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Some good clean fun?!

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:hi, Colleen!


sorry about your belly ache... but what a way to go!!! I :manyheart scones, too! Problem is nobody else here does, so I have to eat them ALL! (:thinkso what's the problem, right?:devil:lol)


I am glad you are here!!!

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Thanks! They sound yummy! And I have dried cranberries and lemon zest. :devil With 3/4 cup butter, though- I definitely won't eat too many. :blush


Leanne, the receptionist said she thinks they are going to watch "Up" but she wasn't 100% sure. And yes, the flyer said they will have "light snacks," whatever that means. :think

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:hi, Colleen!


sorry about your belly ache... but what a way to go!!! I :manyheart scones, too! Problem is nobody else here does, so I have to eat them ALL! (:thinkso what's the problem, right?:devil:lol)


I am glad you are here!!!


That is EXACTLY the problem. DD likes them, but let's face it she can't eat very many. DH won't touch them. And they really are best when they are fresh. I should know better. :blush Next time I'll make them when I have someone coming for coffee or something. It's funny because I had them all made and was thinking, Man, I wish a Bestie or two lived nearby so they could help me eat these while they are warm. I even looked out the window to see if any of my neighbours cars was in the driveway to take some to them. Oh well.

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That is EXACTLY the problem. DD likes them, but let's face it she can't eat very many. DH won't touch them. And they really are best when they are fresh. I should know better. :blush Next time I'll make them when I have someone coming for coffee or something. It's funny because I had them all made and was thinking, Man, I wish a Bestie or two lived nearby so they could help me eat these while they are warm. I even looked out the window to see if any of my neighbours cars was in the driveway to take some to them. Oh well.


Where are your neighbors when you need them, right?! :lol

If I lived nearby, we'd be in big trouble, eating tourtierre, and scones, and cleaning our houses in 20 minutes a day! ...sounds like fun! :rofl

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It is very cold here- I'm guessing around 10 degrees- I am not a fan of this weather


Thanks for the reminder about hockey LeaAnne


My Devils are playing Collen's Leafs --got to get up and turn on the game. Sure hope the Devils are winning- they've lost their last 2 games

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Devils winning 4-2!


I sure wish I lived by you Colleen- I would definitely have been over to have some scones.


I am feeling like something sweet, but nothing in the house that fits the bill. I've been trying to be good and not keep that stuff in the house, but I sure could go for something right about now-


I do have ice cream sandwiches- but it is just toooooo cold to have ice cream now!!!

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Do you think any of us could convince our husbands to up and move closer to a bestie?


Not here- esp with DH just taking a new job- he's not going anywhere! Me, I'd move to Boston in a hearbeat- it's my fav city!

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Do you think any of us could convince our husbands to up and move closer to a bestie?


I could convince mine to move to somewhere warm, like near Stacy or Vicki, or Shannon. He's done with winter:lol ... it's my chickens that wouldn't leave

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