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Some good clean fun?!

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Mary- I'm so happy to hear that the power didn't go out during the storm- especially when watching a movie.


Beth- Good news about your Dad on Father's Day! And nice of your brother to take time off work to go visit him. And here you go my friend:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug


Made BLT's for dinner- and now the boys are gone and it's just back to DH &I. They had lots of fun in the pool:clap and it kept them very busy!!!


Got 1 square done earlier, and want to do one more. I'm itching to start the Granny Stripe ghan from Attic24~

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:hi everyone! I hope all the dads had a good father's day. I think mine did. I went for a nice long walk this morning and might get out for another one this evening. It was too hot to run, so I just kept walking and walking. Felt great!


We spent most of the afternoon in the backyard just enjoying the breeze in the shade. We had BBQ sausages for supper and strawberries and whipped cream for dessert :manyheart Tomorrow is my DD's "graduation". They are doing a little concert for us and then we are having juice and cookies in her classroom. I am REALLY looking forward to it. She has one week left of school after that.


LeaAnne - I hope dinner out was fun and that you are enjoying the golf. We're watching too. I'm a Mickelson fan too. :yes


Joanne - Sounds like your DH had a great father's day with the boys! I bet it was fun watching them play in the pool after all the hard work you put into opening it. I hope you get another granny done. How many are you doing? 12 total or more? I'm thinking that Granny Stripe afghan might be a great scrap 'ghan too :think Mine would never turn out as nice as hers with the colours, but it would be a great way to use up some of my scraps. Gotta finish my flannelghan first. That is neat that your fave team and your dad's fave team are playing today. I bet he's watching with you :wink


Beth - I'm happy to hear that your DH is home and :xfin that this is just part of his healing from the stroke and that he feels better after the tests. That is nice that your brother came to see him. Oh, and since you asked, :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug


Mary - Glad the t-storms held off for your movie. It was beatiful here today. Sunny and hot, but there was a nice breeze and the humidity seems to have lifted for now. Good luck with your sale preparations.


:hi to Vicki & Shannon - I hope you enjoyed your pools this weekend and that your DH's had a great fathers' day with their little girls.


Stacy - Happy trails my friend. I hope you are having a great trip and that Jorge had a great father's days with his girls.


LeeAnn - How was your day? I hope you have a great day at work tomorrow. You start walking tomorrow, right? Have fun!


"See" you soon friends!

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Colleen- Yes, it was nice to see them enjoying the pool and DH is so proud of it now!:) He just kept saying- "wow- it looks really nice! Can you believe how great it looks? It's nothing like it looked like when we took the cover off!" He is so proud of himself that he got the pool back in shape :manyheart (I was just his helper:lol)


The boys will be coming again next weekend and I'm hoping that my DD's can come over too-weather permitting!!! I may just go in this week after work too! The water is still a little chilly for my liking, but if it stays hot, it'll be fine!


Sounds like you had a very nice Father's Day- nice dinner and dessert and I don't blame you for not running- too hot there for that too- I took a walk after dinner myself and now I've got the golf on too- Michelson fan too!


I'm doing 16 squares total- I did get another one done- I have 2 left to do and then I'll start the granny stripe. I don't think I'm making it as big as hers- probably do a throw size- I'm thinking maybe chain 180?


Have fun at the concert tomorrow!:manyheart


LeaAnne- Hope you had a nice dinner out with DH and the chickens! Wow. Tom Watson did ok for himself- I always did like him.


Shannon, Mary, Beth, Vicki, Sarah, LeeAnn, Stacy, Scooby- Hugs to you.


PS Sorry Dad, but the Yankees won!!!!:lol And yes, he probably was watching with me today;)

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Good evening friends!


Happy late Father's day to all those amazing dad's! We had a great day! We had lunch with the in-laws outside, beautiful weather then sat inside and crocheted and chatted...what a life! :lol my mother in-law gave me a bag full of yarn...double happiness! We had to go grocery shopping after, but that is done as well as lunches made and coffee ready to go. Still have to iron my clothes for tomorrow, trying to get ready since I will be up early and walking.:yes


Joanne-sounds like you had a good day! Relaxing is always awesome. Your pool sounds :c9. I would be in there all the time. I am itching to start the granny stripes too...but will try to contain myself :P it might not happen.....those bright colors are calling out my name.


Colleen-you are just doing an amazing job of eating healthy and walking...I will be thinking of you tomorrow when I am up bright and early.


