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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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Good early morning Besties!


I can't believe I missed the chat! I fell asleep with DD around 7:30 last night!:eek I probably haven't gone to bed that early since I was 5. Sorry I missed it. Maybe we can schedule a mid-week one next week. I really need a chat.


This afternoon we are going to 4:30 Mass and then to my mom's restaurant to eat. DH hasn't been there in probably 2 years, so I'm excited that we're going. (the restaurant, not church)


Joanne- Have a fabulous day with Delta Force! Just keep telling yourself, "It's Friday again". Hope all goes well!:cheer


Colleen- I can't wait to see your doily. You're are a quick crocheter. What happened to your shoulder?


Mary- That's a lot of sweaters you make! How many afghans do you make for the craft fair?


LeaAnne, Beth, Vicki, Stacy, Jennifer, and Scooby- Hi girls! Have a great weekend!


BTW, I love sarahlondon.wordpress.com! If you go there, scroll down and hit the Older Posts button. I think it's on the second page. She shows how to join a round so the seam doesn't show. Very interesting!!


Have a good Saturday ladies!

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Okay, besties, I need your advice. Help me handle something that I found out yesterday about my older sister. I need to give you all some background info first.


9 years ago my parents were killed in a plane crash while they were on vacation. It was crazy. Almost immediately, my two sisters (one older, ome my twin) fell out and they haven't spoken to each other civily since then. My twin sister decided that her family did nothing to help or support her and she decided that she did not want to be with her family and basically cut ties with her sisters. I was devastated. My sister, whom I had done everything with, didn't want to talk to me. My older sister stepped in and started to be there for me. We became closer and we spent a lot of time together. I was very upset when she moved out of New Jersey and moved to Texas.


Fast forward to this summer. We go to NY and my twin sister is sweet as sugar to me. This is strange. She hasn't wanted to be this nice to me in ages. She even asked us to go to her house the Thursday night we were there to watch the Yankee game.


Fast forward one more time to yesterday. My twin sister is talking to my hubby about her husband doing fantasy football through ESPN. She asks him if everything is alright down here. He tells her the problem that he is having at work, and then she asks if we were having problems with my older sister. He begins to tell her that my older sister and her husband haven't wanted to be seen with us (I guess we are below status for them) and that he noticed that the kids wouldn't call DD unless they had no one else to play with. Then my twin sister told hubby that my grandfather didn't have nice things to say about older sister. Older sister moved my grandfather down here after my grandmother died. She didn't tell me she was doing it until four days before he came, but expected me to help him if he needed something. If he needed to go to the grocery store and they weren't available, I had to take him. Anyway, my grandfather moved up to Delaware less than a year later. He told my twin sister that older sister would be sweet as sugar to me when I was at her house, but then as soon as I left would start to bad mouth me and say nasty things to who ever was around. Apparently this has been going on for some time. We also found out while we were in NY that older sister's husband (who works for the same company as my hubby) has been talking to my hubby's district level boss and I think is causing half the problems that are going on there.


Now for my problem. Do I confront older sister about this? This is not how my sister should act. And why is it that my sisters don't feel that I am important to them that they do this to me? This was bugging me all last night. I don't know what to do. I know I can't do anything about older sister's husband and the whole work mess. But should I say something to her about what she has been doing behind my back?


I know this is long, but if anyone can help me my besties can.



Thanks guys.



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Vicki - :hug to you. I'm not sure what you should do. Sometimes talking things out can help, but sometimes it just widens the divide. Is your sister a rational person who can talk things out? If so, it would be worth trying. If not, it could lead to more conflict. I will pray that the right thing to do will come to you and that you will find some peace of mind. Extra :hug:hug:hug for you. We are here to "listen" any time.


Shannon - I have arthritis in my neck/shoulder and it was aggravated when I played BINGO on my vacation (how funny is that?). Then on the drive home I reached beyond my grasp and on a funny angle to get DD's bag of books and stuff and now my shoulder is bothering me. It is part arthritis, part shoulder strain. Over all it's a pain in the neck :rofl Enjoy your supper out at your mom's restaurant with your DH. That will be nice. Missed you at chat, but WTG going to bed at 7:30!


