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Preemie Baby dress take 2


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I used a J hook

cottontots yarn in pale yellow and varigrated (pastel yellows,blues and greens)


I think anyone can make this. I am going to assume the baby would have to be around 4 pounds so we will say 2-4 pounds


stitches used:

Dc, sc, sl st


Ch 34

First row


dc in 3rd chain from hook, dc in next 3 ch,

dc ch1 dc in next st.,

dc in each of next 6 ch

dc ch1 dc in next ch,

dc in each next 6 ch ,

dc ch1 dc in nect ch

dc in next 6 ch

dc ch1 dc in nect ch

dc to the end, turn


Second row


Dc in dcs

dc ch1 dc in all ch1 spaces turn


third and fourth rows

repeat second row (I ch 2 instead of 3 just cause it looked better)


Fifth make armholes


dc to first ch1 dc in ch1 spot skip all sts to next ch1 dc skip all sts to ch1 dc in ch1 spot. dc to end


6 and 7 row

1 dc in all st, across Join to work in the round now


Skirt pattern

shell st (2dc ch2 2dc)

Vstitch (1 dc ch1 1dc)


Ch3 Skip on st, shell in next skip one st v stitch in next

join to ch3 with sl st. always end with a sl st into first shell, I just went into the shell for the next row, not chaining any chs. If that makes sense.


continue shelling in shells and v stitching in v stitches until the desired length. I did 14 rows total.


fasten off


sc around neck and down back ... ch 20 on each side of neck for tie sl st down ch to back and sc down back or do two ties so it is not so open in the back. congrats!


all done.


Now go donate it to a NICU or charity :)



I won't be able to get a picture up until friday.. but if you have an hour or two to whip it up feel free to post a picture!


I don't care what you do with this pattern, make it sell it or donate it. all up to you.


I hope lilmari will post her post also so its all together and doesn't look too sloppy. so my other post can be deleted and I won't feel like such a dingbat.


I am very very sorry My first go at it didn't make sense to some of you, hopefully it will now?

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YAY!!! I have made another one its white mostly with a pink waist line, I have made it longer like a gown instead of a dress by doing 18 rows. I am now making a large gauge white blanket with pink for the sides, sadly its probably going to be donated as a burial set, but its very pretty.

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Hehe! I made this in a Peaches & Cream cotton my daughter picked out, to dress a stuffed bear for a friend's birthday present. It came out absolutely adorable! I'll get a picture up when I can :D

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