Stacy-have fun on your trip! Can't wait to hear all about it!


LeaAnne-hope your day went well! The chore chart wasn't difficult to make, the kiddos each get 4 chores a day..# 1 tidy bedroom, and then the others vary-sweep kitchen, dust living room, tidy bathrooms, sort laundry, empty dishwasher. All of the chores take less than 10 minutes top if even that, then they are free to enjoy the rest of the day. Dh has chores too, he has to clean tubs, I do the toilets and sinks and wash laundry, he puts it away. All in all I love it! It holds all of us accountable for cleaning not just mom. Hope this helps!

Mary-glad that thunder storms let you finish watching your movie,nothing is worse than getting to the end and then being interupted.


Beth-oh so glad that your dad is feeling better. Will keep him in my prayers.


Shannon, Scooby, Vicki and Stacy hope that today was Splendid!


Hugs dear friends!:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Forgot to tell you all- DH did a really sweet thing today- he ordered me a 2 year subscription to Crochet Today! I guess I'll keep him around!:manyheart


:yay Mr. Imanurse!!! We love him!!!


Today ended well. I went out for a nice, leisurely walk this time. Gotta enjoy those now and then too, and since it was my second today I think I earned it. Then we watched the end of the golf. It is nice and breezy here, so we've turned off the AC and opened the house up for the night. Gonna go enjoy the breeze with DH for a bit.


Good night all!

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Hello again!


While mopping the floors I remembered about Joanne and her subscription! What a sweet sweet thing for Mr. Joanne to do! WTG! Can't wait to see what you make from the subscriptions!

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hi, friends!


it's so nice to see that everyone had such a wonderful day:c9 My heart is smiling! :U


Joanne- the pool sounds great, as does the subscription! :drool... I, too, have that granny stripe on my WIM list:yes ..that's so cool how you got to watch yours and your dad's teams play each other today:hug


Beth - Great news about Dad!!!! I am going to continue to hold him in my prayers, and send you bunches of :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug...that's great that your brother got to take time off to go. How far is it for him?


Stacy- hope you are having fun at Knotts, and that everyone is feeling tip-top!:hug


LeeAnn - :ty for sharing your your chore chart! I am :think of how it would go over in this house... but like you said, it's only 10 minutes a day for each if you are keeping up with it. In my house if we each spent 10 minutes, we would have a whole hour of cleaning time:eek ... :shrug why didn't I ever think of this? :lol You have given me lots of food for thought, dear friend!!!... I can't thank you enough:hug:hug


Shannon-ness! Did Sis have a show this weekend? How did it go? I can't even believe how fast the weekend went by. I hope you, Janna, DH, Sis, HOney and BigBob are all doing well!:hug:hug:hug ...btw... did you start that granny stripe yet? I am a little sad to say that there was no time for me to pick up a hook this weekend. Maybe tomorrow or Tuesday:xfin


Mary, Mary, my Sistah!!! Sounds like you are getting ready for that show! :yay:yay... remember that part of readiness is being rested so you can :blah with all of the patrons!:devil ... Hooray, too, for being able to finish your movie. Here are some extra :hug:hug:hug:hugfor you, too... just 'cause i have a feeling you could use them!


Sarah - How are you feeling? I hope you are ok. :worried Did DF have the greatest Father's Day? I sure hope so:yes


:waving, Colleen! Look at you go! I am so proud of you! I really need to jump on this bandwagon of diet and exercise with you! Glad you got to enjoy the evening with DH. That guy who won the Open was Adorable!!!! What a sweet man he seems to be! Have you ever seen anyone actually hug the trophy? That was just too cute.

This is DD's last week of school, too, right? What day does she get out?


Hiya, Vicki!!!! How are you doing? Did you get to :crocheting while you enjoyed the heavenly sounds of DH and DD playing in the pool? I agree with you, friend... there are fewer blessings in life better than seeing our family happy and enjoying each other:manyheart


BreenyBeanie - :hi! How was your weekend?


So tomorrow is my last official duty as outgoing PTO Pres:cheer:clap:yay:dance.... I get to present the PTO scholarship to a lovely young lady who went to our elementary school, and was this year's Valedictorian! It will be a nice honor to be able to do that.

