, really don't feel like going anywhere else tonight! :rofl


Colleen- Enjoy your badorkus, er, I mean, crochet time. :lol


Leanne- Enjoy your company. That notebook sounds like an awesome idea but I am afraid I will get depressed when I sit down to write about everything. :blush I might try it, though.


Scooby- hope you got to enjoy your nice weather before it start storming again.


Shannon- hope you were able to bring your yarn inside! What kind did you get?


Well, I am off to see what I can come up with for dinner.

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hi all,

Busy, busy, busy aren't we? I made it through work- back is kinda sore- but not pain- just discomfort. It feels like my skin is pulling (I guess it is from the stitches both under my skin and above).

DH brought dinner home tonight from an Italian restaurant- yippee!- He brought me chicken marsala- yum, yum. And No cleanup!

I did my mail, and also straightened up the coffee table in the family room- Not doing anything else as far as cleaning today- After all, I need to rest!!!

Will probably call it an early night tonight.

Vicki- hope you enjoyed your last day!

Stacy- what a fiasco at Best Buy- glad that it got straightened out

Shannon- Good for you- all that yarn for so little $. Did you get to bring it inside yet? Good incentive- don't bring it in until you finish cleaning!

LeeAnne- enjoy your company- glad they made it safe and sound

Scooby- glad you are feeling better and hope you got to get some Vit D (aka sunshine)

Foster Mom and Mary- hope you guys are doing good


See you tomorrow- have a great evening all!

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Hello all!! I apparently found a new place to store my yarn--my car!! Yep, it's still there. I didn't get a whole lot done today. Picked up and vacuumed living room, folded and put most of the clothes away, and washed the bathtub. Then the storm came and the lights went out for a while. I haven't felt like doing much since then. I really need a good :kick to get going again. Can anyone help me?


LeaAnne- I'll try the notebook with you. Then maybe we can compare notes and do the same tasks each week. I'm also very unorganized, and it drives me crazy!!


Scooby- Let's help each other take vitamins!! And everybody else can join too!:D


Stacy- Good for you for getting the girls' rooms done!! And that's a great idea about the pictures on the boxes! I'm going to try that too!


Vicki- You're free!! Congrats! How's DD's wrist feeling today?


Well, I really need to get my cleaning done while DD is at Honey and Big Bob's for the night. But I'd rather be curled up on the couch :crocheting. Hey Colleen, do you need some company tonight?

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Joanne- Hope your back feels better! That was nice of your DH to bring home dinner. Sounds yummy!!


Stacy- I seem to always have problems at Best Buy!:angry I REALLY don't like that place. I feel your pain!

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Thanks Joanne!! But I have to do a few more things before the yarn makes it inside. It's definitely coming in tonight though!

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ACK!!! I sat around on badorkas all day today and :crocheting and then I felt guilty.So I got up and got busy. I cleaned the bathroom again and got the vacuum out so I could run it throughout the house. I decided to start with ds's room and ended up cleaning out the closet, picking up and then got all the vacuuming done. I went to the yarn closet to put the vacuum cleaner in there, as I have no where else to keep it hidden, and I bumped the shelves and knocked down one whole section:eek:angry:bang:yell. SOOOOOO, I started building the shelves back up, as they are just the kind that you snap together, and I couldn't make them fit back together so I started :rant:yell. DS came in to see what was wrong and he put them back together for me:blush. Never ever again will I buy that kind of shelves again, as they don't fit together right and I absolutely detest them. Saving up $$ now to buy something different. Anyways,as DS was putting up the shelves I counted to see how many skeins fell as he was :rant about all the :yarn that he claims I don't need. :rofl How dare he say such a thing like that :devil. Anyways, I am now trying to put up and reorganize the 170 skeins of yarn that fell out of the 3 shelves. Thank goodness all 9 shelves didn't fall.

Stacy- So sorry you had such a terrible time at BestBuy. I know how you feel about dealing with returns at that store. The main reason I don't shop there much. :cheer:clap:yay WTG getting that room cleaned and everything organized.

Joanne-Glad you made it thru work today and that you aren't in any pain!!!:yay:manyheart You are right, go :crocheting and take it easy. I :think that was what the DR said :devil.:lol:lol

Shannon- :kick. There's your swift kick. I am anxious for you to get that housework done so you can play, pet and :crocheting with your new yarn:lol!!!! You deserve it!!!!! Have fun.

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