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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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Vicki- glad you liked the square and appreciated the love and Giant blue!!! Good for you getting to sleep in tomorrow. I am also watching the Yankee game and am getting ready to pull out the ghan and try and finish it.


I guess the square should be making it to Massachusetts and Louisiana. Maybe California, but will probably be at least another week for Canada.


Mary- forgot to say hi earlier- glad that the bartending went well and that you got to spend lots of time with yarn and hook yesterday!


Have a good night everyone!

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:hi everyone!


Busy busy here. DD survived her first day of school (and so did I :lol). No, I didn't cry. I felt pretty good about it. She LOVED it! She wants to go back "right now". So that is fantastic!


I went and dropped off DD's passport application today and DH and I booked a family trip to Disney World for October :yay:clap:dance:cheer:yay I am so excited! DD doesn't know yet, but she is going to be so excited! Then I went to work. I hated having to leave for work right when DD got home from school, but she told me all about it at bedtime :manyheart


Shannon - :hug I hope you feel better soon. I hope you got in to see the Dr. Big HUGS to you!


Joanne - Wow, Good for DH getting home in good time (and sleeping till noon :lol). How was your first day back at work?


Vicki - I hope your appt goes well tomorrow. Enjoy your sleep in.


Beth - Sorry about your Redskins (they'll get 'em next time :wink)


Mary - Glad your bartending went well. Enjoy your :crocheting time!


LeaAnne, Stacy, Jenn - I hope you had a great day!

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Yeah, watching football is OK -- I don't know much about the game, but I know a "tight end" when I see one!:devil (When my dh and I go to a baseball game, we sit on the 1st base line, so I can watch the badorkuses of the batters.) Which is why I'm blissfully married!!!


Colleen, your dd will LOVE Disneyworld! What a fun thing to look forward to! I'm so glad she loved her first day at school. Sounds like you did well, too.


Joanne, can you :crocheting and watch sports at the same time? Doesn't it affect your tension?


Vicki, you are staying busy! Sounds very productive, too. How is the paper coming? Do you have an estimate of when it will be done?


Mary, did you have the productive day you had planned?


Shannon, what did the doctor say?


LeaAnne, how are the kids adjusting to school?


Stacy, did the roomie empty the dishwasher?


Jennifer, how goes college? Are you in your routine yet?


I worked tonight. I stayed from 4:15 until 8:00. It was very busy the entire time. I only "have" to work for 2 hours. Tomorrow promises to be very busy, too.


I finished frogging the 4-strand afghan. I picked up the snuggli I had started a while ago. I am kind of following my own pattern, since the yarn is bulky. The body is done, except working in ends. I still need to make sleeves.


I hope you all have a great night, with lots of rejuvenating sleep, and an amazing day tomorrow!:hug

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Hey ladies!


Colleen, I'm so happy that you and dd made it through her first day. :yay Yay for Disney World! Your dd will be thrilled, I'm sure!


Shannon, hope your appt. went well at the dr. :hug


Beth, you crack me up! Tight ends and batters' badorkuses, you sassy girl. :wink Good luck at work tomorrow. And, no, Roomie didn't empty the dishwasher. I had to do it today- the dishes piling up in the sink really grossed me out. :yuck


Jennifer, I hope college is going well for you and that you are falling into a nice routine. :hug


Joanne, how was your first day back? I'm happy to hear dh made it home safely.


Vicki, good luck at the endo tomorrow! :manyheart


Mary, I hope you got some good crochet time in today! :hook


Leanne- :hi and :hug. How was the game?


We had orientation today. Dd was beyond excited to see all of her friends! She was upset when it was time to leave. The teacher told me that the speech teacher is calling around to see which schools are having hearing tests this week. I'm surprised that they are so on top of things already! She also swore me to secrecy that dd got back into the program. Apparently there is a dad from our Mommy and Me class (I know exactly who she is talking about) that comes to school every day demanding to know why his daughter can't attend. :blush They live out of the boundaries and supposedly if he finds out that we do, too, it will jeopardize dd's spot yet again. I have to get to Mommy and Me early on Thursday to speak with the teacher about not saying anything. I hate this kind of thing- I am SO bad at being secretive. :shrug

Anyway, afterward we came home and had lunch. Dh came home early and we all walked to pick up Isabella. Dh took a nap while I made dinner, now he is at school and I plan to give the girls a bath soon. I started to work on the cross-stitch thingie last night but I wasn't happy with the pattern so I am making my own. After the girls are in bed I'm going to work on it some more.