Other than that, I have oodles of laundry that ended up waiting for me all weekend:blush.... :scrachin maybe that could go on the ole chore chart during summer vacation! Or maybe I will say that if you spend time reading, you can earn passes to excuse you from your chore for a day:think...hmmmmmmm.....:goodorbad


I should go now, and try to get some sleep.

Love to you all!!!!

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Good morning and Happy 1st Day of Summer!!!


LeaAnne Sounds like you had a wonderful weekend yourself! Enjoy your last official day as PTO Prez!


No time to post- running a little behind here- but wanted to wish everyone a great Monday and here's some hugs to pass around amongst yourselves!:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Good Morning, friends!


It's the first day of summer, and unlike last year, it feels like it! :U:sun:hot


I hope you all enjoy your day...


have some hugs from me!



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Hi gang! Everyone seemed to have a greatday yesterday. I never got on here to post anything. We made a last minute decision to go to the Astros game! We bought tickets at 7 in the morning and then we hit the ground running! We went out to breakfast and while we did that the laundry was running. Then when we came back I switched the laundry out and we got ready for the game. Put the laundry in the dryer and we left! It ended up being a long game as it went in to extra innings! The Astros lost, but we had a good time going, so that is all that matters!

Someone askes (I don't remember who!) if I am still working on the Mets 'ghan. Yes, I am, but I had to put it aside for a little bit so I could get a baby set done for my niece. Once that is done (I am on the blanket; the sweater is done! DD picked the colors and a good job she did!!!) I will go back to it. I need to take a picture of it and show it to you. I am not happy with the corners. I told hubby that and his answer to me was that I was putting WAY too much thought into the blanket. I can't help it! It's a pride thing! Especially because it is my own design!


I need to get some cleaning done in the house today. The vacuum is calling and the dusting needs to be done. DD needs to vacuum the upstairs today too. We can do that before lunch. I know she wants to invite a friend over to play today.


Joanne - YAY for playing in the pool! Hope you get to enjoy it yourself this week!


LeaAnne - YAY for ending your time as PTO pres! Have fun handing out the scholarship!


Mary - YAY for getting ready for the show! Take it easy and store up that energy! You are going to need it!


Stacy - YAY for signing up for classes!!!! That is SOOO exciting and wonderful for you! Good luck! When do you meet with the counselor?


Colleen - YAY for finding a dress and DD wanting to accessorize it! I think that is too cute! She is learning early!


Beth - YAY that your dad is home and doing better! Hopefully you will continue to get good news. Glad to hear that your brother went to go see him as well!


Shannon - Did you and Miss Janna have a great weekend? I hope all is well by you!


Leeann - YAY for your chore chart working so well! Glad to hear that things by you are going well and that you and your assistant are getting along so well!

I need to go fold the laundry and empty the dish washer. I hope you all have a great day and I will talk to you all later!



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:coffee Hello to my favourite friends to have coffee with!


I'm loving all the lively posts. Just having my coffee, then shopping list making, the groceries and then graduation :manyheart:hyper I saw all the little kiddos getting dropped off and they are all dressed up pretty. :manyheart


LeaAnne - I love your humour about getting out of chores by reading. :devil DD's last day is next Monday, the 28th. I am already in summer mode myself, done with my volunteer jobs and focusing on summer plans. Enjoy giving out the scholarship. What an honor.


Vicki - Wow! What fun going to an Astros game! Good for you!


LeeAnn - I like your chore chart idea. I should start something like that now while DD still thinks it's fun to help mommy and daddy.


Shannon - Where are you girl? I hope you are lazing by the pool crocheting that granny stripe.


:hi to everyone else. I better get my badorkus in gear! Have a great day. It's going to be a LONG one :rofl I'm so funny. :rofl

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Hi to all my besties! I have gotten so much done today! The laundry is folded and put away. DD cleaned up her play room and her bedroom and vacuumed the upstairs. I dusted the downstairs and ran the vacuum downstairs. I even got inspired and mopped the kitchen, foyer, and half bath! The lunch dishes are in the dish washer and now it is time to RELAX! I am going to watch the next World Cup match and :crocheting! YAY!

Hope everyone is having a great day!

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:rofl, Colleen! Today is the longest, of the year that is!

Enjoy Graduation! I love when the little ones graduate, it's just so darned cute! We are done on WEdnesday at noon! :dance:yay... dude, I might just do cartwheels in the parking lot!:rofl...


Vicki- what a cool way to spend Father's Day!:manyheart I hear ya about the designer's pride... it's hard to not put way too much thought into it!:D What's wrong with your corners that you dont' like?


