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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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oooh, Shannon... I am praying that you get those results today! And 3 :cheer's for your pediatrician! It is so great to know that there are still some caring professionals around.


Colleen - What color size 3 did you get? That's a great size to start with, because it's the thickest one. I wish you much luck that you get to play with it soon! Oh! and here's a :kick, :fire and :cheer:hug for you, too!


Beth - I was just :think the thought of teaching a couple of my darlings about the art of laundry:rofl. I am glad to hear that Maytag holds up well. This is my first one. What's on your agenda today?


Vicki - I am glad things are settling in for you:clap...and I hope that DD makes the most of her year:yes. It's no fun not liking your teacher:(... it makes for a Looooong year for Mom! I will pray for her, and for DH's back. How's his job search coming along? Any good leads?

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Thanks for the :kick, LeaAnne. It gave me the umph I needed to get the kitchen sink scrubbed, the kitchen swept and a new sweater started :rofl What could I do? The yarn was calling my name. :shrug:rofl Besides, DD mysteriously fell asleep so the house was nice and quiet. I couldn't do a bunch of noisy cleaning and risk waking her :devil. My size 3 thread is white. Walmart didn't have a very good selection of colours in size 3 :no In fact, they just had white. :angry But, it will do for my "thread initiation".


By the way, I'm going to need a kick for my less sugar efforts too. The cookies keep calling my name too :blush


DD and I went to check the mailbox. It was empty :( I was sure Vicki's square would be in it today. Oh well, maybe tomorrow is my lucky day :yay Or maybe the mail carrier is running late :D A girl can dream.


I'd better go get ready for work. :sigh See you later, Besties :D

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Well, the EEG was abnormal. But we already knew that. No one can tell us if it's better or worse than the first one. We'll have to wait to see what the new doctor says, whoever he/she may be. The good news is it's done and I'll be able to get all of her records when we find a doctor. Just thought I'd let you know. I'll be back later.


BTW, will anyone be here for Friday Night Chat this week? I've been needing a good chat with my Besties!!;)

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Hey ladies!! :hug

We got our internet today! :cheer:cheer:cheer Our new house is coming along. We still have tons of stuff sitting out on the patio with nowhere to go :shrug but it will all get straightened out. Good thing it doesn't rain here! :rofl

My new baby is wonderful! :manyheart He is 10 months old, so still a little one. He is very loving though, and, even though dh is the one who wanted him, I am the one he loves. :devil He is jealous of my kids, too- this morning, my 2- and 4-y/o's were lying in bed with me and he jumped up on the bed and lie down on my 2-y/o. :lol We had to try 2 different types of food before he would eat something, and yesterday morning he caught a rat! Of all things...well, weiner dogs are bred to hunt anyway, so I guess he was just doing his job. :rofl

The girls are having a fabulous time with their friends. Can you imagine, living with your best friends at that age? LoL They have so much fun.

Oh, guess what?! As I was typing, Isabella's tooth fell out! :cheer:clap It is her first tooth and she has been waiting for sooooo long! How much does the tooth fairy leave these days, anyway? :think


Joanne- ILTY is the best! :c9 I bought a ton of it in MI and it is so soft. In fact, I am using it for the outside of my squares. It is just so easy to work with.


Leanne, glad to hear you had an awesome time at the concert! Congrats on your new toys. Laundry may be fun now! :rofl We are getting a "new to us" washer and dryer this weekend- someone from our old building is moving into a house, they just bought new machines and their house comes with a set, so they are letting us have the old ones. :clap So I will be joining you in laundry bliss very soon.


Beth- hope you get your square soon! It is worth the wait, I promise. Vicki did an awesome job on them. :manyheart Your dd's cake sounds beautiful. We also love to watch Ace of Cakes- they are amazing! Hope your sunburn is feeling better.


Shannon, sorry to hear about that pan! Mine did that a while back and the oven was a mess. Thankfully there was no food in it but I store all of my pans in there so I had to wash them all out very carefully. Hopefully you will find out about dd's EEG very soon! :cheer:cheer Sounds like dd has a wonderful pediatrician. :manyheart


Colleen, good luck with that sweater.


Vicki, good luck with dd and her teacher. It sucks when they don't like their teacher right off the bat.


Oh, we got things straightened out with dd's school. They gave me a 2-month window to get her physical. The school requires uniforms, too, so we will have to go school shopping this weekend. She has a couple pair of capris that will still fit from last year, and my mom bought her 2 pair of pants while we were in MI, so we need to get shirts and maybe another pair or two of pants.

Anyway, I better get scooting. Isabella wants to ride her scooter. Be back later! :hug


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Hi Girls

Just popping in to say Hi. I had to do some errands today and didn't get back until after lunch. Curled up on the couch to watch some T.V and the next thing I know Dh was waking me for supper.

