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... your granny squares?


I'm in the process if sewing in ends on granny squares and it got me wondering how every one else does their squares. These are only my second batch of them so I don't have a ton of experience with them. But I did them in sort of an assembly line fashion and was wondering if that is how others do them.


I did a square with a flower in the center, then a row of green and finished off with a row of off white. I did all the flowers, then sewed in all the ends on them. Next I did the green row on all of them, followed by the white rows. After that I sewed in all the ends then started connecting them.


So do you do your squares in steps, like I did above? Or do you totally complete one square, no matter how many colors, before you start the next? Do you sew in your ends as you go or after all are finished?


For those that have done a lot more squares than me, do you find one way is faster than the other?


I'm just curious, what do you do? :hook

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I complete one whole square at a time, because I like seeing my stack of finished squares grow as I go.


And I whipstitch over the ends as I'm sewing the squares together. I do think that's faster than weaving in the ends, then sewing the squares together, because the way I do it completes two steps at the same time. :hook

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I make my squares, weave in all ends, and then sew them together. Usually I will try to sort of sew as I go, meaning as soon as I have all of the squares for a row, I will sew that row together, and then sew that row to any other completed rows. I really hate sewing, so I find breaking it up with the crocheting is a bit easier.


If there is a motif I am sewing to the square (I recently made and afghan with pansy flowers sewn onto some of the squares), then I would make the square, make the motif and sew them together, enough for a row, then sew the squares together to make the row, and then sew that row to any finished rows. I did it that way in the hopes of not going crazy from all the sewing, since the sewing got broken up with crocheting.

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Hmmm, I am actually working on a ghan now that has 40 2 row grannys in the center and then is bordered with the same granny style stitch. Anyway, I find the quickest way to do this is assembly line style. I made the centers in white, the second row in hot pink. I use the continuous crochet to join the saltines and it adds a third row to the square. 2 days 40 squares complete and 35 squares connected. I will tack on the rest of the squares today and start the border tonight. With this type of square/ crochet, I crochet over the tails, just makes it easier. If I miss any, I will weave them in later.

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