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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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Good morning everyone!


I had a good chat last night, and missed everyone who wasn't here!


Stacy- Your poor DD!:( I'm sure that having her friends at the house today will help (not to mention the big yard they get to play in:yes) I'm sorry about your dog. Labs are great!


Colleen- Your poor DD too!:( Tell her I hope she feels better. I'm glad the weather didn't get too bad for you. Did your cocker spaniel have Rottweiler-type markings too? Nice try again. You'll just have to wait until they come in the mail! I knew your SIL would love that table runner. It's absolutely gorgeous!!:manyheart


I'm not feeling the greatest today, but better than yesterday. I'm packing up me and the dogs and we're staying at Mom and Dad's tonight. DD is already there. She has a hearing test in the morning, and it's closer to Mom's house than mine. I think that's all I'm doing today, besides :crocheting. I've got to get these squares done. Time is running out!!:eek


Have a great day everyone! :heart ya!!

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Oh my GOd, what did I miss?!?:eek I missed about 40 pages of posts! I'm still so behind from Friday and Saturday! AAAHHHH!

I am at work today but am on lunch break. I wante dto come and check in with my besties and see what was going on here. A lot apparently!

Stacy - Glad you found a new place and I hope it is wonderful!:lol I am sure the girls will love the yard to run around in! Did the airline really tell you that you can't take the metal hooks on the plane? I brouught mine on with no problem. And TSA even took my bag apart coming home and they didn't say anything about it. They were only looking at my scissors, which were within regulation size!

Mary - How is your trip going? I hope you are having a great time!

I need to go back and see what else I missed so I can respond to everyone properly. I hope everyone had a great day and I will try to come back on tonight. Must go get dogs from kennel!


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Hi friends,


Groceries bought, 2 loads of laundry done, salad made for supper. I'm off to work here soon.


I had the best dip the other night. It was sour cream, mayo, salsa and parmesan cheese. Serve with tortilla chips. It was good, so I thought I'd share.


I'm counting down the days until I get a nice quiet sit around and crochet day :c9 Much needed and well deserved!


I hope everyone is having a great day! :hug

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oh my word- it just took me like forever to finish reading all the posts- so sorry i had to go to bed last night and couldn't stay and chat. How fun that Mary joined in! Too bad it wasn't a few minutes sooner and I could have said hi!


Mary- the trip to the Rockie's sounds wonderful and I'm so jealous of the 3-5 hrs crochet time. You did the right thing taking the summer off after surgery


Shannon-good luck with Janna's hearing test tomorrow- and with getting your squares done! and NO sounds wonderful- that is somewhere I would love to go. But I'm not a LSU fan or a Saints Fan (sorry girlfriend)- it's Giants and Rutgers for me! (we can still be friends though)


LeaAnne- Hope DH got off ok this AM and that you are not too tired from your late night chat-After 1AM! I wouldn't have been able to get my badorkus out of bed.

As it was, I got up at the last minute, took a quick shower, swigged some coffee and put lunch together real quick and was out the door and at work by 7 this morning. Sorry I didn't have to time to wish everyone a good morning!


Colleen- hope that DD is feeling better and good luck getting everything in shape for Scrabble night- sounds like fun! And I'm so happy that SIL loved the runner. She would have been out of her mind if she didn't! Are you doing any baking for scrabble night?


Stacy- how did the day go? And how was Mia? Were you able to find the yarn you need for your cardi?


Vicki- That's neat that you can check in while at work- we can't use the computers for personal use at my job. Bet the dogs were happy to see you today!


We are busy, busy, busy at work- and I just found out we have to work the weekend of Aug 28/29- Sat and Sun- that will be one long week for sure!


Just heard from middle DD- she has 2 jobs- both waitressing- and someone called her and she has an interview on Thur for another. She's working everyday this week including Fri-She is working 11-3 so we'll pick her up in Philly and then head to Baltimore (ah, rush hour traffic-joy), but what can you do? I know she needs the $. She will then be working every day when we get back. She is a little bummed since her boyfriend lives in NJ, but very greatful to have found some work. I told her, if it's meant to be, it will be- my brother and SIL were HS sweethearts, went to college in diff states and they just celebrated their 26th wedding anniversary.


Beth- hope you had a good day today-


Jennifer- hope your weekend was fun! And that your Dad survived without all the girls!