Stacy - i hope you are having a great time at Knott's! btw... I haven't yet solved your snowflake dilemma, but have a couple of ideas. What if you joined at the points? Or took them down 1 round, and treated them like pentagonal grannies? oh, and I can't wait to visit your Etsy shoppe!


LeeAnn - how was your day? were you able to get out for your early morning walk? I think I am going to start on Thursday, when the morning routine will relax a little!:lol also on tap for this week... A Chore Chart! :clap

:hug:hugI am so glad you are here, friend!


Joanne - how was work today? Is it hot enough for Ya?!:lol:lol ... I hope you get home and jump right in that pool! :c9 I will not complain about the heat, because we missed out so badly on it last year. the only down side is that we are an extra 12 months out of practice of handling it!;) Our pool is scheduled to be ready on Wednesday, right when the chickens return to the coop for the summer:yay (have I mentioned that I can't wait for school to get out?!:rofl)


:waving, Beth! How is Dad today? I hope he is healing:hug... and your inventions? What are they up to today? Have you yet been able to visit poolside with your IRL? I thinking about you today... and sending great big :hug your way!


Mary - How are you today, sister? I hope that you are feeling wonderful and getting lots of hooky time in! How was bingo the other night? Tell DH and everyone :hi, ok? :hug:hug:hug


:hi, Sarah!!! are you cleanin or stitchin today? I hope you are stitchin! .. that project is just itchin to come to life, ya know! :D:hug:hug


Hey... Shannnnnon!!!!! Where are you at?:lol


Scooby, BreenyBeanie, C4J, Frogger, and all of our other friends, I hope you are having a fantabulous day!

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:hi friends,


DD's graduation was so cute. The 2 kindegarten classes each did 2 songs. So cute! I was teary eyed (see Stacy, it's not just you!...or what was it you said "dork alert!"?). :lol They had a little party afterward and each child got a certificate :manyheart LeaAnne, I get how you're excited to have your chickens home for the summer, but I'm going to miss all the other chickens. They are all so precious.


I'm making home made vanilla ice cream for a special graduation day dessert.


DD still has a bit of her cold and I've now got a sore throat :(


Gonna go rest now. :hug:hug:hug

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still working on trying to get the living room picked up.. have the bookcases done (my books are done and the middle bookcase with the knickknacks and fiance did his bookcase)

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Hello Hello!

Wow! I just love getting on here and reading about all of you! It's super exciting! Had a wonderful day at work, did I say that I loved my new job and co-worker? I do! I do! It's been so much fun and yet relaxing and not too stressful. I did go for my walk this morning, bright and early...6:00, about 2 miles, not bad...I am just enjoying life. When I had my other job back in Feb and was going to college, I felt like I missed all of the little things, so now I am going to enjoy everything as much as I can. I am sure that my family feels it too.:lol Enough about me.

Colleen-how adorable! I bet dd just looked so amazing! How sweet! Have you had any time to crochet? I worked a little bit on the grannies last night, will have to take a pic to show you all the progress.

Joanne-how was your day? I bet you are swimming! Is it extremely hot where you live?

LeaAnne-you are just great! I love reading about all of your chickens! That is wonderful that you were able to be a part of the school organization and be able to offer some one a scholarship. What an accomplishment!

Vicki-WTG!!!! :cheergetting all of your chores done! Wooohoooo!!! Can't wait to see a pic of your baby ghan?? hint hint...:hug

Stacy-ohhh can't wait to hear about your trip!

Sarah-hope you get a chance for some R & R.

Mary-how are you on this fine Monday?

Shannon-what's a happening?

guess I better come off the :c9 and make dinner. Going to make taco salad, simple yet delicious!

Talk to you all soon!:hug:hug:hug

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Hi all,

Vicki- What a fun day it seems that you had yesterday- nothing like a baseball game in the summer!!!! Sounds like you are really enjoying your summer vacation so far- and you've been getting lots of cleaning done too!


Colleen- Yay for DD's graduation- I always cried at all the milestones- I guess I'm a dork too:lol And yes, it is going to be a long day today:lol:lol

Homemade vanilla ice cream sounds yummy- although chocolate or coffee ic is my fav, nothing like homemade! Boston DD makes sorbet, ice cream or sherbert all summer long in her ice-cream maker. Hope that your sore throat clears up quickly


LeeAnn- So happy to hear that you are enjoying this job!!! You sound happy and WTG on walking 2 miles b/4 work!!!!


