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Some good clean fun?!

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Yes, it is definitely all about the colors!!! That's what I love- the way she puts the colors together!! It just makes me feel happy when I see the delightful colors- I don't think I could have that much color in my home- but I definitely could use some more splashes of it! LOL- so the tote was perfect- I'll use it for my colorful yarn!

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I don't quite know how to make money crocheting and, I think I've said it before, if I had to it might not be as fun :lol


Since I've been working just these couple mornings a week I am definitely missing my extra time to just be organized, but working is good too. It would be good to stay in the workforce just from a future applying for jobs perspective. I do enjoy working at the clinic. Love the patients and seeing the people. My heart is at home, though.

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I know what you mean about future applying for jobs perspective. But I think with your education and work experience it shouldn't be a problem. After all there are many women who stay home when the children are young and then return to work.


And yes, my silly brain forgot that you had mentioned before if you had to crochet it wouldn't be fun- that would probably happen to me too. It is fun and I enjoy it, but maybe not so much if I had deadlines with crochet- although my DD keeps telling me to make lots and take it to a craft fair. I don't think I have enough hrs in my day- especially when I work 12 day weeks!!

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Yes, they would make really nice housewarming gifts - she is very creative I think. She has 2 young children and just had a baby about 5 weeks ago. I love her photography too-When I need a splash of color or happiness, I check out her blog!

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Joanne, I think you've crocheted far more this year than I have and you work lots! I still have a November craft fair in my mind, but that wouldn't be an income thing for me. That would probably just help pay for my hobby. :lol I'd like to do that for fun.


I'm nervous about the future career thing, but it will all work out. If I have to retrain I will. I don't have to work, but I find I prefer to make a little bit of money. As it is now I can't bring myself to spend anything on myself and I can't keep that up forever. Talk about What Not to Wear coming to visit!

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I have a jar that DD had given me coffee in (which is long gone)- how perfect to cover it up with crocheting and put some flowers in it on my desk at work- that would make it colorful and happy!

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That sounds lovely. I must keep my eyes out for a good jar. I might have something around here that would suit. It would be nice for a teacher's gift too. Fill it with flowers and then they could use it for pencils if they wanted.

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I know what you mean- I enjoy making my own money cause then when I want to buy something I feel no guilt! It's hard when you are not bringing in your own $ (even when you don't have to) It's harder still when you have a young child. I never spent $ on myself when my DD's were growing up- (well hardly ever- LOL) There was always something that they needed.


I have crocheted alot this year- because I just took it up again after about a 20 year hiatus!---I needed to find something to do to relax- I had high Blood pressure from the stress of my job- and what do you know- crochet was the answer- it is very relaxing for me!

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I think it would be a perfect teacher's gift- what teacher doesn't need a pencil holder? And to give it with flowers initially would be very sweet. I think you've got your teacher gift figured out----without hardly trying ....LOL

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I have enjoyed chatting with you Colleen- and guess what I thought of today when I was outside- I saw the birds and thought of you- and actually said aloud- don't go near the mailbox---or I'm sending you back to Canada!!!

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I think it would be a perfect teacher's gift- what teacher doesn't need a pencil holder? And to give it with flowers initially would be very sweet. I think you've got your teacher gift figured out----without hardly trying ....LOL


Now just to find a jar! ....and to look through my scraps for the right colour combinations. Hmmm, .... now I'm thinking Easter or Mother's Day too :D

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I have enjoyed chatting with you Colleen- and guess what I thought of today when I was outside- I saw the birds and thought of you- and actually said aloud- don't go near the mailbox---or I'm sending you back to Canada!!!


:rofl Oh that bird, that was one of our first laughs together. :manyheart I got a bird feeder for Christmas and you won't believe where I put it. Right in front of my big front window :oops I'll be shoo-ing it all the way to New Jersey or Virginia :lol

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I'm going to call it a night- tomorrow is Monday which means one thing- time to "make the donuts!"


Have a good rest of the evening and :hug to you!


Yes, the best part of taking up crocheting is the wonderful friends I've made!:hug:manyheart

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Good night, Joanne. I've got a big day tomorrow too. Swimming lesson sign ups at 7:30, school for DD, work for me, then volunteering.


Sweet dreams, friend! I hope you dream of colourful crochet :manyheart

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:rofl Oh that bird, that was one of our first laughs together. :manyheart I got a bird feeder for Christmas and you won't believe where I put it. Right in front of my big front window :oops I'll be shoo-ing it all the way to New Jersey or Virginia :lol

You can shoo it right on past NJ, thank you very much:lol:lol

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Good morning and Happy Monday!

