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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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Hi everyone!

I'm home!!! We had a great day yesterday- went to a really neat place for breakfast and then went to the National Aquarium- there was a long line so we went into B&N for about an hour and read magazines. The line cleared up around 12:30 so then we went in. It is an awesome aquarium- the main attraction now is jelly fish- wow- so many different kinds and so pretty- . DD's took tons of pictures and now middle DD is thinking she wants to paint some underwater scenes. We went to dinner in "Little Italy" and the food was awesome. After dinner, we went to a pastry shop and had desert.

Today, we dropped oldest DD off at the train - she opted to buy herself a birthday present and take the Amtrak Acela train from Baltimore to Boston- original plans was to drop her off in Philly- but this cut about 3 hrs off her travel time. She should be arriving home shortly. Middle DD is visiting her BF tonight and then I'm going to pick her up in the morning and have breakfast with her and then take her to the train back to Philly.


We had a great time being together- the weather was sunny, but a little on the hot, hot, hot, humid side and we did a lot of walking. But I am so glad it didn't rain!


I am doing the laundry now and thankfully the house is finally starting to cool off. It was so hot when we arrived home!


I am also a fan of Joe Torre!


Shannon and Colleen- hope you both have great trips- it is so funny that you both have taken vacations at the same time!


Vicki- hope things are going well with school.


LeaAnne- I'll be thinking of you and Pete with the heat and the football- make sure he drinks lots and lots of fluids (you too). I guess us here on the Northeast are finally getting summer (now that it is almost over) Wierd thing is that some of the leaves on my trees are coming down already. I told DD that I'll be coming to visit Labor Day week- she was cool with that--although she won't be taking time off work. So, we'll have to try and "hook" up when I'm in the area!


Beth- How's the driving going with DS? Seems like you are also getting the heat.


Stacy and Mary- thinking of you on your "vacay's" and hope you are having a good time.


Jennifer- how's the crochet wedding gifts coming.


Well, wash is done- gotta put it in the dryer and start another load.


Tomorrow our mail will be delivered and I'm hoping I have a special square delivered!!

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:hi everyone!


We are all packed and ready to go first thing tomorrow morning. Think of me when you are drinking your coffee...I'll be sitting in the van. We are taking extra stops to stretch out DH's back, so it will be a long day, but maybe we'll have some fun along the way. I've packed my Purple People Eater Squares and some white for a snowflake tree garland in my :crocheting bag. Have hooks, will travel :lol


Weather here is hot and humid too and so far looking promising for swimming and the beach :yay


LeaAnne - I hope you are cooling off after football.


Shannon - Have a great trip!


Joanne - I'm so glad you enjoyed your weekend with your girls. What a treat! That would be so great if you and LeaAnne could "hook up" in MA.


Vicki - I hope you are getting back into the swing of things with school.


Beth - How is Quick Silver today? How are the kids?


Stacy, Mary - I hope your trips were fabulous-ness!


Jennifer - I hope the back to school preparations are going smoothly.


I hope everyone has a marvelous weekend. I should be home Sunday evening, so I'll check in then. :hug

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:hi everybody!


Colleen and Shannon, have safe trips! We'll be anxiously waiting for you to get home again. (I miss you already!)


Joanne, welcome home! It sounds like your time with your dds was magnificent! I smile when I hear of your family's closeness.


LeaAnne, how was the scrimmage? How did Pete do?


Vicki, did your day at school go well?


Stacy, I hope you are finding the weather cool and comfortable in Michigan!


Mary, I hope the mountains are treating you well!


Jennifer, I hope you aren't too busy cleaning and getting ready for school and crocheting! Whew!


Scooby, I hope you haven't melted in all this heat!!!


Quicksilver is a joy to drive. We went to the military police today and got DOD Decals so we can get on base without stopping for a day pass. They gave us decals that don't expire until the base closes in 2011! I was rather surprised when I saw that. Last time, the stickers expired in one year.


My son told me today that he's off on Labor Day Weekend from Friday through Monday, so I can go to Ohio and see my parents!!! I'm SO happy and excited!!! It's a long trip, but with Quicksilver, it should be quite comfortable. However, I am going to see my sister, so I want to finish her afghan by then. (I'm up to row 57 right now.) My dd has offered to do a lot of extra household chores to give me time to work on the afghan. Gotta love my kids!


Good night everybody!

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:hi everyone!