Scooby- really missing you and hoping that all is well with you!



Well, I see it's 7:20 PM already and I haven't eaten dinner. Luckily I made stuffed peppers yesterday and we are having leftovers tonight.


Have a wonderful evening everyone!

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Stacy- PM me your new address- I'd feel better about mailing the square there.


Yankees are tied with the Blue Jays-1-1 bottom of the 3rd and LeaAnne's Red Sox are winning 2-0 against the Detroit Tigers. Maybe this will be a good night for both of us???

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Hey, the Yankees are playing the Jays tonight. I hope those Sox tired them out real good. Go Jays :cheer


Joanne - Yes, I'll probably do some baking. I only have 3 people coming, so I'm thinking lemon cake and fresh fruit.


Stacy - How did Mia do with the house?


Shannon - Good luck with Janna's appt tomorrow.


LeaAnne - Happy Sunflower Lapghan making!


Vicki - Back to the grindstone, eh? I hope the transition back to work is smooth. When does school start?


Mary - :hi how was your day with DS?


Beth - How was your day?


Scooby & Jennifer - :hi


Have a good evening everyone!

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cheer**** :clap Hello all! Big hugs! :hug: Ah, such a long day today but worth it! I didn't get half the things done that needed to be done, but I made a huge dent. Not literally. Just figuratively. I had such a great weekend I am still on :c9. My Dad seemed to have survived, and shocks of shocks we actually found stuff done when we got home. He had mowed the lawn (which was beginning to look like the amazon jungle) and done his laundry. Now why he doesn't do that when we're home, I will never know. :think Today, first not wanting to give up my weekend quite yet :blush I checked my email first. Which took a while. Then I caught up with my favorite tv shows which had been faithfully recorded while I did laundry. :devil I felt a tiny bit guilty but not too much. After all, I was multi-tasking wasn't I? :yes Plus I knew that my sister and I were going shopping early in the morning, or at least we were planning too. Little known to us, Mom had taken her debt card without thinking so we had to wait until 12:45, Mom's lunch break, to get it. While I was waiting, I did kitchen chores. Then me and my sister "decorated" our grandmother's former sterring wheel cover with glitter, fabric ends, crocheted flowers, metal can taps, empty gum boxs, candles, and pretty much anything else we could find. Our grandmother had gone on vactation the same time we did and she kindly lent us her car to take on our trip, and for personal errand running, while she was gone. So we thought we "Thank" her by giving her a new floral wreath for her door. :devil Hey, she told us to sorta behave! Let my explain, it is annual Davis family tradition to celebrate our grandmother's return from her now annual trips to everywhere in the world by leaving a "surprise" for her. Usually we bobby trap her door so she showered by confetti when she enters the door. :yay Or one time we left a bag of glitter on her bed with a note that suggested it might have not been the only surprise we left, when we really didn't do anything. We got amusment out of that for weeks, and weeks, and weeks. Her "wreath" was just this trip's surprise. Afterall, we did replace her steering wheel cover! :lol


Finally we got to go shopping, I did a few more loads of laundry and fixed dinner. Oh and guess what, speaking of my Mema, she just called. She likes her new 'decoration'. :lol Vacumming, dusting, etc waits my DEEP Cleaning Day tommorrow!


:crocheting Crochet wise I spent the eight hour drive down and back crocheting my other Grandmother a shawl which she requested. I based it off the Butterfly Shawl posted by Holly on Crochetville, with a few adaptions of course. And oh :cheer I have another craft fair! :yay This one is in Novemeber which gives me way more time to prepare. This time I am going to use my stashed yarn, four pounds of four differently colored blue yarn in worsted weight, to crochet a afghan. I'm planning on using the rest of tonight to go pattern hunting and then using tommorrow to decide between the hundreds of patterns I bound to love.


Big love. :manyheart Hugs. :hugs :cheer And happy crocheting :hook:crocheting. I'll catch up tommorrow I promise.

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Hey ladies!


Jennifer, it sounds like you've had quite the day! I'm glad your dad took care of himself while you were away. I love the "gift" you left for your grandmother. :lol Good luck with your afghan search. I made an rr with 2 strands held together, then changed one color after about 3 or 4 rows, then changed the other after 3 or 4 rows, etc...I will have to take a picture to show what I mean but I found the basic method here at the 'Ville. It is very pretty, if I do say so myself :devil and I used the Caron Pounders (which is what made me think of it from the amount of yarn you mentioned.) Or there is always the lumberjack afghan, which I also made from Caron Pounders. So many options with that amount of yarn! :clap


Shannon, good luck with Janna's appointment!