My doily is done. It was only 9 rounds, so it didn't take too long. I think I need to wash, block and (LeaAnne might have to help me here) starch? it before I share pics. It worked alright, I guess.


We just got home from some Saturday morning shopping as a family! We never go shopping as a family. It was fun!

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:hi, all-


sorry about missing chat lastnight... we went to Canobie Lake yesterday. It is an amusement park that is about 30 minutes from here:yay:yay it was sooo much fun! We didn't get home until 11.


Colleen - :cheeron your first doily! How did you like working with thread? I don't often block mine. Usually, washing it, and drying it flat does the trick. Just tug the edges and flatten as it's drying. I hope you like it! If you do need to block it, cover some hard stryrofoam or thick cardboard with waxed paper. use rust proof pins to hold the edges out after you get the shape you want and let dry. My MIL used to starch all of her doilies with a mixture of sugar and water... I am not June Cleaver enough to have tried it myself:lol. If you need to starch it, it's the same process as blocking with the pins, just wet the piece in liquid starch, and squeeze out the excess instead of washing. I hope this wasn't confusing, and that it helps you:blush :hug


Vicki - :hug:hug I am sorry about your sister issue. I am also one of 3 girls, so I get where you're coming from. It is never easy:( I hope that everything is resolved for you soon. It's great that you and your twin are back, though:yes. I will pray for you. Meanwhile, maybe you can do like I do and enjoy my "sisters" that I have found here:manyheart. Family... you can't choose them:grump, that's for sure! Here's an extra :hug from me, too!


Stacy - Klaus is tooo adorable! OMG, I love him! How was your :birthday date last night? Sounds like heaven to me:manyheart I am so happy that you are all settling into your new home! ...and tell DD :bday from me, with a big :hug!


Joanne - Chip, chip, chip! Only 6 more days till :dancevacation :dance... you are really working hard! I hope it's all going well, and that DH is fairing ok on his own all those extra hours... How happy are you going to be when things settle back to normal?:yay:yes:yay


Shannon - Enjoy your family dinner at Honey's restaurant! sounds like heaven!:c9 There is NOTHING like family time! :bheart

Have you heard back from the pediatrician yet on the EEG results?


Beth - Your daughter has some AMAZING talent there! That cake is stupendous! How are you and your family doing? Did you get any of this crazy rain from "Danny" like Joanne and I? ... I just realized the other day, when I was looking at the weather map, that Joanne lives about halfway between you and me! :devilWe should keep that in the back of our minds, ey?:lol ...are you all packed for your awesome trip yet? You must be getting so :excited! I am so happy for you:hug


Mary - WOWZERS! That's a lot of sweaters! I hope you are enjoying your fall-like weather!... it's great for :crocheting:crocheting, isn't it? Fall is my favorite time of the year! :hug


:waving, Jenn and Scooby... hoping you are both well...


I had to :rofl:rofl at you girls, offering to send me your laundry!... that was too funny! I got a card today, too, from my neice. It is a picture of the stereotypical "50's mom" in front of her washer and dryer. The speech bubble says: "oh, KIDS.... I have fresh towels for you to leave rotting on the floor...come and get 'em!" Then inside, it says: "Don't you just LOVE that 12 seconds when all the laundry is done?!" :rofl... I just had to share:heehee


Tomorrow, we are going to the water park:yay. "Danny" will be all gone by morning, and it promises to be a perfect day, so we are going to take advantage. Next week will be cool here. Perfect for school shopping and finishing summer reading:sigh... Last full week of vacation, here we come!


I hope you all have a terrific evening, I need to set the table for dinner (lobsters...YUMMY!), and then :xfin for a good night of :crocheting... I have a couple more squares to get done:scared


Love to you all, and I'll catch up with you tomorrow night or Monday.



