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Hi, Pam...

Well, I didn't list a couple of cross stitch pieces...plus tote bags filled with yarn waiting for me to start Round Ripples, etc. Those at least aren't WIPs - yet:devil

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Hi Everyone,

how the heck you are supposed to join blocks that have two different sc counts for the border. Can someone tell me what page in the thread it's on?


I agree with Julie. This is a great project to learn to " Close enough, nobody will ever notice". Trying to match absolutely perfectly will make you crazy. I think we all have slightly different methods that work, so you will find yours when the time comes.


When I did the original pattern book I was still pretty new and fought the sizes something terrible. but..I did get them all matched up eventually . I wish I had somebody telling me they could be close and not perfect, and that when joining them , it is going to work out.


I think my personal plan of attack this time around is going to be cutting out a square of cardboard to size, and making sure my starting row matches up. Then stop when it matches in height. My number of stitches on the sides should all be close. I'm thinking 23 to 25 sts each side, then joining will work out well. It's easy to jiggle that little difference together when joining.

Fact is, I do that all the time due to mistakes in counting. :rofl


That's my theory anyway. :hook

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Hi Pam, your square is pretty, and a really pretty color. It looks like a shade of yellow to me, and its so great to see the daffodils blooming. It'll be a while before mine are up.



Nice to meet you too. And a gardener. :cheer


We're rapidly approaching the mid-season bulbs now, and most of the small early flowering trees are in early bloom. Spring is my favorite, so I have bulbs tucked everywhere. But need to walk the garden each day or I miss things ... it all changes so fast.

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Hi, Pam...

Well, I didn't list a couple of cross stitch pieces...plus tote bags filled with yarn waiting for me to start Round Ripples, etc. Those at least aren't WIPs - yet:devil


That's okay. Your secret's safe with me. :lol

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Nice to meet you too. And a gardener. :cheer


We're rapidly approaching the mid-season bulbs now, and most of the small early flowering trees are in early bloom. Spring is my favorite, so I have bulbs tucked everywhere. But need to walk the garden each day or I miss things ... it all changes so fast.


Yes, I'm a gardener too, and since we've had some mild weather the past two weeks, a few green tips are showing. However, we still have a lot of snow on the ground. It will be a while before anything is really growing here.


In a week or so I will probably start growing flowers in the basement, just so I can get my hands dirty. I have a potting table and a bunch of shelves with grow lights set up down there. Then my problem will be what to do with all the plants. I've been known to present seedlings to the UPS and FedEx drivers.

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Good morning all my 63 ladies --


Hope you are all up and raring to go for another week .I spent some time yesterday on my squares and decided to go ahead and start joining my squares as I get enough for a row, so I now have one row of 7 done, and an extra square made, so I am going to see how many I can get done this week ,maybe possibly a second whole row ?


I don;t know ..


Anyhow, cards will be dropped this morning --leaving the house in a few minutes, so those who completed squares last week and showed photos ,who I have addresses for ,will receive cards later this week .


I hope to see more pretty squares this coming week on Photo Friday !!!


Let me throw out a challenge :


I challenge you to complete 3 squares this week.


Any takers ????



I'll be waiting to see what we have on Friday for picture day !!!


Good luck everyone !

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Cindy, I didn't know you had such a green thumb!


Jules, I definitely want to make progress on this, so I accept your challenge!

3 squares this week.


Too bad it doesn't count the square face cloth I made last night:lol

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Good morning everyone.


Judy, my green thumb is hereditary. Both my grandmothers and my parents are gardeners. I haven't been as active in my gardens as I used to be though. ever since I hurt my back two years ago, its been harder to keep them up. It doesn't take much to get my back in trouble, so I tend to be very careful.


Julie, I will accept your challenge too.

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Good for you guys, Jude & Cindy !!!


I threw down the gauntlet and you picked it up . (whatever the heck that means )



Cindy- do you have any pictures of your yard ? Do you garden such as in flowers or vegetables or both ?

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Julie, I doubt if I have pictures, although I'll look. I take lots of pictures of individual flowers, but rarely of a whole area. And it doesn't always look that great. We live on 10 acres, most of which is wooded, so the shade limits my gardening. I grow mostly flowers, although I plant a few tomatoes and other veggies every year as well.

Mostly I just never got over my love of playing in dirt!

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Wow, 10 acrs must be paradise for some who loves growing plants ! Maybe you'll be able to take some photos this year when things start growing. I bet you really get antsy for spring to come if you like working in the yard so much . Do you have a deck or patio to sit outdoors a lot to enjoy it ?

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Julie, It would be if I could get DH to cut down some trees. Instead, he keeps planting more.


I have lots of places to sit outside, and enjoy the property, a covered front porch, a covered patio opening from the family room, and two decks, one outside the dining area and another off the living room. (It's the roof for the family room patio) We also have two firepits that are surrounded with benches in back of our house.

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Good Morning or Afternoon. :D


I wish I could take your challenge Julie, but i still have no book. The estimated date is the 11th and I have a feeling they are going to push it to the exact date. :angry I checked this a.m. and it is still in Mass. so it is closer. :cheer If I get it soon than I will do your challenge.


Have a great day!! :manyheart

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Tam, Beautiful square. Your flowers are way ahead of ours here in Illinois. Just getting rid of the snow. ( Still piles in parking lots etc) DBF and daughter's DBF got out Saturday and tilled a few passes over the garden. They all do the garden part because I'm not much help there. Going to start plants this week I think. About 6 weeks before we can start to think about outdoor planting. Produce from last year sure tasted good this winter. That and venison from deer harvest sure has helped with this winter's grocery bill. Hope my squares turn out as pretty as yours. Take care. Wanda

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Hi there everyone, I like the sound of that new challenge but I'm not going to commit to it for I don't want to jinx myself and have another RA flare up where I can't crochet for a day or more, so quietly I'll just will crochet some squares. :D


I had a great day today food shopping, washing clothes and going to lunch with my grown son, It was nice just sharing a bite with him.


Unbelieveable, I didn't pick up a hook or a knitting needle this week-end, I guess I was just tired from enjoying the beautiful mild weather we have been having. I did miss doing my crafts but I also needed some me relaxing time. Now I'm roaring to crochet. :crocheting


Julie as far as redecorating my kitchen and bathroom, I am doing the bathroom in grass green rugs, and grass green/white shower curtain. I couldn't find the color green window curtains that I wanted so I'm making them. As far as the kitchen is concern I am using periwinkle color rug for by the kitchen sink, and the table cloth has periwinkle in it with roosters. Kind of cute. I plan on replacing all the bathroom and kitchen pictures from the christmas store for they carries some nice pictures.

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Good job, Jude ! You are on the ball !



Cheeria -

It's fine, you dont have to do the challenge, only if you want to .


Your colors for your rooms sound pretty. It'll brighten things up . I'm glad you had a nice time with your son .

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