I am off to get the bedtime routine started. Good night! :hug

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Hi girls!


Well, I have an infection from the coxsackie virus. (WHAT??? yeah, that's what I said) Bottom line, I have canker sores on the back of my throat, and they can't do anything about it. The dr. said I should start feeling better by the end of the week.


Colleen- :yay for DD and her 1st day of school! And :hugs to you for being such a trooper too!


Stacy- That's awesome that DD will be in the program. I know how you feel about keeping secrets...I am the same way. It's 'cause we're so darn innocent!


Ahhhh!!! My computer's acting up. It's raining here. I gotta go. I'll talk to the rest of you when I can. Love you guys!

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I finished my never ending square afghan!! I'll post pictures tomorrow night- battery in the camera needs to be charged.


Shannon- there are 2 types of coxsackie virus- sounds like you have type B- since you have canker sores in your mouth/throat. The other type is Type A- or also known as hand/foot/mouth disease. It will just need to run its course, and it is contagious. Hope you are feeling better by the end of the week. How are DH and DD feeling? Is DD staying with Honey?


Stacy- good luck with keeping the secret- I also have a hard time with that. Glad that all went well at school with Mia, though. And how fun to all walk to pick up Isabella.


Colleen- YAY- Disney World--how much fun that will be!!!! MIC-KEY- M-O-U-S-E!!!

Yay!!!! When in October are you going?


First day back to work was fine-and it looks like no extra hours this week! Yay- more time to crochet!!!

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Ok I had a post all written out and it disappeared. :think I've been having problems with Facebook today, too. I think the entire internet is having problems today! :lol


Yay for no extra hours, and for extra crochet time! :cheer Can't wait to see pics of that afghan.


Boo to the coxsackie virus! Hope you are feeling better soon, Shannon-ness. :hug


The dog just slinked (slunk??) over to my lap and went to sleep. He looks guilty- I hope he didn't chew anything up tonight! Last night he chewed the strap off Mia's favorite pair of shoes. :2nono I thought they were able to be saved until I saw the bite marks in the toe, too. :rant


Well the girls are in bed so I'm going to work on my cross-stitch stuff. Night!

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:hi, all!


things should be settling down for me soon... :xfin PTO is a lot of work at the beginning of the year. the kids are all great, and loving their new school year:clap:whew. Football was weird. We got so excited, went to the game... the other team was HUGE compared to our little guys:eek We got croaked:(. Oh well...there's always next week!:cheer


I just wanted to stop by to see how Colleen's DD's first day went (:cheer:clap:cheer:clap), and see how Shannon is feeling:(... :tdown to that virus (i can think of another name for it, but I'd be censored! LOL):hug:hug:hugto you, Pumpkin-ness!

Stacy - I hope that rascal puppy didn't chew anything he shouldn't have:blush

Beth - LOL at the "Tight Ends"! You are a stitch!

Joanne - I LOVE my square! :ty:ty:ty it made my day! Your work is really great, and yep... I am feelin' the love, baby!

Mary - glad the bartending gig went well... I hope you had a great day, sis!:hug

Vicki - You are a Yankee fan AND a Giants fan? Is that hard where you live? do you miss a lot of games?


I really need to catch up with you all properly, and promise that I will soon... I only got to read a little of what I missed:blush


Please know I am thinking of you all every day, and if I am not here in black and white, I am here in spirit:cheer


Luv you all-

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:morcoffee GOOD MORNING!!!


We have another busy day planned here. My oldest leaves for work in 45 minutes. (Guess I should see if he's up yet.)


LeaAnne, how did Pete deal with the loss? He's such a little guy. It can be difficult for them.


Stacy, so was the puppy guilty, or just in need of love?


Joanne, can't wait to see the pictures! For someone who works as much as you do, you certainly get things done! I am impressed.


Shannon, I'm glad you found out what's wrong. I hope you feel soon very quickly.


Everyone else, :hi Have a splendiforous day!

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Good morning all.


Glad to see that I am not the only one up at this early hour!


I love the "tight ends" too! You crack me up, Beth!