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Hi Vicki

I have read over your problem twice. My first reaction I don't think you want to hear it.:devil

I have learned thru the years and many stomack ulcers and stomack problems later, to not hold things in.... LET THEM OUT. Iam not telling you what to do, Iam just saying what I would do. First I would call twin sis and find out what was said, then I would call other sis and tell her what you heard, then I would tell both sisters " Iam not a pawn, toy or anything else. Iam a person with feelings. I love you both dearly and if you are going to continue this way then I don't want to be involved." If you stand up to them now that you know what they are doing, then maybe they will think twice the next time. This is just what I think.

Me I can be a very good sister but I will not be crapped on by anyone again. I only have one stomack and it is not in the best of shape, so I now do what I have to to keep it good.

I will keep you in my prayers and send lots of :hug:hug and :manyheart:manyheart

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Hi everyone!

Got off at 5 today and have to be back in tomorrow at 9.

Colleen- Glad you had fun family shopping! and can't wait to see the doily. Hope that your shoulder is feeling better soon. I had to LOL when I read your post about having a "pain in the neck"


LeaAnne- Have fun tomorrow at the Water Park! And I love those cards---reminds me of the picture we took of DD in her dress and apron holding a jar of peanut butter- so Donna Reed or June Cleaver!


You are right, LeaAnne, I am about 1/2 way between you and Beth. It takes me about 4 hrs to get to Williamsburg VA (maybe a little less) and about 4 1/2 to get to Boston. We'll definitely have to keep that in mind.


Beth when are you going to Ohio (or did I miss that you left already). I'm telling you all, my mind is really mush--not used to working all these hours!!! I did crochet one round today on my ghan this AM before I left.


Vicki- I agree with Colleen- it all depends on how receptive your sister will be..sometimes talking about something can cause an even greater divide. I am sending good vibes that the right decision will come to you- You need to do what is best for you in your heart....hugs, hugs, hugs


Everyone- have a great evening. I'm going to go see what we are having for dinner....of course, I haven't cooked..(nor did DH), so it looks like it is either sandwiches, cereal or Take out- (I vote take out). I am then going to sit on my badorkus and crochet while I watch the NY Giants game.


About the squares- mine are all done- just haven't had a chance to wash them. I don't feel like it tonight (I just don't want to do anything that is any type of work). Since Sept 1 is Tuesday, you won't have mine by then. I promise though, that as long as I don't have to work crazy long hours next week, I'll get them washed one night after work and get them out next Saturday!! (and LeaAnne, if we are going to "hook up"), I'll bring mine up to MA)


Shannon- Lucky you falling asleep at 7:30 last night- I was still at work!!! Have fun with DH and DD at the restaurant tonight- are you having cole slaw?


Its really wierd when you work so many hours. I feel like I am "hungover" without having had the fun of having a few....strange, indeed.


Have a good night everyone......

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Hi Mary- you posted at the same time as me.


I too, have learned over the years, that sometimes you have to just say what's on your mind. My DH, in fact, has not spoken to his brother in many years.. I find it hard to understand, but he told me that there were things his brother said about DH's DD's (he also has 3) that he did not like- he did confront him about it and they haven't spoken since. DH says that he will not stress about it- his health is more important than that.


Enough of my soapbox....

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Hey ladies!

((((((Vicki)))))) big hugs to you! I am so sorry you have to deal with this. I don't have any sisters so I can't give any advice in that regard. I do think that Mary has a good idea. If you keep it in you will make yourself sick over it. And I think you should let them know that you are a person with feelings and it is wrong for them to treat you like that. I know it is easier said than done, though. :hug:hug:hug


Leanne, sounds like you had an awesome weekend! I love the card your niece sent! :rofl


Colleen, I hope your shoulder feels better soon. Family shopping sounds fun! Congrats on finishing your first doily! I made one and the edges came out all wonky even after it was blocked. I used it anyway but threw it out when we moved. I really don't think I'll work with thread again.


Shannon, enjoy your dinner! Will you finally get your coleslaw?


