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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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Colleen... I hope you make it to work and home safely. And that the thunderstorms bring you a little relief from the heat.


I gotta go get ready for football practice. I'll check in later tonight.


Stacy - hope your errands went well. The name of the team is the Trojans. they are Woburn colors: black and orange.


:hi, Mary! sounds like you are having a nice relaxing vacation:yay How many dishcloths do you have so far?


...and a big :hi to the rest of the gang!


See you in a while-


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LeaAnne, your sunflower 'ghan is gorgeous! I see now how the hot pink looks so good with the sunflower. It doesn't sound as good as it looks. I think the off white would look good, but I think simpler, cleaner would be my personal preference, and I'd stick with the sage. Whatever you choose will be beautiful,though! You do such nice work.


I can relate to the day of interruption. It's so hard to get back to the train of thought you had before being interrupted. Tomorrow will be better, I hope. For both of us!


Today, oldest ds played taxi driver. He has his learner's but hasn't been behind the wheel in months. He has his own bank account, since he works, and his own bank card, so he wanted to go shopping. I let him take me in QuickSilver. He did well, but asked to go on back streets first to get used to the feel of the new van. Next month, the twins are old enough to get their learner's permits!:eek:scared:faint


Colleen, be safe! Watch out for :storm

Shannon, I'm glad the hearing test went well. You should be so proud of your dd. She's such a trooper!


Scooby; :birthday:bday:cake:party


Mary, your vacation sounds so relaxing. I'm glad you are enjoying time with your ds. It must be difficult to live far away from him. It sounds like he is trying to give you a memorable, fun time. Give him a :hug from me for treating my bestie so well.


Stacy, I know you have a lot to do, but I hope you are not pushing yourself too hard. You are my idol right now, :nworthygetting so much done, and staying so positive. I am so glad you have a great house to move into, and I'm so proud of you for doing so much now.


Joanne, Hope you are having another productive, fun day with Delta Force! Love that name -- it sounds like an adventure.


Vicki, Hope you are doing well. When does school start again where you live? Are the children looking forward to it? Are you?


Jennifer, did you have much to catch up on after your weekend away?


:hugto you all!


Oh, I finished Bestie Square #6. Three to go!!!

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Hi guys!

Leanne - I would do another row of the sage. I think that would look good on the square.

Stacy - DD got her orange belt! She goes back for the first time tomorrow since she got back. She has a new pattern to learn and a new kicking practice. She already told her master that she wants to go to the tournament in November and wants to do Olympic sparring. The pads were supposed to be ordered when we were away, so we will see how it goes! And all that moving right before you go away!:eek

Shannon - Great news about Janna! I am glad it all worked out!

Jennifer - What a cute gift to leave your grandmother! It is nice to hear that she liked it. Good luck at the next craft show!

Scooby - Happy Birthday!

Beth - No, I don't think DD is looking forward to going back to school. The summer just seemed to fly by. I don't know where it went! I am not adjusting very well. I was soooooo tired during my in service today. It was on differentiated instruction and I just could not get in to it because I have done so much reading on it in the past year. Anyway, two more days back to work this week.

Joanne - GO DELTA FORCE! I hope you get through that long week you have coming up!

I made hair cut appointments for me and DD today during a break. I came home, made dinner, and put laundry in the dryer that I threw in the washer this morning. Now I am sitting here looking to see what I missed here with my besties! I need to go get envelopes to mail my squares to everyone. I am working on my square for the blanket. It is a big square for the center in a bright yellow color called Lemonade.

Anyway, I must run. I need to work on my paper and I need to figure out what I am wearing to work tomorrow. Back to the old routine!

Have a great night all!


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:hi, it's me again.


I'm home from work, safe and sound. The storm didn't last and it didn't do much to combat the heat.


LeaAnne - Again, your squares are beautiful. I think another round of sage and joining in sage would look nicest. What are you doing for a border? Off white might work well in a border, or are you bring in one of the other colours. No matter what you decide, I'm sure it will look beautiful. I can't wait to see it all done! :hug


Vicki - Good luck with getting back into the routine. Good for your DD that she passed her orange belt and aspires to the next level.


