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Why Is It You Love Crochet So Much?

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I've always enjoyed making things but had nothing I was passionate about until I taught myself to crochet. I'm a mediocre knitter & seamstress but I kick butt at crochet (blowing my own trumpet? darned right!)

I love the portability of crochet, if I have hospital appointments or even a bus ride longer than 10 mins I have my hook in my hand and my "shhh I'm counting" face on ;) and that counting plays a big part in why I take crochet to the hosp' etc. When I am anxious or worried I count things, wallpaper pattern repeats and waiting room tiles....but with the crochet I have the counting combined with something to occupy me so I'm not as anxious and something pretty and useful (or not!) at the end of the day :crocheting

I envy those of you who were taught by Mother or Grandmother or Aunt no one else in my family crochets. My paternal G'ma was an awesome knitter but had no patience to teach a clumsy tomboy how to do it, which is why I'm still a beginner knitter after about 30 years knitting. My Mum got rid of all of my G'mas pattern booklets because they were old-fashioned, I'm scouring ebay & charity shops to find some of these patterns that I remember Mammar having, I don't necessarily want to knit them I just don't want them to be abandoned :blush

Another thing I love about crochet is the fact that I am rarely stumped for a gift for anyone, new baby? Blanket. Old Auntie in a wheelchair now? Blanket. Teenage niece camping at Download this summer? BLANKET. :D My sons girlfriend often see's me making things and says "awww Karan...could you make me one please?" so of course I do! :manyheart

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I have crocheted for 37 years. I love to make things and give them away. I made baby afghans for all my great-nieces and great-nephews (a total of 18). One niece was always excited to see what I would make for her baby. She now is getting ready to have a grandchild, so that grandbaby will get an afghan from me.


We also keep our grandsons in the evenings and once they are asleep, I get to relax and crochet. I love to crochet while watching TV (especially when watching sports with DH), I just can't stand to sit there with nothing to do. I also do a lot in the drs offices while waiting.


For me it is relaxing and a way to forget about the troubles of the day.

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This is just my personal story. no preaching or anything like that.


I love crochet because it is a visible proof of the gift of creativity that God has given me. All that I crochet is given in Jesus' name to make someone's day brighter. Believe it or not, I just had this conversation yesterday with a sister in Christ. I had been thinking about this for several days before that as well


Little old ladies (oops that would be me) are loving the warm shawls they now have.


Little girls have eye candy and lots of pretty things for dolly.


Little girls in school have really neat and pretty scarves and hats.


Preemies get their hats and blankies.


Animal shelters have pet snugglies to make life a little softer :cat


Lapghans help to chase the chills.


All of this is possible because God loves me and uses me to get His work done here on earth. God has blessed this ministry in my life and I love being loved. :manyheart.

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I love crocheting for so many reasons. It is relaxing, calming and gives me a sense of pride when I finish something. I love to make things for others especially for charity. To know that something I made is helping someone else is a wonderful feeling. The main reason that I love it so much is because of my grandmother. Nanny taught me how to crochet when I was a teenager. She had 10 kids and they had 23 kids in all. I am the only one who carries on the crafts that she taught me, mainly crochet. Nanny passed away in 2004 which pretty much devestated me. I spent a year in mourning, not doing much of anything other than moping and crying. On the one year anniversary of her death, I came out of my funk and started living again. Now when I crochet, I feel like part of her lives on. Especially when I am teaching someone new to crochet. It's like handing a part of her down to a new generation.

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There is just something about crocheting that tugs at the creative side of me so that I can never really put it aside for any length of time...The feel of the yarn as it pulls through my fingers, the magic of weilding the hook as I build, stitch upon stitch, a fabric of warm

texture and cool design. Finishing a project fills me with a sense of accomplishment and then joy when I share my 'gift' with another. Sometimes I reflect on the fact that I have touched every inch, yard, mile(?) of yarn that makes up any given piece of work, and then it occurs to me that whatever I may have thought or felt along the way has also been woven into each piece that I have created (ergo my signature)...The wedding afghan for the newlyweds is stitched with so many best wishes, the shawl for an ailing aunt, linked with a host of prayers, not to mention the the revisited moments of life that are pulled up while pulling a loop through..........Other than that...It's FUN! = : D

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I've been crocheting for about 42 years, and it doesn't matter how many things I've already made, or what they were, I just never get past the amazement that they all came from technically nothing more than a piece of string and a hook. Nothing else. No saws or hammers or glues or anything else, just a piece of string and a hook, and it adds up to blankets and toys and clothes and dishcloths and jewelry and countless other things! Unless something else needs to occupy my hands, I've got a crochet hook in them.

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