Colleen, lemon cake and fresh fruit sound perfect for Scrabble night! :cheer Have fun. I'm glad your SIL loved the runner.


Joanne, tell your dd good luck from me! It sucks that she has 2 jobs right now- hopefully one of these interviews will work out for her.


Vicki, I bet your dogs were so happy to see you! :manyheart As for the hooks- I called the TSA directly and they are the ones who told me only wood or plastic. I can store metal in my checked baggage, but since I don't use them, that won't matter. What size are your scissors? I have folding ones, which I love...:manyheart...and they are only about 3 inches unfolded. I don't want to take them and have to leave them behind, though.


Mia was so excited to go to the house! We made 3 trips, and on the last one, our friends finally showed up. Dh was also there, so my friend and I went to the elementary school to get the enrollment paperwork. Then we went to the college that dh is attending in the fall- they have a child development center on campus. The director said it is play-based, though, and with Mia's speech issues, I'd really like to keep her in the other pre-k because it is more language- and speech-based. I found out that they can go to different schools, since the elementary schools serve k-5, and the pre-k is through the state. The elementary school is merely the "meeting place" for it. Kind of confusing. :think


Anyway...I cleaned up the living room and kitchen today, and of course took the 3 loads to the new house. Tomorrow I need to get out the clothes we are taking to MI, and dh will take the dressers to the new house while we are at karate. I did not find the color I needed for my cardi, so I bought 3 balls in a different color and will start another one. :( The new color is taupe. I wanted the citrus-lime color but I figured the taupe will go with a lot of different outfits, not just the one.


I better get scooting and pack up some more boxes. I am :tired, and cannot wait for bedtime! :night

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:hi again!


I tried watching TV tonight, but wasn't interested. DD was coughing up a storm (she has finally settled now), so I started :crocheting to keep my worrying at bay. I picked up the chevron lace cardigan pattern that Stacy gave us the link for and started working on it. I needed a break from afghan squares and to do something fun. I am using the simply soft that I bought in Ohio. It is jade, which is a very bright, happy green. I'm kinda thinking I'd prefer a muted shade for this sweater, but we'll see how it goes. The green would look nice with black pants.


Stacy, I always thought DK was a lighter weight yarn and looked it up on-line to see that it is usually weighted a 3. Simply Soft is a 4 and my sweater is kinda wavy right now. It might be the softness and lightness of the yarn, but it might be the weight. :think I might try the first few rows with a rougher acrylic ww and see if it makes any difference. Did you say you crochet tightly? I can't go out and buy a light weight yarn right now...too much yarn in the stash :lol I've got 7 rows done. It does go pretty quickly.


I'm putting down my hooks and heading for bed. Night night everyone! :hug

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:hi everybody!


Sorry I haven't been :compute lately. It's SO :hot here, and I don't have a/c in this room. I cannot stand it. Enough whining.


I've read all your posts, and there's no way I can keep up!


Colleen, how is dd? Your lemon cake and fresh fruit sound :drool.


Stacy, I love the color fade RR's! I'd love to see a picture of yours! I'm glad Mia is happy about the new house. I can't believe how much you are getting done while getting ready to go on a trip.


Jennifer, so glad you had a good weekend, and your dad showed he could take care of things better than you thought. :lol. He probably likes having his ladies take care of him. I'll bet he missed you. Your grandmother's surprise sounds adorable.


Joanne, :xfin for your dd's interview. We are :hyper waiting for good news!


Vicki, say "Woof" to your :dog for me.


Shannon, :xfin for your dd's doc appointment. I found out my dd is deaf in one ear when she was 4. It is good to know with classroom seating, so she can sit on the correct side, and teachers can be aware that she may not hear them.


LeaAnne, sure hope we get to see a :photo of your sunflowers! I cannot picture that yellow against hot pink. How did you find out they go well together?


Mary, :hug. I think taking the summer off for surgery is a very good idea! Hope you are having fun!!!


Scooby, :hi:hug

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So, how are you this morning?


Beth - It's mighty :hot here, too... I finally caved in and put in the air conditioner in the girls' room. The :fan:fan weren't cutting it this time! I hope you stay cool today, and that things are going well.