Joanne, good luck with all of your Delta Force-ness. :hug No worries about the squares- we all know you are a busy woman! My squares will not be arriving by Tuesday, either. They are ready to be washed but we just found out that we will not be getting our washer until next weekend now. So I will have to take them to the laundromat on Tuesday or Wednesday to wash them up. And I think Shannon said she was running out of time on hers, also. So you are not alone!


Beth, are you getting ready for your trip yet? I bet you are so excited! :yay


Scooby, Jennifer, and Mary- hope you all are having a great weekend! Mary, the cooler weather sounds like :c9! It was 105 here today. :( I tried to work on my shawl for the shawl swap and my hands were sweaty after about 5 minutes.


Well ladies...I am just not in a good mood today. I woke up to George's visit, which is another week late again. :angry I will have to schedule a girly appt. after he is gone. Then our roomie's b/f couldn't find a box of shoes and went on a rant for almost an hour about how all of our stuff is all mixed up. Uh, hello- we just moved in, of course stuff is everywhere! Now we just got home, and our actual roommate accused my 4 y/o specifically of going into her daughters' room and trashing it while they were gone. :angry I know for a fact that she didn't because my kids and hubby watched a movie while I prepared lunch, then we ate and left. I wish there was a mad smiley with steam coming from the ears. That is how I feel right now. My 4 y/o is a little stinker but she gets blamed for everything by everyone and it drives me insane. She came back and apologized but I feel really upset. :( I don't appreciate being accused of letting my kids disrespect someone else's property.

Anyway...last night was awesome! We went to Chili's for dinner, and i had a margarita! :devil I don't drink so that is big for me. LoL Then we went to IKEA. We figured we would rather spend the same amount on buying house stuff, than going to a movie that we can probably rent in a couple months. :rofl We got a play mat for the girls' room, a couple laptop desks, and some rat stuffies for Klaus. Today we put a bunch of boxes in storage, then went to the pet store for tag silencers and a brush. Klaus is shedding something awful. We found out that he gets carsick. :yuck We had planned to take the girls for ice cream but after we left the pet store I told dh just to go home. Maybe we will take the girls out when it is cooler.

Well I better get going. I'm feeling the need for a nap. Be back later!


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*waves* Hello all. I have survived my first week of school. My schedule isn't all that bad this year, however it does mean that I have to do some re-arranging to do with my cleaning/crocheting schedule. Trying to find a balance between school, home, and hobby is always hard for me, but I find if I can just make a schedule, and then stubbornly avoid following it, I can usually stay sane. :D So far, it looks like I'll have to divide my DEEP Cleaning day to everyday of the week. Perhaps one room per day plus dailies (vaccomming, kitchen)? *thinks about it* I really don't know.


Viki- *hugs* Big embrace on that one dear. Only piece of advice that this minor leaguer has: think it through. Allow yourself time to be rational, cool down, and be prepared to be open minded. Second? Confirm the story. Listen to both sides. Who knows maybe something got a little sqewed in the retelling. Sending wisdom, love, and comfort your way. I hope you find a way to solve your problem that will keep your family in tack! Lastly, just know your family isn't the only one with issues: i.e.: My father and his brother haven't talked since a huge fight (they don't even remember over what) when they were teens. I have seen my uncle twice, that I remember, in my life. My grandmother's family disowned her when she married outside the catcholic faith, my grandfather was protestant, and didn't talk to her until after her husband died then only briefly, and really didn't start talking to her as a sibling until after their mother died. I have only seen them twice that I remember and am only now being welcomed as a part of their family, they still don't have genial relationships with either my father or his brother.


Everyone else-*waves* You'll have to excuse me if I don't post more then once week until I get my schedule down pack.

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Wow-ness. It seems almost everyone stopped by for nice long posts today. Lots of enjoyable reading. :manyheart


LeaAnne - Thanks for the advice on the doily. I will wash it, lay it flat and maybe take a pic for you guys. Sounds like you had a great time at the amusement park. Enjoy the waterpark! I love the card your niece sent. So true. It seems to me your family has a great sense of humour and that is a wonderful thing! Whenever I "catch up" on my laundry, I think "oh good, I'll wash some curtains or blankets or something". It never ends!


