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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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I'm sure I'll be popping in from time to time.


Good luck getting the kiddos up in the morning!


This has been so much fun! Thank you so much!


Good night and sweet dreams! Love ya!

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Wow- LeaAnne and Shannon were very chatty-ness last night!! Glad you guys had the energy to stay up so late and had fun talking!!


Me, I got a good nights sleep and my brain doesn't feel as fuzzy this morning. I woke up at 5:10 before my alarm and felt refreshed. Amazing what a good night's sleep can do!!!

Stacy- Hope that you had a wonderful birthday! I've been reading about the terrible wildfires in Cali and am hoping that they are not near you. And I would also love to see your laundromat afghan.


Mary, Beth, Vicki, Colleen, Jenn ---have a super day


Scooby-worried about ya and pray that all is ok.


LeaAnne- so you never "log out" of the ville? How do you do that so that your computer always comes to this page? (ok, so maybe my brain is still a little tired!)


Love the new avatar, Shannon and the new pink siggy. Think I'll change something up on mine to...fall is in the air- love the crisp air -oh, it was so perfectness for sleeping.


Well, gotta run- everyone enjoy your day and I'll catch you on the flip side- remember your vitamins ( I know they have been helping me with all my crazy hours lately)

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Hey girls! Shannon and Leanne were chatty is right! Sorry I missed it!

DD is getting along better with her teacher. She said the teacher wasn't yelling as much yesterday, so we will see how the rest of the week goes.

My classes are good. I have 4 that are on my schedule and 1 that I am doing unofficially. I like the kids in there and it is in the history department. I love teaching history. Yes, I am a history geek. When I start explaining things from a historical sense, hubby just looks at me and asks how I know all this. I tell him it's my job to know.

Hubby's job search is going slowly. Part of the problem is he needs to fill out applications on line and he is SO not a computer person. Then last night he was doing an assessment for one company and it was all logic and algebra problems. He says he can't complete it unless I am there to help him. Just what I want to do when I get home. Help him with his math work.

Otherwise, all was quiet here yesterday. Tonight starts bowling. Not really looking forward to that. I am so tired the next day. We'll see how it all goes.

Colleen - the doily is wonderful. You did a great job!

Shannon - I am glad the Dr. appt. went well. Did the dr. give you info on how to bulk Janna up?

Stacy - I hope you had a wonderful birthday!

Joanne - Did you see Andy Pettite last night! Perfect through 7 innings!

Mary - How did the wood chucking go? any injuries we should know about?

Beth, Jennifer, and Leanne - hope you all have a wonderful day!

I will try to check in later! Have a great day!


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Good fuzzy morning to all!


LeaAnne! You kept me up too late, you party animal!! Actually, I didn't realize what time it was until you told me it was late.:blush Great chat though. I had a blast! Thank you.


Colleen- Your doily is gorgeous! What are you going to do with it? You did a great job, as always! I loved your biking and scootering story.:manyheart That DD of yours is so adorable.


Vicki- :yay that you get to teach a class that you love!! I hope DD ends up :manyhearting her teacher. The year goes so much smoother that way!


Stacy- Did you have a good birthday? Did you eat any cake? I was wondering about the wildfires too. And the hurricane. Are they near you?


Joanne- You're getting closer! Are you so excited about your vacation? You certainly deserve it! :hugs to you, and I'm glad you got a good night's sleep!


Mary- DH must really trust you if he lets you chuck wood at him!:lol I don't think my DH would ever let me do that.


Hiya Beth, Jennifer, and Scooby! Have a terrific day!


Happy September 1st to all! First on my list today is to put my fall flag outside. I've been waiting patiently. DH saw a house decorated for Halloween already. How crazy is that???


Have a good day everyone! I hope everyone has beautiful weather today!!

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Hi all! :hug


Leanne and Shannon- you all were a bunch of chatty Cathy's last night! Glad you had fun and I hope you are not paying for it this morning! :lol


Leanne, I hope the kids got up ok for you this morning. We are starting back on our school schedule this week, too. The kids have been staying up way too late this summer and they need to get used to the earlier bedtime. I think it is a great idea to look up Scooby. And I changed my homepage to this group as soon as I read your idea. :lol


Shannon, I'm glad things went well for dd! I hear you about those cooler temps. I wish they were on the way here! Today it is supposed to be 102, and I have to walk to the laundromat. :( If it would be 45 at night and 75 during the day, I would be the happiest camper. :c9


Beth, thanks for the birthday brownies! They are ship-able, you know! :devil Glad to hear your inventions are so helpful.