Sorry I haven't checked in sooner! We have WiFi at the hotel but have been on the run since we arrived! I barely now have a moment to check in since everyone else is (finally!) asleep.


Shannon and Colleen- I missed where you two are going but I hope you have safe travels and fun vacations!


Mary, I hope you are enjoying your vacay with ds!


Leanne, good luck to lil' Pete out on that ball field tonight. That is awful hot weather for little ones to be running around in.


Vicki and Jennifer- hope you two are getting things in order for school! Vicki- how cool that your dd got to spar!


Joanne, I'm glad to hear you had a great time with your dd's! :manyheart


Beth, sorry to hear about the schedule mix-up. As if you don't do enough driving as it is!


WTG to everyone who is cutting back on the sugar! We really need to start doing that again, as well. As soon as we are home and everything is settled, I will join you. I also cannot use aspartame, as it makes my head all tingly and gives me a nasty headache. There is a sweetener called Stevia that is made from a plant and doesn't raise blood sugar like regular sugar does. You can use it for drinks, baking, etc....I find mine at Trader Joe's in little packets and bottles.


Well...our vacation has been fun-ish. LoL Let's see...Friday we all slept in until noon then had a pizza party with my grandma. Saturday was spent with my dad, having lunch at Olive garden, and taking the girls to pick blueberries. They LOVED it! :manyheart Sunday we had a bbq at my aunt's house (from my mom's side) and spent the day there. We had a bonfire at night and made s'mores. My kids absolutely adore my youngest cousin. She is really good with them. Yesterday my dad took the oldest two for the day, so Jorge and I (and Eva) went to Frankenmuth, where we filled up on fudge, taffy, and yummy cheeses. Then last night my dad had a b'day party for me and Eva, and he invited some family that I haven't seen since I moved to CA! It was so nice to see my cousins from his side, again. We added each other to FB so hopefully we will keep in touch more. I really miss them. Then today my mom and aunts took the girls to Chuck E. Cheese for yet another b'day party. (I hope they don't expect this every year now. :lol) My youngest cousin was there and my other aunt brought her grandkids. Everyone had a blast! I cannot believe tomorrow is our last day already. We are going to take the girls to Frankenmuth (if dh is feeing better) and go to lunch with my mom, before heading to see my grandma one last time. That is going to be hard.

Now let me tell you about my poor dh. :ohdear The second day we were here, he broke his toenail completey off, getting out of the swimming pool. It hurts to walk and he will need to see his podiatrist once we are home. Then at the bbq, he and my uncle tried to get my grandma's wheelchair down the stairs, and my uncle accidently lost his grip. Dh was behind her and pulled back so she wouldn't fall face-first- well he almost fell on top of her. To avoid it, he threw himself to the side, in the process hit his head and bruised up his shoulder. Yesterday we only stayed in Frankenmuth for about 2 hours before the pain really kicked in and we had to go back to the hotel. Then this morning, he woke up with a fever, sore throat, and nasty cough. :eek I told him, "now I know you didn't want to come to MI in the first place, but really- isn't this a bit much?" :lol I do feel bad for him. What a vacation. Oh, and this afternoon he went out to get some lunch and got stung by a wasp. That poor guy.

Oh, I have gotten plenty of HL time, though! :cheer:clap:hook I bought a ton of yarn (nothing that compares to Mary's stash, though! :rofl) and a bunch of really cute hooks. I think that I am in love with the HL brand. I got 2 really neat clear hooks- they are acrylic and have a twisty ribbon through them- one has pink/purple, and the other has a 2-tone blue. they also had a 3-pack of gorgeous Rosewood hooks. I wasn't planning to get them but my uncle gave me some b'day money, and the hooks were 40% off, so they jumped into my cart. :devil


Well ladies...it is past 10 and I am pooped. I better scoot off to bed. We don't have to be up early tomorrow and it will be nice to get a little extra :sleep


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Stacy- so good to hear from you--and your poor DH! I think that he should be done with any further injuries/sickness! I am glad that you are having a good time and by the sound of your post, it doesn't seem that your mom is causing any drama. Give your Grandma a big hug- I'm so happy for you that you got to go to MI to see her.


Well, the angels are bowling here, so I better log off. Have a safe trip home- and lucky you- getting Holly Lobby yarn- I think I'll have to plan my vacation next year in a state that has HL!!