Beth - Brave you teaching your DS to drive :eek I see the kids next door learning to drive and I tease them that they should call me before they go driving so that I know to stay off the road. WTG on your besties squares - 3 to go :cheer


Mary - I hope you are enjoying your vacation. Sounds like you will have lots of dishcloths by the time you're home again. Do you sell them or just use them for personal use?


Shannon - I'm glad to hear Janna's hearing test went well. Is she still tuckered out? How about you?


Stacy - You are going to definitely deserve your vacation!


Scooby - Happy Birthday!


Jennifer - I'm glad to hear your Mema loved her gift. Sounds like a fun surprise.


Joanne - :hi to the queen of squares. How was your day?

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Hi all!

LeaAnne- that square is gorgeous- I love, love, love it! And I would go with the sage. I think that hot pink looks really neat! it is definitely not a color combo I would have thought of! Hope football practice went well tonight. And it was hot, hot, hot here today too!


Shannon Great news on Janna's hearing test!! You must be on cloud 9!!


Beth- I remember when my DD's were driving- I am a terrible back seat driver-especially when they were learning! I don't envy you next year when the twins get their learning permits!!! I've finally relaxed a bit when I go somewhere with youngest DD- I guess it's the Mom in me that worries when they are driving- I much prefer to drive than be a passenger! (maybe that is because I like to be in control) LOL


Colleen- hope you made it work safely in the thunderstorms. How is DD feeling? And I love your menu for Scrabble night-definitely a summery treat!


Vicki- Hope that tomorrow is a less tiring day for you! It is kind of hard to get back into a routine after being off!!


Jenn- sounds like you had a great time and I loved your Mema's gift ! You are quite the little prankster aren't you?


Scooby- Happy Birthday to you....wherever you are!!! Hope it is a good day!


Stacy- you are amazing, girl! You are getting so much done with the moving and getting ready for your vacation. Hat's off to you!! You win the "Getting the most done in a short amount of time award" from me! So happy that Mia was happy! Hope karate was fun tonight for DD's!


Mary- it sounds like you are having a wonderful time with your DS- you raised him right!!!



I had a very long day- we are in crunch time right now! I was in at 7 and didn't get home until 7- long days, but I like it so it doesn't seem so long. (It would be nice if I got paid OT for more than 8 hrs/day, but I am a salaried employee)


Colleen and LeaAnne- both of your teams won yesterday- and Colleen's Jays are winning again tonight and so are LeaAnne's Sox....Yankees, please don't fail me now!


Well, besties, I've got to put the laundry in the dryer and empty the dishwasher


I hope you all have an enjoyable rest of the evening and a fabulous-ness hump day. I have my "color the gray's/hair cut appt tomorrow night so I probably won't be home until around 8. Only 2 more days till I have a few days off!!! And get to see DD's!!!! That keeps me going through these long days!!!

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hi, all!


we are back from football, and we just finished showers and dinner... :whew


Thank you all so very much for your kind words and advice about how I should join this 'ghan... I will show you what I did when I am done! :manyheart

I am really proud of how this is turning out. (Now if i could just get the time in a row to GET IT DONE!:blush)


Tonight is the Perseid Meteor shower... it looks like loads of shooting stars and it is really cool! The last time we had it, my neighbor, (the Mrs. that is) and I were outside at 4:30 in the morning to see them. we just waved to each other... no words, just a wave and knowledge that we were experiencing something really special... just us! I really miss her (she passed last year), so I am hoping that the skies clear so I can watch them in her honor.



Joanne - get some good rest.... 12 hour days don't seem like much when your having fun doing them, but, they can sneak up on you, that's for sure!


Beth - :nworthy teaching your kids to take over :driveing... I like the ages I've got right now, but before I know it, I will be like you, and we'll be getting back to back permits:eek... I think you handle things so beautifully all the time:manyheart I hope I can be like you. :hug


Colleen - I hope that DD feels better tonight, and that her :cough:cough calms so that she (and YOU) can get some good rest. Glad that your night at work was good... did DH eat his dinner like a good boy?!


Stacy - how are you holding up, girl? :hug I hope you are not overdoing it! I am with Joanne... you deserve a prize!


Shannon - Hoping you and our dear Miss Janna are havin' a fun night!:hug


Vicki - I hope that your routine settles in soon, and becomes a little easier. You sure are getting lots done in spite of it, though! :clap:cheer Way to Go!!!


