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Some good clean fun?!

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Hi girls! Okay, :xfin that I'll be back at 8:30, my time. I hope to see some of you here. I could use a little chat with my besties! Of course, it all depends on the boss (aka Janna)


Love you guys!!

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I started watching the ProBowl, but IMO, it's not "real" football- really, they don't want to chance getting injured!


I love the Grammy's- cause I like watching the acts- Beyonce just did her thing and she was great! I'll try and be back 8:30 your time but I may end up going up to bed to watch tv! Sorry I missed you when you popped by!!!

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Shannon! :hug I saw you posting on FB so I thought I'd check to see if you stopped here. I will try to be here.


Joanne, the Grammy's are delayed broadcast here, so they aren't even coming on until 8. I can't wait! I'm not a big Lady Gaga fan, but I love Beyonce!

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:clapMary... look at you go!!! How much fun are you having today??? :lol

Tell DH and DS that I said :hi, then tell them they need to give you a big ole hug from me!:lol


Joanne, glad to see that you got home early enough for the Grammy's some cocoa and :crocheting! Only 5 to go, you are over 1/2 way there!

:yes I am working on my sampler... I really do like that pattern... (when I can sit and use my brain a little:lol)


Stacy - :xfin that Mia is ok.... and hoping you get some good rest tonight!:hug ...and I love Jorge's idea for a license plate frame:lol he's clever!


Colleen - your day with your mom sounds heavenly:c9 ... I love those kind of days, and am long past due for one with my mom;)


:waving Shannon! How are you doing today, sweetie?


Vicki - here's another :hug, just in case you needed one. I am thinking about you, and remembering you in my prayers


Beth - :clapfor your men shoveling you out! did you get any :crocheting time in this weekend? Sorry 'bout your Verizon, and having to post the Stashbusting score 3 times:irk... That is so nice of you to keep track of all of that for everyone, and right in the middle of the weekend, too! I know that would probably never fly in this house:blush


...and a big :hi and :hug to Scooby, Tena, Frogger, C4J, and anyone else I am missing...


Luv you all!


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:hi Shannon-ness! How are you? How is Miss Janna?


Everyone is good here. No, the elevaters aren't here yet. I first read that as "elevators." :lol Actually Roomie is at a school workshop, her b/f took her kids to another ritual thingie.

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yep, I am good! Tired, and forgetting to click the refresh button, but good!:lol

HOw's Janna? Are things moving along well since the mineral oil? How was your night last night? And did you get to go out today?

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:hi Shannon-ness! How are you? How is Miss Janna?


Everyone is good here. No, the elevaters aren't here yet. I first read that as "elevators." :lol Actually Roomie is at a school workshop, her b/f took her kids to another ritual thingie.


I first spelled it as elevators, too:lol then I thought it didn't look right:shrug:devil

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:woo for :crocheting!! How are you coming along on your sampler?


Aww Shannon, that's too bad that it only worked once. Do you need to keep giving it to her until she goes regularly?

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