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crocheting something "as if"

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Yep. I'll get in the kick of making something and I'll make several of something even though I have no purpose for it. Either I want to use a certain style/color/type of yarn or a pattern looks really fun/interesting. I usually end up finding someone to give it to or I'll donate it to a charity later.

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Mine's about 50/50. I work on a project that either been requested or that I want to finish for someone & then also work on something that just strikes my fancy. I have probably 3-4 projects going right now (at least that I'm serious about finishing), and only 1 of them has a promised home. The others are going into a drawer of completed projects to pull out for gift-giving later.

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I have done this!! I fell in love with all the rr's on the rr CAL, and decided to make one, just for the sheer fun of it. I made it in mauve and cream, and it came out very cute, IMO...then it just sat in my closet. About 3 months later I found out that an acquaintance from my daughter's school was having a baby. She had a girl so I gave it to her as a gift. :clap Now I've been thinking of making things just to keep and be able to give as gifts when the need arises, but of course I usually need some kind of "inspiration" to make something so I don't know how well that will work out!

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Almost everything I make is just because I wanted to try something out or I wanted to learn a new technique. A lot of it gets claimed by me or given to someone later on, but I've got a bunch of wips that I have no idea what I'll do with. Most of them will probably find a home easily enough, but I do have a baby blanket in the works that'll probably hang around until someone I know has a baby.

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My husband's grandmother made enough quilts, afghans, and baby afghans for all her grandkids. So once they got married they got a quilt and an afghan and once they had their first child, her great-grandkid that they got to pick out a baby afghan. Only bad thing is that they are in some pretty funcky retro colors! :lol But hey they keep us warm. I think it is such a neat way to have a part of his grandmother who can no longer do those crafts anymore. I think she has like 20 grandkids. :)

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