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What the heck does this say?!



I'm trying to read a pattern and this one part is just confusing.


Can anyone explain to me what " (yo, insert hook in indicated st and pull up a loop, yo and pull through 2 loops) 4 times, yo and pull through all remaining loops on hook" means? Please?

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7 answers to this question

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The abbreviations all make sense. It's that when I try to do this the way it says, I'm positive it's not turning out right. I end up with six or seven loops instead of five.

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what it means is that you carry the other ones with it, don;t pull it through all the way, keep 2 loops on your hook, and do it 4 times, thats what it means. hope that helps:manyheart :manyheart

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What you're making is a cluster stitch. When you do the first pull through 2, it's like an incomplete dc, leaving the last 2 loops on the hook: the one you started with, and the last YO one. Then, when you do it 3 more times (for a total of 4) it adds one more loop for each time (YO, pull up a loop, YO = 3 loops, then you pull through 2, leaving 1 loop). That gives you 5 loops total (2 from 1st, + 1 for each of the next 3 = 5). Then when you YO for the very last pull through, to complete the cluster at the part after it says (4 times) that gives you 6 loops total. You pull through all 5 loops, leaving only the last YO on the hook.


Hope that helps

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The first time I saw this in a pattern I was just as confused as you. I thought I would never get it! Keiyla explains it really well and once you've done it the first time, you won't have any more trouble. It's like the light finally goes on :idea . I should have had your sense to ask for help, but I can be very stubborn.

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Ah! Thank you all so much! I figured it out myself, but that video was so clear and useful that I think I might have been doing it wrong! Oh well, you can't tell...much. :lol Thanks again, and now I have a new site to bookmark..*ahem* :blush

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