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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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That, and the manager...and the loud neighbors...and...LoL

My 2 y/o is walking around, eating toothpaste from her toothbrush. At least one of them gets it! :lol


Well dh just brought me a shirt that he needs ironed for tomorrow. Nothing like waiting 'til the last minute! :shrug

I had a great time chatting tonight. Have a great night!

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Good morning all!

I forgot about the chat again. DD had tae kwon do and then we went to get something to eat. We got home around 7:30 and I crashed. Sorry ladies. I will try to remember for Friday.

Stacy - The 'ghans are GORGEOUS! You do wonderful work! Stay safe in the smoke!

LeaAnne - Great news about DD and her eyes. My DD has been wearing glasses since she was 5. I don't think she wears them as often as she needs to, but she does wear them in school. I actually need to check on that to make sure she is wearing them this year.

Shannon - Hope you had a wonderful night with your DH.

Joanne - The Yankees won again! I didn't see the whole game, but I saw the beginning. Then hubby put on the YES network to see the Yankeeography on George. I think they scored lots of runs late in the game.

Beth - Hope you start to feel better soon!

Mary - I am glad you like the square. I had fun making them!

Good morning Colleen! Hope you have a wonderful day!

Must run ladies. Children will be entering the building soon!



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Good sleepy morning!


I stayed up until 2 organizing my yarn cabinet. It's not quite big enough to make it look pretty, but it will do.

There's a few of our DK's who wear or did wear glasses at a young age. My DD got hers at 14 months. Her problem is called esotropia. Her right eye turns in when she tries to focus on something close. She'll always need glasses and/or contacts, but her prescription will get smaller as she grows.


Vicki- We missed you last night! Have a great day at school. The weekend is almost here!!:cheer


Joanne- Shame on these girls for keeping you up so late!:devil I'd take some of the blame, but I wasn't here long. You're almost finished! :cheer Can you see the finish line???


Stacy- I had fun chatting with you last night. When does DD go to the dentist? I can't remember if you told me.


I had fun talking with all you girls last night! I just wish I had been here the whole time!:blush


I hope everyone has a super-fantastical day!! I'm off to clean some more, and I have a few errands to run. I may bring my dog to the vet today too. I'll try to check in later!! Love ya!

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:hi everybody. I had fun reading your chat from last night. There's no way I can respond to all of it. It's great fun to be part of a chatty group like that.


I can't find the hook I was using on my sister's afghan! :eek I have another one that size, but I just don't like it very much. The hook part is more like a slit, and doesn't grab the yarn as well. Do you all have favorite brands of hooks?


Shannon, I'd love to see a pic of your yarn cabinet! I am using my china cabinet for yarn. It's a bit messy right now -- EVERYTHING is messy now, but I love being able to see my yarn.


Vicki, do you watch the tae kwon do classes? I love having kids involved in something athletic! I think I'd be a little more fit now if I had an activity from childhood that encouraged physical movement.


Joanne, it's almost the weekend! Your well-earned vacation will be here before you know it! My son is interested in going into nursing. Any words of advice?


Stacy, I love to hear about your family. Sometimes I forget what it's like to have little ones running around. Do you hate ironing as much as I do?


Whoever mentioned the water near my house: that's Hampton Roads Waterway. If you could see the satellite image across the water, the Norfolk Naval Air Base is there -- you might be able to see aircraft carriers harbored there. The HRW empties into the Chesapeake Bay on the east coast of Hampton. It's the mouth of the chesapeake, so the ocean is very close, too.


Someone posted an afghan with concentric squares. It's lovely! I'm very impressed how different color combinations come together.


Mary, I picture your area in my mind, and it fits my definition of perfection. I hope you are very happy in your slice of God's country!


LeaAnne, I hope your crew is getting their reading done, so you can enjoy your last weekend before school starts again.


Colleen, I hope your day is fabulous!


Jennifer, I hope school is going well for you.


Scooby, I miss you.

