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Look at this!

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That really is a pretty yarn canister....indeed. The only ones that I've ever seen were just the plain plastic see-thru kind.

That was a nice find. Thanks for sharing!

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Actually, my Gram had a similar one but it was made as and intended for a big ball of kitchen twine that they used to use years and years ago. I have no idea who ended up with hers-probably my SIL.

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Hi, Thanks so much for sharing your find. I have been looking for something like this to help decorate my new craft room, I saw one once when we were out antiqueing but now that I wanted one I went back and it had been sold so now, thanks to you, I have a chance to get one that while different will be just as good. My hubby told me to go for it, so wish me luck girls.

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I actually own one of them it is very charming, but much much smaller then you would expect. It won't hold yarn and even a average thread won't fit only a very small thread will fit but its a cute decoration.

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I've never seen these.

I make my own dispensers but it's difficult to make the hole smooth enough so it doesn't wear too much on the yarn. I would love to own one actually made for the purpose.

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I thankyou could take a big cookie container and make oneAt least I would give it a try

All one would need to do, is get a can or whatever , use an enamel paint , buy some clipart (they sell silhouette clip art) from Dover Publications, & there you have it...You could make any size you want...

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