:hi, Mary! Can't wait to hear about today's adventures! :c9


Jenn - how was your day?


:birthday, Scooby... we miss you:(


the :angel:angel are starting to bowl here for the first time in a while... I was hoping it was going to bring some relief from the heat, but it came from Colleen's way, so I guess it won't. :shrug


I guess I better run...


Love you all!!!

Sweet Dreams!


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Yanks are now winning---back to back homers..and now double..sorry Mary and Colleen (not):lol

That meteor shower sounds neat and I hope that the weather in your area cooperates, LeaAnne!!!


Off to finish watching the game in bed


Sweet dreams everyone!:manyheart

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Hi everyone


Today I decided to go for a walk. I went to wal-mart and the dollar store. Picked up a few things and then walked back home. Ds went and got taco's for supper tonight, they were really good. His friend came here and Ds did his brakes. Then his friend from accross the street invited us over for a chat and drink and now Iam back home.


LeaAnne your squares are really nice. I have to agree I would join in the sage color.


I have 11 dishcloths done so far and now Iam going to sit and crochet some more. I keep some for myself and I sell most of them.


I hope everyone is having a great night. I miss you all.




Hugs to everyone

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Vicki and Joanne - Your Yankees won! I just saw the highlights, but it looked like a good game. I never heard the Red Sox score, but I heard there was a big brawl (sounded like a hockey game!). If I'm not careful you ladies are going to make me a sports fan!


Mary - Sounds like you are having a fun and relaxing visit with DS.


Joanne - Take care of yourself when you are working long hours. And don't forget your vitamins!


LeaAnne - I hope the clouds clear from the bowling tournament so you can see the meteor shower. 6 years ago we had a massive blackout (I think some of the northern states were affected, but I can't recall which). Anyway, many here were without power for 3 days. That first night was the meteor shower you speak of. DH and I sat on the deck and enjoyed it with no light pollution. It is neat to think that we live so far apart but can see and do the same things, isn't it? I hope you get to see it and have some fond memories of your friend, LeaAnne. :hug


DD is doing much better. She had a bit of cough on and off today, but seems to be sleeping well tonight.


I watched TV tonight and just relaxed. I crocheted 3 or so rows on that sweater while I watched. I had a busy day running around doing all my errands this afternoon before work, so it was nice to just relax. I hope everyone has a great sleep and I'll "see" you tomorrow.

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Hey ladies!

Thank you all for your kind words. :hug I am pooped but the thought of sleeping in our new home when we come back from MI is driving me. :clap Today I only took one load but I did a ton of running around, picking up the travel-size stuff for our suitcases, some clothes for me and dh, etc. I threw away 3 bags of trash though, and dh took the girls' dressers and a bunch of boxes when he came home from work. Dd's karate went well tonight- she learned 2 new kicks and went over their Form I, which she is actually really good at but for some reason tonight, she was off. :shrug


I have read through all of the posts but I don't have the brain power to respond to everyone tonight. Please know that I'm thinking of you all and I love each and every one of you! :manyheart I will check in tomorrow night, and dh is taking his laptop to MI so hopefully the hotel will have WiFi so I can keep up. :lol I am also sending out my new address tonight.


See you all in the morning!



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Hi everyone!


Sorry I didn't come back sooner. My parents' internet has been down all day. That said, I probably shouldn't stay long, just in case it happens again.


LeaAnne- Your squares are beautiful!! I agree with everyone else on the sage. TFS your pics--finally!:lol


Stacy- I can't keep up with you. Slow down, you're making me look bad over here! hehe


Beth- Sounds like your taxi days are almost over! I know how you feel. My sister is 17, and I get so nervous about her driving. But, it has to happen.


Joanne- I'm so glad you love your job so much! Working that long, and not being upset about it.....that's rare!


Colleen- Sorry the storms didn't help the heat! I am glad DD's cough is getting better. What time does Scrabble start? I'll see you there.


Mary- Still having fun? Of course you are!!


Happy Birthday again, Scooby! Miss you!!


Vicki- Good luck getting back into the swing of things! And :cheer for DD doing so well and wanting to go even further! That's awesome!


Jenn- Love the "wreath" story! Glad you had a good time, just you girls!


