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Who is Martha Stewart?

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Scroll down a ways and then you will see this kid who is heavyset with headset on. Click on his picture (on the right hand side) and it will take you to the video!!


Scroll down where, there isn't any place to scroll down to on here.

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First off - Marth - ugh! Don't care for her personally. She does have some nice things, and while I don't like her, I can still like her things!

Second - the video is one of my favorites that is floating around the net! We watched it on the beamer (projected from the computer onto the wall) at work one day because we all agreed that the guy is the spitting image of my boss at the time...he was a great bloke from the UK and even did his own rendition of the song....hilarious!

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Oh and those letters are funny. I"ve seen some others on Martha Steward that are really funny. never heard of Erma though.




Yes, the letters were funny. Erma Bombeck was a very popular columnist back a few years ago. Crazy, disorganized mom stuff was her specialty. My mom and I both thought she was just great. Unfortunately, she died a few years ago, but I'm sure her books are still around.


Her column about Thanksgiving is priceless! (putting the turkey into the dryer to defrost it!)

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Eh, I like Martha okay. I admit that I used to watch "Living" almost every day because she really did have some nifty projects on her show. As for her coming up with all the ideas herself...well...I think not.


Now Erma Bombeck on the other hand...I love love love her. Sadly, she passed away in 1996 after a kidney transplant. When I had to go in for gallbladder surgery the only thing that kept me going was laying in my hospital bed reading "The grass is always greener over the septic tank" and "If life is a bowl of cherries, what am I doing in the pits?" True, the laughing hurt my sore belly, but it was worth it.

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I heard that the poncho was a publicity thing, that she paid some chick in prison to make it for her (or something similar/handmade whatever) since that is kind of her thing, and she wanted to get people talking about her in a good way.



(cant find the links to that story darn it!)


I dont know if that is true or not....but martha is pretty wierd.


I think she may be a robot or something!


but yeah, good cookies lol



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Well, I just have to weigh in on my take on Martha Stewart:


Whether you love her or you hate her, if you are truly informed about her life, you have to admit that she is a marketing/business genious. I have to say that I mostly like her, in spite of her faults. Hey, I have said for years, "Any woman who can take the usually not-so-glamorous job of running a household and turn it into a multi-billion dollar enterprise, has my admiration!" Yes, I think some of her projects are over the top, but she does still have some really good ideas, too.

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