LeaAnne- oh, my, with the other team being so much larger...thought they had to be all about the same weights- isn't that why they have to weigh in? Hoping that next week brings a win for Pete's team! Glad that you liked my "Giant Blue" square!!! (I see that your Pats won last night)


Shannon-hope you are feeling a bit better today. Thinking about you and wishing you a speedy recovery-ness!


Stacy- DId your little pup chew anything else- you know, how he was all guilty and snuggling up to you?


Mary hope you got lots of crocheting time in yesterday. When is your craft fair--November?


Colleen- have a great day -how exciting knowing that shortly you will be in Disney World. I absolutely love DW!!!


Vicki Good luck at the endo today!!


Jennifer- hope school is going well!


Have a great day everyone and catch you on the flip side!

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Hi girls!

I am up and ready to go to the doctor. It was fun to sleep until 7 this morning!

LeaAnne - I have satelite t.v. so I can watch the games. I get all the football games but not all the baseball games. It gets me so mad when they don't play the Saturday afternoon games or the first two game sof a Yanks/Sox series. I get the hockey games for the Rangers too. That seanson starts in October. I don't know when yet.

Shannonn - I hope you are feeling better today. That is contagious, so be careful with Janna.

Colleen - Glad to here that your DD loved her first day of school! Hopefully she will continue to love to go!

DD is at school and she will be home late today. She is auditioning for her school's Destination Imagination team. I will leave for the doctor in a little bit. I did manage to finish another square for DD's square blanket. I have 4 more to do for her. I got my yarn for my RR blanket, but I am not going to start it yet. I have so many other projects going on right now and I am so overwhelmed with them all!

I will check back later and see how everyone is doing. Have a great day all!


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Hey ladies!


Leanne- good to see you! Sorry to hear Pete's team lost- I also thought they had to play teams that were around their same age/size? :think


Vicki- good luck at your dr. appt.! And good luck to your dd at her audition. What is the Destination Imagination team?


Joanne- have a great Delta Force-ness day! The puppy didn't chew anything else as far as I can see. :shrug He acted like that for the rest of the night, but he is fine today.


Beth, good luck with all of your :drive today! How is Quicksilver treating you?


Shannon-ness- Hope you are feeling better. :hug


Jennifer, Mary, Colleen- Have a Terrific Tuesday!


Right now I am waiting for the contractor/repair guy and the bee inspector. After they leave, I need to get dd to school, then off to the bank and the laundromat. Which reminds me, I should go find a project to take. :think Dd has a belt test in karate tonight. I don't think she's going to skip this time- she hasn't been practicing too hard. She knows all of her required moves for the test but the Sensei said they could show her the first Form for extra credit and there are 16 moves in sequence. Dd gets hung up around #10-13. We will see.

I have a request to play Polly Pockets so I better get going. See you later!



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Hi Ladies

Yesterday was a very very good day. My butt was on fire. I cleaned the bathroom, swept and mopped the bathroom and kitchen floors, cleaned one of the bedrooms and did 3 loads of laundry. Yesterday was a good day for the laundry line but today is cloudy and cold.

Today so far I have another bedroom cleaned and taken Mom to the doctors and to the store and back home again. Now I think Iam going to clean the linen closet. After that I think I have earned so more :crocheting time.

Colleen glad the DD likes school.:c9

LeaAnne I will cheer for Pete next week then he will win.:cheer

Shannon feel better soon.:)

Stacy shhhhhhhhhhhh don't say any thing. I wont tell either.:lol

Vicki good luck at the doctors.:)

Joanne I can't wait to get your square. Glad you are not working those long hours again.;)

Beth thankyou for the silver medal. This week should be just as good. Iam on a :crocheting roll.

Well Iam off to get the linen closet done before I change my mind and take a nap instead. LOL

Have a good day

Talk to you later


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I had a post all typed out earlier and it disappeared! Poof! :2magicSo, I just carried on with my day. :shrug:lol


We did some grocery shopping this morning and went to the library. I did one load of laundry which is on the clothesline. I have no idea where the rest of the day went :think I haven't even :crocheting:shrug Oh well, off to work this afternoon.


