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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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Hi all! Happy Autumn!:autumn


Joanne- How's the RR Take 2 coming along? Mine is a little ripply, but I've gone too far to frog it. I don't think my mom will mind--she knows I'm not perfect!


Stacy- Good for you for sleeping in! I know what you mean about wanting to crash though. Sometimes too much sleep makes you feel worse than not enough sleep. What's up with that??? Good luck picking the girls up today, and be careful!


Vicki- The rain is on its way here. Did you get the cold front too? It's only 75 degrees right now. Don't you laugh, you northeners!! That's cool for here. It's supposed to stay this way for the rest of the week. Yay!!


Colleen- How's DD feeling today? I hope a day of rest did lots of good for her! BTW, your next post will be your 1,000th!! You go girl!


DD helped me go through her shoes this morning. She decided to line up all the shoes in the kitchen. So I got a bag and filled it with the shoes that don't fit her anymore. I didn't realize there were so many that she had grown out of. Too bad she isn't allowed to play with matches, or I'd get her to light a :fire under my butt!:lol We also picked out what kind of party she wants this year. Right now it's going to be Minnie Mouse, but she's talking about the Backyardigans too. Or, as she says, the "Backyardy-agains".


Well, I have a couch full of unfolded clothes that's calling my name! I better get to it! I'll be back later. :manyheart

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Hey Shannon! Don't worry- I was careful. I actually picked up oldest dd about half an hour early. Another mom said she would watch Mia until I got there, but it was 105+ and I didn't want anyone standing out in that on account of me. Oldest dd had a crummy day at school so she was excited to see some of her old friends. I feel really bad for her- she made friends easily at her old school, but at this one, the kids seem to be snobbier or something. :shrug


Too funny how your dd says Backyardigans! Mia used to say "Kidda-kins." :lol


I didn't get the ends weaved on my rr last night. Dh came home early from school and we sat and had coconut chai with Roomie and her b/f.


I should probably get going and figure out what's for dinner. There is also some laundry that needs to be put in the dryer. This washer/dryer thing isn't so fun anymore. :lol



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hi everyone!

Stacy- glad that you got the DD's picked up without a speeding ticket! Your three DD's are so cute!! Hope that Bella settles in at the new school and the kids become less snobby. I can understand how the washer/dryer thing wears out really quickly. speaking of which I have to get off my badorkus and put the wash in the dryer.


shannon- Glad you won't have Janna light a fire under your badorkus!! lol....RR take 2 is coming along- I have about 13 rows done and plan to do a little more tonight. I think I may have messed up at one point (no pun intended), but I am just not frogging it. Worse case scenario- I keep it for myself!!!


Vicki- Hope your day was ok. Yanks lost again last night----this weekend's games against the RedSox should be fun- (provided they win)


Colleen- Hope DD was feeling better today. Missed seeing you post today.


Beth- did you go back to sleep after your early morning???


LeaAnne- Missing you girl...hope all is well and the DD's and DS and DH and PTO are all well!!!


Mary- how was your day today? Finishing up on the sweaters, I bet!


Jennifer hope school is going well.


Well, time to get a bite to eat and then:crocheting!

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Hello everybody!


Did you ever wake up at an unholy hour, and feel SO awake you couldn't lie in bed? That was me this morning. I did lie down after I dropped off my oldest at work. I think that's part of why I got nothing done today.


I just want to stop in and say HI! I worked tonight for 2 hours, and after my early morning, I'm worn out!!!


Joanne, speaking as someone who has made many mistakes in afghans, I wonder if anybody else would be able to find the mistake, once you put in a couple more rows? My guess is that it would be very difficult for anyone to find.


Stacy, it sounds like you have a cool cafe in your kitchen, where you can hang out with your roomie. That sounds awesome!


Shannon, how lovely to get help from your dd! How nice to get the shoes sorted through. It will make finding what you need so much easier. You are making my kids old -- I don't know who or what "Backyardigans" is! :eek


Mary - good luck sewing sweaters. When is your craft show?


Vicki - does a rainy day change your routine at school? Do you normally take students outside for "recess" or anything?


Colleen - How is DD?


