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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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Good morning!


How is everyone today? I am :tired. I stayed up way too late again last night, :crocheting. The good news is that Sister doesn't ride her horse until 3:35, so we might be able to squeeze in a nap. DD had tummy problems last night too, so I'm sure she's sleepy. How's your little one, Stacy?


Joanne- A canoli sounds so good. They don't have them anywhere around here that I know of. Have one for me, will ya?:wink Have a fabulous-ness day with DD!


Colleen- What a nice day you have planned!:c9 I hope you get lots of yarn....err, I mean yard work done!:devil


:hi, Beth! How are you and your inventions feeling today? Good for you sleeping in!!


LeaAnne- Did the reading get finished? I hope you're having a spectacular Labor Day weekend!


Stacy- How's DH's coworker? I've been praying for him. Are the kids getting along any better? Is the party today?


Vicki- Are you enjoying your new office? That is so exciting!!


Jennifer- I hope you are enjoying your long weekend. Will we get to see your doily??? I hope your schedule settles down for you soon!


:waving, Mary! How are those grandkids doing? I know you're having a blast with them!


Hi Scooby! :hugs to you today!


I better scoot. I've got some things to do before we nap and/or leave! Have a terriffic day!:manyheart

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Hello Everybody!


Thanks for all your well-wishes. Everyone has come through the bug! I'm still a bit sinus-y, but feeling SO much better!


I finished my corner-to-corner, but it'sbigger than the pattern called for. It covers my full-sized bed. Here's a :photo


Joanne, have a wonderful trip! It sounds like you have a lot of fun things planned.


LeaAnne, enjoy your time with Joanne, and your holiday weekend. Think of us!


Shannon, I hope your little one feels better. Enjoy your sister's horse show.


Stacy, I hope your little one feels better, too. I swear it's harder on us moms than the kids when they don't feel well. Give her a big hug from all of us imaginary aunties.


Colleen, how exciting for your darling to be looking forward to school! I'm glad she's excited about it. How are YOU feeling about it?


Mary, are you enjoying the grandkids? What kinds of activities do they do out in God's country?


Vicki, will you post pictures when you get your office all fixed up? How very exciting!


Jennifer, is everything going OK with you? You aren't over-doing, trying to keep up with school, housework, crocheting, and writing, are you?


Scooby, Happy Labor Day Weekend! I'm missing you.


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Stopped home after harvard square- we had brunch and browsed the bookstore and went to a LYS!!! I splurged and bought some yarn-DD picked it out for a hat and scarf that she wants me to make her for Christmas- oh, the yarn in the store was so pretty. The folks were friendly- although they are definitely more geared to knitting, I told them i crocheted and they were still very nice! We are going to be heading out again in about 1/2 hr to head to the Greenway and north end. We walked back from the T (about a mile) and the weather is so awesome-ness!!!!


Beth- glad you are feeling better- and the corner-to-corner is absolutely beautiful- I love the colors!!!


Shannon- enjoy the horse show- good luck to your sister.


Colleen- glad the wether is cooperating in Ontario too- enjoy the outside and the bbq and the relaxing. I am soooo enjoying this weather- If it could be like this year round it would be perfect-ness.


LeaAnne, Vicki, Mary, Jennifer, and Scooby- enjoy the rest of your Sunday!!


PS (Shannon- I'll dedicate 1/2 of my cannoli to you- I can't have one for you or I'll be too full....lol)

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Hey all! Sorry for not being around the last couple of days, but we got the new computer desk and it came in a million little pieces. It took us FOREVER to put it together. I think Hubby learned a lesson - pay to let them assemble it!

Anyway, that is done and tomorrow we will move the computer in to the new office. Then we can clean up the spare room and get ready for the furniture to arrive next Saturday.

Yesterday I did three loads of laundry. All of it folded and ready to be put away. This morning I washed sheets and made dd give me her whitle blanket it wash. It was so stinky! That is now clean.

I need to go back and read what I missed during Friday's chat and yesterday. The Yankees are getting killed right now in Toronto. I don't even know how they did yesterday. I guess I need to look.

Have a great rest of the day all. Hope Stacy's and Shannon's girls are feeling better!


