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I am SO Excited!!!!

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Hi all,

I am so excited I am about to bust :jumpyay, I just had to tell everyone.


My oldest boy asked what to get me for Christmas this year (33 yrs). We kept it a very small Christmas and everyone received crocheted items from Mom. Well I gave him a list of patterns I wanted - Some from Katchkan's site of course and several others. Well Jokingly I said I wouldn't cry if I got a subscription to Interweave Crochet.


Well I e-mailed him today because I thought it odd I didn't get anything yet and he said he was late in ordering the subscription to Interweave Crochet. :cheer:cheer:clap:clap:clap.


I can't wait. I just won't spend the money for magazine subscriptions because I would rather spend it on yarn/thread, and what if the magazine doesn't have anything I want to make in it so this is a SUPER treat for me.



It's going to be like Christmas once a month when the magazine comes.


Thanks for letting me cheer.

TLOL, :hug


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Congrats! I get the magazine too and so far I have liked a few patterns from every one. It doesnt come every month though. It comes every 3 months. Its 4 mags a year. They do a summer, spring, fall, winter. But I think its worth it!

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Thanks Cliffnote, I would have been looking for it each month. I guess I will probably get the spring issue first. I'm not sure if they go back and will send out the winter issue since it is so late. That's ok, I have thumbed through it a couple of times quickly and it looks like a really good publication.


Can't wait to add more patterns to the list of things to do.




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