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Blues Bottle Cap Hot Pad Present


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Hi all,


Haven't posted in a while, been really busy! Anyway, I made this hot pad using bottle caps (bought them in silver on the internet). I used 3 different shades of Luster Sheen, Spa Blue, Medium Blue (for the darkest caps) and I forgot the color of the 3rd one. I found the instructions on free patterns but I changed them because I didn't want a hole in the center of each cap.


I never did anything like this before but my sister loved the picture of it and with lots of trial and errors, I finally got the hang of it. Now I want to make the Grape Cluster one with the Green Leaves.


I was not too thrilled with the Lustersheen, not enough "luster" for me except for the Spa Blue color. Have no idea what thread to pick for the color Purple (for the Grape Cluster Hot Pad).


Pictures, I hope they are not too big and my cat got into one of the pictures! I hope my sister will like this.










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This is so cool !!!! I love it!!!!! Never saw anything like it. Can you post the pattern or a link to it? Thanks so much for sharing !!

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Of course! I will link the pattern and then give you the pattern that I used (I didn't like the original pattern). I used Red Heart Lustersheen (not the balls but the skeins). And a Susan Bates crochet hook (size is not on it).





This is the Grape Cluster Hot Pad I want to make:




Hmm, I don't think links are working. I went to Crochet Pattern Central, then to Pot Holders and Hot Pads, then clicked on Bottle Cap Hot Pad. Underneath that Free Pattern is another one for the Purple Grape Hot Pad.


Below are the instructions I created as I went along (after much trial and error!!!).



My version of crocheted Hot Pad:


After making knot, I chained 3 (not too loose, not too tight). Leave at least a 1 inch "tail"


Note 1: Don't turn


Note 2: Don't crochet "tail" from beginning, you will need this to insert into hole into center (I didn't want any holes to show).


Note 3: I inserted hook into 2 threads already made, not 1 thread


1. Slip st into 1st chain made (after 3 chains made), chain 1

2. 6 more sc inside center of circle (total of 7 stitches), slip stitch into last stitch made (throughout), chain 1

3. 2 sc (1 chain already made from chain 1) inside each stitch already made (14 stitches), slip stitch into last stitch made, chain 1

4. 2 sc inside each stitch already made (28 stitches), slip stitch into last stitch made, chain 1

5. 2 sc inside 1 stitch, 1 sc inside next 3 st., 2 sc inside 1 stitch, go around


Now comes fudging:


6. 1 sc in next 2 stitches, skip 1 stitch, go around, end with slip stitch and chain 1


7. I then placed Silver Bottle Cap next to work


8. Crocheted around until I had enough "space" to insert bottle cap (thread gets stretchy).


9. Before I inserted cap, I took tail from beginning and pulled it through center hole (didn't cut it but placed it inside).


10. Then I inserted cap and crocheted around using sc and slip stitches until it was all covered.


11. I didn't leave any thread but knotted it and weaved in the knot.


Sewing together: I used a needle and long piece of same color thread depending on the color caps.


I started in the center with the darker blues and only worked in the edges of each cap connecting another cap. 4 caps in center. Changed thread to medium blue caps to match. Same method of sewing. Same for light blue color, used a really, really long piece of thread so I was able to connect all the light blues.



Hope this helps! :)


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Those are sooo neat..... I remember those.... My grandmother made them and the grape one.... Have you thought of making them out of the plastic soda bottle tops? You know, the 2 liter bottles?... Wonder if it can be done? I like the shape you put them in... Can't wait to see the grape one!GBU!:):)

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Thanks everyone! :yay


It was my sister that found it and showed it to me as she doesn't crochet. How she found the pattern is beyond me but she finds everything! LOL!


So first we thought we would save bottle caps and then the more I thought about it, I wanted new ones. The Silver Bottle Caps were really cheap on the internet. I don't think I am allowed to say where I bought them from.


Anyway, I guess Plastic Caps from Soda could work, I don't know.. The silver would hold the heat (if one is actually going ito use it for a hot pad) where the plastic may melt. My sister already told me she is NOT using it but will display it in her kitchen. It's a Birthday present for her.


I am sort of "capped out" right now but want to buy the Purple and Green Thread for the Grape Cluster Hotpad in case I get in a "cappy" mood...



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