I hope I got everyone's stories straight. I did it from memory. It's been a sad day here. Two friends of the family passed away today. One from cancer and one had liver problems. While we are sad here, it's been a great day for Heaven. They were both wonderful people.

Well, I guess I'll be going to bed now. I'm listening to the book The Shack, and it's really good so far. Anyone else read it?

BTW, who else is on board for Mardi Gras 2010???

Good night Besties!! Love you!

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Shannon....... sorry about your friends, I will keep you in my prayers.


I just came on because I forgot to tell you guys something. Last night while I was outside having a smoke, I was standing in front of Ds"s truck. I could here what sounded like a dog walking beside me, I looked down thinking it was a dog and guess what?????????? It was a skunk. Yup thats right a skunk. I ran soooooooooooo fast in the house, Ds asked what's up and I said a skunk is outside. He then goes back outside and can't see it now. He asked if I was sure, I said yup I know what a skunk looks like. LOL


Do you think it is just me or are wild animals out to get me????


goodnight all

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Good morning Besties!!


It's quiet here today.


Mary- The animals must like you! Maybe they want to be fitted for sweaters, or need blankets for the winter. You never can tell with wild animals.:monkey:pig:2sheep:llama:mcow:kangaroo:frog:turtle:hen


I have to go deal with the pharmacy about DD's medicine. And I still can't find her neurologist. I do know that her EEG still hasn't been read. I'm beyond annoyed now! Wish me luck!

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Shannon, I'm so sorry about your friends. :hug for you and your family.


How frustrating about the MIA neurologist! I hope you get the information you need soon.


Mary, I'm glad your meeting with the skunk didn't stink. They tend to be quite peaceful, as long as you don't startle them. You do get to interact with wildlife! I'd love to come animal and bird watching with you! I hope you continue to enjoy your visit with your son.


Stacy, you are amazing. I hope you get a chance to rest during your trip. Be safe!:hug


Colleen, watching a meteor shower with your dh, how romantic!:manyheart What a nice way to spend time without power.


LeaAnne, did the weather cooperate for the meteor shower?


Joanne, Have a good Delta Force day! It sounds like you are staying very busy at work. I'm so glad you enjoy it.


Vicki, have a good work day! It has been 5 years since I've had a regular job, but I remember how hard it was to get back into the routine after a break. I always wanted a vacation to recuperate from my vacation! Are you back in the swing of things again yet?


Jennifer, are you busy getting ready for school to resume? Have you had any time to crochet?


Scooby, I'm missing you!


I finished my bestie squares!!! I washed them, and found a few loose ends to work in. I will try to mail them soon. Stacy and Mary, would you like me to hold onto your squares until you get home from your trips?

Talk to you later!

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Shannon - I'm sorry about your friends. :hug Good luck with the pharmacy and I hope you find that neurologist. How frustrating!


Stacy - Good luck with last minute preparations for your trip. I hope you get in some down time!


Mary - Watch out for the skunks. I have heard lots of stories about people's dogs getting skunked lately. Must be that time of year. Peeyew!


LeaAnne - I dreamt about your sunflower 'ghan last night. I kept waking up thinking about different colour combinations :lol Was the seeds pattern in the center part of the original pattern or is that a LeaAnne original? It is going to be so beautiful!


Beth - WTG getting your squares done :hyper I can't wait to see it!


:hi to Vicki, Joanne, Jennifer, Scooby


Well, I'd better go clean those bathrooms. I've gotten a lot done today, but I'm not where I thought I'd be and I'm starting to lose steam.

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Shannon - I am sorry for your friends and friends' families:(. I have never heard anyone word things as nicely as you have.... that it was a happy day for heaven:hug What a nice way to put things where they should be.

sorry, too, about the neurologist:angry... I hope you find him and whip him into shape.


Mary - :eek My heart would have been racing for an hour after an encounter like you had. Thank heavens you got away quick! That's one :catI wouldn't want to bump into!


Beth - :clap:dance:clap congrats on finishing your bestie squares! I hope you have a wonderful day! What are you going to make next?


Joanne and Vicki - :xfin that your work days are great! Good luck with your hair appointments, too! I know you are going to look Fabulous!:hug:hug


:hi, Stacy! Good luck today, getting everything done, and have a nice flight tomorrow!


