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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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:hi, my dear friends!


We are back and fed and showered after football, and I wanted to say hi quick before I start getting everyone settled down for the night. I told my darlings today that we need to actually start going to bed at night, since vacation is quickly dwindling away...


Colleen - I hope you are feeling better, and that you had fun at Scrabble night:manyheart Enjoy your HP books... I love DD's responsibility with her bookbag. She sounds sooo cute!


Joanne - :blush I didn't watch the game lastnight. I did read up today, and it sounds like the classic dugout clearing brawl occurred:eek Maybe it's what they needed to put a little :fire under their butts!

I hope you have a good day tomorrow. Your haircolor sounds pretty:yes

:hugone more day until a weekend with your DD's!!! I am so excited for you!


Stacy - :angryon that stinky manager! What a creep! It sounds like a better idea to put your car at the new place:clap Congrats on getting everything packed and ready to go... I will be thinking of you tomorrow:hug

I pm'd Scooby a couple of times... :shrug... I hope she's ok, and just really busy entertaining and getting things squared away with school :worried


other sports... my middle 2 are going to play fall-ball. It is a softball clinic on Saturday afternoons for September and October. Football is 3 - 4 nights during the week and Sundays. My oldest and 3rd want to go back to dancing school... they danced for 7 years and their school closed:( We haven't yet found one that we like that will fit the budget. I think I'm going to have to find a job to cover those classes, as well as the tumbling classes that 2nd DD wants to take.


Jenn - :clover with the showing tomorrow...I am glad that you got some good :crocheting time in yesterday:cheer. :thinkI wish I could find some! this week's been really tough. There's been lots to do, and keep up with, so sadly, I am not making any headway on what I need to be finishing.:(:(


Vicki - :hi! Hope your day was wonderful!


Mary - Have fun in the Rockies! That sounds like heaven to me!:c9


Shannon - How are you holding up, sweetie? I hope you are hanging in ok:hug How is our Janna tonight?


Beth - I hope those angels don't cause a raucus again like last week!

It has cooled off here as well... I wore a sweater to practice tonight! You are right... Tuesday is right around the corner!

I hope all is going well with you.


I did not get to see the meteor shower last night. It was cloudy and rainy. I am glad that Colleen and her DH got to see it, though:clap:c9.

DH is calling from the road, so I gotta run...


Hugs to all-

Nitey night

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Good morning all!

I got a great night's sleep so I have a few seconds to pop in and say hi to all!

Stacy- have a great trip to MI and so happy that you are getting out of that apt. Glad you can leave your car at the new place!


LeaAnne- Hope things go well with Uncle Art today- and welcome home to DH! Bet you're glad he's back.


Colleen- hope you are feeling better and that you are enjoying the HP books. Your DD was so cute with her library tote and all. I am so glad that all 3 of my DD's love to read -but that wasn't always the case- oldest DD always loved to read since she was very young- to this day she is the most vorocious reader of us all. Middle DD didn't like to but now loves to. Youngest DD read, but was more into all her activities. Sometimes I wish I had more time to read- but I have to choose- read/crochet/clean....lately crocheting has been winning out!


Shannon- forgot to answer that I read The Shack and I loved it!! It's a great book! Did you ever find the neurologist?


Beth- have a great day today! What have Stacy and I done? You are thinking of coloring your hair? Let me tell you, Ive been feeling old (now that oldest is turning 30). My age doesn't bother me, it's her age that does and not having gray makes me feel younger- don't know if that makes sense but it seems like yesterday she was born and fast forward-here we are 30 years later


Vicki- have a good day today at work and hope the angels have quieted down- they are probably having a nice party to welcome Shannon's family friends


Mary- have another wonderful day with DS- and please, no wild animals!!


Well, gotta run- Remember to take your vitamins and have a fabulous-ness day!

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A sunny Thursday here. I have the day home today and DD and I are going to get our hair cut today. DD says she wants to grow it long again. She had it long. It was gorgeous! And she cut it off. When I squeaked at that she looked at me and said "Mommy, it will grow back.". Gotta love that a 9 year old knows what she wants. Sort of.

Anyway, NY & Co. is having a sale so I will stop in there and see if anything catches my eye. Or DD's eye.

Stacy - Have a great trip and enjoy the visit with your family!

Leanne - Enjoy the football! I am glad your son is having a great time!

Mary - A SKUNK!?! You have a way of attracting those wild friends. First a bear and now this? What will we do with you?