Joanne, I'm happy that you are feeling refreshed this morning! Amazing what a good night of sleep can do. :hugAre you getting excited for your vacation?


Colleen, your doily is beautiful! :manyheart Great job. Your dd sounds so cute! I'm glad she had fun scootering.


Vicki, I:manyheart happy to hear that your classes are going well. My dh is very interested in history as well, and constantly talks about events from a historical perspective. I think it is so interesting. He wishes he could major in it at school but he realizes that it is a very limited field from a career standpoint. He is taking a history class though and starts that on Thursday. Sorry to hear your dh's job search is slow-going. It sucks that everything is done through the internet nowadays. Makes it difficult for people who are not tech-savvy.


Mary, sounds like you got a lot done with your nice day! :yay


Jenn, I hope school is going well and that your schedule is setting up nicely. :hug


Thank you all so much for the birthday wishes! :manyheart I wish I could say I had a fantabulous day, but let me tell you about it. :shrug My car stalled in the morning on the way home from taking our friend's dd to preschool. Sat for about 5 minutes while calling my roadside assistance and the car finally turned on. Came home and got everyone ready. The older 2 had dentist appts yesterday. Isabella's teeth are just fine but poor Mia has 5 cavities. :ohdear She doesn't brush her back teeth and she won't let me do it, that is where they all are. I feel like a terrible mother. :( The dentist is referring us to a pediatric dentist, who will put her under and fill all 5 at once. I don't know how I feel about that.

We went out for lunch and that was nice. Then to Target so dh could get some notebooks for class. He got ready for school and I decided I wanted to make some cookies, but I needed to run to the store for vanilla. Ran inside, paid for the vanilla, ran back out- the car wouldn't start. :angry I tried for 10 minutes, finally gave up and walked home (the store is 2 blocks away.) Thank goodness it was within walking distance. Dh had to leave for school so I called roadside assistance again and the woman said it would be about an hour and a half for a tow, which would have put it at 8:31. (How fitting. LoL) I got the kids ready for bed and worked on a project while I waited. Just as I was heading back to my car, dh called to say he got out of class early and was already there. After several calls, the tow truck finally showed up at 9:45. :angry Had it towed back to our house, and the guy actually helped dh push it into our garage, which I thought was nice of him. Dh said he thinks it is the fuel pump. Luckily my car is pretty old so it won't cost too much- the problem is that it will have to wait until after rent. Hopefully it won't interfere with dd's preschool. We still don't know when it will start.

Whew....ok, I just had to get that out. I did end up making cookies and dh and I finished about half after we got home. :blush But they were good! LoL


As for chat, I should be there! What time? I cannot wait! I will try and get a pic of the laundromat 'ghan today. I bought an extra ball of periwinkle while in MI and I may do another border. Maybe you guys can give me advice on that.

The wildfires are rather close to us. They are more in the mountains, though, whereas we are in the valley. Dh told me last night that they are right in the area of our hiking trail. That really stinks. They don't normally venture into the valley because the soil is not as dry but last year they did come pretty close to our old apartment.


Well I better get going and let the dog out. He has been chewing on stuff and chewed right through a lamp cord that was not ours. Luckily dh is an electrician so he can fix it, but I am afraid to let him out of his crate, for fear of what else he will chew.


Talk to you soon! Hugs and love! :hug

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:clap:clap:clap My Vicki square came in the mail today! Yippee, hooray! It's beautiful! Thanks Vicki! I have 4 now :D How exciting! I can't wait to see them all to see what they want me to do with them. :lol


Beth - I am so sorry to hear that you are still sick :(. Please take care of yourself. Lots of rest, lots of fluids and lots of :crocheting How is that corner-to-corner coming or are you not well enough to crochet? I hope you get better soon. :hug to you!


Stacy - Wow! You have been busy as usual. I don't know where you get the energy! I hope you get your car fixed soon. Good luck to DH as he starts school. What is he studying?


Shannon - Thanks for reminding me to change my flag. I did not put out the fall flag...that waits until around the fall solstice. My house might get egged if I put it out too early. If there is one thing Canadians don't rush, it's the end of summer. :rofl I did change it to a home is where the heart is flag...kinda a back to school vibe, I think. So, do you have Janna lifting weights today?


Joanne - You are so close to the end of this work craziness! :clap :hugjust think vacation is just around the corner :manyheart


Vicki - I am so glad you are enjoying your classes. Sorry to hear DH's job search is going slow. Hopefully it picks up soon.


