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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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Here are some pics I took this morning- the first one is of my laundromat afghan. I am thinking of either putting a purple border around it, or taking the brown one apart and adding more squares. It's about a foot smaller than I would like. :think The second one is of dh's "lumberjack afghan." He didn't like the flannel-ness of it, and wanted a checkerboard instead.





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Stacy, Love your ghans! :drool. Good job on both of them. The checkerboard pattern is very manly.


I'm still :sick. My inventions are all kind of sick, too. Poor babies. We'll clean house when we're all better. The mess will still be here.


I hope you are have a :sun day!


I have about 50 more rows for my steeler's afghan. I think I'm doing the wrong corner-to-corner pattern. Oh well. It's huge. She'll love it.

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Hey ladies!

Thanks for the compliments. :D


Sorry to hear that you are all sick, Beth! Take lots of vitamin C! (And no, I don't mean Crochet. :rofl)


Well, it is a good thing I gave you all my new address! We had left the Garmin charger in the rental car, and the Hertz just sent it to us. I have to pay $2.50 before I can get it! Apparently the post office will forward letters and bills, but packages cannot be forwarded for free- they charge based on weight! :eek

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I, too, am having a hard time with the "extra goodies" in my packages for you girls:blush... I mean, there's a lt of history here, and everything, but I have a hard time thinking of what's "cool" or appropriate. does that make sense?


How far away are the fires from you? Ashes raining on Jorge is SCARY!

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Hey there ladies!!


I hope everyone is having a super-fantastic day!


Beth- :hugs to you and the kids! I hope you all feel better real soon.


Stacy- Your 'ghans are gorgeous! Great job! That is so scary that the fires are so close to you! You guys be careful out there!


LeaAnne- :yay for the school schedule. I hope everyone gets their summer reading finished in time so you can have an awesome weekend together.


Colleen- Praying that all goes well with the eye doctor! :hugs to DD for being such a trooper. And :hugs to you just 'cause I want to!


Joanne- Vacation is getting closer! :cheer:cheerYou can do it!


Mary- I hope you're having a quiet day. All that wood chucking and shopping must wear a girl out!


Vicki- Glad you had fun last night. If we didn't live in the boonies it would be nice to join a league. The last time I went I bowled a 138. I was pretty proud of it too, until I noticed that DD bowled a 96! She cheats with the gutter bumpers, though.:lol


Jennifer- How's school treating you? I hope you're not staying too busy!


Hi Scooby! Miss you!


Well, it's done. My hair is red. It's not what I wanted, but I knew it would be hard to get what I wanted. I still really like it. Now I'm going to finish my lunch and get to cleanin'!!


I'll see you chicks later tonight! I can't wait!! Love ya!

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Yay, Shannon joined the redhead club! :h5 Guess you were tired of going gray, huh? :lol


Colleen, good luck with the eye doctor!


Shannon, have you heard anything about dd's EEG yet?


Mary...for the big squares, I used Chris Simon's butterfly garden square. (I had to add a couple rounds of dc so they would be as big as the grannies.) The other ones are just 6-inch granny squares made in different colors, joined in groups of 4 with the join-as-you-go method. Then everything is connected with join-as-you-go. I had planned to make the entire thing out of granny square groups but I ran out of pink and didn't know I could buy it online at first, so I just started making the butterfly ones. :lol When I found out I could buy it online, I figured that making the butterfly ones out of 2 colors would just be too much. So I finished them in purple then put a brown edging around the whole thing. :D


Here is a map of the fires. We are closest to the Station Fire. Dh works close by San Fernando, and we live near the fork between the 118 and the 405. Dh's work is very close to the mountains (where they are burning) but we are about 20 minutes away.


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I know, right? Shannon: The auburn haired Irish Rose! I have been playing my Celtic music all afternoon in your honor! ;):P You look AWESOME!!!


Stacy - wow! you are pretty close to those fires! I googled your address and saw your neighborhood. It looks really nice there:yes

thanks for sharing the map... it made me feel better that you are so far away from them.


Colleen - :xfin that the eye doctor appt. went well :hug


:yay:yayMary is chatting with us tonight! :dance

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Stacy- I figured I if I couldn't be in the red car club, I could at least be in the redhead club!:lol

DD's EEG came back abnormal, but we don't have anyone right now who can compare it to the first one. So we don't know if it's better, worse, or the same. Thank you for asking.


LeaAnne- Thanks for the music! And I do look awesome, don't I?;) Just kidding!!

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:hi Besties!


How is everyone? The eye Dr. went fine. DD has 20/20, no issues. She had fun. Half way through the appt she sat up straight in the chair and said "This is fun!". No kidding, I never get to watch cartoons as part of my eye exams :think Lucky duck.


