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OK I'm thinking plum heather or soft fern right now for my vest (I'm assuming mom will make it :lol). A dark gray would be practical. :think


Forget practical! :lol Although, the other colors are pretty universal these days and could be practical, too?


:hi, Stacy!!!! what's shakin' bacon?:lol

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I'd better scoot.


LeaAnne - I hope the girls sleep a bit and that your DH's presentation goes well tomorrow. Thanks so much for the chat. It made for an enjoyable evening afterall.



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Yea, I don't think dh was too thrilled to come home to dinner of quesadillas. :rofl I added chopped chicken and salsa to ours, though. Made them a bit more "grown-up." :lol


What's going on at the chicken coop tonight?

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How's your crew tonight, Stacy?


I am at the front end of a Veerrrrry long night! Lindsey has her two :loco friends for a stayupover:lol... they will be :rofl:rofl ing all night long, the kooks!

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Hello there!

Wow! It was a super busy day! Seems like I never had a chance to sit and breathe.

The kiddos had a good, busy, overwhelming first day of school. Dd's bus was full so she had to wait at the school for 30 minutes. Dh drove over and picked her up but she was kinda worried, this is a new school for her..very traumatizing. All in all it worked out and we think we have the kinks out. Ds had a list of school supplies that we needed, each teacher has their own specifications-had to go to two different stores to find composition notebooks...:blush I thought we had bought everything he needed, turned out he needed more...mainly composition books. Problem alleviated, and paper work all filled out, homework done, dinner and dishes done, kiddos are taking baths,...and here I am like a ragdoll.:lol:lol

Colleen-I love shopping! But would much rather shop with somone than myself. :yes When I first stayed home when our kiddos were little, I used to feel lonely-being that we live out in the country, we never had friends nearby and everyone else was far far away...I remember those days. Crocheting saved me! I think I have grown used to it and enjoy spending time by myself but it has taken 12 years to get to that point.:D Loved your dd story!

Stacy-Mia is just too cute! When do classes start for you? 107 degree weather? That sounds just too hot! We were in the 60's today, I wore a light sweater for the better part of the day, it was chilly. I would love your winter's tho.:devil

Joanne-I am sorry to hear about the RR. :hug I started 3 different patterns last night, couldn't get the pattern just right or felt bored with it, I finally decided on a granny ripple using the RH Cherry Cola. What colors are you using?

Marisa-Bet your turtles are happy! Yarn shopping always sounds fun! What colors are you using?

LeaAnne-your chickens sound like they are enjoying every minute of summer vacation! How fun! We already miss summer.

Beth-hope your day wasn't too stressful! Glad that your oldest ds liked his college class.

Mary-how many sweaters are you up to?

better get my clothes ready for tomorrow. Have a good night friends! Oh and have a Wonderful Wednesday!

hugs and the best of squishes!:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Aww that's nice! (For them, anyway. :lol) I'm sure they'll have tons of fun.

My kids are itching to go back to school already!! They have been for a while, but it's worse when they're stuck inside because of the heat.

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I think mine just started "needing to go back" a day or so ago.... that's not bad! We made it 8 of the 10 weeks!:clap


so, whatcha been up to on the hooky front? anything fun? how's Etsy?


I think hats are going to be all the rage this year!:cheer:yay

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:hi Leann!


Yes, I think hats are going to be the fashion this year! I am excited. I am sending some hats with Roomie to the Burning Man festival this year- she can only barter with them, not actually sell them, but I figure if I attach my card, maybe I can get my name out there at least. :D


I am working on your sunflower square! It turned out a bit small because I :crocheting tightly, but it is soooo quick and easy! And pretty. I love it! I'm thinking of making an afghan for Christmas, just to have. :D



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The background is dark purple. :manyheart It looks fantastic, now that I have the correct shade of yellow. :lol


Burning Man (from my understanding) is like an extreme-arts festival. It's held once a year in the desert in Nevada, and they live only off the resources they bring with them. :shrug Think "giant rave" in the desert. :think

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I just gave Isabella a lactase pill- she's had a ton of dairy today and is now doubled over on her bed. Poor thing. :( Anyway, it was her first pill-swallowing experience and it took her 5 minutes and a full glass of water. She did it, though. :yes I hope it helps.

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