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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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Ok, so my house isn't the cleanest. But I'm sick, right? I'll be joining Beth and Shannon in the catch up in a day or two. However, I can crochet when I'm sick! :yay So, I need a :fire lit! I have 7 out of 12 squares joined for my purple and gray throw (joined 2 this evening). I have 4 more squares ready to join and one square left to make before joining. And then I have to decide on a border. I really want to finish this, but I really want to work on other things :sigh. So, give me a :kick and a push please! I won't even begin to think about all the ends I'll need to weave in when this throw is done :sigh


Stacy - I'm so happy to hear that the tea is helping :hug

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Hey guys! Hubby said the interview went really well! Now he just needs some questions answered before he decides what to do. He needs to call the man back that he interviewed with and clarify some things, so hopefully he will make a decision soon! It will be a loss in salary, but as I told him yesterday, sometimes you have to take a step backwards in order to go forward.

DD made the Destination Imagination team! She was so excited! When I picked her up she came running to me with the envelope in her hand saying this was the letter and she gave it to me to open. She was so happy! I told het that I had to get on here and tell you all. She said, "Mommy, you told them about it? Now you have to tell them that I made it!" Now if we could only pick up her math grade, life will be good! We will have to work on it, so that is on the agenda!

I am almost finished with my wrap! I will show you all when I am done! Then I need to work on DD's squares and the blanket that my sister asked me to make, then I want to start a RR for me. That yarn is just sitting in my room in the MAry Maxim bag that it came in! Hubby will kill me if I bring any more yarn in the house!

Colleen - Glad for a good day at school! Those days are just priceless when they come home and just babble about how good the day was!

Shannon - Ooh, a birthday rhyme! I can't wait to read it!

Stacy - My dogs go after stuffies too! Sometimes DD will donate a stuffy to the dogs and they just tear at it!

Mary - How did the meeting go?

Joanne - The Yankees won yesterday. Are they home this weekend against the Sox?

Beth - Glad to hear that everything is going good by you!

Ok, I must get upstairs for the beginning of the day. Have a great day and I will talk to you all later!


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Good morning!


Vicki- :yay for DH and his interview! I'll be praying! And big :hugs to DD making the Destination Imagination team! How exciting!! Have a great day at school!


Joanne- Go Delta Force! I haven't had much time to work on my RR:(. It's going to take a miracle to get it done on time! How's yours going?


Colleen- I'm so happy that DD had a good day! One good day makes such a difference. How are you feeling today? I hope you didn't catch that from me. I certainly didn't mean to send you a virus! (Get it???)


Hello to everyone! I hope you all have a terrific day! I have lots to do today. I just made my list and :eek:eek:eek! My neice is spending the night tomorrow, so I've got to get my badorkas in gear! So much to do, so little time. If I don't come back today, it's because I have fallen out from all the cleaning!! Love you all!:manyheart

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:hi, everyone!


It looks like I got back just in time to "play catch-up!"... on chores, that is!

I am so IN!


my 4th grader came home sick today:( I had to dismiss her :sick:sick:sick, and a :fever. she told me her teacher is on medicine for bronchitis and half the class is coughing too. I guess if she's not better tomorrow, I better call the doctor, and get her some medicine.


:cheer:yay:cheerVicki! congratulations to your DD making the DI team!:cheer That is an AWESOME program! We used to have it in our city, but don't anymore.:think

I am still :xfin for DH... I can't wait to hear GREAT news!


Shannon - You sound like you have too much to do! I hope you get as much done as you need to...


Colleen - :kick:fire and :cheerfor you to finish your throw so you can go on to something else.... I was Thrilled to see that yesterday was a great day for DD!:yay You will have to let her know how very proud this "auntie" is of her!


Joanne - When is your first open house? I am sure you have quite a small timeframe to get everything done:eek:eek Should I come help?:devil Once PTO really is rolling, I won't have anything else to do!:wink:rofl:rofl


Mary - I loved that you and Shannon offered to :tryme:box... take care of my problem. :rofl... must be the French blood, eh? :rofl. You give me a lot of strength to handle things, and you're not even here :heehee... I think people better watch out! I got some hook weilding connections all OVER this continent!;)


Stacy - My kids liked www.funbrain.com at your DD's age. What kinds of chapter books does she read? She could also try to do a little "book report" where she writes a few sentences about the book. Comprehension, sentences, vocabulary, spelling and grammar all in one! I bet she'd get a kick out of it! Does she have a journal? Our kids start journaling in 2nd grade around here, and they seem to like it.

