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Mary - take it easy! Swelling is not good. :eek Our basement stays cool too. Shannon and Stacy probably don't have basements. I think that would be weird to not have a basement. :lol

Thats where Iam now. Our basement is a walk out. One side out of the ground and the other 3 in the ground

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Nope, no basement here. I wish we had one though. I wonder why houses here aren't built with them.


No a/c sounds crazy to me. And when someone says they have it but aren't ready to turn it on yet. Our a/c is probably on for 8-9 months.

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I was expecting an I told you so from you, LeaAnne :lol How many days left in your tenure as Pres?


well, there are 19 days left of school.... we have 1 more cookie table, a backyard BBQ fundraiser/social, and the 5th grade graduation.

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I wouldn't say "i told you so":lol It's fun, isn't it? being all involved at school, knowing all the kids, and the staff? It made me feel a lot better about elementary school, that's fer sure.

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Shannon, I think your land is too low to sea level for basements maybe :shrug It's just a northern thing :shrug. Might have to do with frost too :shrug We run our furnace 5 or 6 months of the year and we only use the A/C when it's needed. If it cools down on the weekend, we'll turn it off and open the windows. We'll have heat waves for a week or two at a time usually during the summer. You only need A/C when it's hot for more than 2 days in a row. Our house is an HVAC nightmare and used to get up to 97 F when it gets hot. :eek My parents house is a bungalow and stays nice and cool. They only use their A/C a few days of the year.

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She didn't know which ones she would like, so I'm working on the whole set. I want to have them ready. I'm hoping to see her at the Heritage Fair next Friday.

Dh's friend just gave him a digital SLR for his birthday, so he's going to take some pics of hats and I am really, really hoping to work on my Etsy store this weekend. I've been saying it but every weekend, something seems to pop up. I need to get it going, though. I'm praying that I will have more time to :crocheting and work on it once the girls are off for summer.

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Yes, Mary,

It's been quite hot and muggy...

I didn't want to complain, because for the last 6 months I have been freeeezing!

It is a little earlier than normal for this....it's end of June/July weather.

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She didn't know which ones she would like, so I'm working on the whole set. I want to have them ready. I'm hoping to see her at the Heritage Fair next Friday.

Dh's friend just gave him a digital SLR for his birthday, so he's going to take some pics of hats and I am really, really hoping to work on my Etsy store this weekend. I've been saying it but every weekend, something seems to pop up. I need to get it going, though. I'm praying that I will have more time to :crocheting and work on it once the girls are off for summer.


I will pray for you to have time, too, Stacy! Make your dream the priority as often as you can...:yes

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Shannon, I think your land is too low to sea level for basements maybe :shrug It's just a northern thing :shrug. Might have to do with frost too :shrug We run our furnace 5 or 6 months of the year and we only use the A/C when it's needed. If it cools down on the weekend, we'll turn it off and open the windows. We'll have heat waves for a week or two at a time usually during the summer. You only need A/C when it's hot for more than 2 days in a row. Our house is an HVAC nightmare and used to get up to 97 F when it gets hot. :eek My parents house is a bungalow and stays nice and cool. They only use their A/C a few days of the year.

And up here in god's country I don't think there are too many people who have A/C It is not normal to get this hot here

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I wouldn't say "i told you so":lol It's fun, isn't it? being all involved at school, knowing all the kids, and the staff? It made me feel a lot better about elementary school, that's fer sure.


It is fun. I tutor a 4th grade boy. His teacher usually gives us something they are working on in class to read together. Today his teacher wasn't there so I told him to bring his library book. It was a novel from a TV show he likes. He read 2 chapters to me. I had to tell him to slow down he was so excited when he was reading. It brought my heart great joy to see him reading for pleasure. And then there are the kindergartners I give Pizza to. They are just so cute. :manyheart I'm glad I've gotten involved. Keeps me busy :wink

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DH says it's because houses in the North are too close together, but down here most people have enough land to build a shed, and don't need a basement.:rofl He says that's his story and he's stickin' to it!

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DH says it's because houses in the North are too close together, but down here most people have enough land to build a shed, and don't need a basement.:rofl He says that's his story and he's stickin' to it!



:rofl Love it! Don't tell him we have a shed too :lol

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She's right, Stacy! And we have faith in you, and will be here for you through the journey! It's very exciting!!

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DH says it's because houses in the North are too close together, but down here most people have enough land to build a shed, and don't need a basement.:rofl He says that's his story and he's stickin' to it!


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Thanks, Leanne. That's very inspiring. Maybe I'll write it on a post-it and put it somewhere so I can see it daily. :manyheart


I'm wishing that for you, because I let a lot of life get in the way of mine... Life goes by... Fast. Especially for things like dreams. :hug:hug:hug

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:hug :hug:hugMaybe the middle school needs a new Pres :D


no way!! "the boss" is already president there! :eek:eek luckily, i still have 3 years left at elementary... :think:think i wonder if high school has a PTO?! hahaha

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DH says it's because houses in the North are too close together, but down here most people have enough land to build a shed, and don't need a basement.:rofl He says that's his story and he's stickin' to it!


Shannon, that's too funny. My dad always said people in the North have basements to evacuate in case of tornadoes. :shrugThey both sound like good reasons, to me. :lol


Colleen, how sweet that the boy was so excited to read to you! I think it is wonderful that you are so involved at dd's school. And you, too, Leanne. It is so important for our children to see that we are involved. :yes

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LeaAnne, you make it sound like you can't fulfill your dreams. But guess what? You can!! :hug

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no way!! "the boss" is already president there! :eek:eek luckily, i still have 3 years left at elementary... :think:think i wonder if high school has a PTO?! hahaha



Is "the boss" the lady we don't like? No worries, you'll find other things the school needs you for. And then again, you might just find you like the "sidelines". :yes

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