LeaAnne - how is football season? What sports are the girls playing?


Jennifer, hope all is well.

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Hi Ladies

Well the kitchen cupboards didn't get done yet. I took mom to town today and did a little shopping. I didn't get home until supper time and didn't feel like doing any thing then.

I was working on the sleves to the sweaters for a bit and then I wanted to find out what everyone is up to. So here Iam, What is everyone up to?????:lol

I hope everyone is having a good night.

Iam staying home tomorrow so hopefuly I will get some stuff done.

Oh Iam on facebook too

night all


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:hi everyone!


Sorry I haven't been around. I caught DD's cold and don't feel so great. We went to Toronto today to have DD retested for her allergies (she still has them) and then I went to work. It was a busy day.


DD is doing fine. Her cold was very mild and she will be back to school tomorrow. She doesn't want to go :( Hopefully she'll have a really fun day tomorrow and that will turn around.


Needless to say, I did not clean today.:lol


It is so great to read all your posts about you and your families and your homes and your :crocheting projects. Keep 'em coming!

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Good morning!

Colleen- hope you are feeling better today. And glad that DD is feeling better and will be off to school today. Fingers crossed for a FUN day for her!!!


Beth- glad that you weren't posting at 3AM- I guess that means you got some much needed sleep!!


Mary- Hope you have a great day at home today!!! Good luck with those kitchen cupboards.


Stacie- how did tae-kwon do go last night. Did DD get her belt?


Shannon- how is that RR coming along? Mine is coming along this time. I didn't get alot done last night, but hoping to get more done on it tonight.


Vicki- Yankees clinched a playoff spot- so we'll have October baseball!!! Couldn't stay up to watch (stupid west coast trips when games don't start till 10 here). I checked first thing this morning- and they finally beat the Angels (sorry Stacy) and see that the Red Sox lost (sorry LeaAnne).....


Everyone- have a wonderful hump day! Oh my- just looked at the clock---gotta run!

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Hey girls! How is everyone doing?

Shannon - The rain came and it may rain again here. The cold front came through. I left my house this morning at 6 and it was a wonderful 63 degrees! Lovely!

Beth - Our routine doesn't change all that much when it rains. In middle school the kids don't go out for recess. The only thing that really changes is the kids are let in the building earlier. There were tons of parents driving their kids to school yesterday so the parking lots were backed up! There were teachers who couldn't get here on time because there were so many parents dropping kids off!

Stacy - 105 degrees! Yikes! That is hot! I hope the girls have a good day at school!

Mary - Glad to hear that the sweaters are coming along nicely!

Joanne - I heard that the Yanks were winning in the 4th inning, but I haven't looked to see what the final score was. The announcers were talking about how the Angels would most likely have to play the Red Sox in the first round of the playoffs again this year. GO ANGELS! Hubby would say that I would rather play the Sox because we do better against them. But he continues to fail to realize that I don't want to see the Red Sox advance (sorry LeaAnne). I hate the Red Sox like he hates the Patriots!

The bell is about the ring and I must get upstairs. Hope everyone has a great day and I will talk to you all later!


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Hey Joanne! We are definitely NOT Angels' fans here- our blood runs Dodger blue! :lol Dh cannot stand the Angels. :shrug


Vicki- I am so jealous of your weather!! It looked like rain 2 for two days here, but it just got really humid. :yuck I had a dream last night that it was 105 for a whole week, then it dropped to 25 degrees! :rofl How random.


We ended up not going to karate, so we will not know about her belt until next week. Oldest dd's Open House was very structured and we just didn't have time. Our plan was to visit her class for half an hour- well when we arrived, there was a 25-minute meeting in the yard to introduce the teachers of the school and go over some policies. Then the meeting in the classroom, which was another half hour. Dh left with Mia to go to her school, and we walked home with Roomie and her kids. Dd's teacher seems nice. She had lots of material to cover and went on about how they are just reviewing for now. I had planned to ask her for extra work because dd is bored with her homework but she said questions like that have to wait until conferences in December. :think That's not going to help much.


Nothing much going on today. The contractor was supposed to come and fix several things but he called yet again to say he will not be here. The market is having that huge produce sale again today so maybe I will stop by there after I drop off Mia.