The hot pink discovery was by accident. I was needing a little bag to bring my :crocheting to the laundromat, and used one of DD's gift bags (I love using gift bags for little totes, it's fun!) anyway, the bag is hot pink. I was putting the "leaf rounds" on, and as I finished one, I would lay it on the bag, that I had laid on it's side. I looked, and :2eek Whoa!... that looks way cool! I will for sure need to try it with that color... maybe my neice would enjoy it for a :ctree gift:D


Stacy - :nworthy Wow! You are on a roll, girl! I am so happy that your Mia is going to like her new home:c9. WTG on getting the school stuff taken care of so quickly, too! Good luck with your packing today. T Minus 2 to VACATION! You and Jorge have truly earned this trip... and then some!:hug:hug


Colleen - How is your DD feeling this morning? :(So sorry that she has a bad :cough. I saw your menu for Scrabble night ...YUM! I'll be there:yay

You have a gift for pulling together menus, I think!

I am glad SIL loved the runner:manyheart I would have been shocked if she didn't! You do lovely work!


Joanne - I hope you have a great Delta Force Day!!!! It seems that the Yankees spent all of their stuff on the Sox, and the Sox were homesick:devil:lol... I hope you got to enjoy watching the game with Colleen:yay


Shannon - :xfin that Janna's appointment goes well today:hug:hug I am thinking about you both. Please be sure to say hi to Honey, BigBob and Sissie for me! btw...are YOU feeling better???


Mary - Did you and DS do anything fun yesterday? I hope you are having the best time:hug:hug


Vicki - Back to work already???? :( Wow... you didn't even really get any time to recover from your trip. How are the :dog:dog:dog? I bet they went crazy when they saw their Mama!

I hope today is good for you, and that it's not too stressful...

My kids are asking when we are going school shopping. :sigh I guess it's that time of the year, isn't it?


:hi, Jenn! You sound like you had a terrifically fun weekend!:yay I am so happy for you!... and glad that dad took good care of things for you girls while you were gone:yes

I Love the gift for your Mema...that is so cute! You sound like a very close family, and that is the greatest blessing you could ask for:manyheart

I hope you don't overdo it with the "deep clean" today...and save yourself some :crocheting time. Stacy mentioned the lumberjack 'ghan lastnight. I made one, too, and it is really cool, and fun to do! It would look nice in blue (maybe a :ctree gift for dad?)




Yesterday was a big blur... laundromat, groceries, orthodontist, football practice. I also got a good bit of cleaning done, and changed the curtains to keep the :sun and heat out. Installed the airconditioner, and put my fans in the hallway to blow some cold air into the other rooms.... it's not bad in here today, so I am glad I did it. today is supposed to be :hot again.

DH is gone to Long Island until Thursday night, so MIL is bringing us to football. Last night was the first night of "contact" with all of the gear on. Practice is 2 1/2 hours long, which I think is a little long, but the time went by surprisingly quickly. And thankfully, there was a gorgeous breeze at the field to keep things cooler.


Oh! ..and :yes I bought the batteries so I can show you girls what I've got so far. :thinkI wonder where I left the camera?:eek:lol


That's my cue... I gotta go find it... I'll be back in a while with some pics.

Have a wonderful morning, everyone!

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:hyper waiting for LeaAnne's pics :hyper


Well, DD is coughing up a storm. She has been invited to go play with her cousins this afternoon but if she doesn't improve she'll have to stay home :( Too bad because I desperately need to get out to do some errands and I don't like dragging her around when she is sick. Oh ya, and she would love it. We'll see how she does.


Thanks for the thumbs up on the scrabble night menu. Seems nice and summery to me.


It is :hot :hot :hot here too. It seems summer came late this year. Mother Nature is making up for lost time. :yes


My day: laundry, cook supper (not sure what that will be), take care of my little patient, errands if she improves, and then go to work. Tomorrow is my day off :D:yay:clap

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Colleen, I'm so sorry to hear that your dd is coughing now! Give her big :hug from me. Hopefully she will improve as the day goes on, so you can run your errands. It is no fun to go out when you're sick! As for the yarn, I have always used ww in place of dk and never had a problem. :shrug The sweater is kind of wavy but it stretches a bit with wear. (My waves went away when I tried it on.) I also think it is more because of the ripple pattern, than the yarn. My rr's tend to buckle a bit too, until they are washed.


