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Good Saturday morning, Besties o' mine!


Vicki!!!:yay:yay Yippee!!:elle:elle:dance:2rock:jumpyay I am so freakin' happy for you! Cabbage Patch, Running Man, and Sprinkler all going on over here! I'd like to make a toast.:party Here's to stress-less days and a happy hubby who loves his new job!!:hug:hug


LeaAnne- :blush You are so sweet! I'm so glad you are having fun with your chickens! What's candlepin and big-balls? I don't know much about bowling.


Mary- :hugHow are you feeling today hun? I hope you are having so much fun with your chickens and grandchickens! I wish I was there to enjoy it with you!


Colleen- Your DD sounds wise beyond her years. I know my sister would live up to her expectations.:rofl Yay for PJ day! Just make sure you don't go to the store like that!:heehee


Joanne- I hope you are enjoying Trader Joe's with your DD. Did you tell me she's going to NO next month? You should go with her!! Enjoy the birthday party later. I know she's going to :manyheart the blanket!


Stacy- Hope you're having fun with the fam! Are the girls enjoying their "cousin time"?


Beth- :hug:hug to you today. I hope your day is filled with smiles and joy!!


Sarah- Keith is so sweet!:manyheart I hope you got some down time yesterday. Thank you so much for keeping us updated. :hug:hug to everyone!


Well, last night was a bust! We went to the hockey game for...oh...5 minutes. DD got upset and said it was too loud, so we had to leave.:( But we got to see the pink ice! For breast cancer awareness, this weekend is Pink in the Rink. It was pretty cool!

So then we went to Bass Pro to find DD some galoshes, but they didn't have her size. So we came home. But at least we got out and had some family time.


Have a wondeful day everyone!! I think we're spending the night at Honey's tonight, so I'll be checking in from there! Love ya!!:manyheart

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Oh what a treat, all these happy Saturday posts!


Vicki's DH has a new job :hyper:D That just feels wonderful over here - I can just imagine how great that feels in Texas! :clap


LeaAnne had fun family time with her chickens :manyheart Oh ya, and I am LOVING little Pete right now for hoping Canada wins (more than usual that is, of course I always love little Pete). He obviously doesn't remember 2002 in Salt Lake City :lol:rofl


Shannon got to see the pink ice (sorry about Janna not liking the noise :( although I can certainly understand that...was this a Mudbugs game?). Have fun at Honey's tonight! And LeaAnne is right, you are a wonderfully independent woman and a great mom! Here's a :hug for all you do!


Beth - Have fun at the swim meet. Try to make it fun! :hug


I went shopping and had a little fun with that. Didn't buy a whole bunch, but just enough to scratch an itch :lol I petted the yarn but did not buy. :D Don't worry Shannon, I didn't go in my PJs. :heehee DD and DH were playing hockey in the garage when I got home :manyheart I think we'll turn on some Olympics now. Oh ya and the snowmobile repair came out to be considerably more than $450. :tryme I think I've got some yarn to whip up into something so that I can buy that flannelghan yarn. Guilt free. :yes

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I hope you girls don't mind. DD got very excited about using the smilies!

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Shannon- Love the smiley's from Janna! Give her a big:hug for putting a :) on my face.


DD and I had fun at Trader Joe's! I picked her up at the train station and then we went over to Trader Joe's and parked the car. We walked to a cute little diner (really retro) and I had whole wheat pancakes for breakfast which were delish. Then over to Trader Joe's- I love that store- I can see why Stacy loves it so much too! I am sitting her right now with a cup of Joe's Dark Coffee- thanks Stacy for the recommendation! It is awesome-ness and the price was so good!!! I also bought the frozen meat-less meatballs and some meatless chicken nuggets. Can't wait to try them and see if DH notices- he is a very picky eater- and loves his meat! I got brown rice pasta because I had never heard of it and it sounded good since I love brown rice and I love pasta!!I also got a few other types of pastas- very interesting selection. I love butternut squash soup and guess what they had? Yup, you guessed it- organic butternut squash soup! I also got some of the greek yogurt with granola, and some dried apricots and some dark choc covered raisins as a treat. They have so many neat things there, but most of my $ was spent on DD's groceries (isn't that what Mom's are for?:yes) She was so greatful- she said she thought she went a little overboard, but I told her that I am proud of her for going back to school and for working so hard to make that work. She felt guilty so i told her to consider it part of her birthday present which is in March.


Again, I have been on :c9 just thinking how happy Vicki and her DH must be today!!! It just warms my heart:manyheart!!


LeaAnne- Good to hear from you and how fun- family bowling!!! Funny, I may be going bowling Tuesday night w/some of my co-workers- Vicki must be rubbing off. Congrats on beating DH :devil That always feels good!!!


Shannon- The DD that is going to New Orleans is my oldest - the one who lives in Boston, and boy don't I wish I could go with her- but alas, that is the last weekend of the month and I'll be working!


Colleen- Glad you didn't go to the store in your PJ's:lol. Sorry that the snowmobile repair was more than the 450, but now you can truly buy yarn for the flannelghan guilt free:yes Enjoy the rest of your Saturday!!!


