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Some good clean fun?!

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Yes, down days are a must. I need a lot of down time, personally, and I think kids do too.


Well, I better go see if I can hold DH true to his 20 more minutes.


It has been so nice to chat with you :hug I might give that recipe a try sometime soon. Thanks!

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:lol If you need a Barbie fix come on over. I think last we counted DD was up to 17. She received 6 in one week as gifts at Christmas time :ohdear


I miss babies too. They are so fun! My girl is getting so big so fast!

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Had a nice time at the party- even if it was a little loud (lots of 6/7 year olds!). Watching the olympics- it's time for Ohno to race!


Hope everyone had a very nice Saturday evening. And Colleen- that is neat that dinner was finished and all cleaned up and it was still light out!! I love that it stays light a little later every day!!!


Stacy- thinking of you and hope you are having a nice time at BIL's house.


What an amazing race by Ohno- he will now be racing in the final!!!!

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:morcoffee Good morning, and Happy Sunday!


Joanne, enjoy your day of rest today.


Mary, I hope you are feeling OK after your fall.


Colleen, I'm glad you were done with all your chores before it was dark outside. I hope you got to enjoy the sun.


Stacy, How's the roadtrip? Family time is excellent.


Vicki, Are you having a great weekend? How was the tournament?


Shannon, What are you and your chicken doing today?


LeaAnne, What are you and your chickens doing today? My dd never played with babies or Barbies. She was into stuffed animals, particularly beanie babies. She and her twin had over a hundred. They all had a name, and this very involved storyline that they followed. I couldn't play with them, it was over my head! Ah, memories!


Sarah, Here's some extra hugs. :hug:hug:hugI'm thinking about you and df's family.


Scooby, You are on my mind lately, girl. I hope you are doing OK.


C4J, Tena, Frogger, and everyone else, have a Sunny Sunday!


The swim meet wasn't my favorite, though it was a quick one. "High" points: a dad smacked a kid, knocked him down. The boy wasn't his kid. The dad found the boy's mom and told her, and she said he should have hit the boy harder. My son usually brings home all blue ribbons. Yesterday there was a new swimmer on another team, and Robert came in second in everything.


I'm ahead in my assigned afghan crocheting, so today, I'm just going to crochet to relax, except for working on a hat while the boys are doing their volunteer thing.


Hope you all have a great day.

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Good morning! Happy Relaxing Sunday!! And Go USA Hockey Team!!!


Beth- Glad you are ahead with your assigned afghan crocheting so you get to crochet to relax- what do you plan to make with your relaxing time? Glad the swim meet was a quick one- and I'm sorry but I don't get why one of the Dad's smacked a kid, knocking him down or why the Mom of the kid said he should have smacked him harder. And 2nd place isn't too shabby-. Look at Ohno in speedskating last night- he took bronze in his race last night. Kudos to Robert. Is he the son that is looking into nursing? any decisions yet?


Vicki- Bet you are still on:c9 and doing the happy dance!!! How did DD do at her DI competition yesterday? Did you get to :crocheting while watching?


Colleen- Enjoy your Sunday- what's for dinner tonight? i took out chicken- not sure how I'm going to make it yet. I got chicken on the brain reading about your chicken dinner and LeaAnne's chicken dinner!


LeaAnne- Last day of vacation today and then it's back to school for the 'chickens' and then I guess you go back to work too?


Mary- hope your back is feeling ok and that you are :manyheart every minute of time with your DK's and DGK's


Sarah- Thinking of you and DF and family and sending :hug


Shannon- How was your evening at Honey and Big Bob's? And how is Miss Janna?- Here are some :cheer:hug:manyheart:yay:cheer for her!!!


I think I'm going to make some eggs and english muffins for breakfast and then pick up the ole:hook and :yarn


Have a wonderful day!

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:waving, friends...


today is the last day of vacation. tomorrow we are all back at school and work. I don't feel well:(. sore throat, :cough, achy everywhere, an dmy voice is gone. I just wanted to say hi quick while I was up.


I hope you all have a great day, and please know I am remembering you all in my thoughts and prayers today (and every day)


:hug:hug to all...

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HI gang!

Tournament yesterday was good! DD had a great time and her team did well. We need to call her coach and find out the final results since we didn't stay for the awards assembly part. That wasn't going to start until 6 p.m. and I didn't want to be hanging around there until 6 when I had been there all day. So we came home and I made dinner and it is a good thing I did come home because I started to not feel well after dinner. I woke up still not feeling well, but I had to get the laundry done and get the grocery shopping done.