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Beth- so happy for you that you will get to go to OH to visit your parents- yay for DS having the weekend off and extra yay and hugs to DD for doing extra cleaning so you can crochet the ghan for your sis!

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Hi everyone


Today is my last day here. I fly out at 5.10pm tomorrow and I get to Toronto at 10.47pm. Then it is a 3 hour drive home............. TO MY OWN BED.


The mountains are just beautiful. The most beautiful mountains I have ever seen. I climbed up a mountain and saw a Glacier. I got lots of pics. I will put them on my computer when I get home.


I just have to tell you this story. Elk........ We got to Jasper and got the last room in town. We then decided to go bar hopping, I have not done this in a lot of years, On our way to the first bar DS says mom there is an elk, I look and tell him get the camera, I walk up to the elk and DS is telling me noooooooooooo and he takes my pic, we then carry on to the bar. We have one drink and leave, guess what? yup the elk is still sitting there right in town. We go to the next bar, have a couple of drinks and leave, guess what? yup the elk is standing and has now moved to the park across the street. I tell DS I have to get a pic, we stop and walk into the park and I start taking pics with other people. Now there has been a rodeo in town all week and a bunch of drunk cowboys show up. They get out and one decides he is going to ride this elk. The elk charges the cowboy and the cowboy runs at me with the elk behind, DS grabs me and I grab him and we are off and running, we did not stop til we got to DS Jeep. We then have to go around the block and who do we run into? yup the cowboy chasing the elk. By then DS says we are going back to our room and that is it for the night. I couldn't stop laughing, but in the morning I thought about it and realized we could have been hurt.


Did I tell you the mountians are beautiful?????? It is something I can mark off my bucket list for sure.


Well that is it for tonight. I will try and check in tomorrow if not I will see you on thursday.

Know that I am keeping everyone of you in my thoughts and prayers


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Mary - I :manyheart your elk story! I think he was waiting for you to bring him a drink, following you around like that! :rofl

So glad you got to enjoy a great vacation with DS, and that you got some things crossed off your bucket list:D

Have a safe trip home!


Joanne - Glad you made it safe and sound, and that DD got to take the "fast track" home to Boston. Your trip sounds like it was so much fun:clap

I hope when my children are grown, they stay as close as yours have:manyheart That is the greatest blessing a Mom could ask for!


Stacy - Wow! You have had one busy and fun vacation! So sorry about Jorge:(... I hope that his bad patch of luck gets left behind in Michigan.

:clap for the haul you got at HL... sounds like a slice of heaven to me!

Give grandma an extra hug from me, too:hug I am glad you got to have some quality time with her during your trip.:hug


Colleen - Have fun at the beach:clap and a safe trip... we miss you already!


Shannon - A very safe trip to you too, girlfriend! Enjoy the "ROAD TRIP!" I will be praying for good weather for you girls... and enjoy the race this weekend:hug I will miss you, too!


Beth - WTG on the access sticker! That is very cool, and will save you lots of time:cheer And :jumpyay:dance:jumpyay for you and Quicksilver and your first road trip on Labor Day Weekend!

Give DD and extra hug and ::h5 for helping you out so you can finish your sister's 'ghan... you gotta love DD's!


Vicki - how are your seminars and class prep going? I hope that things are going along swimmingly!


Hi, Jenn! Hope things are great!


...:waving Scoob!


we survived football... the kids jumped right in the pool when we got home! It was hot, but there was a breeze, and once the sun got behind the trees, it was actually quite a pleasant evening. Tomorrow promises to be a bit cooler... only 92! :rofl... you are right, Joanne, we are getting our summer late, but BOY are we getting it! :sweat


Well, my dear besties, I am off to beddie-by-lo's...


sweet dreams to you all :ghug


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Mary, :manyheart your wildlife stories! I want to hang out with you some time!!! And drunk cowboys -- that could be a different kind of wildlife story! Be safe going home. Enjoy your bed!:c9


LeaAnne, I'm so glad Pete survived the scrimmage. How did they do? I'll bet the pool felt good afterwards!


Stacy, give Jorge a big :hug from me! He's going through it on this vacation. It sounds like a lot of fun for everyone but him. At least he's taking all the bumps and bites, and clearing the path for the rest of you to have a good time. What is Frankenmuth? Enjoy your HL finds! Have a safe trip home.


Joanne, did the angels score any strikes yesterday? Hope you have a good, cool day today.


Shannon, Colleen, have a safe trip! Enjoy your vacations.