I won't write to each of you right now, but know I'm thinking about you all and I hope everyone is having a wonderful day :hug

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Okay, back from the doctor. It took all day! The doctor that referred me lost my blood work, so I had to go get it redone, plus the doctor requested additional blood work. Then he sent me for a sonogram of my thyroid, but the only way I could get it done today was if the doctor put STAT on the prescription for it. Then I was waiting forever to get it done! For something that I thought was going to be quick, it ended up taking all day! And I still have to go back to the doctor next week to see what he wants to do!

Anyway, I did manage to get some :crocheting done while I waited. Otherwise, it was all running around. Hope everyone else hada good day.

Talk to you all later!


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Hi everyone

Vicki - sorry that the quick MD appt turned into an all day affair- at least you got some crocheting done. And i hope all your tests turn out ok. I also want to know what is Destination Imagination Team? Good luck to your DD


Colleen- Isn't that frustrating when you type a message and then it disappears. i think it was Stacy that had that same problem the other day Hope work was easy.


Mary- You are surely on a cleaning roll....I'm telling you, Colleen and you seem to really kick the badorkus's into gear...I am convinced it must be the Canadian air. You definitely earned some serious crochet time.


Beth- hope your day at work went well and that Quiksilver didn't have to do too much driving!


LeaAnne- hope the PTO isn't keeping you too busy- do you have any time to clean or crochet? lol


Stacy- Hope the contractors and bee inspector came in a timely fashion. Why the bee inspector? I didn't know there was such a thing as a bee inspector. Good luck to DD on her karate test tonight


Shannon- thinking of you and hoping you are feeling better- Take care of yourself and watch Janna that she doesn't catch it from you (or DH for that matter)


My camera battery isn't charged yet so I'll have to post tomorrow night. I took the ghan to work today and showed my co-worker who also crochets. I am going to be adding a shell border to it ( I think), but will post the pic when the battery is charged) It was really dead I guess since it has been charging for 1/2 hr already and still not nearly ready.


Have a good night everyone


Today is my 8th wedding anniversary and DH is at class. I think we may be going to the Devils/Ranger pre-season hockey game tomorrow night after work to celebrate our anniversary- all depends on if we can get out of work at a decent hour. Someone at work gave me free tix today

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Joanne - Your afghan is beautiful! No wonder your DDs are fighting over it. Happy Anniversary! :flower


Vicki - I'm sorry to hear your appt turned into an all-day affair. At least you can rest knowing you got all the tests done. How did DD's audition go?


Beth - How was your busy day?


Mary - WTG getting so much done :eek! You so deserve your :crocheting time.


Stacy - I hope you got everything done with the repair guy and bee inspector (what was he inspecting? I've never heard of that either). Did you find a new laundromat project?


Shannon - I hope you are starting to feel better! :hug


LeaAnne, Jenn - :hi


We just sent our requests for our Disney dining experiences to our travel agent. We told DD today. She lept into my arms with the biggest hug I've ever had and said "Oh, thank you guys so much!" It brought tears to my eyes. And then she immediately wanted to go pack her Cinderella dress and her Little Mermaid costume. :manyheart I am so excited to see her enjoy this experience. She says she's been wanting to go "for years". :lol

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Good morning all,


Colleen, Thanks for the good laugh so early in the morning. Your DD is so precious with the "I've been wanting to go for years"comment!!! You are all going to have such a spendiferious-ness vacation!!!


Glad that you liked my afghan. I love the colors of it...but may tire of them after making 2 more..lol.... i think I'll start a hat and scarf next with the yarn I bought in Boston, and also start a RR..(In my spare time!!) Then, I'll have to make another one of the never-ending ghans.


Don't have any more time to address everyone individually- hope you all have a wonderful "Hump Day"

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Good morning all! To those inquisitive minds, Destination Imagination is a team for school. They work on projects and have a competition in the spring. The projects work on higher order thinking and stuff like that. She said auditions yesterday were good. She came home with a puppet that they made named Sargent Grumpy. She said the puppet's character was her idea. Who knows. She can be creative like that.

Joanne - The afghan is beautiful! I love it. Have fun at the game if you go!

Shannon - Hope you are feelign better today!

Stacy - How did DD do at her belt test?

Mary - You go girl! You are getting lots of stuff done!

Colleen - I am so glad DD was thrilled with the trip! We go to Disney world a lot. Have fun picking all the places to eat!

LeaAnne - Hope you have a wonderful day!

