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Introducing Violet! The No Longer Headless or Naked Beth Ann Weber Pattern LOL


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I just love your pattern, Beth! The last few showcase both dolls, just for the fun of it. I know its hard to tell, but the shoes on the purple one are leaves.

Believe it or not, the flowers I made for her top that match the trim perfectly, are actually just flower centers! That's not a pre-made applique, I was crazy enough to make that. lol







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They are both so cute. I have the same pattern and have been making the dolls too. They are addictive aren't they. cathy:)

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Your dollmaking is just so darling! I love the sandals and shoes you make for your girls, and their hair is to die for! You can't imagine how wonderful it is for me to see this pattern being so well interpreted. Geez, its been fifteen years since I did these designs; to see them here is just such a trip for me!


Thanks for sharing! I was wondering, do you make these for gifts, or for your own pleasure? I love to make dolls, so I have plenty living here. Then, they tell me its time for them to go live somewhere else, and they either become gifts or items for charity.


Have a great day!


Beth Ann Webber

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