Vicki, Jennifer, and Scooby, :hi

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Good morning!

Safe travels to Colleen and Shannon as they begin their vacations and safe trip home to Mary and Stacy! Today seems like a traveling day around here.


Loved the elk story- and wow, Mary-- you and DS seemed to have such a fun time. And lucky too!


LeaAnne- Glad that football went ok and jumping in the pool afterwards was perfect. We had quite an angel bowling tournament here last night- it cooled things of a bit (a very tiny bit). It promises to be a little cooler today (somewhat like your temps).


Ive got to get going since I'll be meeting DD for breakfast in a little while and then taking her to the train for her trek back to Philly.


Have a splendiferous day everyone and remember....take you vitamins....

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Good morning everyone


Countdown has begun. Iam just having my cup of tea and then I have 1 load of laundry to do. Next will be a shower and then out to breakfast. I need to be at the airport for 3pm.

Iam getting excited about going home. It is nice to go visit but it is also nice to get back home.

I hope everyone is safe in their travels today

I hope everyone has a great day


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:hi and :mug good morning!


I hope that everyone is well this morning...


Mary - sorry to have missed you last night:( I hope you have a safe trip home:hug


Shannon and Colleen - safe :drive:drive to you both!


Stacy - have a safe trip home:yay will you be here for Friday night chat?


Beth - :xfin that you have a Stitchin' Day!:cheer:cheer:hug


Joanne - Happy Hump Day! Do you return to work tomorrow? Enjoy breakfast with DD:hug So, you will be in Boston the week after Labor Day, with nothing to do during the day?:devil My darlings will be back at school then, so I might just have a day with nothing, too!:lol Let me know the dates, I would love to :hook up!


:waving Vicki! Happy Hump Day for you, too! I hope it is splediferousness! Is DD done with her school shopping?


:hi, Jenn and Scoob! Hoping all is well...


Pete played more than I thought he would have... linebacker, corner, and half-back. The other team towered over him:eek. He is not big in any way:worried... he got flattened a couple of times, but bounced back up for more:shrug... I guess he is tough on the inside:D. He says he likes it, so that is good. I couldn't tell if they "won" or not. It seemed pretty even. He has some pretty good little players on his team. It's really cute to watch. Tonight we have practice and tomorrow night is another scrimmage.


I have to get my badorkus in gear... get my chores done, and start packing for the weekend. We are going to the Cape on Saturday, Bruuuuce on Sunday (in "the pit" right in front of the stage), and home on Monday in time for football.


well, ladies, that's it from here for now... I'll probably check in a little later on.


Hugs and Stitches to you all!

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:clapI am :U... My house is cleaned up, and supper is made (chicken to go on the grill & salad), vacuuming done, bathroom scrubbed, and uniform and rest of dirty laundry washed and in the dryer!


all that's left is to take a dip to cool off, and sit on my deck with :hook,:yarn & notebook for the next 2 hours....


Hope you are all having a terrificness day!:sun

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LeaAnne, :cheer:clap:yayYou ROCK!!!:2rock I am going to do the pool and :hook:yarn:crocheting myself when I'm done :drive my son to work. I just can't say my house is clean.:blush But the last of the laundry is in the dryer, and everyone seems content. (My 15-year-old son just kissed me on top of the head for no reason -- life is GOOD!!!)


have a :c9 day, everybody!

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:hi, Beth!


Enjoy that pool time! This was my first swim of the season:eek (I only go in if the water feels like bath water:lol) It was really nice:c9


What is the pic in your avatar? I noticed your DS in the one you just had... is he the 6'5" one?


I gotta get ready for practice... DH is taking the night off of going, so I might hide in a shady corner with my :hook this time;)... we'll see... one of Pete's little friends has very nice parents who we are becoming friendly with, so we usually end up yakking the whole time:lol


Have a nice supper-hour and evening to you all!


I'll try to come back when I get everyone settled for the night. Meanwhile, I will be praying for safe travels for all my besties!


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Hi again!

Well, DD and I hung out for a bit and then ended up going to eat around 12:30- went to a cute little place that only serves breakfast and lunch. So she is now on the train back to Philly-


LeaAnne- Yes, I'll be in Boston the week after Labor Day- not sure yet how many days- DD said she can't get time off work, but I can amuse myself during the day- there is plenty to do in Boston! When do your DK's go back to school?