Shannon - How are you honey? Did you find the neurologist? Maybe no news is good news. I hope all is well.

Colleen - Did you get to bed when you wanted to? It is nice to get a good night sleep!

Beth - Have a great day!

The puppies were very bad this morning! There was a board down in the fence today and three of them decided to go through it into my neighbor's yard! I had to pull two of them out! The other jumped across by herself. The fourth dog was no where near the fence. Gotta love dogs.

Have a great day all. I will check in later!



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Good morning ladies!

Just wanted to pop in and say hello before we leave! I have been up since 5 with a stomach ache. Our suitcases are packed and ready to go, just waiting for everyone else to get up. Oldest dd slept over at the IL's, the other two need a shower as soon as possible! LoL We went to the house last night to drop my car and our friends were there. The girls had so much fun playing that they didn't want to come home.


How odd that Scooby hasn't answered your PM's, Leanne. Hopefully she is just super-busy getting ready for school again. I hope she packs a note with her squares to let us know that she is okay. :worried

Have fun with Uncle Art today! Is your sister coming to exchange gifts? 2 of your dd's danced for 7 years? Wow. I still need to find an activity for Mia. I am not looking forward to them all being in different things when they are older! LoL


Beth, good luck with your coloring decision! I have been coloring mine since I was 16, though that is purely because I was rebellious. :devil My dad told me that I was too young, but I did it anyway. And guess what- he didn't even notice! :lol Gosh, I hope my girls aren't like that. :blush


Shannon, :hug to you! How are you feeling today?


Colleen- how was Scrabble night? Is dd feeling better today?


Vicki, Mary, Jennifer, Joanne- have a fantabulous day! :hug



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morning, besties!

I hope everyone had a nice night's rest like Joanne!


I am a little :tired today... it was a very restless night. too much on my mind about today, I guess. My sister IS coming down to see Uncle Art and her 'ghan is not done:blush:(. Maybe I can make a pillow, and give her the 'ghan for Christmas:think. There's no way it will be ready. She won't know what I was trying to do, so she'll be happy with whatever I do.


I have a lot to get done before 4 when everyone arrives, so I can't stay to say individual hello's.... Please know I am thinking of you all today.


I'll try to come back tonight...


Have a wonderful day, everyone!

Luv you all! :ghug

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Bye Stacy!! Have an awesome trip! Tell your grandma and cousin that there are people all over the country praying for them! Give the girls big :hugs for me. Love you!

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LeaAnne- I must say that I am especially fond of pillows.;) And when she gets the 'ghan for Christmas she'll have a set!! I think she'll like that! Tell Uncle Art hi for me and don't stress about the gift. Just enjoy your time with your family today!

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Good morning!


I was a :devil girl today. I went back to sleep after dh went to work, and just got up a little bit ago. Then I took my time, read the paper, drank coffee, and I'm going to start the housework later.


Stacy, so nice of you to pop in and say :hi before your very busy travelling day! I hope you have a very good time. Let your family know that there are people all over this continent praying for them!:hug


LeaAnne, I :heart Shannon's idea of a pillow now, and a matching afghan later. That way, you have time to experiment with the hot pink, too! You may want to incorporate it, but it'd be best not to be in a hurry when you start experimenting. I hope you have a wonderful, productive day getting ready for everyone. How are the kids reacting to going back to the school day schedule?


Shannon, good idea about the pillow for LeaAnne's sister! I hope you and your darling dd have a great day today!


vicki, enjoy the new 'do. I think your daughter sounds so smart for her age! Let us know how she decided to get it cut! So, did you find any good bargains at NY & CO?

I hope you didn't have too much trouble chasing down the Houdini puppies. Why is that they are so adorable when they cause trouble?


Joanne, it's good to hear that you got enough sleep. Doesn't it feel AWESOME!!! I've colored my hair before, but I hate keeping it up, so I tend to get it cut super short and go back to my natural color. I am like Stacy, I like red! I think it's fun.


Colleen, have a wonderful Thursday!


Mary, hope you are having fun in the mountains, and not meeting any more frightening wildlife!


Jennifer, hope you aren't working too hard!


