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Mannequin head for hats


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I read in a post that someone (can't remember who...) was wondering where to get a head to try her crocheted hats on. Real mannequin heads can be pricy but a good alternative is a styrofoam wig "stand", I have one which I've used to model the men's hats, I bought it for a few dollars at a beauty supply store when I bought a wig years ago but they can be obtained online. Here's an example of a place which sells them for those who might be interested: http://www.magicmakers.com/retail/wigs/wigstand.html

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  • 2 years later...

Checking Amazon I did find a "male" foam head that is a larger diameter than the others. It says 22"...is that a decent average head size? Many of the others I'm seeing the head diameter is small, one comment was that it was too small

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