Have a great day and stay cool! :sun

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Vicki, yes, I'm going to ask about scheduling an appointment. December is very far away for conferences- the other school has them in October, February and May. The teacher seemed too busy to ask last night, though.


Isabella woke up with a bunch of complaints today- headache, foot pain, hangnail, sore throat...I ended up keeping her home. She does have a runny nose, but it is allergies from the fire. I think she just needed a day off. :wink


Ooooh that dog! :angry I just found him chewing up another one of Roomie's kids' stuffed animals. :sigh He has tons of chew toys but seems to be drawn to their stuffies, for some reason. :shrug



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I missed you all so much! I think of you all EVERY DAY! The past 2 weeks have been torturous:(! Especially because I haven't been able to be HERE.

Here is a big hug to every one of you... :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug


so, here's the synopsis of my life since I last saw you...


Kid update: Everyone :manyheart school this year! :whew! We are still fine tunig the routine... 2 girls in middle school = 2 girls who need extra time in the morning:eek:eek :lol Other than that, things couldn't be better:clap

Pete has decided that football is not his game. That 1st game really freaked him out. The weight range for his bracket is 45 - 85 pounds. He weighs 45! We spoke to the coach, who was sooo wonderful! He said that if Pete wants to try again next year, when he is "hopefully 10 pounds heavier", there will be a spot for him. I felt so bad, because he was internalizing the whole thing, and thought we would be upset with him... DH was wonderful, and told him "no problem, I was missing my golf buddy anyway!" It actually is a blessing to not have to be at all of those practices and not give up football day at home!


The rest of my life has been spent mostly on PTO. A lot of things needed to be planned: fundraisers, book fairs, election bake sales, cookie tables, and I have forgotten what else:lol... meanwhile, we have an "ex-officio" member, who has felt the need to micro-manage all of the elected officers, including the president (:angry), and re-write all of my communications. It has been a major time and energy suck... to the point that the principal is intervening to remind everyone of what they are responsible for, and what they are NOT, and a gentle reminder about e-mail etiquette;). Last week, I spent close to 50 hours on the computer, plus another 5 on the phone, or in the principal's office. so, I didn't clean, I didn't crochet, I didn't do anything that I normally need to do. I am so happy that things are settling down!


I should be cleaning right now, but, it has waited this long, so here I am!

I couldn't let 1 more day go by without you all!

Sorry if I ask about anything that might have already been answered... I tried to read through all the posts, but I might have missed a thing or 2... (I guess that's my punishment for not coming out to play, right? :rofl)


Colleen - I am sorry that you and DD have not been feeling well... how did her morning go today? I have been thinking about you both... adjustment to school and being away from each other is HARD! :hug


Joanne - :cheerfor your Yankees! and WTG on making a round ripple! Has work been less overwhelming for you? Have you planned your next Boston "road trip" yet?


Stacy - I hope that your day is going well, and that you are staying cool! I was thinking of you this weekend, when I saw your weather! YIKES! That's :hot! What grade is oldest DD in? I have a lot of websites that I could recommend for her for "extra"... I'll post the ones that are grade appropriate... I missed you!!!!! what's the scoop on Mr. Endo? :hug


Mary - :hug:hi, sis! Looks like you've been keeping yourself nice and busy! Are you almost ready for your fair? I was thinking about you, and have decided that if I ever am going to run away... I'm coming to your place! :rofl


Beth - :hi, taxi-lady/home-school teacher! :hug I missed you, and hope you are having a great day! Is DD still going to cake decorating classes? what do the boys do now that 'lifeguarding" is over?


Vicki - do you have good kids this year in your classes? I have been hoping that you are settling in with your students, and that you have been getting lots of rest. How is DD liking her teacher? Is it getting any easier for her? How's your new office? and DH's job search?


Shannon - SHEESH! You got it lock, stock and barrel last week! Are you feeling 100% yet? How is little miss Janna? You are making a round ripple, too? That's VERY awesome! I have missed you a whole bunch! How was homecoming? :hug:hug:hug


Jenn - how's school, and life in general for you? I think of you and how very busy you are for a young girl! You should be proud of you! I know I am:hug


:hi, Scooby... If you are our there, I think about you, too!