:waving, Colleen - I am glad that DD's cough was better lastnight. How is she feeling today? Are you ready for Scrabble night? Happy Day Off!!:yay

The squares are not following the pattern at all, other than there being 8 petals on the flower. I have had a lot of fun playing with this to see what would work. :heehee about dreaming of it... what colors did you come up with?


Jenn - How did your cleaning day go yesterday? What's on the agenda for today?


I am catching up a few things around here, and then we have football tonight. He has 4 nights, 2 1/2 hours per night. Their first scrimmage is next Tuesday, so he is already learning how to run plays. It is too cute! So far, he has played right halfback, and right linebacker. I think it is amazing how quickly he has caught on to the play calling. we are very proud of him... all 46 pounds worth:cheer:cheer


Have a nice day, all... I gotta run for now.



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Hi Everyone


Just a quick Hi. Beth you can mail my square, Dh is home to get the mail.


I have to straighten up a bit today, Ds has 2 friends coming for supper tonight. I have been picking up things every morning so there is not toooooooo much to do.


On friday we are going away for the weekend. We are going up north to Jasper. Which is in the rockie mountains.


I hope everyone is having a good day. Stacy have a great trip and relax a bit, you sooooooooooo deserve it. I get tired just reading what you have been doing.


I will be back later

Bye for now

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Shanon-So sorry to hear about your friends. :hugs For some losses, there are no words.


Leanne and Beth-Yes I've been keeping busy waiting for school to begin once more. I have exactly 12 days left to school. I have a bunch of meetings, and a few final things to do before school starts, but all the 'major' stuff was done last month. I have been a busy bee with crocheting. My "deep cleaning" day got rescheduled to today because I got distracted with pretty patterns and yarn. It worked out better for me to do it today anyway. I am making a 9 or 12 point, can't remember which, ripple round blanket in four different colors. It's very different then what I'm used to. In fact this morning was spent "frogging" yesterday's work while muttering, and starting over once more. Then my Dad called to tell us that we have a showing tommorrow morning at 9:15. So I really had to deep clean. I've done everything except vacuum and mop so far. All the remains left is my Mom and Dad's room which they will do later. Well, I better go there's a storm coming. :D I love storms! Tommorrow I will have to light candles, vaccuum again (the downside of having a big lovable teddy bear of a dog live in the house), spray air freshener and scaddle out of the house before 9:00. Till tommorrow then, goodbye.

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Vicki, small world. The angels are bowling here, too. At least it's cooler now!


Jennifer, hope the showing went well! That's a lot of work, keeping up a house to that level.


Mary, enjoy the mountains! It sounds so beautiful.


LeaAnne, so glad to hear that your son is picking up football so quickly. Tuesday's scrimmage will be here in no time.


Colleen, don't over do! You need to take care of yourself, too!


I'm going to go because of those angels.


:hug for everyone!

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Hi everyone!

Angels were bowling for a short time- Heaven must be very happy to welcome Shannon's family friends! Hugs and prayers to you Shannon! I love the way you word things too- what a gift that is. I'll have to remember that! Did you have any luck finding the MIA neurologist..and how did it go at the pharmacy?


Stacy- got your addy..thanks! Have a safe trip to MI- and just think when you get home you get to go to your new home! How exciting for you!


Mary- you are one wild animal...lol....they sure do like you don't they? Glad you are having a good time with DS and have a blast in the Rockies!!!


Beth- WTG on finishing the bestie squares! You are one step up on me- I haven't washed mine yet. That's on the agenda for next week when I get back from Baltimore. It's a good feeling that they are finished.


LeaAnne- did you get to see the meteor shower last night? And what's up with the boston brawl???? I just read that Youk got suspended for 5 games! So happy that Peter is taking to football- it will be fun for you to see his first scrimmage! And, yes, I am remembering to take my vitamins every day--hope everyone else is remembering without me here to remind you every morning...lol


Colleen- yes , you are among some sport fans here! Hope you had a good day and that you enjoy Scrabble night!


Vicki- Glad you could stop by to say hi during the tournament --have the angels settled down?


Jenn- glad you got some crocheting time in- that is tough keeping the house up for showings. How did it go?