Vicki - I hope you are taking in all the advice you are getting here and working through your emotions. It is nice to have this group to go to bounce things off or vent to, because we are totally removed from the picture. I hope things get more clear with time. :hug


Shannon - How's that coleslaw? What is Honey's restaurant called?


Mary - :hi I hope you are having a great weekend.


Beth - How was your day today? Is the leftover cake all eaten up? What will you do for cakes now that DD's class is over? Just curious, did she blow a hand mixer? I blew my mom's handmixer when I took cake decorating. Icing is tough on mixers. :yes


Stacy - Sorry to hear about the confusion/argument with your roommate. I'm so happy to hear that you enjoyed your birthday night out with DH. Whenever my DH and I go out on a date we always end up going shopping after dinner and buying stuff for DD too. :lol Parenthood never takes a break, does it?


Jennifer - Glad to hear you survived your first week of school. You'll get your new schedule all figured out soon, I'm sure. What are you studying? We don't mind if you only pop by once a week. It is a pleasure to see you when you do.


Joanne - Glad to hear you got off early tonight. I hope you got some yummy take out and enjoyed the Yankees game.


We had a nice quiet day. I worked on my sweater a bit, we went to church, DD slept all afternoon again (she must be growing :shrug), I'm reading the 2nd Harry Potter, and I got out for a great long walk. :c9


Have a great evening all! :manyheart

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Getting ready to call it a night- I watched the first half of the Giants game, got 4 more rows done on the ghan (they take longer and longer as the ghan is getting larger):lol


Stacy sorry about the confusion with the roommate- hope it all gets sorted out. Once everyone has everything in its place, it should be easier all living together. :manyheart Sounds like you had a nice :birthday dinner and ikea is a great place to get stuff without having to spend lots of $.


Colleen- sounds like an enjoyable day for you- how nice that you got to take a nice long walk- Delta Force took a break today for a 20 min walk--it helps to get away from the work and clear the mind!


Jennifer- glad you survived the first week of classes. What are you studying and where do you go to school? Good luck working everything out between cleaning, studying, classes and hobby time!!


Everyone else- Hope you enjoy the rest of what's left of today and I'll try and pop by in the morning !:hug:ghug

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I don't have a lot of time to chat, but I had to come and give Vicki my two cents.


Vicki- First of all, I'm so sorry about your parents and what is going on with your sisters. I read your post right after you wrote it this morning and I've been thinking about it all day. I agree with Jennifer that you should make sure that everything is true. Sometimes, even with just three people, a good game of telephone can be played. I also agree with Mary. If this is going to bring you down and fester and change your attitude toward your sisters, then you should do something about it. It may not work for the best, but you'll have peace of mind that you tried to make things better. I will be praying for you to find the right way to resolve this. We will all be here for you, don't ever forget that. :hugs, :hugs, and more :hugs to you during this difficult time.


I better go. It's past my new bedtime. I hope you all have sweet dreams, and I'll talk to you Besties tomorrow. BTW, I still have 3 squares to finish (I've started on all of them). They will not be out by Tuesday, but hopefully later next week. Lots of time and love going into these squares!!

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Good morning Besties!


Hope you all have a splendiferous day!


Shannon- did you get to have coleslaw last night?


LeaAnne- have fun at the waterpark- hope the weather cooperates


Colleen, Stacy, Vicki, Beth, Mary and Jennifer-wishing you all a relaxing Sunday!


TTYL.......off to get ready for work.......

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Good morning everybody. Sorry I haven't written. Do me a favor, wash your hands after you read this. I have some kind of virus, and don't want to spread it.:sick:rofl


I've already decided to cancel the trip to Ohio. My parents are not in good health, and this would hit them harder than me.