Leanne, your accidental discovery is too funny! :heehee I also use gift bags as yarn totes! :h5 I can't wait to see those pics! It is nice of MIL to take you to football practice. :manyheart Good luck to lil' Pete! Does their team have a name yet?


Beth- I am definitely feeling how much I've done! LoLoL I was soooo tired last night. I'm purposely trying to keep myself busy so I don't think about the plane.:blush How's Quicksilver holding up to the taxiing? When do your kids start lessons again?


I don't think I'm going to get much actual moving done today. I have to go to the PO and do a change of address, run to Wal-mart, do some laundry, and pack. We had planned to get shampoo, soap, etc, the first morning we are there but I realized that we are at least going to need lens solution, so I might as well get the rest of it now, too. DD has karate tonight. She is going to miss next Tuesday, so I want her to go this week.


Which reminds me, Vicki- how did dd do on her orange belt? Did I miss a post? :think


Well I better get going and color my hair. :hug to everyone! Happy Tuesday!



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Stacy - Thanks for letting me know about the waviness. Hopefully it is just because of the ripple pattern. I'm going to stick it out at least until I section off the arms and see how it sits on my shoulders. Good luck getting all your errands and laundry done today. I don't know how you do it with 3 little ones. :nworthy


I :heart the idea of gift bags for yarn totes! I just bought a tote at the dollar store because I was running out of places to put my WIPs :blush Now I have a new storage place :clap


OK, gotta get the kid bathed and something planned for supper :think Last night I left a salad and instructions to heat up a frozen pizza or bbq chicken. DH didn't eat. :bang


Shannon - How are you feeling? How did Janna's appt go?


Stay cool everyone.

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Definitely stick through it to see how it sits. It should smooth out after you try it on. Good luck with dinner- You know that old saying, you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink? :lol You can leave the food but if he's not willing to make it- :shrug. My dh does the same thing.


Shannon- thinking of you and Janna today. How was her appt.?



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What's this, like my 3rd post today? I am in a chatty mood. :P


2 loads of laundry folded and put away, one more in the dryer. Dishwasher is running and kitchen is clean. Chicken breast in the oven...and guess what goes with it for supper...yesterday's salad! :devil

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Hi All


Yesterday I just stayed home and cleaned up a bit. Ds went to work. When he came home he made stir fry for supper.......... WOW he can cook. We watched a movie last night and I crocheted too. Iam working on dish cloths. I thought that would be the easiest to travel with.


Depending on what time Ds gets off of work today, well decide what we are doing today. I think I might walk up to wal-mart and there is some other shops there also.


So far today I have had a shower, dressed, and dishwasher going.


I will try to keep checcking in to see LeaAnne's afghan. Tonight Ds is going over to a friends to do friends car brakes. Not too sure if Ian going to or not, I will have to see.


Hope everyone is having a good day

I will be back


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:birthday Scooby!! I hope you have an awesome birthday!!


Hi everyone!! DD's hearing test went well. They don't think she has any problem hearing.:yay


I, too, cannot wait to see LeaAnne's sunflower 'ghan! I think she's teasing us, making us wait this long! Not nice!;)


Mary- I'm so glad you're having a nice, relaxing time!!


Colleen- I hope DD feels better soon! Give her a :hug from me!


Stacy- You are on a tear!! Look at you go! It's going to be so nice to have so much done before you leave.


Okay, DD is ready to lay down so I'll have to finish writing later! Have a great day everyone!:manyheart

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Hi, all -


Shannon, glad to hear that Janna's appointment went well!:clap

Colleen, hope DD is feeling a little better. dinner sounds yummy!



today is a little :thair:sigh for me... You know those days that you just can't finish anything without interruption, or even forget what you're supposed to do next? :yes that's my day.... :shrug maybe tonight will be better.


Anyway, FINALLY, I can share some pics with you all...


First, a square with the green... you can't really tell, but the outside color is caron pounder: soft sage


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here are the rest of the pics I took...

I wanted you to see the flower part with the pink, and added a close up of the stitches, and the "seeds".


Now, I am looking for advice. I am thinking to add another round of the sage, and then join in the next.

would you do a flat braid join in off-white? Or would you join-as-you go in the sage? :shrug:think




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