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Some good clean fun?!

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Hey, guys!:D


I love the squares! You did a great job on them! The color choices are... well...:c9:c9:drool!


Vicki - congrats on your passage of that exam! I am soooo proud of you, girl! I hope your day is going well:U


Marisa - :2rock that you ride a bike! I would be a big chicken:lol


LeeAnn - so glad that you had a great birthday "party" with FIL. I love pineapple upside down cake!:drool YUMMMMM!


Colleen - your picnic sounds like so much fun! What fun adventures do you have on tap for today?


Beth - I hope that DH has a safe and quick trip! ...and I am with you, I would be praying for long term:wink


Joanne - WTG on that granny stripe! You are just cookin' right along on it! Happy belated to your DD. Did she enjoy her dinner out?


Sarah, Mary, Stacy, Shannon - :hi:hug... hoping your day is going great!


my DH is travelling just for tonight. My chickens are going to take advantage and host some "stay-up-overs"! I do love it when we have friends around:manyheart... my house is picked up, and my laundry is caught up, so I think I will take the day off:devil


I signed up for the Charity CAL this month. It starts tomorrow. I think I will make a lapghan for it, and then decide who to give it to.


Have a wonderful day, everyone!


p.s. anybody up for chat tonight? :hyper

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Beth - No reorganization is not done. Doug still hasn't finished the bathroom remodel so it's hampering efforts to get everything put away. Keith doesn't start school this year. He turns 4 this year but after the cut-off date so he's not able to go to pre-school until next year. Your square is very pretty.


Joanne - Thank you. No I hadn't posted the afghan on here yet. Need to post it and a pic of the Elmo I made Keith last year since Marisa asked to see it.


LeaAnne - Keith is being a typical little boy. Patience is definitely a necessity in this house.


Vicki - congrats on DD getting her purple belt, congrats on passing your test.:cheer:clap


Marisa - you sure do keep busy. The trot and brew sounds fun.


LeeAnn - New glasses are cute. Haven't had pineapple upside down cake in a loooooong time. Sounds good. You're sweet to make that for your father-in-law


Colleen - sooo jealous. I wish the humidity would go away here. =0( Your picnic sounds like you had a blast. Your square is very pretty too. =0)


Sorry haven't been on much. Just not in a good mood lately. Have been getting some crocheting in but I'm not going to be able to finish the afghan before Keith's b-day but am going to at least finish the puppy and pillow for him and maybe get the afghan done by Christmas. Doug's step-niece Hannah is pestering me to make things for her since she saw the christmas dress I made for my bear (was showing it to Doug's mom but she was being nosy like a typical 7 year old) Of course that prompted Doug to say I should make dresses for ALL the other girl cousins for one of their teddy bears, but I wouldn't feel right doing that unless I did it for my nieces too which would mean having to make 8 of them and I'd also have to make something for the boys too which would add an additional 3 projects... umm sorry I'm not THAT fast of a crocheter. And I really want to finish the stuff I've got started already so I can start on new projects (have a couple of ideas that are bugging me and I really want to work on them but won't until I finish what I've got in progress first)

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Hi everyone


LeaAnne- Have fun with the "stay-up over"!!! And your pattern is looking good! I thought it would be beyond my skill level! Beth and Colleen are doing a good job - love both their color combos!!!


Sarah- Crocheting is NOT fun if you feel you HAVE to make something. I've found that out. It has to be something I want to do - because, after all, this is supposed to be something enjoyable!


Beth- 3 weeks will seem like a short time compared to 6! Hope he arrived safely!!! And YES, it's too soon to think long term!:lol But I'm glad to hear that your DD gets along with her brothers and the GF's!


I'll try to be here for 9:30 chat- sorry I missed the last one.


Stacy, Shannon, Mary, LeeAnn, Vicki- Hi!!!:hug

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:hi I'm here to chat. Anyone out there? :hi


OK, dilemma ladies. I'm trying to clean things out and get rid of some stuff here. I got DD to help weed out some toys and, along with the toys I weeded out a while ago and stuck in the crawl space, we have a lot of toys to get rid of. DD wants to have a garage sale so that she can make money to buy a new toy. We think this is a good lesson, but besides the toys I don't have very much to garage sale. I mean, I'm sure if I worked hard I could come up with more stuff, but is it enough? And, garage sales are a lot of work. What do you think?

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:hi, Colleen and Joanne!


@Colleen: i say if DD wants to "earn" her own money for a new toy by getting rid of old ones at a garage sale.... YEAH!!! go for it! i think that's awesome!

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Hi Colleen!!!


I did a garage sale when my DD's were younger- We needed to get rid of the toys that they no longer used. They were allowed to keep the $ from their own toys that they decided to sell. I also decluttered some of my stuff. We made some $, because we did have some larger items to sell- like the play kitchen set, a turtle sandbox, lots of Barbie things. If you don't have a lot, I would suggest donating them to a Goodwill, or maybe a homeless shelter. Then you could let DD buy something new as a reward for cleaning out no longer used toys.

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:hi Krissy! How's it going?


Sounds like fun over there!


See, that's my dilemma. I totally support her making money to buy a new toy. We don't buy her many toys just because or as rewards. It's Christmas, birthday, etc. Also, she's already showing pack rat tendencies and I'd like to show her the rewards of decluttering. But I don't think I can have a garage sale with just toys. Maybe I'll spend some time tomorrow going through the rest of the house to see what I can drum up. And yes, the other option is to donate. That's what I normally do, it's just with DD involved, it's turned into something else.

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Oh, that is nice!!!


Did DH have to go to Long Island?


I worked a little on my granny stripe again- I did 3 more stripes for a total of 41 stripes/82 rows. I am trying to finish it by the end of the weekend so I can officially say I have one Christmas present done (I'm going to give it to middle DD) I think I'm doing a flannel'ghan for my oldest- in black and gold for the Bruins colors, and need to decide what to make for my youngest.

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DD and I went to Michaels :c9 She got a little craft to do and spent 2 hours working on it when we got home :c9:c9:c9 I didn't buy anything myself. And we went to work and picked up my pay check :tup Otherwise just some dusting, laundry, crocheting.


How about you LeaAnne, what were you and the chickens up to? Are you returning to your babysitting jobs from the spring or are they done?


Joanne - How was work today? What was on the menu for supper tonight?

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Well, Colleen, it sounds like DD is a very enterprising young lady! that is very coolll! :tup


I hope you find some other things to put out there, if not, I can give you some of mine! :rofl

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Well, Colleen, it sounds like DD is a very enterprising young lady! that is very coolll! :tup


I hope you find some other things to put out there, if not, I can give you some of mine! :rofl


:rofl You were planning a Sept. garage sale, weren't you? I think that would be a good time. Maybe labour day weekend. That's when the students come back to town. :think

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I understand your dilemma Colleen. You'll probably have a better idea of what to do once you look through the rest of the house.


I'm hoping to meet up with my middle DD this weekend so we can donate the school supplies. I bought $20.00 of school supplies when they had the big sales at Target and Walmart at the beginning of the month to donate to Jersey Cares.

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