Vicki, family can be so hard to deal with -- you want to be best firends with them, particularly with your parents being gone... I'm so sorry you have to go through all this drama. Mary has good advice. :hug


Stacy, sorry to hear about the drama in your house. I hope roomates bf isn't prone to hysterics all the time. I wonder if your roommate accused your daughter to pass along the hard time the bf gave her? :hug


Joanne, hope you deal well with the second half of the unending week. You're allowed to feel a bit hungover at this point, I think! It's cool that you are midway between two of us!:hug


LeaAnne, lobster! :drool Sounds wonderful.:hug


Mary, I like your advice to Vicki. Family can definitely cause ulcers!!! :hug


Jennifer, I hope you get a good schedule worked out, so you can ignore it to your heart's content. :rofl You crack me up!:hug


Shannon, how's the new bedtime working out for you?:hug


Colleen, sounds like you had an awesome Saturday. I hope your Sunday goes as well, or better!:hug


Scooby, :hug


Have a :c9 Sunday.

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Good morning Besties!! DH took DD to McDonald's :manyheart I'm enjoying a little quiet time to myself, but I'll be off to Wal-Mart soon.


Vicki- I hope you are feeling better today. Just remember, we got your back!


Stacy- Drama, drama,drama!! I hope things settle down once everybody's stuff is put away. I'm glad you had a nice birthday date! Tell DD :bday and give her a big hug from me!


Colleen- You had such a nice day yesterday! Are you loving the HP books? I finished listening to The Shack the other day. Very powerful. I highly recommend it. How's your pain in the neck shoulder today? Yeah, I got me some cole slaw!! Yum!


LeaAnne- I hope you're ready to deal with me. I'm almost ready to start your flag square. In fact, I have a question already. What does "carry unused color" mean? Prepare yourself!:eek


Joanne- It is so nice that you are still taking time to check in with your busy schedule! You're getting closer to VACATION!! BTW, I am so jealous that all you besties are able to :hook up!


Jennifer- Good luck figuring out your schedule. I loved your pillow/dog toy fight story by the way!!


Beth- Oh no! I'm so sorry you had to cancel your trip. I hope you feel better soon! A good dose of crochet may be good for you!


Mary- How would you feel about letting us see some of the things you are working on?


Hi Scooby! Hope things are well.


I better scoot before DH and DD get back from McDonald's. I'll really be in trouble then!! Have a wonderful Sunday everybody!!:ghug:manyheart

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Clean clean, tidy tidy. This is my life. :sigh


I made pancakes this morning (chocolate chip, of course), cleaned the kitchen, 2nd load of laundry just finished in the washer, one on the line although they are calling for rain (silly weatherman called for rain yesterday and for clear today...it didn't rain yesterday and now they are calling for it today so I AM DOING MY LAUNDRY TODAY, do you hear me weatherman?!...idiots) Alright, rant over. We are hoping to go visit my mom and dad today if they are around. I'm hoping to pop over the the window coverings place to see if they have suggestions for my front window. South facing, bay window. It lets in a lot of heat in the afternoon and our floor and furniture are fading :eek We need some UV protection up there!


Beth - I am so sorry to hear that you are not feeling well. :hug I agree with Shannon, take 2 :yarn and one :hook and :crocheting :crocheting :crocheting until you feel better. :yes Just call me Dr. Crochet :rofl


Shannon - I'm glad you got your coleslaw and that you are getting some alone time while DH takes DD to McD's. Lucky you! Maybe you could tear a page from that DH instruction manual your DH is reading and send it to mine. :wink I am enjoying the HP books. I guess i never read them because I'm not really a fantasy/make believe kind of person. But they are fun. This one is due at the library on Tues., so I gotta get reading! I might take a break and read something else before I read #3.


Joanne - I'm glad you got some :crocheting time in between all that working. Good for you!


Stacy - Happy Birthday Eve to you :lol Is today your DD's birthday, well Happy Birthday to your DD. It must be your littlest one's birthday, right? So does that make her 3? Wow!


Vicki - :hug to you. We're here for you.


LeaAnne - How's the laundry going? I hope the waterpark is fun fun fun!