LeaAnne- Yes, we know how happy you are that summer vacation is Wed:lol:lol and glad to hear that the pool will be ready just in time.


I took a dip after work- water was pretty warm. Temps today in low 90's- hot, not as humid as yesterday. After I got out, I added some algecide per DH's instructions. Then I came in and started dinner. Chicken with homemade macaroni salad and a green salad. The green salad is done, chicken almost done and water just about ready for me to put in the elbows. DH should be home by 8 and then we'll eat.


Hope that everyone else had a wonderful 1st day of summer~~~


I better go finish dinner :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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LeaAnne - I don't like how the corners are laying. The blue "field" part is done like a giant granny square so it has granny square corners. The orange "base pads" part is done in straight double crochets. To keep the corners uniform, I did granny square corners on the straight doubles. So now the corners are a little too pointy and not quite flat when I lay it out. I can continue it, but I don't know what to do about the corners short of pulling the whole "base pads" part out. Hubby says I am putting way too much thought and effort into it. What else am I supposed to do? It's what I do.

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Vicki- Just a thought- maybe it would help LeaAnne if you took a pic of the trouble spots? Yankees are playing late tonight 10PM eastern time- but it'll be earlier where you are- lucky girl!! I won't be watching- I hate West Coast games cause I only get to see a few innings before I'm in dreamland!


To everyone else that I didn't individually comment to before- Beth, Shannon, Mary, Stacy, Scooby, Sarah---Hugs to you all!!!


I'm tired and just finished dinner and cleaning up the kitchen! 9PM already!!! Where did this LONG day go to?:lol:lol


Cya in the AM!

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LeaAnne - I don't like how the corners are laying. The blue "field" part is done like a giant granny square so it has granny square corners. The orange "base pads" part is done in straight double crochets. To keep the corners uniform, I did granny square corners on the straight doubles. So now the corners are a little too pointy and not quite flat when I lay it out. I can continue it, but I don't know what to do about the corners short of pulling the whole "base pads" part out. Hubby says I am putting way too much thought and effort into it. What else am I supposed to do? It's what I do.


are you doing 3 dc, ch 2, 3 dc in the corners? How big of a space are you working in? I am wondering if you mightn't have too many stitches in the corners? ...maybe a quick pic, like Joanne suggested would work.

this is my fave non-granny "square corner": in ch 2 space, work: 2dc, ch2, 2dc. If it is still "bumpy", back it down to 1dc, ch2, 1dc. ... let us know what works for ya! :tup

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:hi, everyone!


I am just finished up with the events of the evening, and wanted to drop in to say hi before heading off to bed...


LeeAnn - WTG on your walk! ...and I am glad you are enjoying your new job:c9 ...being happy at what you do is SO important!


Colleen - I hear you about missing all of your "loaner chickens" at the school. ...and :clap for enjoying your gig and graduation so much! :hug:hug:hug as excited as I am for the year to end, it does get a little emotional as well:yes so... how was that ice cream?


Joanne - your evening in the pool and your dinner sounded soooo good! Isn't it nice that we will actually get to use our pools a little this year?


Sarah - glad you stopped by... and I hope all is well. You sure are working hard! :hug:hug are you feeling better?


Big :hug:hug:hug:hug to you all: Beth, Shannon, Stacy, Mary, Vicki, & Scooby! I hope you are all well, and enjoying your evening!


That's it from here... I am pooped! there's lots more excitement ahead for tomorrow around here, so I better go get rested up!

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I'm feeling somewhat better. Getting caught up on what I neglected while I was sick (and Doug didn't pick up the slack, so Keith's room looks like a tornado happened in it)


Keith is keeping us on our toes... He’s too smart for us… He knows Doug's username and password to get on facebook, and the only thing that has kept him from actually getting on it is he doesn’t know how to do the @ symbol and he forgets the ”.” (as in emailaddress@place.com)

When Doug doesn’t know how to do something with the DVD player Keith shows him how to do it (like get rid of subtitles) He's already counting to 100 (w/o missing any numbers), count backwards from 10 reliably, from 20 with a little effort and thought, can spell his name, his dad's name, my name, and his cousin's name, write his name, and is learning a little bit of adding and subtracting... it's hard trying to keep up with him at the rate he's learning...

He’ll be 4 in September…

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