I have been working on childrens sweaters, and with the cool weather now they are coming along good.

Shannon I hope everything works out for DD with the EEG. Sounds like you have a great doctor.:)

Stacy glad you are back on line again. I have missed you.:)

LeaAnne Can I send over my laundry to you? Wouldn't want you to run out of laundry when you just got a new machine.:lol

Vicki Iam keeping Dh in my prayers for another job and that he gets better soon.

Joanne Iam :cheer you on this week. Vacation is coming soon.

Colleen good luck with the thread. Can't wait to see what you make with it.

Beth How do you like the corner to corner afghan? I just love that pattern.

Scooby Iam thinking about you. Hope everything is fine.

I should be here for chat Friday night. Anyone else going to be here? I hear Shannon needs to have a good talk.

Talk to you tomorrow


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Wow! Her flowers are fabulous! Your dd did a wonderful job. :clap

Hi Mary! :hi I have missed you, too. Sweaters already! You are lucky that you have cooler weather. I have an afghan to finish and it is just too hot to sit with it.


I will not be here for chat tomorrow- dh and I are going out to celebrate my birthday. :manyheart We are going out to dinner and to see the Hangover. I hope you all have a good chat. I miss talking with my besties!


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Good evening Besties!


Shannon - :yay that the EEG has been read and that things will move along towards a new Dr. Adios to the old one!


Stacy - So great to hear from you. I'm glad you are getting setttled into your new place and it sounds like the dog is fitting right in. What is his name? Good luck with the school clothes shopping.


Mary - Nice nap! Good for you!


Vicki - I know your square is coming. I'm just really excited to get it. Maybe tomorrow will be the day :hyper


Beth - Your DD's cake is beautiful. She should consider a career in making cakes! That could be a good career for her, or a sideline.


:hi to everyone else.


We don't get TLC so I can't watch this cake show you guys are talking about, but in a week-and-a-half we are getting satelite. We have basic cable right now and don't get any extra channels. But, the new TV will mean HD, Digital, extra channels, whatever. It will be nice.


I will try to be here for chat tomorrow night. I could use a good Besties chat myself. :yes


:hug Have a great evening!

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Hi everyone!!

Just got home at 9 (yes, 9PM). Said hi to DH and then logged in to see what everyone has been up to.

Beth- cake is awesome- great job by DD

Colleen- good luck with the thread

LeaAnne- congrats on the washer- i'll be sending mine up to MA

Vicki- glad that bus situation is straightened out and hope that DH did ok at the MD

Stacy- Happy to see you have internet again- you were missed around here! And what is the pup's name????

Shannon- glad that the pediatrician was able to get the results. Why can't the pediatrician tell you the results- other than abnormal? (if you knew that already)

Mary- I'm jealous of your nap!!!


Well, I will end up working 12 days in a row since I am working this weekend. So, I have 8 more days of work and then vacation....and hopefully get to "hook up" with LeaAnne.


Well, gotta catch some zzzzzzzz's.


Pleasant dreams everyone...I'll try and be here for the chat tomorrow night

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Oooh I forgot you lucky ducks are hooking up! (Wow, did that ever rhyme! LoL) How fun that will be. And worth the wait! :manyheart

Colleen, we used to have cable a while back but had problems with the company so we canceled it. I used to watch the show at our neighbor's house. :rofl We got satellite in the new house and boy is it ever nice!! I'm not a big fan of tv but just cannot believe all of the channels we get with the satellite, vs. cable. Nice.

Our "roomie" got into grad school, so we celebrated with some "gourmet" pizza and mimosas. I'm not a big drinker, but it was fun! Kinda like the old days when we all lived in the apartments. The girls all played together while the adults sat around and talked. I haven't had a night like that in a long time and it was really nice. Now we are lying in bed, dh is reading a book and I'm here. I'm shopping around to see what we are going to get dd for her birthday. I am thinking a toddler bed! :rofl She sleeps with us right now (a bad habit I started when she was breastfeeding) and I am so ready for her to be in her own bed.

Well I am going to scoot and work on a shawl for a little while. Good night! :night


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Good morning Besties and Happy Friday! Hope everyone has a great day- Stacy- Sounds ike you had a wonderful evening- so happy for you that things are all working out. Still waiting on what the pup's name is!! And how is DH feeling?


Gotta run and get ready for another busy day- Hopefully, I'll be here for the chat tonight.


remember your vitamins and enjoy the day......(does anyone want to come to my place and clean????) LOL

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Good morning and happy FRIDAY! Yes, I am very excited it is Friday because I can sleep past 5 in the morning! YAY ME! Anyway, this week has been good and it will take me a while to get back into the swing of things, but I am getting there. Soon I will be zooming through the year!