I'll have to look at what sites we have bookmarked, and send you some more.

How's Klaus, the stuffie muncher today? My dog's favorite toy is a stuffie still. She started to take to them as they soothed her gums when she was cutting teeth, and then it just stuck. You should bring him to Petco and let him pick out his own "prize":D


:waving, Beth! It's good to hear that the kids schedules are a little slow right now... I had to chuckle about your "cleaning... that would be useful" remark! :heehee... It sounds like we are all in the same boat, pretty much. But then again, I guess that's why it's called "Fall Cleaning":hahaha

Glad to hear the Quicksilver is being so good to you, too! We have started the conversations about getting me some kind of wheels before the snow flies... I haven't missed it yet, and have enjoyed all the walking! (Thank heavens both schools are so close!).


:waving, Scooby and Jenn...


Well, ladies, I need to go check in on my Krissy, and make sure she's nice and comfy...


I'll be back a little later.


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Happy Thursday!


Vicki - Congrats to your DD on making the DI team. Give her a high 5 from me! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you DH and job opportunities!


Joanne - One more day after today and then it is the weekend!


Shannon - Take it easy and do things one at a time. It will all get done, but don't burn yourself out. You just got better, Girl!


LeaAnne - Big :hug to your Krissy that she feels better soon. I'm glad you are joining us with the cleaning catch up! My house is going to need it! :P


Beth, Mary, Jenn, Stacy - :hi have a fabulous day!


I slept well last night. I still have the cold, but I can see the end of it. I vacuumed the living room and kitchen this morning. DH used to always do the vacuuming, but not so much anymore. :think I think he's discovered if he leaves it long enough I get frustrated and do it myself. Hmmmph! :angry I just did the dishes (again!) and I know there are lots of other chores that need to be done, but I don't want to get sicker so I'm going to go :crocheting ... :devil Usually the day I start to feel much better after being sick I go on a cleaning frenzy! I want to clean all those germs away. Maybe that will be tomorrow....or Saturday...we'll see!


I joined 2 more squares this morning, one left to join and then the last square to work up. Thanks for the :fire Joanne and LeaAnne! I'm putting it to good use!


A short evening at work and then open house at the school tonight, so I'll check back in later. I hope someone will be around for chat tomorrow night. I should be here and I could really use a good chat. :manyheart

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Well, it's been slow-going around here.:(:angry I have realized that I have no good place to keep all my yarn. The cabinet isn't big enough. It still took me a while to jam it all in there, so at least it's not out for everyone to see.


LeaAnne- I hope Krissy feels better soon. Big :hugs to her from me!


Colleen- I don't remember you ever prescribing cleaning to feel better. I believe you say :hook and :yarn, so you better follow your own orders! Feel better, hun! Big :hugs to you, too!


Mary- Of course you can come to the party. You are all invited, and it would be so nice to have you all here to celebrate my girl's big day!


Okay, here's my poem. I'm not crazy about it, but it's the best I can come up with.


Our little pumpkin is turning 4

And she'd just like to say,

"My birthday wish is that you'll

come paint pumpkins and play!"


What do you think? We paint pumpkins every year at her party. And her invitations have been the same every year except her 2nd birthday. I ran out of time and couldn't get them done.:( Anyhoo, the only thing that changes is her picture and the poem. I wonder how long she'll let me do this. Oh, and I think she's decided on a Minnie Mouse party.


Okay, I'm going to try to get DD to take a nap so I can zip around here and get something accomplished. BTW, I won't be here for chat tomorrow.:(:( We're taking DD and my neice to the circus. First one for DD! Yay!!:yay I'll be missing you all though. I'm in need for a chat, like Colleen!

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Okay, I just thought of another one!


Our little pumpkin is turning 4

And her wish for this birthday

is that you will join her to

celebrate, paint pumpkins and play!