Thanks for the lovely chat last night Colleen- Shannon-ness it was nice that you stopped in! Good luck with the Montessori school- please let us know how it turns out.


Well, it turns out that ABC and Cablevision settled their dispute last night shortly after the Oscars started --who knew?:eek Certainly not I until about 9:30 or so! :lol. Watched a little and then headed to bed. The last thing I remember was the announcement for best actor and them saying and the award goes to..... Had to check this morning when I woke up to see who won! :lol


I still have the sniffles- must be the change in weather- (I know old wives tale, but I'm sticking with it.:yes)


Hope everyone has a nice day- thinking of all of you.:manyheart And, yes, my friends, it's time to get ready for work!

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HI all! This is the first tima all weekend that I have had a chance to come and say hi! Tournament was an all day affair on Saturday and then yesterday we were doing the grocery shopping and laundry and then we went to the movies. When we came home we burned the dvd from the tournament for the coach. I will bring it to her on Wednesday. I am going to bring the portable DVD player with me so she can watch it. She is DYING to see it. I was joking with her and asked how far through the door would I get if I brought the player and the disk. Her answer was a very simple "not very!"

DD did great at tournament! She won her sparring match! She fought a greast fight! It was a very exciting match and was tied at the end of regulation so they had to go to overtime. The first legal hit wins and DD got the first legal hit! It was the best we had ever seen her spar. She has come a long way from her first tournament in November when she was saying she was never doing another tournament ever again! Now she wants to do the next tournament in 6 weeks!

Otherwise, it was a busy weekend. Last night I sat down to read some stuff for my paper and I fell asleep! I seriously need to read this stuff so I can work on my paper this week, so this week my yarn may be a little bit neglected.

I need to go back and see what I missed this weekend while I was gone. I hope everyone had a great weekend and I will try to come on later on tonight and check in. I am going to a class today for ESL, which is why I was able to come and check in this morning! I am still home!

Have a great day everyone!


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Hello Everybody,


I made it through the weekend. I'm just so tired. But I scheduled a light school day, just to make it a bit easier.


Stacy, when I had to keep a bandage dry on my leg after my surgery, a friend of mine who is a oncology nurse suggested that I use Glad Press and Seal to protect the bandage. Says it works very well. It may work on the cast, too. At least you can try.


Joanne, have a good day at work.


Vicki, enjoy your class about ESL.


Shannon, I will have :xfin about the Montessori school


Colleen, I hope your busy day is going well.


LeaAnne, Mary, Scooby, Sarah, and whoever is missing (Sorry - I blame my tired brain) Have a great week!!!

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:waving, friends!


I wanted to stop in on my way to do my "gotta do's" for today, and see what I missed...


Beth ~ glad you survived the weekend and have an easy day planned for today... and :ty:hug for the pic of the daffy-dilly's! they are one of my favorite spring flowers! :hug


Vicki ~ glad that the tourny went well. Congrats to DD!!!! It is so very nice to hear the smile back in your "voice":c9 :hug


Colleen ~ glad to hear that DD is feeling a bit better, and that you got to get some good rest. I was chuckling to myself when reading the chat about the re-models:lol I love your sense of humor! :hug


Joanne ~ I would have to agree with Colleen. You would make a wonderful life coach! your outlook is just so wonderful! I am so happy that you got to enjoy the party on Saturday, and still got to enjoy the nice weather yesterday, too! Hang in there... Spring really IS gonna come, isn't it??:lol:hug


Stacy ~ how did you make out keeping the cast dry for the shower? Sorry to hear about the bad experience at the dentist... :rant... honestly, how hard is it to be nice?

Anyhoo... i am thinking of you all today:hug:hug


Shannon ~ YIKES at the ants! that must have been scary! I hope you and our girl are having a terrific day! :hug


Sarah ~ I am thinking of you all... but especially, i am praying that you are remembering to be good to YOU! Special thoughts and prayers going out to you, DF, Keith, and all the family.:hug


Scooby ~ How's the new place? Did you get moved in yet? We sure do miss you!:hug


Mary ~ It was great chatting with you the other night:hug I hope today is bringing you lots of peace and sunshine!


:waving to any GCFunner's that I might have not mentioned here...

just remember... spring is coming!!!!


I'll see you all later:U

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:hi everyone! It has been a very busy day! Spring sign ups, lunches packed, DD off to school, work, groceries, post office, dollar store, volunteering. Now I have one hour to myself and what better than to stop by and say hi to all of you?! :hi


We are having a beautiful day. It is 50 degrees and sunny and very muddy! All wonderful signs of spring.


I think I am going to walk to the corner store to buy myself some chocolate! :devil I'm thinking mini-eggs :D I hope you are all having a great day!

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