LeaAnne - Have fun with the clothes tidying and purging! Come to my house next.:yes


Mary - I hope you are enjoying the nice weather.


Jenn - How is the schedule working out?


It is absolutely gorgeous here today. It is the official first day of school (my DD starts next week), so I have enjoyed watching the kids walk to school. :manyheart We went to the library this morning, one load of laundry on the line, bathroom cleaned. :sigh now for some time to myself during my quiet time (errr .... I mean DD's quiet time :lol).

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Colleen, how do you have 4? You must be counting your own, right? I have ones from you, Beth, and Vicki...I haven't made myself one yet. :rofl Sounds like you've had a nice morning. Enjoy your quiet time.

I had to walk to the laundromat this morning, as the woman who is giving us her old ones hasn't closed on her house yet. Luckily it is only a block away. I washed my squares but I won't be able to send them until the weekend, when dh is home.

Well, I suppose I should put the computer down and put my laundry away. I woke up in a funky mood this morning. You know that feeling when you're on vacation, and it was fun for a while, but you're just ready to go home? That's kind of how I feel, except this is home now. :sigh Don't get me wrong- I LOVE this house. It is just weird to not be at the apartment. :shrug

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(in song while dancing) I got Mary's squa-are! I got Mary's squa-are! :ty:ty:ty It is absolutely gorgeous!! I love it!


Colleen- I wouldn't want your house to get egged! I almost wrote, "your egg to get housed" What a dork!! DD and I went and put our fall flag out. She said, "Oh no. Where's scarecrow?" Apparently she just noticed he was gone from last year. So she's going to help me make another one soon.:autumn


Stacy- Didn't anybody know it was your birthday?!?! You're not allowed to have a bad day on your birthday. I suggest you do a do-over. I'll start. :bday:bday:birthday dear Stacy, :bday I hope you have a great birthday!! I guessed that you're turning 86. Am I right, and if I am, do I win anything? I know how you love chatting with old men and crocheting, but I also know you're younger than me. That's how I came up with 86.


DD has gone to Grandma's for the afternoon, so I'm about to crank up my music and get this badorkas in gear. My only question now: what kind of music do I want to listen to? The girls, my clubbin' days, or my mellow music? Decisions, decisions! See you later!

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Oooh, If Shannon got Mary's square, then maybe mine will be here soon too! Then I will have four; three that were sent to me and one of mine! I can't wait! I have been waiting for another square to come! Then I can play and put them all together!

My day is over and I am tired. But I still need to go home and get dinner done. Or should I say watch hubby grill the steak on the bbq. He complains that I make it too rare. Love steak rare!

Talk to you all later!


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Actually, Shannon, I am 83 today. You were off by 3 years, but since you were the only one who guessed, you do get a prize. I will send it with your square. :wink

Oh, speaking of my older-man friend- I have to tell you all this. The other day we went to finish cleaning the apartment. I wore a cami and a pair of yoga pants. I went over to his apartment to borrow a pair of scissors, and I don't know if he was feeling frisky or if he was just brave because we are moving, but...as I was leaving, he was like, "Oh, Stacy! Whoa, girl...Good God! Those pants...Wow! Well, I wasn't going to go to your apartment but now I think I have to follow you over there to say good-bye." I didn't know whether to :rofl or :eek. :shrug I told dh and he had a good laugh about it. :lol I'm going to miss my old-man friend.

My laundry still isn't put away but the strangest thing happened. I was sitting on the couch with a big plate of nachos, when it dawned on me that....



*******drumroll please*********



...cleaning would make me feel better! :eek So after I finished eating, I turned off the tv, went out to the garage and found my swivel sweeper, mop, and pail. I swiveled the carpets (because Jorge broke the band on my vacuum) then swept the kitchen floors and mopped. I took some recycling out to the containers, and changed the trash. It looks nice! :manyheart And I feel a little better. Like I left my cleaning mark or something. :rofl I also cleaned off the counter in my bathroom and just need to Windex the mirrors.

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I am about to fall out of my chair I am laughing so hard right now!!:rofl:rofl:haha:haha:rofl:rofl Girl! You know there's not many ladies your age out there that look as good as you do!! He's probably been wanting to tell you that for forever! And all this time you thought he was a nice old man! Ooooh, I can't stop giggling! That just made my day. What did you say to him? And my next question is, how did you birth all those babies at your age???:lol


Hey guess what? I can see my living room floor again! Yay me! I'm getting the house prepped for all my deep cleaning tomorrow. And guess what else? I've decided to go dark auburn at the beauty parlor tomorrow. Keep your :xfin that it turns out okay.