I really need your help on this one! Please let me know which one you like best. Thanks Besties!

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HI everyone

Vicki- congrats on DD making the DI Team!! She must be on:c9! And fingers crossed that things work out for DH! Yes, the Yanks are at home this weekend against LeaAnne's Red Sox. Go Yankees!


Colleen- so glad that DD had a good day at school - have fun at the open house tonight. And glad to hear that you are feeling better and it was a good decision to forgo the camping. There will be another time...and you need to get well for Disney!!!! how many weeks before you meet Micky and Minnie and everyone else? WTG on the purple/gray throw.


Shannon- I like the first poem- How is the cleaning coming. Have fun at the circus- it's always fun when it is a first for the kids!!! I also have to find a place for my yarn before we start showing the house. Oh, I am so not looking forward to all this cleaning and de-cluttering . Can't I just wave a magic wand and have everything be done????


Mary- good luck with your decision about the club. And don't worry about those kitchen cupboards, they are not going anywhere...lol


LeaAnne- hope Krissy is feeling better. Gotta love when the DK's go back to school and then they start getting sick. We are not showing the house until 10/3- I need time to clean and declutter (which I haven't even started this- that is what weekend's are for) We are not going to have any Open House's either-it's rare that an open house brings potential buyers!


Stacy- Did you figure out what it is you forgot (saw your comment on FB) lol...


Beth- Glad you are enjoying QuickSilver and yes, once the twins start driving it...watch out! Glad that you got to be with your friends while waiting. It's nice that your driving schedule is not as crazy as last year!!!


As far as the RR, didn't get anything done on it last night- Hopefully tonight. I bring it to work everyday hoping to work on it at lunch time and it never makes it out of my bag.


Have a good evening everyone!:hug

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WTG, Mary! Way to take a stand!


Can't wait to see you at chat!


Joanne - no worries... I'll be right here to :fire:kick:cheer:hug for you!

I'll even mirror your projects here. It will be kind of like we are doing it together!


have great night, everyone!

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Mary - :hug to you! It looks like you made a decision. I hope it brings you peace.


Shannon - I like the first poem too. Cute idea!


Joanne - Good luck with that cleaning this weekend. What a big job!


Whew, work, open house, bedtime routine. I am ready to veg! I've got 2 rounds left on my last square and then once I join it I am ready for the border :cheer:clap:dance:yay I will be happy to have this one off my WIP list.

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Angels are warming up for a bowling tournament, so I'll be quick.


:hug to everybody! Good day here -- I got my normal Thursday cleaning done, then pulled a few of the weeds in the garden. I need to bake a cake for ds's 17th birthday tomorrow. See ya!

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Hi to all! DD wanted to know if I was going to tell you all about her making the team. I told her I had already done that. "You're fast, mommy!" That was her response!

Anyway, I had a very busy day. Just running around all day. I had a meeting after school and then came home to find hubby getting the bbq ready to cook.

Shannon - I like the second poem, but I would put the word celebrate in the third line.

Anyway, nothing else going on here. I am going to work on my paper tonight. Hope everyone has a great night!


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:birthday to Beth's DS! :yay


Colleen, I hope you get some rest tonight, and tomorrow while DD is at school. :cheer:clap:cheer:clap on getting to the border of your throw! wow! I guess the :fire's really work!:lol What kind of border are you doing?


Vicki - Your DD sounds so cute! You tell her that this "auntie" is sooo excited to hear all about that DI project! Give her a congrats :hugfrom me, ok?

When does DH expect to hear the final word on the job? He must be on pins and needles... I know i am for him!

Good luck on your paper:clover


Krissy is saying she wants to go to school tomorrow, but she had a temp still when she went to bed... we'll see what the morning brings!


I should go to bed myself... I am still trying to catch up from the last couple of weeks.

Nitey nite, my besties!:hug:hug

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Colleen, you really are workin' that throw! WTG! I'm happy to hear that dd had another great day at school.


Leanne, I hope Krissy is feeling better in the morning! :hug to her!


Joanne, I never did remember what I forgot. :rofl I actually don't think I forgot anything- it was just one of those days. :wink Good luck getting that house in order.


