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The Extensor for Hand Pain

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I saw this device advertised in a crochet publication recently. As some of you may know, I have been suffering from hand and wrist pain for several months. The last time I had this, about a year ago, I got a cortisone shot and within a few days the problem was solved. This time, the cortisone shot wasn’t as effective. My doctor advised that surgery would be the next option. As with most things that go awry with out bodies, prevention is worth a pound of cure. So I investigated the Extensor a little and decided to order one.


The little tubes you see in the photo fit over your fingertips. Then you can stretch out your hand. Tension is placed on your finger muscles by 5 rubber bands giving your hand quite a workout each time you open and close your fingers. I tried it on my left hand. Although I had pre-stretched the rubber bands before my first try, they were still very tight. I found it hard to completely open my hand. However, the more often I stretched my fingers, the bands loosened up a little. I am also presently having a problem with numbness and tingling in my hands and arms so I set the Extensor aside until after my nerve conduction test this Friday. I have high hopes for this product. Perhaps I’ll be able to avoid my yearly wrist injury if I keep my hand muscles toned.


Oh, by the way, I am not associated with this product in any way. I just thought it might be helpful to some of you who have the same problem I have and have it frequently.



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I've never seen one of those before. It looks like torture! Eeeeeeek! I certainly hope it's not a rip off. If if is, go after 'em with their own product.

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Interesting. I would ask my doctor about it. There are different 'hand/wrist pain issues" and the non-surgical treatment for one is exactly the thing to make the other worse.


Example, I have tendonitis, the first time it flared up (very badly) my wrist was put in a cast for several weeks to allow the tendon quiet time to heal. I now know when it "starts up" again to stop crocheting for a while (as in, at least a month). This appliance would be the worst thing for my problem--it may the best thing for yours, but check it out first.

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I can see how that would strengthen your hands, which I need, but I'm not sure my wrists and hands could take it. I am almost certain I have nerve and muscle damage from a lifetime of typing. I think I have it in my neck too. Good luck with your nerve conduction test, let me know how you make out with that.

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wow that's really interesting. I've been having a lot of thumb pain and tension pain in my right hand. Been thinking about going to the doctor. My boyfriend bought me tension gloves yesterday and I'm going to try them tonight.

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