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:waving, everyone!


it's very quiet here (for a moment) everyone's reading;)


DD got her bottom braces on this morning, then we went to buy some skin care products for adolescent skin:)


I have been cleaning (and waitressing on the 10 minutes) since I got back, and I needed a little break, so here I am.


Chat was so much fun last night! I really needed the laughs:manyheart


You guys are the greatest!


I am being "mmoooommm"ed, so I gotta scoot.


HUGS to all

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Hi again! It's quiet here today!


Beth- Sounds like you're feeling better! How are the inventions feeling? I want to see a pic of your yarn/china cabinet! I wish I could see my yarn, but it's hidden away behind doors. Here's a pic. That's not all my yarn, and I have to fix it again. I don't like the way it's arranged. But I did find 6 hooks when I cleaned out the cabinet!! Yay me!


LeaAnne- How did it go getting DD's braces? How's the summer reading coming along? And can I just say that I am so glad you didn't wet your pants last night?!?!:lol


I don't know if I'll be back tonight. I'm going to Honey's house. Have a great day everyone!!


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yes, Shannon, I am glad too! I have enough :wash as it is!:lol

I like your yarn space... you are getting very organized! WTG!:cheer


I don't have much to report since earlier, but wanted to stop by and wish you all a good evening.


... I have a PTO officers' planning and budget meeting tonight, so we can try to be "ahead of the game" for this year. I think i am getting excited for school to start;)


Hugs and Love to all!

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Plans have changed. I had to meet BigBob to get DD. My sister is sick and a girl that works at the restaurant has the flu, so we didn't want to take any chances. The CDC came out with a report today that the swine flu is affecting kids with seizures and epilepsy more than the regular flu. DD and my sister are in that category, so it's kinda scary. So we're home tonight, and she's ready to undo all of the cleaning up I did around here. What can you do?:shrug

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Yikes, how scary! Better to stay home. :manyheart I love your yarn cabinet. Mine is all over the place- even with a house, we don't have one spot that can be designated just for yarn. :( How awesome that you found 6 hooks! :clap


I had this whole post typed up, then my computer froze. I even copied it, and for some reason, it won't paste. :angry


Shannon, I think Joanne could see the finish line of she looks on Google Maps. :lol It's almost here! I am so envious that Joanne and Leanne will meet up! :drool


Beth, I despise ironing. He didn't even wear the stinkin' shirt today! :angry I used precious time-that-could-have-been-used-for-chatting, but no- I pointlessly ironed. :shrug You seem to be feeling better today! How are the inventions feeling? Has school started yet for you?


Leanne, how did dd do with the braces? Does she have the top ones already?


The girls and I went for a walk to the store. I needed a broom and some stainless steel cleaner. The fingerprints all over the appliances were driving me :loco. (Didn't there used to be a "batty" smiley? :think) We came home right as our roommate's dd was coming home from preschool, and she's been picking on Mia ever since. The girl is beyond naughty and is never disciplined. She does get lots of long talks about how she should be good, then turns around and yells at Mia a minute later. :sigh I know it's going to take a little while for everyone to figure out their role/personal space, etc, but I am impatient! LoL

Well, I better get going and find something for dinner. Dh has school tonight, so I have to feed him earlier. :lol

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Hi everyone

Beth= hope you are feeling better. i posted the ghan with the never ending square- glad you like it- I started it in Baltimore and now am bored with it so I decided to end it and just have to put a border on it. I'll put it away as a Christmas gift for one of the DDs.


Shannon- Sorry to hear about the flu hitting one of the workers at the restaurant. Did you see that Amy posted that her her DD has the flu? Must be making its way around in the south- she's in Alabama. All I can say is hand washing is soo important- that's what they teach you in nursing school- and ask on all the state licensing board exams- what is the #1 way to stop the spread of infection? Handwashing!