Shannon-ness, I like the second one better. What a cute idea, too. Just curious, why do you paint pumpkins every year? How close is her birthday to Halloween? Good luck-ness finding a place for that yarn.


Vicki- when will dh know about that job? Give dd a :h5 from me! I googled DI and it looks really neat.


Mary, good for you on standing up for what you want. :hug Did dh quit at the hall also?


Beth, :birthday to your ds!! :yay Did your dd help you make a fancy cake? :wink


Jenn and Scooby- I hope you are well, wherever you both are! :hug


I found out something about myself today- I am not an outdoor-yardwork type person. :shrug Mommy and Me was cancelled today, so after dropping off oldest dd this morning, I came home and started to clean up the patio. Between the icky spiders :yuck and humongo-gongolosis outdoor roaches :eek it was just not for me. (There was really only 1 roach and I washed it away with the hose- the thing would not die!!) :eek I swept, rearranged some stuff and put away a box of kitchenware. It looks really nice but it makes me sad to know I do not like getting down and dirty. :rofl I don't know what the status on my veggie garden is now.


That was my major accomplishment for today. Otherwise I sat on my badorkus and :hook. The house looks the part but :shrug. Everyone needs a break once in a while! :clap

Tomorrow oldest dd has her physical, so she will have to go to school late. I also have to get my license renewed. Also have to get to work on this cross-stitch thing for dh. Hopefully I can work on that a bit tomorrow.


Well I am off to bed. Good night, besties! :night

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Hi again!


Mary- Good for you for making a decision! I know how hard that can be.


Stacy- I think you forgot to check in with us until tonight! Just kidding! DD's birthday is October 3. I try not to do too much of a Halloween thing, but more of a fall thing. It's fun to see how the kids' "artwork" on their pumpkins change every year. Plus they have a blast and get to take their pumpkins home!


Beth- :birthday to DS! What time should we be there for the festivities? Hope the angels didn't bowl for too long!


Colleen- Look at you go on your sister's throw!! I can't wait to see it! Hope you feel 100% better tomorrow, and that DD has another great day at school!


LeaAnne- Ooops! I didn't mean to make it sound like my yarn was awful to look at. But it was actually a plastic bag stuffed with WIPs that was out for all to see. I hope Krissy is fever-free and feeling much better in the morning!


Vicki and Joanne- Happy Friday!!:yay

Joanne- Good luck with the decluttering this weekend! We'll be here for you if you need us!:hug


Vicki- When is DH supposed to hear back about the interview?


Jennifer and Scooby- Hi! I think about you daily and hope all is well!


Phase 2 of the invitations is complete. Thank you all for your opinions on the rhymes. In the end I really wasn't happy with either of them, and finally came up with one I like.


Our little pumpkin is turning 4

She can't wait to see you all

To eat some cake, paint some pumpkins

and really have a ball!


All I have to do now is take a picture of DD, print about 20 of them, and stick them on the invitations. Easy peasy, lemon squeezy!!


It's way past my bedtime and George arrived today, so I'm going to bed now. I'll talk to you all tomorrow!!:manyheart

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Good morning- took me a few minutes to read through all the posts and don't have time to respond to all.


Shannon- I like your revised poem- very cute-and clever-ness. My youngest DD's birthday is the day after Halloween so her birthday's always had some kind of halloween theme- (her choice). I love that they do pumpkins every year- it is neat to see how their decorating skills improve with each year.


Mary- wTG on your decisions- sometimes just coming to the decision is the hardest part, once it is made, you can move forward. Kind of like how I feel right now about the whole moving thing. Now that the decision is made that we are going to sell and move we can take the steps to get that accomplished.


Beth-:birthday to DS! I'll bet the :cake will be yummy!!! Hope the angels didn't keep you up too late with the tournament- they were in NJ the night before around 3AM and woke me up!


LeaAnne- Hope DD is feeling better today


Colleen- WTG on the throw- you must be so happy it's almost done! How was the open house last night?


Vicki- Tell DD congrats again on DI- and fingers still crossed for DH


Stacy- That's ok that you don't like the outdoor work- that is one plus for us movin to an adult community- they'll do all of that for us!


I'll try and be here for chat tonight!


