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Some good clean fun?!

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I've heard that too. I sometimes put shredded zuccini or carrots in my spaghetti sauce. Lots of baking has fruit in it too, but does the sugar cancel out the goodness? The other problem I have is using it up. If I buy a whole canteloupe I end up throwing half of it out. We'll eat some of it, but not a whole one before it goes bad. Does anyone else have that problem?

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Colleen, she's pretty good with fruit and veggies. She loves apples, green beans, and carrots. And bananas, but they're constipating.:(

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Oh, I just remembered that Eva will eat strawberries. LoL We don't like melon, so that's not a problem, but sometimes Mia will ask for bananas, and after I buy them, she won't eat them. Jorge isn't a big fan, so I just wait until they brown, and use them in banana bread or muffins.


The new term started tonight. He was 20th on a standby list and actually got in on the first night. That almost never happens. He is going back to school for his BA in history.

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Good for him, Stacy! And hooray for getting in on the first night!


DD is not liking bananas lately either, unless they are in a smoothie. The smoothie is the best way to sneak in some fruit :lol

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Isabella and dh love smoothies! I just buy frozen fruit, and blend it with a cup of yogurt and some milk. It's their favorite part of breakfast on the weekends. (Which is usually the only time I make them.) Mia won't touch them because of the "chunks." She has texture issues, like me.

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:hug:hug Colleen! This has been fun. I've needed this for a while. It's so nice to be back!


Sweet dreams and I hope you feel better. :hug

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Aagh! Jorge's work phone keeps ringing! He doesn't take it with him to class. Do I call to let him know, or do I just let him have his peace and quiet during class? LoL

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No problem. I'm surprised mine is still up and running. We couldn't get it to work for anything yesterday. I posted last night from dh's laptop, which has a separate internet card.

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I try not to. It sounds like a bad reason, but some of the guys don't speak English very well, and it is just too confusing for both of us to figure out what the other is saying. :blush If they're calling this late, it's probably just to see if they need to go into work tomorrow.

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My computer is acting up. Great. I guess I should go. I'm going to try to check fb before it messes up again. Great chat!!


Sweet dreams and hugs to the girls! Love ya!

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Good morning gals!

Running a little late- just wanted to stop in and say hi- sounds like Stacy Colleen and Shannon had a nice chat while I was sound asleep. Back is still achy- but I think it helped that I went to bed early.


Off to another day and they are still forecasting a foot of snow tonight into tomorrow--I can't wait for spring.


Have a great day and Ill cya on the flip side. Oh, and it's been a while, but remember your vitamins:lol



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