Beth- I hope that the day turns out wonderful and so much more than you hope for. Good luck to DS in the swim meet! I brought my yarn along when I went to the train station and did a few rows while waiting, and then again, while DD and I were waiting in the car for her train to come to take her back home. She has decided she wants to come one day to learn how to crochet. I had tried to teach her last summer. She said she'll find her hook and come one Saturday or Sunday, pick out some yarn and she wants to learn again. She said she sees people on the train crocheting all the time :hook


Well, I'd better skedaddle- we will be leaving soon to head to the birthday party!


Have a great rest of the day everyone!!!!:hug

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Well, DH just told me "I don't know where I got 4:00 from" The party is at 6:30! WHAT!!!:eek Are you kidding me???? I wouldn't have cut short my visit with DD if I had known that! ! Oh, well, I'll put the Olympics on, :crocheting and do a load of laundry while I patiently wait!:yes

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Well, DH just told me "I don't know where I got 4:00 from" The party is at 6:30! WHAT!!!:eek Are you kidding me???? I wouldn't have cut short my visit with DD if I had known that! ! Oh, well, I'll put the Olympics on, :crocheting and do a load of laundry while I patiently wait!:yes


Continuing your good attitude, Joanne. Good for you! Consider it found time.




Ho hum, I've got the chicken on for dinner, even though it is only 3:00. I think I'm not used to quiet days anymore. I did 2 rows on my pretty colours ripple. I have been doing two rows of a variegated baby print, two rows of a colour, two rows of another colour and at this rate I don't think I'll ever finish it. I'm thinking maybe I should do a big center section of the variegated and then finish off with a similar pattern of various colours on the other side. That would make it go faster, but would require me to buy more yarn. Also, there would be less ends to weave later.


Hey, here's a pic, what do you think?




Also, here is the pic of the little doll blanket I made with the granny squares I made when I learned to crochet.



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:waving again, gang!


I just wanted to stop in before I get to sit down with my :crocheting... for the first time in days!


Joanne - have fun at the party... at 6! Sorry you had to cut your visit short with DD, but glad you had fun, and now have some found time;)


Shannon - sorry the MudBugs were a bust.... Have fun at Honey's! tell everyone :hi for me, and give Janna a big :hug and a :ty for sharing all of those :U:U:U! That girl is too cute!:lol


Colleen - thanks for the Saturday afternoon treat... pics! I have one of those doll blankies too...:think somewhere:shrug... anyway, thanks for bringing a nice memory :hug

I :manyheart your ripple! I really do like ripples, but can never seem to stick with them to finish. With that said, I would probably make a center piece... that's just me. And WTG on releasing the guilt for your flannelghan yarn purchase! You have EARNED it! I hope you get to enjoy some Olympics this afternoon.


see you in a bit...


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Hi Ladies

Vicki :cheer:clap:hug:yay:yes:jumpyay:jumpyay:jumpyay:woo:bow:fame:party:rock:laughroll:dance:dance:dance:rofl:heehee:hi:bounce:bounce:bounce:h5:h5:2spin:2spin:2rock:waving:applause:applause:applause:hyper:flying:flying:flying:2magic:2magic:2magic:juggle:sheepjump:ducky:elle:elle:elle:2frog:cat:tdance:tdance:tdance:pilgrim

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i hope you girls don't mind. Dd got very excited about using the smilies!



wtg janna

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:hi LeaAnne, you still around? I think it's the colour changes that are killing me on this one. If you can go several rows in one colour at a time a ripple will work up quite quickly. I like how solid and warm they are. I think I'll try going with a section of straight variegated and then repeat a similar pattern for the last 1/3. Gotta getter done.


I've got an early dinner all made and a DH out in the garage knee deep in Mr. fix-it mode. Oh well.

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I just did a quick breading of breadcrumbs, flour, some spices and baked the chicken pieces. I baked potatoes in the microwave, made a jello/fruit salad, and made a boxed stuffing. We've got veggies and dip too. Easy peasy for me too.


What is Chicken divan? I'll have to check that out. I like easy :lol

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yes, except that 2 of 4 children are being LLLLOUUUDD! It's fun loud, but still hard to concentrate on stitching, you know?


I know, I have a DD singing the Olympic song LOUDLY, but she's enjoying it. What are your 2 being loud at?

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ooooh! that sounds good!


the Divan I make is white meat chicken, cream soup, broccoli and mayo.

boil the chicken, tear it up into chunks.

cook the broccoli, and layer into the bottom of baking dish.

put chicken pieces on top of the broccoli.


in a bowl, mix 1 can cream of chicken soup, 1 can cream of broccoli soup, and 1/2 cup of mayo. Spread this mixture over the top. Sprinkle with parmesan cheese and plain bread crumbs.


bake at 350 for 45 minutes.


serve with rice, egg noodles, or your favorite side dish!

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I would say you could use any veg...


my 2 are being loud at Wii... Mario is now a "team" game:rolleyes

at least they are having fun, right?


...hmmmm I wonder if I have any ear plugs.... :rofl

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Ear plugs or an MP3 player :yes Team Mario sounds fun and yes, at least they are having fun. DD is now making up a Barbie olympic song :lol She's happy and having fun. We've been so busy I'm happy she is having a quiet day to just play. She's spent a lot of time in the garage with her dad and some time watching the Olympics.

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