Have a wonderful Friday everyone!

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TGIF everyone!


The open house was fine. I guess I am so green to all this school stuff. I thought there would be some structure. The newsletter said refreshments at 6:30, open house at 7:00-8:00. So, I left work early and was home at 6:30 and we walked up to the school. There was coffee and bottles of water and Timbits. There was a scholastic book fair in the library and at 7:00 the teacher opened the classroom door and was present. That was it. :shrug I just don't get a warm fuzzy feeling like I got at the preschool. :( So, we walked around the school. It's kind of funny that you know the outside of a building so well from living next to it for years but to have never seen much of the inside. I could have stayed at work until 7:30 and then we could have just popped in for 10 minutes. Oh well, we'll know for next year.


Beth - Happy Birthday to your son! Can I have a piece of cake?


Joanne & Vicki - Happy Friday!


LeaAnne - How is Krissy today?


Shannon - I love the pumpkin party idea.


Stacy - I'm not a real outdoorsy work person either. It's hard work! And I don't have roaches to contend with here. :yuck


Mary - How are you feeling today?


I hear the princess awaking upstairs, so my day is about to begin. I'll pop by later.

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Good morning and HAPPY FRIDAY! This week went fast, but I am happy it is almost over. It has been just crazy at work! Not in a abad way, just lots to do and tons of meetings after school ends and stuff like that. It seems like it never ends lately.

Anyhoo, DD wanted me to thank you all for your congratulations on her making the team. She was over my shoulder last night as I was typing and saw my color choice of green. "ooh, green. Why not purple? I like purple." I told her that was Stacy's color and that I like green. She said that she thinks I should write in another color. Maybe blue she told me. No, I told her. Green is just fine.

As for the new job, hubby needs to decide if he wants to take it. He's being dopey in my opinion, but he needs to make the decision. He still has some questions and needs to call the man that he interviewed with back. He's a man. We all know how they can be!

Beth - happy birthday to DD! Hope she has a wonderful day!


LeaAnne - sorry about that!

Shannon - I like the last poem you wrote! I think that was the best one!

Stacy - I am not an outdoor working person either. I don't like the dirt and the bugs. YUCK!

Jenn - Hope you year is going well!

I hope you all have a slendiferous day! Talk to you all later!


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:woo! HOoray for FRIDAY!:yay


I think we all have one more thing in common... outside work is :yuck. At my house, my job is inside, and the outside is DH's responsibility. I suck at yard work! :lol:lol


Krissy is feeling better, but I kept her home anyway. We have a new "rule" at our schools, that you need to keep your chilld home until they are 24 hours fever free without the aid of tylenol/motrin. I think it's a good rule, and hope that it will cut down a lot of the :bug sharing that can go on at school.


I don't have time to write to everyone individually right now, but please now I am thinking of you... I gotta get all of my chores done so I can be here at chat! I can't WAIT!!!


Have a splediferous fantabulous Friday, besties!

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Leanne, I'm happy to hear that Krissy is feeling better. :yay We have that "rule" too. Of course, you know it doesn't stop parents who either work and don't have a daycare or just don't want to deal with their sick kids. :angry I have an acquaintance who will leave her kids at school even if they are vomiting, because "they will be vomiting at home,too. At least at school they can learn something." :ohdear


Vicki, good luck to your dh! Give him a good :kick. LoL I hope he makes the right decision.


Shannon, your last poem was definitely the best! How cute about the pumpkin painting. It must be fun to see the creations the kids make every year.


Colleen, our open houses used to be like that, too, which is why I figured we could accomplish it all in one night together. This year it was "structured" and there were 1/2-hour time slots for each class. I liked it much better the other way. :D


Today Isabella had her check-up. She is healthy and no shots, thank goodness. No TB test, either, for those of you who saw my status this morning. :whew I decided not to send her for the rest of the day- we got home at 11:20 and I figured after lunch and recess factored in, she would only have 2 hours of actual school left. Now I am sitting in the dining room and listening to them argue in the bedroom, instead. :blush


I still have to get my license renewed and buy some groceries but George showed up today and I just feel like lying on the couch. Dh is going to a spinning class tonight so I should be here for chat! :clap

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