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Oh Beth, you did a wonderful job on that 'ghan. :manyheart Your stitches are beautiful! Your sister will love it! :clap What a great size! Yellow is very pretty crocheted. :think Oh dear, now you got me thinkin'! :lol I'm glad you are feeling better :hug I am excited for DD to start school. She's ready and I'm looking forward to getting involved myself. Life is going to be very busy, which I'm a bit leary about (I don't like busy), but we'll manage.:yes


I hope the horse show was great :cowgirl and that Joanne enjoys her beautiful Boston day. I'm glad Vicki got that desk assembled and her DD's blanket washed;). I've got some veggies cut up and marinating in for grilling on the BBQ. Time to light the BBQ. I'm getting hungry!


:hi everyone!

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Oh my goodness-ness! The Greenway is so beautiful- they took what used to be streets (that they ran under ground --The "Big Dig" - You can read about it online.) and it is all so beautiful now- park benches, little tables, green grass, fountains- what a great thing for a city to do! DD and I walked around the North End, got our canolies and cappuchino and then sat on one of the benches by the water and enjoyed our treats. It got a little chilly by the water so we walked to one of the other park areas and sat on a bench and read for a while basking in the sunshine (I am reading "hooked for life- confessions of a crochet zealot)- Now DD and her roommie are making flat bread pizza. I am so enjoying this relaxing time- I also started another neverending square - mindless, I don't need to think!!!


Enjoy your BBQ Colleen! Glad you got that computer table put together Vicki- I agree, I hate putting furniture together- so much so that I refuse to do it anymore!!! Yes, the Yanks lost today, but they did win yesteday!


Shannon- hope you had fun at the horse show


Everyone else- have a great night!

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:morcoffee Good morning, Besties!


I saw a TV special about the "Big Dig" while they were working on it. How cool! It sounds like a lovely change for a city. I hope you continue to have a wonderful, relaxing time, Joanne. You certainly deserve it!


Colleen, It sounds like you have a grip on reality. I thought I'd have so much free time when the kids went to school. :rofl I learned better.


Hello to everyone! I hope you have a wonderful Labor Day! Any exciting plans? I'm going to pay bills, make up lesson plans, and attack the kitchen mess.

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Good morning all and Happy Labor Day! Another wonderful weather day here in "Bahstin". DD and I are planning to take it easy and then watch the Rutgers football game at 4 on tv. My cousin from NH wants me to come up for a few days, so I am having a hard time deciding what to do. I haven't seen her and her DH in about 2 years and they are only an hour or so drive north of here. They are both retired and since DH is in GA, they are begging me to come for a couple of days.


OH, the decisions.....well enjoy your day- check in later.

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Happy Labor Day!


It looks like everyone is enjoying a nice long weekend (as are we!:manyheart)

Joanne is right... the weather is Perfect-ness!


Today is more school shopping, and maybe a BBQ with MIL & BIL if there's enough day left when we are done.


Tomorrow is laundry and outfit organizing for the first day on Thursday, general cleaning, and finishing up 1 summer reading (3 out of 4 are done:jumpyay).


I will say :hi and :hugto all for now, not enough time to address everyone individually. Please know I am holding you all in my thoughts today, as I have all weekend.


Love you bunches:U:bheart

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Good morning besties!! Happy Labor Day!


Sister did well in her show. She was happy. She did dressage, which I know nothing about, so she always looks good to me out there. DD decided to play in a hill of sawdust. Eeeeewww!:yuck We had fun, but it was :hot


Beth- Your 'ghan is gorgeous-ness!! I love the colors! Where did you find that pattern?


Joanne- I'm so glad you're having so much fun with DD! You certainly deserve some R&R! And beautiful weather to boot! Wonderful-ness!!:D


LeaAnne- :yay for a great weekend! Are the kiddos getting excited about school? Are you and Joanne hooking up tomorrow?


Colleen- How was your BBQ? Sounds yummy! Glad you got to enjoy a nice day outside.


Vicki- :hugs to you for little pieces to put together! I know the feeling. How nice to have a brand new office.


Stacy- How are the girls? :hugs to you out there!!


Mary- We miss you, but we know you are having a wonderful time with the family!!


Jennifer- Enjoy your day off! Take it easy today, okay?:hug


Hi Scooby! Happy Labor Day!!