I'm still hysterical at Stacy's new old man! Frisky boy!

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Hello Ladies

Today was grocery shopping day. Left early this morning and I didn't get back til 2pm. Iam tired. I got everything put away, made myself a cup of tea and called oldest DD. I had a nice chat with her and then I decided to see what you all were up to.

I still need to know what time to be here on Wed. for chat. I don't want to miss out on all the fun. Like I did last night :devil.

I will be back later

I have to go and get dinner ready


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What a day!


:cheerfor Stacy's "cleaning=feel better"

:cheerfor Shannon's living room floor!

:cheerfor Mary chatting with her DD!

:cheerfor Vicki's DH doing the grilling!

:cheerfor Colleen (err... I mean her DD) having quiet time!

:hug for Beth's :sick:yuck... feel better, Super-Beth!

:cheerfor Joanne knocking off yet another "in a row" Delta Force Day!


Sorry for not being around to post sooner... I have spent some time trying to find Scooby. I have a few numbers to try, but I am a little :scared to call them. I did map her address, and saw it on satellite. It looks nice there. She is near the park AND the mall!


Stacy - your story about your (ahem) gentleman friend was so FUNNY:rofl:rofl:rofl... you gotta watch out for yoga pants, I guess:wink

sorry your birthday wasn't the best. I am with Shannon, you deserve a do-over! Especially at 83!:lol

I hope you get that fuel pump fixed quick, cheap, and well. Watch out for cheap gas... it clogs up your fuel system and makes your car act funny, in my experiences. An occasional bottle of fuel injector cleaner and dry gas are good medicine for your car. I'll be here tomorrow around 6 your time for chat-ness... I hope you can make it!:hug:hug


Mary - I hope dinner is dee-lish! What are we having? WTG on getting all of your grocery-ing done. You should put your feet up and :crocheting with that tea:U


Shannon - :woo for dark auburn! I think you will love it! Have fun at the "beauty parlor" tomorrow;)... I think I will be at "the nail salon"... I am desperate for a mani/pedi and brows done. I am thinking french manicure on my fingers...not sure 'bout the toes just yet... It's kinda fun pampering yourself:yes


Vicki - School is tiring.:yawn... I hope you get a nice relaxing evening tonight, and that DH got his online stuff done ok.

Hey, how was bowling? Did you get lots of Strikes?


Joanne - How was work today? I was so glad to see that you got a well deserved night's rest last night, and that it lifted your "hangover" a little;)

Only 3 more days to go!!!!! You will be here for chat tomorrow, right?


Colleen - :eek Only 1 week more 'till school? Just think of how much fun DD will have!:clap I am so glad that your weather is still awesome (mine, too!). I had to chuckle about the "eggy" protest to the end of summer! Winter is too long, and summer is too short, right?


Beth - :hug:hug& :mug:mug's (of tea & soup) to you! I sure hope you are feeling better soon!:( Your inventions must be all kinds of bummed out to have you under the weather.

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I am doing the Shannon dance - I got Mary's squa-are! I got Mary's Squa-are! It is so pretty! I love it! And the towel too! My mom used to make those. I never learned how to do those from her.

LeaAnne - Bowling is tonight, so we will see how I do. I am tired though, so I may not be at my best.


I just wanted to let you know that Mary's square arrived!



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Just read all the posts- boy everyone is soooo busy. Well, besties, my squares are in the wash (please, please, please I pray they don't unravel) I have all the envelopes addressed and they will get mailed this week.


So exciting that Shannon and Vicki got Mary's square!!!!


Vicki= yes I did see Andy Pettite last night- awesome- I watched most of it from the comfort of my bed and then fell blissfully asleep.


Stacy- I am with Shannon- you deserve a do-over- so here you go:bday:birthday:bday

Well, ladies, gotta check on dinner and also the wash is almost done.


I'll let you know if the squares survived!!!

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:clap:cheer the squares survived the wash!!!! They are now in the dryer!


I changed my avatar yet again- Shannon- hope you don't mind, but I also want the autumn avatar- this is my favorite season of all! And the weather has been simply fantabulous!


I need a mani/pedi too LeaAnne! I treat myself every 2 wks to a mani- I get a french (all the time) This way, if I don't get to go, they don't look terrible (which I was supposed to go last Saturday, but I was working). Hoping to get there this Sat before my trek to Bahston (isn't that how you say it up there in MA?) LeaAnne, i forgot to mention the other night- I was cracking up about your DD's wanting to put you on WNTW. I love that show- how fun it would be for them to tell me how I should dress and wear my hair and do my makeup!!!


