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Pink or White

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Hi Everyone,


I'm working on a sweet little afghan for a neighbor's baby due in December. I have the afghan made, all in ILTY soft pink. I was thinking about doing a ruffle of triple crochets all the way around it.


I don't know if I should continue in pink and make it a solid pink afghan, or do I make the ruffle in white with a edging in pink.


I do have enough yarn for both, so I just really want to make this afghan special. She already has a boy, so a girl will be very nice.


So, solid pink or white and pink trim?


What's your opinion?



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How about a double ruffle? A ruffle around in white and then work behind the first ruffle with a larger ruffle of pink? I've done this before and it gives a really nice layered edge. Just a thought.... have fun!!:cheer



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I'd stick with the solid pink blanket. Or, as one person said, a double ruffle is nice. I did the one below and it turned out very pretty.



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