This afternoon we went to the mall to get hubby some pants and some new shoes for his new job :lol:clap:cheer! I spent a lot of money, but he needed it, so what can I do? Then we came home. DD is outside playing, hubby is looking to see how the fish are, and I get to sit and relax for the first time all day.

I did get to crochet at the tournament though. I worked on the baby blanket and I started DD's scarf. It was cute; after DD's first team challenge, the team was walking down the hall holding their team sign humming Hail to the Chief. They were having fun and they were not really bothering anyone, so we just let them go.

LeaAnne - Yes, I am happy the hubby got a job, but I am going to lose my house elf. That I am sad about. I think I would rather have the job, though. I can always give him something to do on days that he works late!

Mary - I hope your back is feeling better. Are the kids spoiling you?

Shannon - Sorry the hockey game didn't happen. Maybe next time Janna will be okay with it.

Stacy - Hope "cousin" time is good!

Joanne - Glad to hear the party was fun and that the trip to Trader Joe's was a success! Have fun teaching DD how to crochet! She will soon take after her momma!

Beth - How are you today? How is crocheting for the relaxation of it? You have to love that!

Have a great rest of the Sunday afternoon all! Talk to you tomorrow!

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:hi everyone! Just taking a break from the hockey game to say hi!


LeaAnne - I hope you feel better soon. Sleep, drink fluids, sleep. :yes


Vicki - So happy to hear that DD had fun at her tournament. And :yay for buying new duds for DH's new job.


Joanne - I hope you enjoyed a relaxing day at home. The birthday party sounds fun. Did the little girl like her throw?


Beth - WTG to your DS at the swim meet! :cheer


Have a great evening everyone!

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Just wanted to stop by and say hello!


Sarah- I hope the birthday party was filled with family and happiness today. :hug


LeaAnne, I hope you're feeling better!


I still have lots to do tonight and I'd love to crochet, so I better get my badorkas in gear! I'm thinking of you all! Love ya!

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Quick hi while watching the hockey game- what a great game!!! One minute left. USA winning!!! USA just scored another goal!!!!


Colleen- I got a text message from my stepdaughter this morning- " a little girl I know slept with a new blanket-she loves it-it is now her 'blankie'. So, yes, step grandaughter loved it!! Sorry about your Canadian hockey team- but this was a good game!


Vicki- Must have felt nice to have to buy new duds for Dh's new job (even if you had to spend $, it must have felt good knowing tht within a week he'll be working again!!!



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Good morning everyone!


Colleen- so sorry you are sad that Team Canada lost, but take heart my friend- they are not out of it yet- they played a good hockey game. Hope you have a:) on today!


LeaAnne- hope you are feeling better today and got to rest yesterday!


Stacy- Can't wait to hear all about your weekend- hope it was lots of fun!


Beth, Vicki, Mary, Shannon, Sarah- Thinking of you all and hoping that today is all you want it to be.


Time to get ready and begin a long work-week! :hug

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Thanks for your sympathy ladies. I am off to work this morning. We are expecting a pretty decent snowstorm here today.


LeaAnne - I hope you are feeling better.


Joanne and Vicki - I hope your work week starts off right.


Shannon - Did you get lots done? How is Janna today?


Mary - How is your back? Thinking about you!


Beth - How are you and your inventions today?


Stacy - How was your weekend away?


:hi Scooby, Sarah, Chaya, Frogger, Judy, Jen and all our friends! We're thinking about you!

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Sorry I missed you Shannon! :hi

The snow is falling, leftovers for supper, and I have NO motivation to do housework. I feel more like curling up with a book or my hook and yarn. But, it has to be done. If I could just find my MP3 player I could do it with some tunes, but it is missing :(

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:hi everyone! Quiet here today. I managed to do some tidying, I made a macaroni and cheese casserole to go with our leftovers, and I shoveled the driveway. Oh ya, and I found my MP3 player :clap I hope everyone had a fantastic day!
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Very quiet day here- hope everyone had a good day!

Colleen- how much snow are you expected to get?


LeaAnne- hope you are feeling a little better.


Mary- You must be having fun with the DK's and GK's! And, I hope your back is feeling better.


Shannon- how was your day?


Stacy- Can't wait to hear all about your trip.


Beth and Vicki- no morning posts from you? Hope all is well!


I had a long day- didn't get out until 6:15 and got home around 7 since I had to stop for milk and bread. DH is not home yet. Some of his staff took him out to dinner tonight- this is his last week at his current position.


Good news! I may not have to work this weekend!! Nothing definite- I'll know by Thursday or so. That would be so awesome! Fingers crossed, but if we have to, we have to!


Off to grab something to eat- I'm starving!!!


Hugs to all!!! (and I am thinking of all of you!!)

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