Scooby, :hi

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Hi all! I'm here for a quick hello, then its off to Dover for a short shopping trip (my sister needs college supplies as well). No crocheting or cleaning got done other then last minute stuff I always do before a showing. I'm not sure how it went, we usually don't know until late that evening (when the schedule shows we're all home) or the next day. We have had no offers yet but I'm always hopeful. Other then that...I have to shelf my Current WIP! I just got news my friend got married in July. They just got back from their honeymoon and let everyone they got married. She always wanted a small family, so to make sure no one came the couple only invited immediate family. Now I have to crochet a wedding gift for the couple using only my stash yarn (which consist of 4 lbs of worsted weight trying to be made in afghan, a thousand yards of croqueting cotton thread white size 10, 250 yrds each of croquetting cotton thread size 10 in pink and blue). Deciding is going to be really tough since the Bride was my best friend and roommate in my last college (yes, I am a transfer student but still only a sophmore despite 4 years of school. :rolleyes.). Her friendship meant a lot to me and I want something that would both be approrate for the occasion while showing what she meant to me. So far: she's getting an old recipe book that I have (she loves old recipe books), a package of sunflower seeds (loves gardening), something croqueted, and possibly something else handmade. Well gtg. Tlk to y'll later.

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Hi everyone!

Just stopping by to say a quick hello- I've got packing to do!!! YAY- Vacation time!!!!!

I hope that everyone had a great day- that Stacy had a safe trip, that LeaAnne's visit with Uncle Art and family went well, that Shannon has found the neurologist, that Colleen had a fun Scrabble night, that Vicki had fun getting a haircut and shopping at NY&Co, that Beth had a great day after she went back to bed and got some rest, that Mary is having fun with DS and has a great time in the Rockies, that Jennifer had fun shopping in Dover.


I hope I didn't forget anyone---I am thinking of you all, but I've really got to the ole badorkus in gear and pack my things. I'm thinking that my Birthday girl DD may bring her laptop, so I may be able to pop in and say hi, but if not- have a wonderful weekend and I'll be back on Tuesday!!!!


Remember to take your vitamins!!!!!


Hugs to all!

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Hi again!!


Jennifer- I think you have great gift ideas for your friend so far. Very personal. Good luck with figuring out what to crochet for her. I hope the showing went well. Keep us posted!


Beth, you naughty girl!! Sleeping in and taking some "me" time??? Don't fret, you definitely deserve it! And we won't tell.


Colleen- I hope you're having fun with your Scrabble night! Were you able to spell anything crochetish?


LeaAnne- I hope your visit is going well. What did you decide to do for your sister?


A big :hi and :hug to all our travelers tonight: Stacy, Mary and Joanne (tomorrow)!! I wish you happy and safe travels!!


Vicki- I'm glad you were able to round up all your mischevious (sp?) puppies!! Did you find anything good at NY & Co? Your DD sounds like me. I'm always going from long to short, and then growing it out again. I guess I've just never found a style that I think says "me". But I also think change is good!!


Hello Scooby! I hope you are having a great day! We're really missing you around here!


BTW, I checked Scooby's stats, and she hasn't logged on since July 28th, I think. Hopefully she's just super-busy!


Okay. First, I want to thank everyone for all your kind words about the passing of our friends. It truly meant so much to me. The thought of them bowling with the angels put a smile on my face, and I am grateful. Second, the neurologist finally called yesterday, but had to leave a message because my phone had died. But it was only about DD's medicine, and she was a little snippy about it. I had already talked to DD's pediatrician, and she called the prescription in for me, so it was taken care of. The neurologist did not try calling back today, so whatever. My next step is to get DD's records, figure out if her EEG was even read yet, and find a new neurologist. We have to go out of town, so we need to do some research first.

And now, a funny little story. The other night when DD was at Honey and BigBob's, she did not want to eat dinner. So BigBob told her she would have to go home if she didn't eat. She went to her room, got her rolling suitcase, opened the back door, and went down the driveway (barefooted). BigBob was right behind her. She got to the end of the driveway and had to turn around because BigBob wouldn't let her go in the street. Poor thing. She's treated so bad over there.:rofl

Okay, I think I'm done rambling for now. I'm going to get DD in bed so I can watch the football game later! Love you girls!!

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Joanne- We posted at the same time!! Have a wonderful trip, and tell DD I said:birthday!!! Tell DH and other DDs hello too! Have fun!

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Finally found a pattern that I had the yarn for that I liked. I hope she will like it. She may end up getting her wedding gift in two parts, the recipe and seeds first with a picture of what I'm making her. Wish me luck on it! I'm making this Coats and Clarks pattern. http://www.coatsandclark.com/Crafts/Crochet/Projects/HomeDec/LC1499+Crocus+Doily.htm


It's a little pretigous for somehow who just recently started figuring out doilies, but I figured I had to give it a shot.