DD went to visit Grandma for a while after her appt., so I did some shopping and goofing off. :yay I bought DD's school shoes and some books for her. Wonder of wonders, she actually liked the stuff I bought her :clap


Stacy - I love your afghans! :drool Thanks so much for sharing. That laundromat afghan is so pretty. :manyheart Thanks for sharing the map. I have been thinking about you when I hear the news. Scary stuff!


Shannon - I'm so happy you got your hair done auburn :yay I bet you look fabulous-ness!


LeaAnne - Good news that the kids are moving back into their schedules and on track to get their reading done. I hope you have a fabulous labor day weekend as a family. Any special plans or just some bonding time at home around the pool? WTG having a great night's sleep! It helps, doesn't it :yes


Beth - I'm sorry you are still sick. Poor you and the kids! I hope you all feel better soon!


Joanne :dance :dance 2 days left! 'nough said.


Mary - I hope you had a relaxing day!


Vicki - WTG with your bowling score! I'm sure it makes you tired, but that is such a nice outing for you and your DH and so cute that DD comes along and sleeps.


:hi Jenn


See you later alligators!

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Sorry I missed you, Shannon:(


Hey, Colleen! :yay:yay for your day! 20/20 & some time just for you?! That is so awesome!! I am happy that DD loves all of her new things. she must feel better, too, about having that appt. over with1



so, guess what I did, you guys? Please don't think I am creepy....

I went on google maps, and visited you all! Did you hear me knocking on your door?:lol I wish I could go on a great big trip to see you all! this was the next best thing, I guess. Oh! and on the satellite images, all of our houses are SO CLEAN!!!! :rofl It was neat to see how neighborhoods are in different parts of the continent:yes... the only house I couldn't visit was Mary:(... the map wouldn't work. Your town is so small:yay:yay! I bet there are about 1 gazillion of stars in your night sky, and the air must be sooo clean! Someday, maybe I will come visit, or retire:heehee... since we are all so "old":ha:ha (Shannon and Stacy and Colleen:P)


anyway, I suppose I should go pay some attention to my family, so I can be back for chat. I should be here around 9


luv you bunches!:manyheart

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:(:( Hi girls :(:(


I don't know if I'm going to make the chat tonight.:cry DH just called, and he's coming home tonight. He usually goes to bed by 10. Maybe if you're still chatting I can join in then. Sorry girls. I was really looking forward to the chat tonight.


I'll talk to you later. Hopefully.

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Hi everyone!

I wasn't able to get to the postoffice at lunch today- we had a lunch meeting (at least they fed us)but the squares are in their respective envelopes in my car , so i am hoping to get there tomorrow- worse case scenario is I get them in the mail Saturday morning.


Shannon- sorry you won't be hre tonight, but time with DH is important- wonder what he'll think of the new redhead in his life?


Stacy- thanks for the map- and good news about the car. Take care of yourself out there- and I love, love, love your ghans- the laundromat ghan is awesomeness and the checkerboard one is so perfect for a man. You are a talented crocheter. TFS


Colleen- good news about DD (:my oldest DD started wearing glasses when she was 4- she got "Strawberry Shortcake" glasses!) How nice that you got to have some alone time today- and that DD liked what you bought her...I know how you have some issues with her fussiness about clothes!


LeaAnne- Thanks for the clarification on Bawstin.....can't wait to come to Beantown....and see DD .....and hopefully hook up with you......Glad to hear that the DK's are on track to get summer reading done before the weekend.


Vicki- I used to be on a bowling league years ago- it was fun. Now I just go about 1x/mo with folks from work--we have a good time! And Yankees ended up winning despite AJ- his stuff wasn't great but the Yanks hit 5 homers.


Beth- Please feel better- and yes the cleaning will still be there


Mary- glad that you are gonna join the chat


Well, I cleaned the 2 bathrooms when I came home from work and also straightened up the kitchen. I feel better now that the BR's are clean! And since I was washing squares last night I also did laundry- I just had to fold and put away tonight.


I'll catch you all later.......

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:hi I'm here to chat. Got my sweater here in case I get some stitches in too. We had the funnest little family game of baseball in our backyard. DD was giggling. And then the ball went over the fence and the dog next door got it. It was so funny! :manyheart


LeaAnne - Were you able to see the front of my house? I just see my roof. :think That's kinda fun, eh? We did that to check out my sister's house and neighbourhood when they bought their house. It's just like being there. I like how neighbourhoods are different in different places too.

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Iam here. Come on Ladies I want to chat. :lol

The wood throwing was ok, I didn't hit Dh but half way thru we switched places. Good thing I didn't hit him.:devil And yes it was hard on my back so I just kept stopping and starting again. Got it all done for now. Dh still has to cut some more yet.

Going to look at a few thing then I will be back

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Actually, I was thinking sometime we should post a pic of something about our home. You know, to make each other feel as if we've been to the home. You know, what it looks like decorated for fall, or the patio, or the kitchen. I don't know :shrug. Just an idea.

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