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My husband crocheted this weekend ;)

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So my husband finished replacing a wall in our bathroom this weekend and when he got done with the electric saw he was using he picked up the extension cord and crocheted it with his hands and arms so that it wouldn't get tangled up. It was so neat looking and it did seem to keep it nice and tangle free. I've never even heard of someone doing that to a cord. Then he tells me that it works great for Christmas lights too.... Now, we have been together for 12 years... He has seen me struggling and even helped me untangle Christmas lights, and I know he didn't just now learn to crochet either, because he's the person who taught me how to get that first knot thingy done to get me started on crocheting. He had to show me because my mother is left handed and trying to learn from her was just not working out lol. So anyhow, I was like...Hey! Why didn't you tell me that YEARS ago!!! Silly men =)

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That is so funny! My DH rolls his 100 ft. extension cord that way and wanted to argue with me the first time I told him it was crochet! :lol He proceeded to tell me it was how he learned in the Army, which makes it manly and not the slightest bit anything to do with crochet! :lol:lol

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That is so funny! My DH rolls his 100 ft. extension cord that way and wanted to argue with me the first time I told him it was crochet! :lol He proceeded to tell me it was how he learned in the Army, which makes it manly and not the slightest bit anything to do with crochet! :lol:lol



I should have asked him where he learned it, but I bet it was either from his dad who was career Air Force, or he could have learned it when he was in the Marine Corps. My hubby actually does know how to crochet with a hook and yarn, he can knit also. His mother taught him when he was little. He was embarrassed to tell me that, but oddly enough, my father could also crochet, knit and tat.

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It is so weird how men no longer do these things in our society. Used to it WAS the men who netted their fishing nets, embroidered, knitted, (and probably crocheted) for a living and belonged to the Guilds. They didn't always make "manly" items either! And, they were very well paid for it.

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When we tied up our horses we use to "crochet" it to a post/tree/etc. Its called a quick release. That way if something happened you needed to get the horse loose quick you just pulled the end and it would come undone, but if the horse pulled on the end attached to the halter it would just tighten up.



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I had forgotten about the trick of "chaining" an extension cord. I first learned about it years ago after my first husband had left me and I was now doing the yardwork as well as the housework. A neighbor was visiting me and showed me how one of her sons "chained" their extension cord. I told her that her son knew how to crochet.

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I've always done that to the cords for mini-blinds. Instead of cutting the extra part of the strings down, I'd just chain them and put a little knot in the end so they're not dangling in the way. I can see how it would work well for an extension cord too.

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