Talk to everyone later!


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Hi Ladies

Iam just checking in to let you know Iam still on my cleaning/crocheting kick. I don't know what has gotten into me lately but Iam loving it. It just might be a Canadian thing. The weather is cool and today it is sunny. Just what I need to give me engery.

Talk to you all later

Have a good day


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I wish you could bottle up some of that energy and send it here, Mary! LoL The weather has been much cooler, though, so I absolutely cannot complain. We wore jackets to school for the past 3 days. And it's been cool enough at night to use the blankets! :clap I love this time of year.


Vicki, the team sounds neat! When will dd know if she got in?


Joanne, have a great day at work! Your afghan is beautiful. :manyheart What kind of yarn did you buy at the LYS?


Colleen, too cute about dd! How exciting for a little girl to go to Disney World, though! I bet she will be counting the days 'til she meets the Princesses!


We got our washer and dryer last night! Dh and Roomie's b/f went to pick it up while we were at karate. The belt test was...ok. :shrug She has definitely had better tests. She totally forgot 2 moves that she should have known, but she remembered 2 moves that no one else in her group knew. She also tripped and fell during a kick. The Forms were extra credit and she did it completely, except that she hesitated on 2 of the moves. The Sensei's only comment was that she should not hesitate, and just do whatever move she thinks it is, because 99% of the time, it's always right. I think she might move to the next orange level, but I definitely don't think she's going to be skipping one this time.


Also, a "bee inspector" is someone who comes out to inspect an area with a possible bee infestation. We called them because there is a hive in the neighbor's tree, and it faces our front yard.


Well my laundry is done so I better scoot and fold my first-ever washed-in-my-own-home load of laundry! :clap:clap



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Hi everyone

Stacy- did you have fun folding your first ever washed in your own home load of laundry? I guess this means no more laundromat ghans for you! It's so easy doing laundry in the comfort of your home! The yarn I got at the LYS is Casade yarn 220 superwash wool. The color is a really pretty deep green (picked out by DD).


Vicki- Destination Imagination sounds really neat. Fingers crossed that DD made the team. Did you see or hear about the "brawl" last night during the Yankee game? I missed it, but heard about it today.


Speaking of brawls...er..hockey...we opted not to go. DH didn't get home until almost 10 last night from school. He has been busy at work catching up since he was in Ga all last week and he has school tomorrow night- he wanted to just sit and veg on the couch and go to bed early tonight. My friend at work who gave me the tix said he would be able to give me tix again since he has season tickets and doesn't get to go to all the games.


Hope everyone had a great day


Shannon- Hope you are feeling better- you must really not be feeling good since you have not been around...I'm praying for a speediness recovery-ness.......



Mary- WTG on the cleaning/crocheting kick!


My friend at work gave me a pattern for a border for my ghan- it alternates small and big shells. I think this weekend i will try it and see if I like how it looks..or I might ask DD for her opinion- does she like the slipstich border or does she want something fancier

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I had a fun day! DD went to visit Grandma for a few hours, so I went to the mall and shopped, shopped, shopped. It was fun! I bought DD some summer clothes on clearout for our trip (don't laugh you southerners, but us Canadians wear shorts when we go to Florida in October...70-75 degrees is warm! :lol). After supper DD and I played outside and now I'm having fun :crocheting:c9 I am making the Lion Brand Cornucopia! Now that is having fun with :crocheting. Pure indulgence. Canadian Thanksgiving is October 12th, so I hope to finish it in the next few days and start getting out my fall decorations. Solstice is this weekend, so I'm not fearful of being egged :rofl


Mary - WTG, you are on a roll!


Joanne - Sorry you missed the game, but time on the couch and going to bed early is always good.:yes


Stacy - Congrats on your very own washer/dryer. You will love it, I'm sure! WTG to DD on doing well at her belt test. Sounds like she did her best.


Vicki - I hope you had a good day at school.


LeaAnne - I hope you are starting to find some time to yourself now that the kids are back to school.


Beth - How is Quick Silver and all the kids big and small at your place today?


Shannon - Sweetie, we really miss you! I hope you are feeling better. Sending extra :manyheart your way! (I wish I could send chicken soup, but I don't think you are allowed to write that in the customs box on a package :think). :hug


Back to my cob of corn--time to do the husks :hook.

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