No word on the showing which means that they weren't interested. Oh well. *sighs*


Joanne- Wish happy birthday to your DD and have a great vaction! Hope you have some quality. :crocheting time! Or perhaps curl up with a good book.


Shannon-Good luck finding a new doctor for your DD and I hope that all her test went well.


Beth- :devil Sounds like a lot me today. Of course I had several excuses: 1.) A showing which took an hour out of the day. 2.) The house was already clean. :)


Leanne- I hope you get a good nights rest. Try some chamomile tea. Chamomile tea is a naturally calmer. Its good for upset stomachs and stress. Plus the heat of the tea helps you relax. Lavender stored in a sachet is great for under your pillow or on your eyes (which is what I do when I get a migraine). It's not just for keeping moths away from your stash you know. I hope you had a great day with your family and that you got your projects done on time.


Goodnight all...its back to crocheting the table cloth. Hopefully I'll figure it out, but if not there's always plan B! The problem: most days I don't know what Plan B is.

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Hello Besties!


Wow, looks like there is lots going on!


Vicki - I hope your puppies are home safe and sound and that the hair cuts and shopping went well.


LeaAnne - I hope the visit with Uncle Art and your sister was lots of fun! No worries about the 'ghan. She'll love it when she gets it and it would be nice to cross a Christmas gift off your list :yes


Shannon - I hope you get everything straighten out with the neurologist. I am smiling picturing your DD rolling her suitcase down the driveway in her bare feet. So cute! She sounds like there is a little bit of a stubborn streak there maybe :lol


Joanne - Have a wonderful trip! I hope your weekend with your girls and DH is just fabulous. Ever thought of bringing a big sign to the ball game that says "Hello Crochetville" or "Hi Besties" or something like that? We could all watch on TV (assuming we get the game of course :think). At any rate, I'm sure you will enjoy. And Happy Birthday to your DD!


Beth - Good for you! I am so happy to hear that you had a pajama morning! You so deserve it. I bet Quick Silver enjoyed the sleep in too :lol.


Jennifer - What wonderful news about your friend's marriage. It sounds like you have a wonderful gift idea. Good luck with the doily! I may have missed the beginning of the story, but I assume you are trying to sell your house? Has it been on the market long? I wish you best of luck. It is tiring keeping your house up for showings like that.


Stacy - I hope you had a great trip to MI! Enjoy your time away from home and have fun at HL!


Mary - How was Jasper? I bet it was beautiful! Did you see any wildlife?


Scrabble night is over and it was fun. We are all moms with kids the exact same age (we met in a baby group). I won the game, but nobody cares who wins. I only know I won because I kept score :lol I never thought to use crochet terms...hook, yarn, stitch. :think Good words, thanks for the idea Shannon. To be honest, I'm just in the group for the chatting :D


Good night, Besties. Sweet dreams.

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Colleen-Yes, my parents have been trying to sell our house. After living in the place for 12 years, they decided they wanted to move into something smaller, easier to maintain, and closer to my Dad's work. The decision to sell came last year when my sister started college. My parents decided that it was time to look into buying their 'retirment' home, something they could take of without our help. Our house has been on the market twice. Once last year during the Fall/Winter, then we took a 3 month break before putting up once more in April once the Spring/Summer market was getting into swing. So far we've only had 4 showings this summer. This last showing was the first we've had for 2 months now. Our house is an old victorian/colonial that is approximatly 120 years old but the deeds only go back to 106 yrs. It's a fixer, and unfortunatly raising a family hasn't exactly been productive in fixing our house and our parents are frankly tired of trying to even attempt the projects we have on hand. All the major work is done (Central Heating, AC, roofing, new water heater, etc), it's just the minor details (to us) that need fixing (paint, new carpeting in 2 rooms, general repairs). Most people say it is too much work or our yard is to small.


Projects for today: Help my sister pull up her carpet (we're repainting her room to a neutral color and revealing the hardwood under her carpet that will have to be cleaned, scraped, and stained). Kitchen Chores. Work on Doily!

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Good Morning everybody!


I TRIED to stay up this morning and :crocheting, but the vortex of gravity over my bed was too strong, and I couldn't resist!!! (I can get used to my son working afternoons!)


Now that I'm done working on the bestie squares, I started the corner-to-corner throw and I :manyheart it! I will be making this for me some time. I love the texture, and the way the pattern flows.


Jennifer, good luck with the floor work. That sounds like quite a big job! How long do you think it will take you? I am queen of procrastinating on house-fixing jobs. Your wedding present idea sounds lovely.