We're going to Honey's house today. DH is coming home for the night. He's having so many problems on this job. Now some stupid hick has shot the pipe and they're losing water, so they have to wait until that's fixed. I feel so bad for him. If they find who did it (which shouldn't be hard), they're going to press charges. Anyway, he'll be home for the night, so I'm happy about that!!:heart Well, I better get some stuff done around here before we leave. I need a :fire lit under me. Have a great day everyone!!:manyheart

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Shannon, Sorry to hear about the pipe problems at DH's job. I'm glad you get to spend some bonus time together!:manyheart


My 'ghan was the corner-to-corner afghan that Mary made, only 1 row white, 4 rows yellow, 1 row white, 4 rows black, etc (Pittsburgh Steeler's colors.) And I got a little carried away, before I started decreasing the rows. I got the two corner-to-corner patterns at Crochet pattern central confused. (I used to be intelligent -- don't know what happened to make me scatter-brained.) Any way, it is a wonderful pattern, very fun. I worked in the ends as I went along. I finished with a row of yellow sc around (3 stitches in each corner) followed by a row of black sc. I told my sister about it. She has a bedroom decorated in Steeler's stuff, but needed a bedspread. She's so excited about this. It makes me :c9.


LeaAnne, it's great to hear that the reading is almost done!!! Hooray for your inventions!:cheer


Joanne, your vacation just sounds awesome! Have you decided if you will visit your cousin yet?


Mary, how is your time with your little darlings? I still think grandkids sound like the best deal.


Stacy, Jennifer, Vicki, Colleen, Scooby, :hi:hug:heart

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Hey there.

I hope everyone had a great day. It was quiet here. DD was at her friend's house and I got to go swimming today. Otherwise, nothing else going on.

Joanne - Having fun, are you? I am glad you are enjoying yourself. And the cannoli sounds wonderful!

Shannon - Good for you finishing your squares!

The corner to corner afghan is gorgeous! Love it!

Have a good night all.


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:hi everyone! And a happy Sunday evening to all!


We went on a little road trip today, stopped at a mall and went out for lunch. Fun quality family time! The bestest news is that I got a beautiful new painting and we've hung it above my dining room counter. :yay Once I get it re-decluttered :blush and something pretty set up there I'll take another picture--like a before and after.


Last night I got :crocheting and did 9 rows on one of my scrap ripples. It is getting very pretty. I think I'm avoiding that purple and gray 'ghan :blush.


LeaAnne - I hope the back-to-school shopping went well. :clap


Joanne - Your vacation in Boston so far sounds so wonderful and relaxing. Enjoy! :manyheart


Beth - I'm happy to hear your sister is excited about her 'ghan. She'll be even more excited when she sees it! :)


Vicki - I hope you enjoyed your quiet day. :c9


Shannon - Hooray for your sis at the horse show and hooray for surprise visits home from DH, even if it is because his job isn't going very well. I'll be praying that things improve. :hug


Mary, Stacy, Jenn, Scooby and anyone I might have missed :think - :hi:hug

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Colleen- I'm giggling at you right now. You remind me of me. It's Monday evening. Just thought I'd let you know.:D Yay for finding a picture for your wall! And yay for fun family time! And yay for your scrap ripple! Good for you! BTW, I like your new siggy!


Vicki- Did you get to enjoy the pool all by yourself? DD and I went swimming today too. We had fun, but I'm not in the mood anymore. I'm so ready for cooler weather.


Beth- How did the bill paying, lesson planning, and kitchen mess attacking go today?


DH can't come home tonight.:(:(:( Some hillbilly decided to shoot five bullets into the pipe that brings water to DH's location. They were shut down for at least half the day. I hope they find him, because they will press charges if they do. We didn't go to Mom's because I thought he was coming home. But we still had a pretty good day. I just miss my hubby!!

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Hi Ladies

My weekend was the best ever. I had soooooooo much fun with the kids ( grandkids and big kids) We had a camp fire saturday night and sunday night. Roasted marshmellow and weinners, Had a few drinks, and a lot of laughs.:lol

Iam glad that everyone is having a great weekend.:c9 This afternoon, after everyone left, I had to have a nap. Man was I tired. The kids just wore me out. I didn't even have time to crochet, I was having too much fun.

I will talk to everyone tomorrow.

Good night


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Hey ladies!

Looks like everyone is having a wonderful weekend! :cheer


Beth, your afghan is beautiful! The way you did the colors is really eye-catching. Your sister will love it!