Speaking of nursing- that is great that your DS is thinking about becoming a nurse, Beth- Advice- it is hard work, but he'll never be out of a job- and there are endless possibilities . The coursework is hard, but anything worth having is never easy. My Dh is also a nurse, but hasn't worked in nursing for years- he is now a director of OR operations- but he worked for years as an OR nurse. I worked mostly in nursing homes and then in the insurance world. My youngest DD is a nurse- graduated in 2006 and has been working in the ER. She is now back in school so she can become a nurse practioner. Nursing is very rewarding- it is not perfect, but nothing is. My cousin's daughter is finishing up her senior year at U of Pittsburgh and my DH's youngest daughter is also a nurse. She did travel nursing for about a year and saved up enough $ to buy a house! The opportunties are endless for a nurse.


LeaAnne- good luck with the PTO budget meeting tonight. Can't wait to meet you.


Mary- hope you had a great day


Vicki- you and missing chats- becoming a pattern, huh? LOL!!! (just kidding around). Yay- the Yanks are on a roll. I wanted to see the George Steinbrenner thing on Yankeeography- but it was on at 11 PM (hopefully, they'll re-broadcast at a decent hour)


Stacy- I hate ironing too...how frustrating that DH didn't even wear the shirt! Hope things settle in with the roomies daughter- I'm sure it will take time but can be annoying until it does.


I stopped by youngest DD's after work (I got out at regular time today!!) We had a nice visit- I dropped off the afghan that she and SIL had asked me to fix. His grandma had made it and it had ripped apart in a few places. It was a granny square afghan and now that I have become pretty good at granny's I was able to figure it out and fix it. She was really happy.


Colleen- hope you had a good day- and that work wasn't too taxing- how are you doing with the staying away from sweets- Since I have been so busy with work, I find I am not snacking on sugar as much and I have lost about 5 lbs. Someone at work noticed today so that felt good. I really have a sweet tooth, so I keep a bag of hershey kisses at work and allow myself to have 1 or 2 in the PM when I need that chocolate fix!


Well, I'm gonna go grab something to eat. Only 1 more day of work!!!! And then it's Boston time!!!!


Hugs to all

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News on the western front: *peeks over a pile of laundry at the enemy dishes. They seem to be quiet at the moment, but oh no they just launch a vicous attack of nagging guilty thoughts at the back of the head attack. Duck!* Hello, friends. *dodges a particularly violent dust bunny* Here on the western front, all seems quiet, but I'm positive that every time I turn my back the dish multiply. My house is an abslute diaster! I cannot see an inch of floor for the dog hair, the kitchen looks like a bomb went off, laundry piles are sulking like bulk heads, and the dust is so thick I can write my name in things. Right now, I feel like weeping at the dispair of it all, yet I'm way to tired to actually get up and clean.


Why do Professor always give you the most work the first two weeks of class? The situation hasn't been helped by the fact that over half my books for classes were on back order and just came in Monday. And don't you know, they were exactly the half that I need this week not two months from now? I've had to do some major catch up reading as a result. Good news, my homework's done. Really, really, good news I've been taking my doily to class with me and working on it on my breaks...so it's almost done! Only half a row to go. I'm determined to finish it before Saturday to get it off in the mail for my friend!


Bad news....My house looks like WW2 occured in it. *sighs* I really have to figure a schedule where I can both do homework and housework. So far my only saving grace that has kept from going completly insane is two very understanding parents and the fact my Mom has taken over fixing dinner for me. Hopefully I'll figure this out soon or else I might just go insane.

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How are you ever going to sell the house if it looks like WWII???? LOL

Glad to hear that you are settling in to the routine- of school, housework, crochet time, etc.

And I'm happy that Mom is feeding you!!! Got keep up the strength, girl!

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:hi everyone!


Wow, what a day! Busy busy!


I won't write to each person individually just now, but please know I LOVED our chat last night. So fun! Work was fine. DH and I both have tomorrow off, so we are officially into a long weekend :yay


I have been doing a little better with the sweets, mostly by trying not to bake. I broke down last night and baked a small chocolate cake...just a small one :D.