Joanne, have a safe, fun trip! I hope your dd has a :birthday I love how your family comes together so often. I hope mine is like that in a few years.


Colleen, scrabble night sounds like so much fun. It's so important for moms to get time for themselves! Congrats on winning!:cheer


Shannon, your dd is a hoot! I have a picture of her in my mind. She reminds me of my dd when she was little -- watch out for those smart, willful girls!!! They try things we'd never think of! Good luck with the hunt for a neurologist. I hope you find someone better than the last one!


Vicki, Mary, LeaAnne, Stacy, Scooby, :hi:hug Have a day as amazing as you are!

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Good morning Besties!!


I can't stay and chat, but I wanted to let everyone know that I just found out that Lion Brand has made all of their patterns free!! How exciting is that?!?!


I'll be back a little later. I hope that this news made you all as happy as it made me!! :manyheart

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Hi Girls


Just wanted to say Hi. We are going to Jasper today and staying over night. Tomorrow afternoon we are then headed to Edmonton to see the, I think, the worlds biggest mall. Ds said to be ready early cause he will be home early from work today. I have to shower and then I have a load of laundry to do and pack my bag.


I don't think I will have a computer with me so I will talk to you all sunday night or monday morning.


Everyone have a great weekend

Hugs to everyone

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hi, Friends, and HAPPY FRIDAY!!!


I hope Stacy had a good flight, Joanne a good drive (:birthday, DD!), Mary a good scenic trip, and that Scooby finds her way back!


Colleen - Scrabble night sounds like so much fun! I am glad you got to relax and enjoy it... you work hard!


Beth - :cheer:cheerOMG!!!!!! I got mail!!!!! I LOVE IT!!!!! thank you, thank you, thank you soooooo much! :day You did an unbelievable job! It is the CUTEST thing I have ever seen!:manyheart It captures everything perfectly... and my DD's are all WOW-ness!


Shannon - I hope you have an easy search for a new neurologist. :angry What is with people today? :shrug Give that independent minded Janna an extra hug today from me. That story brought a big :U to my face.... I hope she never changes:manyheart


Jenn - :clover with that floor project! :nworthy... that's quite an undertaking! I hope it goes well, and that the economy turns soon enough for your folks to sell your place. It sounds awesome... I :manyheart old victorians:clap:c9


Vicki - I hope you scored some great deals at NY&Co. :cheer and how cool that you and DD can enjoy shopping together! :hugHave an awesome day:hug


Uncle Art & cousin Chris stayed over, and just left a bit ago. We had a wonderful visit. :manyheart My sis, mom, and neice came for a short while last evening, and we all had dinner together. I ended up giving my sis and mom school cookbooks for their birthdays. The sunflower 'ghan has now become a :ctree WIP:yes Oh, yeah, and DH came home:jumpyay!!!



I am going to try to be here for chat tonight, but can't promise just yet:devil... The :sun is shining today, so am off to grab my :hook and get some vitamin D before I go out grocery shopping a little later on .

Hugs to you all, and please know I am thinking of you! :hug

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:hi everyone!


Ah, quiet time, my favourite time of the day. :sigh We met our friends at the park this morning, played at the park, had a picnic, and then they splashed in the wading pool. It is the perfect hot, sunny day for it. DD had a blast and I'm sure she will be to bed early tonight (unless of course she falls asleep between now and then, which would be okay too).


I'll try to be here for chat tonight. DH and I have been like ships that pass in the night the past week, so I'll wait and see what he wants to do. I suspect it might involve a couch and a remote, in which case I'm good to chat!


Jennifer - Best of luck with the house selling. It sounds like that old house is just waiting for the right buyer. Hopefully it is soon! Good luck with the floors, you ambitious thing you!


Joanne - Happy trip!


Mary - Happy trip!


Beth - Ohhhh, LeaAnne got mail :hyper:yay Mine might take a week or so more, but I'll be watching the mailbox for sure! Good for you letting gravity have it's way and getting back into bed. You so deserve it!


Shannon - :hi I hope you are having a great day! Thanks for the tip about the patterns. Hmmm, wonder how I might be spending my quiet time. Looking at patterns or napping.... Nah, I think I'll nap.


LeaAnne - Glad you had a great family visit last night and that DH is home safe and sound. Enjoy your vitamin D and :crocheting time.


:hi Vicki, the vacationing Stacy, and long lost Scooby.


Have a great day! :hug to all!

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