Well, it's almost noontime... that means I have 2 hours left to try to put my house in some kind of order, and get snacks ready for after school, so I guess I should run along... I'll try to stop by later this afternoon.


I love you guys.... and have missed you....


I pray that you all have the most splendiferous of days today!

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:hi everyone!


LeaAnne - It is so nice to hear from you! I know you are one busy lady what with running the PTO and raising 4 superstars, but I so miss you when you are not around! I'm glad little Pete found the courage to say football wasn't for him. I bet that 45 lbs will find lots of other fun things to do with his spare time. I'm thrilled to hear that all 4 kids are loving school this year! You show that micromanager who is boss :cheer


Vicki - I hope your day/week are going well. Has your DD heard about the Imagination team try outs yet?


Stacy - I hope Bella's list of complaints disappears by the end of the day. It sounds like you had one busy open house! I hope you get to that produce sale and stock up on lots of good for you goodies!


Joanne - Congrats on the RR progress! You go girl! I can't wait to see it! Happy hump day!


Beth - I hope your busy day goes well and that you manage to catch up on lost sleep. I thought of you at 5:00 am when I couldn't sleep and considered coming on here to visit.


Mary - I hope you are having a good day (kitchen cupboards or no kitchen cupboards).


Shannon - :hi how is the catch-up going?


My cold is coming along. At least my throat has stopped hurting. Now I'm just stuffy. I took some down time this morning and watched some HGTV. My first day-time TV watching in years:blush. I have the kitchen clean and tidy and a load of laundry in the dryer, so it won't be a totally lazy day (but mostly :D). I got my Nov/Dec Crochet Today magazine, so I'm sure I'll spend some time on the couch with that for my afternoon rest :c9


DD went off to school today without a tear :yay She was very nervous and feeling very shy, but I am hopeful that she will have a fun day and be more enthusiastic about school. We have an open house at the school tomorrow night, so hopefully that will help break the ice too.


We informed my mom and dad that we will not be joining them camping this weekend :( Between the forecast for lotsa rain and my cold, we figured it would be a wash. Mom was disappointed and I feel bad, but you can't help the weather and a cold. :shrug


Well, I have some laundry to put away and a magazine to read. Have a great Wednesday friends! :hug

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:clap:clap:clap! LeaAnne is back! I am glad that you were able to finally get back to see us! Things here have settled down. DD is okay with her teacher, but she is not thrilled with her. We have a fall parent conference schedule for Oct. 5, so we will see what is going on there. Hubby is on an interview as we speak so hopefully all will be well!

Colleen - I haven't heard about the Destination Imagination team yet. Hopefully soon.

TTFN everyone!


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Hi all!


Welcome back, LeaAnne! I missed you lots! My, you've been one busy :bee!! Good for Pete for telling you how he felt. And good for you and big Pete for being so understanding. I must say, I don't blame him one bit. It's gotta be scary when an 85 pounder is comin' at ya!:lol I'm so glad everyone is loving school! That's such a blessing! And as for the micro-manager, would you like for me to handle it for ya???:tryme


Colleen- :yay for no tears!! I hope DD had a wonderful day at school! And I hope you are feeling much better. How's the Crochet Today? I hope I get mine. I wasn't crocheting last Christmas, so I'm excited about that issue!


Vicki- How did DH's interview go? I've been praying that he finds a great, no-stress job. Keep us posted!


Stacy- Goodness, lots of ailments for a little one. I hope she feels better soon. I also hope you get to meet with the teacher before December. That's a long time to wait.


Joanne- How's Delta Force this week? Congrats to you and your Yankees! My RR is coming along. I just hope I can get it done for Mom's birthday!


Beth- How are you holding up with all that driving? How's QuickSilver holding up?


Mary- How are the sweaters coming? Are you going to take pics? I'd love to see them!


Hi Jennifer and Scooby!! Hope all is well!