Work was good- and I am happy with my hair- I went a little darker this time- brown- I like it- and DH said it looked nice. Got home a little while ago, so another long day for me. Glad that the Yankees played this afternoon (and won again!!!) so i won't be sucked into watching them tonight. I think tonight is the night I get to bed around 9-9:30 so I am refreshed for my last day before I leave for Baltimore!


:hug to all!!!!!

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Joanne - How exciting that you leave for Baltimore so soon! I hope you have a wonderful weekend. Have a good early night tonight and a good sleep.


LeaAnne - Glad to hear young Pete is doing so well at Football. I bet you've got some stadium blankets to crochet in your future! :lol


Jennifer - Good luck with the showing. That is a big job, to keep a house clean and tidy like that.


Vicki, Beth - I hope the angel's bowling tournament passed by quickly.


Shannon - How did things go today? Any luck with the neurologist or pharmacist? They are right, you do have a way with words. A true gift.


Stacy - I hope your day went well! Is it tomorow you leave for MI?


Mary - Have fun in Jasper! Watch out for the bears! You do have a way of attracting them.


DD and I went to the library today. She is using the little lady bug bag you gave her, Mary, as her library bag (her own idea and a great one!). She very proudly brought back her books and movies and put them up on the return counter and then picked out new ones and promptly put them in her library bag. So cute! I sure hope she inherits my love of reading, but you can't force it (I am trying to encourage it!). So far she doesn't strike me as the sit quietly and read all day type :lol , but you never know. Before supper we had a family game of squirt guns (AKA a water fight, I guess you'd say). DD had a blast!


I haven't been feeling 100% today, so I've slowed down a bit. I baked ginger snaps this morning, so those will do for scrabble night (scratch the lemon cake off my list :blush). I got the first 2 Harry Potter books out of the library. I've never read any of them (not sure why). I'm over halfway through the first. Maybe some more reading or :crocheting this evening and that's it! Have a good evening, Besties. :hug

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Hey ladies!

Shannon, I am so sorry to hear about your friends. :hug Sorry that you can't find the neurologist, either- I can't believe she hasn't contacted you about the EEG. :think


Colleen, hope Scrabble night was fun! How cute about dd and the library. My oldest loves to read but my middle one doesn't really care yet. Enjoy the HP books- I :manyheart HP.


Joanne, have a safe and fun trip to Baltimore!


Leanne, sounds like you're going to be busy with football! Are any of your other kids involved in sports?


Jennifer, good luck with the showing and getting everything ready for school.


Beth, that would be great if you can hold onto my square until I come home. Our friends will be in and out of the new house all week but I don't know if they will check the mail. I don't want it to just sit there!


Mary- enjoy the rest of your visit with ds! How scary about the skunk- glad you got away before it got stinky! :lol


Vicki- congrats to dd! :cheer


Scooby, we miss you! I hope you had a great birthday! Has anyone PM'ed her to see if she is ok?

I've been packing and cleaning all day. I also did all of our laundry, and now it needs to make it into suitcases. I wish I could just wave a wand and it would pack itself. Dh's aunt is supposed to come by with some stuff for the girls in about 15 minutes. I hope she doesn't stay long. I have a toothache and want to go to sleep! LoL

I better scoot and finish packing. We also have to take my car to the new house tonight. I asked our manager for an extra spot for one week (she gives them to others on a regular basis) and she said the only one she has is in front of the gas meters in the back alley. :angry We are just going to park it in the garage over there instead.

Have a great night!



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Hi Everybody!


Stacy, you have been working SO hard. I'm impressed. I hope your trip goes well. I'm glad you have a safe place to put your car. That manager certainly has her favorites! I'm so glad you are getting out of that mess.


Colleen, your dd is Such a sweetie! I can picture her at the library. How sweet! And don't worry if she isn't big on sitting and reading now. I have two avid readers (and one who reads only if it really interests him) but none of them liked to sit still for it when they were wee little. Put me on the list of people who like the HP books. I liked the first couple of movies, but couldn't get into them after that. Mmmmmmmmm. Ginger snaps!


Joanne, I hope you get some good sleep tonight! You have been working a lot, and those pesky late night ballgames don't help in the early morning hours. I'm glad you like your hair. You and Stacy are making me think about doing something with my gray.


I hope everyone has a good night. My son needs his "bedroom," so I need to go!


:night all!

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