Mary, Jennifer, Scoob - :hi


OK, I've got a question for you southerners. Do your leaves change colours in the fall? I've been to Florida and I don't think the leaves change there, but that is often palm trees and stuff. I just can't picture deciduous trees that don't lose their leaves :think It's not dessert-ish in LA and VA and TX. Anyway, inquiring northern minds what to know. :lol


Have a wonderful Sunday, my friends! :manyheart

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Good morning ladies!

Thanks for the b/day wishes for my dd! She is 2 today. (I know, sometimes I refer to her as almost-2 and sometimes I just forget and put 2, but she really is only 2. LoL) We Will have her party next weekend. Dh's parents are in San Diego for their anniversary and his brother wasn't able to make it up here this weekend. Today I will make a cake and maybe get pizza for dinner. She doesn't know the difference. :wink


Colleen, good luck with your wash. It always rains on the day it's not supposed to. I hope that weatherman listens to you! :lol


Beth, I'm so sorry you have to cancel your trip! :hug Will you be able to reschedule?


Shannon, :clap for coleslaw! Have fun at Walmart. Are you going alone? I :manyheart shopping alone.


Leanne, Joanne, Jennifer, Scooby-doo, Mary and Vicki- :hi and :hug. Happy Sunday!





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Hi Girls

I have the breakfast dishes done, things picked up, vaccumm done upstairs, stuff brought down stairs that doesn't belong up stairs, stuff cleaned up downstairs, vaccumm done downstairs. Now I just thought I would check in and then Iam going to MIL for lunch and then to the hall to clean. Coming home then and :crocheting:crocheting:crocheting. I was going to do laundry but weatherman said rain yesterday and we got that, sunny today and It is raining again. Always tomorrow for laundry.

See you later


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The leaves change here in Virginia, but it's about a month later than they change back home in Ohio. Here near the ocean, we might get a few flakes of snow in the winter, but actually getting any snow to stick on the ground is a HUGE deal, happens about once every 3 or 4 years. And the way the people here drive through snow:eek! Just for flakes floating down, nothing on the ground, they still run off the road!!!:think


Mary, you are a busy lady! You got so much done already today.


Stacy, :birthday for your dd! Wow! A 2-year-old! I hope she has a fun day.


I did my grocery shopping with my dd's help, got everything put up with everyone's help, and there's a huge pot of chicken soup started on the stove. Today, they can eat deli. I'm wiped out!!!



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Stacy - 2 is such a cute age. I hope she enjoys her special day(s). It's nice when they are that age and you can just shift birthday parties and things around. Or do like LeaAnne does at her house and have a birhtday week. When my DD turned 2 or 3 (can't remember which), my SIL through her an "Early Birthday Party" when we were visiting for new years. So then for the next year or two she'd explain to people that she got such and such a toy for her "early birthday" :rofl Good memories. :manyheart


Beth - Thanks for the info about the leaves in VA. I'll have to look on the map to see where you are. I have always wanted to visit that part of the US (VA and the Carolinas) and see the architecture and historical sights. I've only been to the parts of VA that are near DC. Soup and deli sounds good for supper. We are having bacon and tomato sandwiches. Yum!


Mary - Have a great day. I hope you get to :crocheting:crocheting:crocheting.


We are off to mom and dads soon. I'm taking mom that Bernat Jr. Jacquards that looks better knit. I have enough yarn and projects to keep me busy. I printed her the scarf and hat pattern, just in case she wants to make it for her favourite DGD :devil. Oh look at the space in my little yarn stash containiers :devil:yay:lol

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Oooh look!! I'm pulling a "Colleen" and talking to myself! Wal-Mart was great. Hardly anyone there. I didn't eat before I went though, so a few things that weren't on my list got put in the basket. DD and I are going to Honey's house today. I'm bringing my squares, 'cause it's crunch time you know!

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Alright, I guess I'll go. You girls can't tell I need a good chat, can you??? Hopefully I can catch one of you later! Have a great day!!

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