I got as much done as I could on DD's party invitations today while she was in school. Now I just have to think of a rhyme and take a pic of her to put in them. After school we went to Mom's restaurant and hung out with her for a while. Now we're home and I'm tired!! She slept on the way home, so she's good to go. I'll be back later tonight. I better get some stuff done around here. Bye for now!:manyheart

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Hi everyone!

Glad to hear from you LeaAnne- you were very missed around here. Miromanagers are the worst- I know, I've had them- it can be sooooo draining!!! Hope things with all of that settle in soon so you'll have time to visit us!!! Good for Pete (and to you and DH) for knowing when something isn't right for him and for him having the courage to say so. That is a pretty big wt range-45=85- that is a huge difference...esp when you are the one who is 45 lbs!!! Can't say as I blame him at all.....Glad that everyone is loving school! haven't planned another trip to Boston yet- we are listing our house for sale and have to get it in order. (oh, joy, joy- cleaning, cleaning, cleaning....lol)


Shannon- good for you on getting DD's invitations done. And nice that you got to visit Honey at the restaurant. I'm sure you'll get the RR done- you have to! lol


Vicki- I didn't get the final score on the Yanks- but they are playing now (Burnett pitched really good- they are up 3-2) ---hope they can hold on and then it's back home for the Red Sox games this weekend! Fingers crossed that DH's interview went well.


Colleen- Yay for DD going to school without a problem!!! How was the magazine? That sounds heavenly to me- sitting on the couch in the middle of the afternoon reading a crochet magazine!


Stacy- I'll have to remember that---Dodger blue!!! (I still like Joe Torre) Glad you are going to make an appt with Isabella's teacher- Dec is too far to wait for a conference. My oldest DD was always bored in school- we ended up sending her to a prep school where she went on a scholarship- she did so much better when she was challenged. The other 2 went to the public schools and did just fine.


Beth- hope the driving around went ok today along with the homeschooling and everything else on your plate.


Mary- did you get to the kitchen cupboards? I didn't do anything after work today- except put the dishwasher on and put chicken in the oven for dinner. This weekend will be crazy- I see lots of trips to Goodwill as we purge out this house! I'm just so much more productive on the weekend -it's tough to do lots of cleaning after working 8-9 hrs.


Hope I didn't miss anyone- if I did- sorry---but gotta run and check the dinner....


try and be back later.....have a good night

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Hi everybody!


Quicksilver is a beautiful machine. I'm enjoying riding in style, after driving the old beat up minivan for so long. BTW, on Tuesday, my twins are old enough to get their learners permits!:eek Quicksilver may be a beat up car before too long.


Shannon, I hope you will share the birthday rhyme with us, once you get it. That sounds very cute. Are you doing a Backyardigans themed party?


Vicki - Keep us posted on dh's job situation. You know we are all :xfin for him.


Colleen - HOORAY for good days at school!!! I hope you have many more!!! I don't blame you for not going camping in the rain with a cold. There will be other chances to camp when you feel better, and the weather behaves more civilly.


LeaAnne, WELCOME BACK!!! It's so good to hear from you!:hug It sounds like you've been insanely busy. I hope things slow down a bit for you. I'm very proud of Pete. It's hard to tell your folks something you think they don't want to hear. He's such a little man to stand up and say what he felt. We are actually having a relatively slow time right now. My dd is dancing 3 days a week, which is less than last year. My oldest son is only working 3 or 4 days a week. My youngest is in swimming 2 days a week. I had time to meet with the girls I taught to crochet today, so we could hang out at a coffee shop, crochet, and chat while the boys were meeting nearby for WarHammer. It was very nice.


Stacy, my dog prefers stuffed animals to any other toy, too. It's not such a big deal, now that my kids don't play with stuffed animals any more, but it could be very difficult in your house. I hope you get a conference with your dd's teacher soon, particularly since you have a concern.


Mary, can you send some of your initiative through the modem to my house? I really could use a :fire. Maybe I'll have time to do some housework tomorrow. That would be useful.


Joanne, happy hump day! How goes the active house selling?


I don't know who I missed. It's hot here, but my mind is mush. I think my brain is melting.