Mary, I'm glad you had fun with all of the kids! LoL @ the nap- my dad said the same thing after he watched my kids for the day. Sounds like you had a blast with that bonfire. :manyheart


Colleen, :clap for family time and a road trip! Enjoy them right now, because once your dd hits about 12 or 13, she'll be like, "But why do I have to go?" :lol Awesomeness that you found a picture for your wall. Can't wait to see those pics!


Shannon, I'm sorry dh can't come home tonight. How long does he usually stay away? Sorry that you didn't go to Honey's house, either. I'm glad you had a good day anyway, hope dh can come home soon!


Leanne, did you have enough time left for a bbq? Are you finished with the shopping?


:hi to Joanne, Jennifer, Scooby, and Vicki! Hope you all are having a supercalifragilisticexpialidocious-ness weekend. :yay


Yesterday we had the birthday party. It was nice- we grilled chicken and hot dogs and I found an M&M ice cream cake at the store. Dd LOVES M&M's and she laughed when she saw the cake. LoL Everyone had lots of fun, and when it got dark, we brought out lamps and a radio and sat around on the patio. It is SO NICE to finally have our own "gathering" place. :manyheart MIL gave us a new comforter set but called this morning to say she found a different one on sale and wanted us to go check it out. The first one only had a comforter and 2 pillowcases and I guess she had wanted to give us one that had the sheets and everything. So even though we liked it she ended up taking it back and gave us a check in the amount she had planned to spend.

Today we went out shopping and found an entire set (comforter, sheet set, shams, pillowcases, and bedskirt) for $30! :eek:cheer:clap When we came home, dh and 4 y/o dd took a nap, while me and the other two went for a walk with our roomie and her kids. I unfolded dd's umbrella stroller and put her in it, then as I stuck my foot out to flip up the brake, I saw a black widow in the corner of the wheel! :eek:2eek:scared I pulled dd out of the stroller and Roomie squashed it with her shoe. Now I am a little freaked out about really wary of bringing anything else inside.

We were supposed to get dd's hair cut today for school, but the salon was closed, so we are taking her tomorrow after dh comes home. The part for my car is also supposed to be here tomorrow, and the mechanic said he can come in the afternoon to fix it! :clap



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Hey besties, I have a question- does anyone do cross stitch? I did when I was around 16, but stopped probably 2 years later. Dh really loves that wall-hanging in the warden's office, in Shawshank Redemption, and I would love to make it for him for Christmas. I have a photo of it and I scanned it into Knitpro for a graph, but I'm wondering how to count out the squares on the canvas to make it the size that I need it? :think:shrug Anyway, if any of you have experience with this sort of thing, can you please PM me? I need all the help I can get! :lol

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Hi Stacy - Sorry, can't help you about the cross-stitch. I've barely dabbled in cross-stitch. Is there a cross-stitch-ville? :lol Try posting somewhere else on this forum, I think there are a lot of cross-stitchers here.


I made a handful of saltines tonight. Time to go clean out the fridge for garbage day :yuck

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Thanks for reminding me, Colleen! I need to do that too! I really miss DH on Tuesday mornings when I'm hauling trash to the street!:lol Off to clean out the fridge.:yuck


Good night Besties!

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:morcoffee Good morning, everybody!


Mary, your weekend sounds delightful! I'm so glad you had a great time. Sounds like a slice of heaven to me. I love the corner-to-corner pattern! As a matter of fact, I told my two irl crochet buddies about it. One of them hates to make big projects because of the beginning chain. She's tempted by this afghan. I will make another one, but I need to tackle my huge list of wips right now. I will make wider stripes next time.


Shannon, Cleaning out the frige AND hauling trash to the curb -- you know how to have fun on a holiday, don't you! At least you'll have a nice, clean, fresh frige.


Colleen, any plans for the saltines? How do you connect them? (This from someone who REALLY hates hand sewing.)


Stacy, :eek on the spider! I would have :faint! I'm glad you saw it and your roomie got rid of it for you. Is there ivy around your house? I've been told recently that black widows and brown recluses both like to live in ivy.

:clap for getting your car fixed!


Vicki, hope you enjoyed your quiet day. Are you relaxed and ready for another week?


Joanne, thinking of you on your well-earned vacation. I hope it continues to be so wonderful.