Shannon- deep auburn is what I used to do my hair (that was my turning 40 hair color which lasted about 10 years) I'm sure it will look great- have fun being pampered at the beauty parlor!. I am now medium brown which my DD's says looks nice (as does DH) so I think I'll keep the medium brown for a while!


Well, off to eat dinner, watch the Yankees, wait for the squares to dry.


Oh, forgot to tell you! When I came home from work today, there was a sign on my front lawn "For Sale by Owner". Remember I told you DH and I had been thinking about moving to an adult community? Well, we talked again last night- he was telling me about one of his co-workers who just bought a place and will now have no mortgage. So, I said, let's just do it. Well, he decided to put a sign out and see what happens. When he returns from his trip and I return from Boston, we'll put an ad in the paper. Oh, my, this is kinda scary.........but exciting too.


And, yes, I'll be here for the chat tomorrow night- did we decide on a time? Is it our usual 9:30?

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:cheer:clap The squares survived the dryer! You have no idea the visions I had of all my hard work unraveling! :eek They are all packed up and ready to go!!!! Plan is to stop in the post office on my lunch break tomorrow- hopefully, we won't be too busy!! So, I think I made the deadline even though they won't go out until 9/2.....whew!:lol
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Hi all!


Well, I got a lot done today, but I still have a few things left to do. I'd really like to just go to bed, but oh well.


Joanne- :yay that your squares didn't unravel. I'm really nervous about that too! You've given me hope! P.S. I love your avatar!


Beth- I hope you feel better soon. Were the inventions programmed to take care of you? They better!


LeaAnne- Did you try to call Scooby? I'm anxious to see what you find out. I don't like getting my nails done, but I wish I did. Relax and enjoy it when you go. Did the kiddos get up okay today?


Stacy- I'm still laughing at your story! I just can't get over it. Hope you're having a better birthday tonight than you did yesterday. I also hope your car feels better soon.


Vicki- I love bowling, but we never go. Are you on a league? Does DH bowl with you?


Colleen, Jennifer, Mary (thank you again) and Scooby- Did you enjoy your Tuesday?


I better get going on the rest of my chores. I'm pretty tired and need to get to bed earlier than last night. SOMEBODY kept me up too late. I'm just kidding! Love you guys!!:manyheart

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:hi everyone!


So much going on, I'm having trouble keeping up!


Stacy - I love your old man story. Did I tell you guys the story about the old man hitting on me at BINGO when I was up north? If not, I'll tell you. If I did, I won't bore you. Stacy, I have four, including my own square (Mary's, Beth's, Vicki's and my own). WTG thinking to clean to feel better. Maybe you just need to invest some elbow grease to make your new house feel like home. :yes Good for you being able to clean at 83. Amazing!


Joanne - I'm happy to hear your squares survived washing. :lol I'm looking forward to seeing it! 3 days left! :yay Good for you getting your mani/pedi. I don't do that. I went for a manicure once and even though the lady doing it didn't speak a word of English I understood her "tutting" at my sad cuticles.:blush Maybe in my next life I'll have nice nails.


Vicki - Have fun bowling!


LeaAnne - I can see you being nervous about calling Scooby. You would think that when she got the squares from Beth and Vicki that she would have contacted us someway. :think I support you in whatever you decide to do. Only you know what you feel comfortable doing :hug


Mary - Your grocery shopping day sounds exhausting. Do you go to many stores or do you drive far to get to the store? Rest up, is it this weekend that your DD and the grandkids are coming to visit? Say :hi to them for me.


Shannon - Have fun at the beauty parlour! Auburn sounds awesome! You'll look fabulous-ness! If you are still up at 9:00-9:30ish, drop in for a chat tomorrow evening. If you and Stacy are in your 80s I must be pushing 90 :eek:rofl I'll try to leave my teeth in for chat tomorrow night. :rofl


Beth - How are you feeling? I hope you feel better soon! :hug


Jennifer - I hope your week at school is going well. We'd all love to hear what you are studying. My guess is that you an aspiring writer ...your "nom de plume" gave me that idea. Hey, do I get a prize if I guess correctly?


I'm tired out. Tomorrow is my day off. :yay I'm taking DD to the optometrist to get her eyes checked (just a routine first eye appt). She is "scared", although we told her it is no big deal. She was all upset that she might have to get glasses until we told her they make Barbie glasses. Now she's worried she won't need glasses and won't be able to get Barbie glasses. :lol Oh the workings of a 4 yo's mind?! :lol What a kid.

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