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Hi Ladies

I hope everyone is well or starting to feel better. I didn't get to the kitchen cupboards yet again. I know they have to be done but things keep coming up. I went to work this morning for a bit. The neighbour came over for tea this afternoon and I made dinner. I don't know where the day went.

LeaAnne welcome back I have missed you. Iam with Shannon, we can take care of the mirco-manager for you. Just say the word. LOL

Colleen glad DD had a better day at school today.

Stacy you had a busy night.

Vicki keeping fingers crossed for DH.

Beth Hope the driving doesn't wear you out.

Joanne I got your square today. Thankyou sooooo much. I can see the love in it. Agsin thankyou.

Shannon Do I get to come to Janna's party?

I have a meeting to go to tonight. It is a deciding meeting. Iam not to sure if I want to stay in this club or not, so Iam going tonight and I will figure it out from there.

Talk to you later

I will try and get back tonight.

Is there chat tonight?


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:yay:dance:yay:dance DD had a good day at school! She came home happy and told me all sorts of wonderful stories (and I savoured every moment). I am so happy!


I am still sick. My voice is all deep and sexy sounding :lol I could hear it disappearing more and more as I read DD her story. What can you do :shrug Lucky for me I can chat with you ladies without using my voice :manyheart


Mary - Good luck at the deciding meeting and with making your decision :hug


Vicki - I have been thinking about your DH today. I hope his interview went well.


Shannon - Good job getting Janna's birthday party invitations started. Sounds like a lot of fun!


Joanne - I can definitely see how you would be too tired after working a long day to clean. When I worked full time I did all my cleaning on the weekend too and just vegged every evening after work.


Beth - I'm glad you are enjoying Quicksilver. :eek By the sounds of your kids schedule it will be getting lots of mileage on it. What is WarHammer? Is this a group of young people you taught to crochet or grown ups?


:hi again to LeaAnne and Stacy - I hope you and your families had a good day.


I had a nap after supper (that was the cold medication kicking in :lol) and I don't think I'll be up too late. I made a scarf today using up some scraps of Baby Clouds I had leftover this afternoon. That stuff works up quick! I'll donate it to the winter clothing drive. Stashbusting feels great!

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:hi ladies!


Leanne! It's sooo good to hear from you! :hug Lil' Pete was so brave to let you guys know how he felt about football. Give him a ::h5 from me. Sorry to hear about the micro-manager. :angry I'm glad the principal stepped in to help you out. My dd is in first grade. I will appreciate any sites you can direct me to- she is reading chapter books already, but her class is still on the list of "a, an, the, and..." etc, etc.


Colleen, :clap for dd!! I'm happy to hear she was full of stories. Sorry you're not going camping but it is definitely better for you. Enjoy your magazine and I hope you got some nice couch time to look through it. :hug


Mary, I'm sure the cupboards will still be there when you have the time! :wink Good luck at your meeting. What kind of club is it?


Shannon, WTG on getting those invitations done. I'm glad you guys had fun at the restaurant.


Beth, I've just adopted a new phrase- "My brain is melting." I love it! :lol The stuffed animals wouldn't be a problem if they belonged to my kids, but it is always awkward when it is someone else's stuff. Good luck to your twins on getting their permits!


Jennifer- I hope your classes are going well!


Vicki- how was dh's interview? I'm praying that he finds something soon! :hug


Joanne, how is the rr going? Hope you had a great day. :hug


I tell ya, this tea really helps! I would be totally out of commission and snapping at everyone by this time of the month and I am as cool as a cucumber! A little on the lazy size but much better than I normally would be. :D Today I did 2 loads of laundry, put the dishes away and loaded it back up again, cleaned up my bedroom, and fed my dog 4 times. Yes, 4- Roomie's dog keeps eating Klaus' food. :angry Dd says she feels better and that her foot doesn't hurt anymore. She is definitely going to school tomorrow. I just received a call to confirm her physical for Friday, but they said the time is at 9:45- I specifically remember scheduling it for 2:45. I will have to call them tomorrow but seeing as it is a physical I don't think they will reschedule it for a later time. :sigh I really don't want to keep her out of school again.


Well I better run and make sure the monsters aren't tearing the house apart. :wink Have a fabulous night!

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