LeaAnne, so proud of your inventions for finishing their reading. You don't start back to school until Thursday? So, do you have more time during the summer, or during the school year?


Jennifer, Scooby, I hope you had a great Labor Day Weekend too!


I got the bill paying done with no problem. I got bogged down with the lesson planning, though. I usually start much earlier than the day before.:blush My inventions took care of the house. Even dh cooked lunch, so I could keep going. The rest of the year will be easier, now.


Have a fabulous-ness Tuesday everybody!:manyheart

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Good morning all!

Colleen- Congrats on getting a picture for the dining room wall. DD and I hung some of her pictures up this weekend. Middle DD had given her a painting for her 30th which I brought up with me. She found others that she wanted hung up but wasn't sure where to put them. It's amazing how much pictures can do for a space!


LeaAnne- hope you had a fabulous Labor Day! Sorry we won't be able to "hook up', but hoping that it will work out next time.


Beth- Kudos on getting your lesson plans in order- and for DK's and DH pitching in so that you could! I take it you and the inventions are all feeling better? I'm just like your friend regarding the chains on big projects like afghans. I think that is why I like the never ending square! So much so that I've been working on another up here in Boston. After this one, though, time to move on to something else- maybe I'll finally attempt a round ripple! Also got to make the scarf and hat for DD out of the nice yarn I got. (I'll make a set out of some "cheap" yarn first though!)


Stacy- glad you had a fun birthday party- M&M's= a girl after my own heart!!! You must be so happy that the mechanic is coming today to fix the car!! And WTG on the 30$ comforter set- now that's a bargain! Sorry, I can't help you with the cross stitch either- but I know I've seen others post about it- I agree with Colleen, someone out there can probably help you.


Mary- I'm so happy you had so much fun with the kiddo's and yay for a nap afterwards!!


Vicki- Well, the Yanks are on a roll again- I got to watch the game last night here in Boston since it was on MLB network. (I'm glad that DD was so accomodating...lol) Glad you had a good weekend!


Shannon- sorry about DH not coming home and hope that they catch the "hillbilly" that did what he did! How is DD feeling- no signs/symptoms of anything? Any idea when dh will be able to come home?


Well, everyone, have a fantabulous Tuesday- I'll be heading to NH after DD leaves for work around 8:30. I'm not sure how long- probably head back to NJ tomorrow afternoon- I think I want to spend Thursday with DD in Philly since that is her day off- (and now she may be moving back to NJ to go back for her Master's in art/education in January so she can get a real job). There were issues with the apt /landlord where she is now (sound familiar, Stacy?) and she and roomies are able to get out of the lease (turns out landlord didn't have a license to rent which you need in PA). So looks like she'll be moving at the end of the month-


Well, better pack up my stuff- have a wonderul day and remember your vitamins!

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Good morning all.

I have a headache this morning. Yuck. I want to go back to bed and stay there so no one bothers me. That is my wish for the day.

Anyway, glad to see that everyone had a great weekend.

Shannon - Sorry to hear about DH not coming home. I hope he gets to come home soon.

Stacy - I hope you find an answer to your cross stitch question. I don't do that craft. I tried it and really never got in to it.

Beth - Glad the planning is going well. Do you find that once you get on a roll with the planning you just keep going? I always found that. I just kept going and revised as I needed.

Joanne - Glad you had a great weekend. YAY the Yankees won again. Do you think they can reach 100 wins?

Mary - Gld you enjoyed time with the children this weekend!

LeAnne - How was your weekend?

Colleen and Jennifer - Have a wonderful day!

Talk to you all later.


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Good morning!


I can't chat long. Pepper's going in for her surgery today. Please keep your :xfin that everything goes well. I'm going homecoming dress shopping later with Sister. Her homecoming is this Saturday.:eek Very early, even for down here!


Vicki- I hope you feel better!


Beth- Happy 1st day of :school!


Mary- :yay for the post-grandkids nap!! Glad you had so much fun with them.


Stacy- :eek about the spider! We had one in our pool, and didn't see it until after we got in. Freaky scary!! Thank God you saw it. I can't help with cross-stitch either. Sorry.


Joanne- That's a bummer that you and LeaAnne can't meet up. Have a safe trip to NH and have a good time with your cousin!!


I better get my badorkas in gear. Pepper has to be at the vet in a little while. Have a great day everyone!:manyheart

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