Shannon - Take good care of Janna. Hand washing, lots of rest. :hug


Have a great night everyone and a fabulous Friday! :hug

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Hi Ladies

I had a great time last night. I think I really needed that. I forgot how much fun laughing can be. Thanks again.

This morning I got up with a head ache and It didn't get any better as the morning went on. I laid on the couch and fell asleep for a bit. When I woke up it was worse. I had something to eat and took a pill and just laid around all day. So tomorrow I have lots of things to do. Kids are coming tomorrow night :cheer

I hope everyone had a good day and I will see you all tomorrow night.

Good night all


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:hi Jenn! So good to see you through all of that housework. I'm glad that your mom is making dinner- sounds like you are busy enough without adding cooking to it!


Mary, I hope your headache lessens so you can get ready for the kiddos. How exciting! How long are they staying?


Joanne, that's really on the state exams?! I actually wouldn't mind going into nursing if I didn't have to be the standard definition (giving shots and all.) But the things my SIL has told me about nursing school itself makes me think I would just fail. LoL It is cool that you have so many in the family. Great job on the weight loss, btw. :h5


Colleen, good job on the sweets, also. Baking is also my weakness. On my birthday I made chocolate chip cookies, and this morning I made blueberry muffins. I suppose those are at least a bit healthy. :shrug Enjoy your long weekend with dh.


I have to ask for more prayers. As dh was getting ready for school, he got a call that one of his workers fell from a pole and was being rushed to the hospital. He has a broken tibia and fibula, several broken ribs, a broken arm, and fractures in his face, as he fell sideways onto some rebar. Dh went to school to let the professor know he wouldn't be there for the first class, then he is off on a 1-1/2 hour ride to Santa Paula to visit him. :ohdear




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Oh, my Stacy- prayers being said- that is so horrible. And poor DH having to miss school and drive an hour 1/2 to see him- but i know he wouldn't be able to concentrate in class.


Colleen- enjoy your long weekend with DH and DD!!!! One more day to go for me....I'll have worked 12 days straight.


Mary- hope the headache is gone when you get up tomorrow and have fun with the kiddies!!!!


Everyone else- have a good rest of the night.


I'm off to finish watching the NY Giants vs the Patriots and switching between the Yanks and Colleen's Blue Jays! Yanks up 7-5.

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Hi girls!


Stacy- I will be praying for DH's friend. And speaking of prayers, how are your cousin and grandma doing?


Mary- I hope you feel better soon so you can run around with the grandkids!


Joanne- You are such a trooper! 12 days! Wowza. I changed my avatar because I've been wanting to show something I made. There's two things I made in that picture. DH helped a little bit in making DD, but I made the hat all by myself!!


Jennifer- Thanks for talking to us from the battlefield! :yay that you're almost finished with your doily!! Good luck getting used to your schedule! Give your mom big :hugs from me for feeding you!


Colleen- Enjoy your long weekend! Any big plans?


Well, ladies, I'm going to bed. All this chatting all week has wiped me out. Have sweet dreams and I'll see you tomorrow!!:manyheart

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DH helped a little bit in making DD, but I made the hat all by myself!!


:lol Shannon, you crack me up! Your hat is cute. I love the colors. Is dd showing any signs of being sick?


My grandma is doing fine. She's happy that she got to see the kids and knows that we won't be back for a while, so I'm told that she is content. As for my cousin- he was supposed to be at the bbq at my aunt's house but he got too tired and decided to take a nap at home instead. My aunt told me later that he wanted to see us but was too embarrassed to go in front of my entire family. :ohdear She called at 9 pm the night before we left MI to see if we could meet up. :angry The kids were already in bed and I had to finish packing so we couldn't. Apparently he is doing well, though. He has a visiting nurse twice a week to work out his arm and leg that were grafted, but no therapy otherwise. Thanks for asking. :hug


Dh just called to say he still has a 1/2 hour of drive time, and he thought either his tire was flat or the road was bumpy. :think I'm hoping the road was just bumpy. He's thinking he won't be back until at least midnight. :eek I think I am going to start another project so I can stay up and wait for him.



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