Leanne - Glad you like your new toy! I had a front loader once and I loved it. It was a Neptune. Then the new generation of them came out when we moved here and it was a top loader. Still love it. I am glad you hare enjoying yours!

Stacy - When will your "new" washer arrive? I hope you get it soon. It sounds like you had a wonderful night!


Shannon - I am glad the doctor finally read the EEG and hopefully the new doctor can give you an update. You are in my thoughts and prayers while we wait!


Joanne, Mary, and Jennifer - Have a great day!


I will try to be here for the chat. You all know me; I always forget about them! I know, I am a bad bestie.


Have a great day all and I will talk to you all later!



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Aww Vicki- you're not a bad bestie, just a busy one! :hug


The dog's name is Klaus- after Willem Defoe's character in my 6 y/o's favorite movie- The Life Aquatic. I tried to talk them out of it but hubby really dug the underlying theme (since the character is German and so is the dog breed.) :shrug Men. I can't find my camera cord in this mess but I took a really cute pic with my phone and I'm going to see if I can send it to my email and post here.


Did I tell you that we didn't get any mail while we were gone? Not for the whole week! Dh changed our address right before we left and it must've all gotten mixed up or something. We finally got a stack of mail yesterday. Thank goodness it arrived when it did- my car insurance is due in 2 days! :eek I might be around for the besties chat now- I thought it wasn't due for another 2 weeks, so we may not be able to go out tonight.


Ok, let me see if this worked. Here he is:



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TGIF Besties!


DD went to visit her grandma for the morning. I did an errand after dropping her off, came home and walked to the grocery store for some fresh fruit. She didn't want to stay for lunch, so I have to go get her soon. It has been a long time since I've had some time to myself like this. :c9 I had visions of cleaning the house, but then I got the idea to go for a walk so that didn't happen. I need a cleaning fairy. :lol


Stacy - Awww, Klaus is so cute! Love him! Give him a pat for me :manyheart Sorry to hear that you might miss your birthday night out. Those pesky bills, they just keep coming.


Vicki - Glad to hear you are getting into the school year and enjoy your Saturday morning sleep in. How is your DH doing? I'm still praying he finds a job that is better for his health. :hug And you are definitely not a bad bestie :no


Joanne - :cheer:cheer:cheer Just cheering you on! Remember to eat regularly and healthy and drink lots of fluids. Wishful thinking on your part that we would come over and clean your house. I'll try to distract the bird for you, though, if that will help... It's supposed to rain here for the next few days anyway. :lol


LeaAnne, Shannon, Beth, Mary, Jennifer, Scooby - Have a fantabulous day!

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Howdy ya'll!!


Colleen- Yay for alone time! I'm always grateful for Wednesdays, when DD spends the night with Honey and BigBob. I get so much more done. I sure do miss her by the end of the day though.


Vicki- Happy last day of the first week!! The hardest part is over!:yay Enjoy your first weekend! How's DH feeling today? I'm praying he finds a great job! You know, Shreveport was in the top 10 cities to find a job! *hint, hint*


Stacy- Klaus is too cute! Does he like riding in the car? I hope you get to go out for your birthday! Yay for DD losing her tooth and being a trooper about it. So how rich is she today???


Joanne, LeaAnne, Mary, Jennifer, Beth and Scooby!! Hey there girls! Hope you're having a fantastic Friday!!


I sent this picture to Crochet Today. They're looking for vintage holiday crocheted items, and this was given to me for my first Christmas by my grandmother's neighbor. She still looks great, doesn't she? Her name is Holly (so original :lol) and she's my favorite Christmas decoration. Have any of you ever seen one like her before? I'd love to make DD one!


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Hey Shannon! I think clowns are creepy but that doll is super-cute! And such good condition! Do you get a prize or something if they publish your picture?


Klaus loves to ride in the car and stick his head out the window. He stayed home today, though- it is hot today! I took the girls to the apartment for a swim. A bunch of neighbors came down to say bye. Tomorrow we have to go and finish cleaning. The only things left are the kitchen and smaller bathroom.

I guess we are going out to dinner. We always decide to see a movie then change it at the last minute. LoL

Well I better scoot and take a shower. Have a great chat tonight! :hug

Oh, and Isabella is $3 richer. She was very excited- the tooth fairy came at 4:30 this morning and she woke up at 5! Just in the nick of time. LoL


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Hello Besties :hi


I'm a bit early. I've got my decaf peppermint herbal tea, my ibuprofen, a hot pack on my shoulder and a slice of the zuccini bread DD and my MIL made today. I'm ready to chat!


The Jays are playing at Fenway and they are up 5-3 on LeaAnne's Sox. Go Jays!


How is everyone this evening? I see Mary is around.

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