Have fun at the Bruuuuuuce concert- wow- in the pit by the stage---you are one lucky gal. I'll be with you in spirit!!!! Have fun at the Cape too.


Beth- LOVE the square----you are very talented- and the little goodies were so nice- cant wait to try the coffee...did I tell you I am a coffee addict??? My square pales in comparison to yours!!! I was going to wash the squares today, but ended up spending more time with DD than originally planned (but I loved every minute of it). Finishing up laundry from the trip and i just want to sit on my Badorkus and crochet.


I'm back to work tomorrow and things are going to be super busy for the next few weeks including working next Thurs, Fri nights and Sat and Sun. I'm so glad that I took off the week after labor day- it will be bearable getting through these next few weeks knowing that I have another week off. I plan to wash the squares this Saturday and hope they stay intact and then try and get them to the post office before they close- if not they'll be mailed sometime next week.


Mary- safe travels- by the time you read this you should be home IN YOUR OWN BED!


Thanks for posting the links and the birthdays on the first post LeaAnne!!!!

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:hi, Joanne...


in spirit... like "Spirits in the Night"?! :rofl You gotta love "BOSS TIME!"


the kids go back on the 10th.


:clover with all of those work hours! :eek:eek Boy, are you going to earn your vacation!



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Good morning!

Welcome Home Mary and Stacy.

Hope you are having fun at the beach Colleen and hope the road trip is going well Shannon.


Beth- have a great day- and again thank you for the beautiful square!


LeaAnne- hope the heat and humidity are a little less today....only a few more days till you get to see Bruuuuuce!!!


Vicki- have a good day today. Yanks won again last night. Now on to the ole Yankees/Sox games this weekend.


Everyone---have a great day- back to work for me- catch you all later!! (remember your vitamins)

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Good morning, everybody!


It's a sleep-in kind of day here, but we don't get to. I have to get my son up for an 11 hour work day. Poor kid. But he doesn't work many days, so he wnts the hours.


I am working on the corner-to-corner afghan (row 66). It's growing. I'm still loving it. Thanks so much for sharing the pattern!


Joanne, I'm so glad you like your square. I had fun making them. I'm glad you are home safely. Enjoy your Delta Force day!


LeaAnne, my current avatar is my middle ds in the afghan I made him -- the second afghan I ever made. The avatar before was my 6'5" ds (a couple years and inches ago) wrapped in the afghan he ended up claiming -- it was the first afghan I made, and I made it for ME, but he decided it was his, and I couldn't say no. I will be switching soon to an avatar of my daughter in HER afghan. When I started crocheting, I couldn't get my stitches even. I decided I needed to do something very repetitive so I'd start crocheting without thinking about it. That's why I made an afghan. It worked. When I was done with that, my stitches were much more even. By the time I was done making afghans for all 3 of my kids, things were a lot smoother for me.


Have fun at the concert. Enjoy it for all of us!


Mary, did you get to sleep in your own bed last night? Welcome home! :hug It sounds like you have a lot of great memories from your trip.


Stacy, are you home yet? How are things in the new house?


Shannon and Colleen, I hope you are having fun on your vacations.


Vicki and Jennifer, I hope school is treating you well.


Scooby Doo, I hope you are well.


Have a great day, everybody. I must go pack gluten free food for my working man!

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morning, all-


today will be a mish-mosh of catching up, cleaning up, food shopping and packing for the weekend... I am not in pro-active mode:lol, so I guess I'll just "re-act" to whatever life throws my way for the next couple of days... I think my brain is already on vacation:lol

tonight is another scrimmage, and then I was invited to a jewelry party. I think for a change I will go... it will be nice to have some alone time with other mom's:c9


I hope everyone has a great day:


Joanne @ Delta Force

Beth in Quicksilver:drive... wow! 11 hours! That's a long day for DS:whew

Mary in her own home

Stacy in her new home

Colleen at the beach

Shannon on the road

Vicki @ school

Jenn @ school, too?

...and Scooby @ ?????


:ghug:manyheart:flower, all!

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Hi guys!

This is quick as I am at school and we are supposed to be planning! But just so you all know, the special ed. presentation went very well. I got my principal to back us up a bit when talking about annual reviews and I think he is going to back us up more with data collection. Cross your fingers and hope for me!

Safe travles to all either begining or ending journeys. Hopefully a small animal won't follow Mary home. she seems to attract the most unusual creatures!

Talk to you all later!


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